Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 756: Bad Girl Farming (14)

Chu Zheng pulled out his sleeves, took him by the hand, and took him out.

Liang Han warmed up the vegetables he bought from the town at night and served them.

Liang Han saw Qiu Ya at a glance.

No way, this person looks so good.

The dirty one just now looked like a little beggar. Who knew it looked so good after being cleaned.

He looked more curiously, who is this person?

Where did Miss Chuzheng **** it back...

Xu Shiliang Han's eyes were too obvious, Qiu Ya hid behind Chu Zheng, looking frightened.

Liang Han couldn't help but twitched.

You a big man, what to hide behind a woman! !

"The person I asked you to hit, did you hit it?" Chu Zheng asked Liang Han.

"Miss Chu Zheng, you didn't say who to beat." Liang Han quickly retracted his gaze.

"The innermost household in the village."

"I'm going now."

When Liang Han left, Qiu Ya showed half of his head. He smelled the aroma of the food, swallowed, but did not dare to move.

Chu Zheng told him to sit down: "Eat."

He looked at Chuzheng.

Look at the food on the table again.

He hesitated for a while before moving.

Chu Zheng stopped him, and under Qiu Ya's panicked eyes, he slowly reminded: "You can't use your hands."

Qiu Ya looked at the chopsticks handed to him, holding it awkwardly.

In the person who beats him often, he uses his hands. Why can't he use them here?

Qiu Ya was a little puzzled.

But he dared not ask.

He was afraid that Chuzheng would not allow him to eat it.

Qiu Ya didn't seem to know how to use it, and looked at Chu Zheng a little aggrieved.

Chu Zheng gave him a demonstration.

Qiu Ya still doesn't.

Chu Zheng sighed and fed him with chopsticks.

Qiu Ya sat like a baby, Chuzheng took one bite after feeding, but he was obviously very hungry, and he swallowed it hungrily. Chuzheng was slow to feed, so he watched eagerly.

"They won't give you food?"

"No... don't give it." Qiu Ya shook his head: "It's so fierce, they all beat me and pinch me."

"Beat you all?" Chu Zheng looked at Qiu Ya and nodded, his eyes condensed slightly, and his voice became a little lower: "Where are you hit?"

Qiu Ya pointed to several positions.

The scars are the worst.

"How long have you been there?"

Qiu Ya was puzzled and couldn't understand Chu Zheng's problem.

"How long have you been beaten by them?"

"No... I don't remember." He opened his eyes and saw them.

He only remembered that they were terrible.

Don't give him food, let him work.

If you don't do it well, you will be beaten.

He feels bad...

Qiu Ya seemed to be able to remember the picture of himself being beaten, and his body couldn't help shaking. Chu Zheng patted his back comfortably, Qiu Ya found a sense of security and leaned against Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng pulled the person into his arms and hugged him to feed.

Qiu Ya didn't realize it even more, so he nestled directly into her arms, absorbing the sense of security she brought to her.

Qiu Ya is not heavy at all, and he feels all bones.

You have to make up for him.


After Qiu Ya ate dinner, Liang Han returned with his two younger brothers.

"Miss Chuzheng..."

Liang Han came over, his face a little heavy.

Chu Zheng wiped Qiu Ya's mouth: "What's the matter?"

"Can you come here?"

"Go back to the room by yourself." Chu Zheng pointed to the room just now.

Qiu Ya hesitated to get up, and went in one step at a time.

When Liang Han saw Qiu Ya enter, he said, "Um...they started a little harder, people...no longer."

Two bandits stood behind with their heads down.

Who knew they were so unbeatable.

"Clean up."

It’s okay to be beaten like this by them.

Liang Han: "..."

Are you a village girl? ! !

"Go check his identity, his name is Qiu Ya." Chu Zheng told Liang Han: "If there is any trouble, just solve it."

Liang Han: "..."

We are just bandits!

Checking news is not for us! Really! !

What is the solution to solve it directly? !

"Go and invite a cook back." Chu Zheng put down his silver and entered the room in Liang Han's frantic eyes.

Qiu Ya curled up on the bed and fell asleep.

Chu Zheng went over and stuffed him into the quilt, Qiu Ya woke up and looked at her in panic.

"It's okay, go to sleep."

Qiu Ya stared at her for a long time, seeming to be sure whether there was any danger, and it took a while to slowly close her eyes.


The next day.

As soon as Chu Zheng opened his eyes, he faced a pair of clear eyes.

Qiu Ya stood by her bed, motionless, like a sculpture.

Chu Zheng: "..." Frightened me!

Chuzheng was completely sleepy, and when he looked outside, the sky was just bright.

What is the good guy card doing so early? !

"what happened?"

"Work." Qiu Ya whispered.

"No work." Chu Zheng got up: "Go back to sleep."

"If you don't work, you will have no food." Qiu Ya was wronged, but his tone was firm: "I will work hard."

Chu Zheng is now a bit irritable to whip the corpse.

Chuzheng patiently said: "With me, you don't have to work, I will take care of you, you just have to be obedient." Just spend money for me.

Qiu Ya seemed to understand but did not understand: "Really?"

Can I have food without work? !

"Yeah." Chuzheng told him to go back: "Go to bed, I'll call you to eat later."

Qiu Ya wasn't very relieved, but he didn't dare to violate Chu Zheng's words, afraid of being beaten, so he moved back to the bed in small steps.

He didn't sleep either, and sat there pitifully. As if worried, if I don't work, will I have food.

A big man made such an expression, it should be a bit weird.

But Qiu Ya's face, he made, and only grievances were left, and people couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Chu Zheng couldn't sleep even when he saw him, and stood up.


Qiu Ya trot over immediately and looked at her obediently and quietly.

Chu Zheng motioned him to sit next to him, and Qiu Ya did so, with his hands folded in front of him, trying to make sure that he was very well-behaved.

Chu Zheng raised his hand to touch his head: "Did you sleep well last night?"

He shook his head.

"what happened?"

Qiu Ya quickly glanced at her, her blushing lips closed and her voice was soft: "In the dream they beat me too, they chase me... I can't run, they beat me, it hurts."

Qiu Ya became more and more frightened as he spoke, holding his arms in both hands, his body began to tremble.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Chu Zheng decided to whip down the body.

What kind of scared my good guy card! !

damn thing!

Chu Zheng put his arms around his waist, let him lean on himself, and made a serious and serious promise: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future."

Qiu Ya's body tightened slightly: "You... won't you hit me?"

"will not."

"Then will you give me food?"


"I don't work...Is there food to eat?" Qiu Ya's tone was full of caution, for fear that he would be out of food if he said something wrong.


Qiu Ya raised his head with a smile on his face: "You are so good, better than them."

Chu Zheng: "..."

If I don’t beat you, I’ll give you food, right? !

Chu Zheng thought that Qiu Ya was a fool now, so he didn't care about him.