Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 758: Bad Girl Farming (16)

The bandits consciously told these people what happened just now.

"They are just children who are ignorant, not on purpose!!" After listening to the narration, one of the parents exploded: "What do you care about with a child?"

The other parents obviously agreed and agreed.

When the other party was so shameless, Chu Zheng was even more justified and confident: "I'm happy."

Why do you have to tolerate his fault when you are old?

I am not his ancestor.

I am still a kid!

Besides, I am fulfilling their wishes and trying to be a good person!

I am right!

"What is your ability to bully the child!"

"What are they capable of bullying fools?"


The bandit gang twitched.

Miss Chuzheng, do you like that kid, or don't you? !

Chuzheng had made up his mind not to let anyone go. He had two big, ferocious dogs, and a few powerful guards.

Did these people dare to stand head-on?

I was also afraid of angering Chuzheng and flying dogs to bite their children.

"What do you want?"


Without waiting for the adults to speak, the children over there yelled sorry first.

They were really frightened by the dog.

When all the children apologized, the adults looked helplessly as the victim: "Okay? Can we take them away?"

Chu Zheng waved.

The big dog was pulled away.

The adults immediately rushed to their children and hurried out with the children. When passing by Chuzheng, they did not forget to stare at her bitterly.

Chu Zheng brought Qiu Ya's face into his arms, avoiding their sight.

"You don't teach well, some people teach for you."

Several adults froze, and then left more quickly.


Chuzheng and a child can both care about it, and the bandits think it's better to provoke her less in the future.

Chuzheng led Qiu Ya to walk in front, and the bandits followed behind. This posture really resembled a dude traveling.

Qiu Ya looked around, looking at those he liked, and then Chuzheng would buy it for him.

Qiu Ya gave Chu Zheng a big smile.

Chuzheng felt a little terrible.

At the beginning of the evening, Qizheng took Qiuya home. As soon as he entered the village, he heard some villagers' comments.

Member Zhang sent someone over to interrupt Jiang Dasheng's leg.

Outside Jiang Dasheng's courtyard, he was surrounded by villagers. When Chuzheng came back, someone automatically gave her a way.

"Chuzheng, Chuzheng..." Yang Cuicui ran out with red eyes, "You have money, you give them money quickly, they will break your uncle's leg."

Chu Zheng avoided Yang Cuicui's contact.

Qiu Ya hid behind Chuzheng, only daring to show one eye.

Yang Cuicui didn't notice Qiu Ya, but stared at Chu Zheng firmly.

Chu Zheng's tone was calm: "What does it matter to me?"

Yang Cuicui's voice is uplifted: "This is for you. If you don't marry now, they will interrupt your uncle's leg. Why does it have nothing to do with you?"

All these dead girls.

If she married, how could these things happen now.

Not only that, she can also get a lot of money.

There is nothing now.

Also pay back the money.

Yang Cuicui hated Chuzheng to death. If it weren't for the emergency, she wouldn't be so humbled.

"Why do you want me to pay back the money you collected?" What a big face! What do you think of me, cash machine!

"You have money!!" Yang Cuicui was confident.

I don't know where this dead girl comes from so much money.

It must have been a shameful act outside.

"I have money, then mine, it has nothing to do with you." If you have money, you are a family, and if you don't have money, you are your servant. Think beautiful.

Yang Cuicui's voice sharpened: "I am your auntie, are you going to watch me and your uncle be beaten to death?"

"They only said they wanted legs, they didn't say they wanted to die, don't talk nonsense." Chu Zheng corrected her.

Yang Cuicui: "..."


"Is she too much? How to say, Yang Cuicui is her aunt..."

"Yeah, too cold-blooded."

"Yang Cuicui treated her that way before. She is now prosperous. It's only strange to help her." Someone said to be fair: "If she is the same as before, she is crying now."

"After all, she is also her uncle and aunt..."

"Who knows where her money came from."

"Before, she used to eat and wear from Jiang Dasheng's family, and now she is doing this, really a white-eyed wolf."

There were only a few villagers who spoke for Chuzheng, and most of them felt that Chuzheng was too cold-blooded.

What Jiang Dasheng said is her uncle.

After her parents died, Jiang Dasheng's family gave her food and clothing.

Now she is doing this irrespective of her feelings.

But they didn't want to think that Jiang Dasheng occupied her house and fields, used her as a servant, and now they still want to sell her for money.

Just because Chuzheng has the ability to resist.

They start to stand on the side of the weak and start moral kidnapping

"Grandpa Third."

"San Ye."

Grandpa San was supported by two younger generations in the village.

The villagers stopped talking immediately.

The scene quieted down quickly.

Grandpa San, sticking his cane, looked at the people outside Zhang with a cold expression.

Yang Cuicui cried forward: "San Ye, you want to save Dasheng, they want to break Dasheng's leg."

Grandpa San's crutches poked **** the ground.

"Dasheng daughter-in-law, if you don't take money from others, can you do what you are doing now?"

Yang Cuicui suppressed the fierceness of the shrew in front of the third grandfather: "I know it is wrong, third master, I know it is wrong. If you save the big student, our family will rely on him."

The third grandfather scolded Yang Cuicui.

Take a look in the yard.

Jiang Dasheng was pressed here by someone outside Zhang.

These people are not afraid of the people in the village. At this time, they are still showing off.

"Chuzheng girl, I have heard about everything." Grandpa San turned to look at Chuzheng: "Although the elder daughter-in-law is wrong, but how do you say, it is also your aunt. When your father was still there, Dasheng faced his brothers too. Yes, everyone can see..."

The third grandpa moves with love, knows with reason.

Chu Zheng summarized two words-give money.

"No money."

I won't give it to you if I have money.

"What's the matter with you girl, we have all seen the things in your yard, and the things you wear. Can you have no money?"

"Don't be so cruel, you will get retribution in the future."

"The third master has spoken softly to you, why don't you appreciate it?"

The villagers began to criticize Chu Zheng.

The third master is your third master, but not my third master.

What he said was not soft.

It was because of my old age and morality that I kidnapped me.

Why should I listen!

"It is not certain who is retribution." Chuzheng calmly and calmly, unaffected by these remarks.

A few words can affect her, and she is already cold.

"Chuzheng girl, let me tell you, don't you listen?" Grandpa San said with a solemn face, "Your father dare not mix in front of me!"

"I don't know if he dares." Chu Zheng paused: "But I dare."
