Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 866: Huang Yu Jiangshan (10)

It was not until dawn that someone helped Ning Yao come back.

Ning Yao looked a little miserable, as if he had been beaten by someone, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his clothes were also embarrassed by branches.

It's a bit miserable, but there is no danger to life.

Ning Yao was rushed back to the palace, accompanied by the imperial physician for treatment.

"His Royal Highness is fine, it's all skin injuries, and I was a little frightened."

The Seventh Empress said with a cold face: "How did the Third Sister become like this?"

"His Royal Highness, when we found His Highness Three, it was on a slope...Will Your Highness Three fell down by himself?"

Someone answered carefully.

The **** was steep, if someone hadn't noticed any traces on it, go down and look, I guess they haven't found it yet.

"You said this was an accident?" The Seventh Empress said angrily: "How can there be such a coincidental accident? This incident is definitely man-made!"

How could Ning Yao be so careless?

The Seven Queens did not believe it firmly.

The Five Emperors whispered: "Seven Emperors, this may be really an accident..."

The seven emperors glared at her, and the five emperors dared not say any more.

The Seventh Empress scolded: "Check it out for me!"

The Seven Queens were so furious, how dare you refute.

We started to find out where everyone was when Ningyao was wrong, and who can prove it.

Chu Zheng stayed in his room, listening to the broadcast of Kapok.

The seven emperors on the line showed loyalty to Ning Yao.

Chu Zheng asked casually: "She has a good relationship with Ning Yao?"

Kapok thought for a moment in confusion: "It's not that much...but the third majesty, she is more talkative among the princes."

The original owner is favored, she is arrogant and arrogant.

Everyone respects her and fears her, but they are not very close to her.

Therefore, Ning Yao, who is good to everyone on weekdays, is a good man who draws in these princes and princes.

"Ning Yao is quite capable."

"His Royal Highness, what does this mean?" Kapok was puzzled.

His Royal Highness really treats everyone very well, didn't His Highness also liked His Royal Highness before?

But since His Highness died and came back to life, it seems that he doesn't like the Third Highness...

"It's nothing."

Chuzheng's fingertips rubbed against the edge of the teacup.

Ning Yao is approachable, in stark contrast to the arrogance of the original owner.

Every time the original owner gave them annoyance, Ning Yao would be a good person in the back, comforting and giving things away, naturally they liked it.

But why is the original owner so big?

It's not because Ning Yao instilled in her: You are the future queen, and your status is more noble than them...

Ning Yao must have filled up the money!


Ning Yao slept for most of the day and woke up in the afternoon.

She said she was attacked, someone beat her and then threw her down the slope.

As for who...

Ning Yao couldn't explain clearly.

But the royal hunting grounds are tightly guarded and can do this quietly without being spotted. They must be people in the royal hunting grounds.

The Seven Queens have already checked.

At that time, everyone was in groups, no one was alone.

There are no suspects in the guards either.

There is no murderer.

"It wasn't that Her Royal Highness didn't go there, she..."

Some people suspect that Chuzheng's head.

As a result, the guards testified to Chu Zheng. She had not left at the time, and she was sitting on the table drinking tea.

The first group of people who came back can also prove that when they came back, Chuzheng was there and it seemed that they had not left.

"I think it might be you who did it. The Third Sister is missing, you are not in a hurry!" The Seventh Empress stared at Chu Zheng angrily.

The five emperors said weakly: "Sister San Huang and Sister Da Huang have the best relationship, Sister Seven Emperors, don't talk nonsense..."

Seventh Empress: "Which side are you on?"

Fifth Empress: "I...I'm just talking about matters..."

Seventh Empress: "If she didn't do it, who did you say did it? She will stay here alone!"

Five Empresses: "But are there any guards to prove it?"

Seventh Empress: "Then who knows if she bought the guards?"

Five emperors: "..."

The two emperors spoke a little bit fiercely.

Chu Zheng waited for them to stop, and then calmly asked, "Do you have evidence to prove it?"


Of course she—no.

Chu Zheng said in a faint tone: "If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense."


The Seven Empresses had no evidence, relying on guesswork, and could not stand firm.


After Chu Zheng and the group of people argued, they swayed back to his room.

Kapok was so nervous that his hands were full of sweat.

His Highness had obviously left midway.

She didn't know why the guard would conceal it for her Royal Highness.

But the matter of His Highness...

Obviously related to her Royal Highness.

"His Royal Highness..."

"Speak less." Chu Zheng seemed to know what she wanted to ask.


Kapok has done some psychological construction in his heart.

Chuzheng returned to the room. Not long after sitting down, Kapok hurried over to report.

"His Royal Highness, Master Xu, please see me."

"...What are you doing?"

"The slave and maid didn't know it, and said it was urgent." Kapok said respectfully.

Chu Zheng thought for a moment: "Let him in."


Kapok invited Mr. Xu in.

Mr. Xu changed into more colorful clothes, which made his face even more beautiful.

"I have seen your Highness."

Chu Zheng lay on the toffee chair without lifting his eyelids: "What's the matter."

Young Master Xu seemed to hesitate, and the expression on his face was kept as calm as possible, but he tightly grasped the hand of his clothes, betraying his tension at this time.

However, Chu Zheng didn't even give him a look.

"His Royal Highness..."

Master Xu took a deep breath.

He grabbed his sleeves tightly: "His Royal Highness, I have something to tell you, alone."

Kapok looked at Chuzheng, waiting for instructions.

Chuzheng's tone is indifferent: "Isolate and widowed, it's not appropriate, just say anything if you don't."

Mr. Xu: "..."

I probably didn't expect Chuzheng to refuse so simply.

Mr. Xu held his sleeve's hand tightly again.

"His Royal Highness, this matter is very important."

"Yeah, say."

Chuzheng made up his mind not to let Kapok go out.

Xu Gongzi's eyebrows showed a bit of irritability, and the nervousness was more serious.

Mr. Xu took a few deep breaths: "His Royal Highness, you have left before."

The rocking chair creaked and stopped.

Mr. Xu knew that what he said was effective.

However, in an instant, the rocking chair continued to sway.

"So what."

The woman's clear and emotional voice slowly fell into his ears.

Obviously it was a calm tone that couldn't be turbulent, but it made people hear the taste of wanton and arrogance.

Young Master Xu was sweating in his palms, but his back was straight: "Your Highness is not afraid that I will tell His Highness Seven?"

Chu Zheng glanced at him: "What do you want?"

Mr. Xu looked to Kapok.

Kapok hung his head, motionless, as if he did not exist.

The room suddenly quieted down.

Xi Xi Suo Suo -

Young Master Xu suddenly untied his clothes, and his coat fell on the ground.

He walked towards Chuzheng with some trembling.

Chu Zheng: "!!!"

What are you doing!

What are the public doing undressing!

...Not even in the room!