Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 867: Huang Yu Jiangshan (11)

"Kapok!" Chuzheng cried out in horror.

Kapok looked up, staggered for a few seconds, and quickly came over to stop Mr. Xu.

Gongzi Xu is a man, and Kapok is afraid to touch him, so he can only use his body to block him and Chu Zheng.

Kapok wanted to cry without tears: "Master Xu, what are you doing?"

She had previously guessed that Young Master Xu's purpose was impure.

But he didn't expect that he would be so courageous.

If this is spread out, how can I get it!

Young Master Xu looked at Chu Zheng with a mist in his eyes, and his voice was a little choked: "His Royal Highness, I... I have liked you for a long time, and I want to be your servant."

He did not ask to be a side king or a righteous king, only a servant.

This requirement is not excessive.

The son of Xu is not bad.

If you change to someone else, it's probably going to happen.

But he was facing Chuzheng.

"Throw him out for me."

Young Master Xu said anxiously: "His Royal Highness, are you not afraid that I will say it out?"

Chu Zheng's eyes sank slightly: "You threaten me?"

"His Royal Highness, I like you for so long, just want to be a servant for you, as long as I can be with you, why don't you give me this opportunity?"

Chuzheng's indifferent face: "I don't like you."

"..." Young Master Xu wrote sadly on his face: "Yes... What's wrong with me? You said, I will change it."

"throw it out."

Kapok hesitated: "His Royal Highness, what if he really says it out?"

Chu Zheng glanced at Young Master Xu: "He said yes, who knows if he slanders me."

Kapok seems to understand but not understand.

But His Highness was already very impatient, and Kapok did not dare to delay any longer: "Master Xu, please, don't make the slaves embarrassed."

Looking at Chu Zheng, Master Xu stepped back, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

The desperate and sad look made Kapok unbearable.

Mr. Xu covered his face, turned and ran out of the room.

Chu Zheng sat back on the rocking chair.

As the emperor, the original owner is the empress's favorite—at least on the surface, not everyone can see it—so it is normal for these family princes to send them to the door.


The next day.

Chuzheng was eating breakfast, and someone hurried to report.

"His Royal Highness, something happened to Mr. Xu."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Why is it him again! !

Didn’t you really tell that matter?

But the fact is that it is much more serious than Chu Zheng thought.

This morning, Young Master Xu hadn't gotten up, and the people who served him went into the room and found that there was no one in the room.

I hurriedly sent people to look around, and finally found someone in a remote hall of the palace.

When the result was found, Mr. Xu's clothes were disheveled, his body was full of ambiguous marks, and he was in a coma.

But he was the only person in the hall, and no one else was seen.

The key point is-

After Xu Gongzi was sober, he cried and said that Chuzheng did it.

More coincidentally, she found a jade pendant belonging to her in the hall.

There are all personal and physical evidence.

Chu Zheng: "..."

Do I do sleepwalking?

In the female world, the innocence of men is as important as the innocence of women in the ordinary world.

Mr. Xu was defiled by others, and was seen by so many people, and quickly spread throughout the palace.

Now Young Master Xu is committing suicide.

When Chu Zheng passed by, the rest of the people were ordered back to their rooms, and there were not many people on the scene.

Ning Yao was still lying on the bed.

The five emperors are somewhat soft and glutinous, and they don't have any independent opinions.

So it was the Seven Queens who presided over the overall situation.

Seeing Chuzheng coming in, the Seventh Empress immediately choked at her with yin and yang, "Big Sister, even if you like people, you don't use this method, right?"

Chu Zheng glanced at Young Master Xu, who was pushed on the bed.

His eyes were red, and when he let go, he looked like he would die soon.

"I didn't do it." Chu Zheng said calmly.

"Is this yours?" The Seventh Empress snorted and shook the jade pendant: "Does the big emperor know this jade pendant? I still remember what the mother emperor gave you."

The seven emperors also liked this jade pendant very much, but the mother emperor gave it to her directly.

For this matter, the Seventh Empress was still shocked for a long time.

Chuzheng stared at the jade pendant.

There are some impressions in the memory of the original owner, but this jade pendant should be in the warehouse.

Appear here...

It can only prove that someone has planted her.

"I also heard that someone saw Young Master Xu running out of your room in disheveled clothes."

"People Xu Gongzi is unwilling, but Big Sister, do you force him like this?"

Chu Zheng: "..."

I bother!

What rumor spread!

Obviously he failed to seduce me.

Now I want to pick it up.

"The big emperor has nothing to say? Now this matter, big emperor sister see how to solve it." The Seventh Empress smiled, watching the excitement of Chuzheng: "Is it married to Master Xu, or something?"

The Seven Empress sighed again.

"Hey, if Big Sister doesn't marry Young Master Xu, then Young Master Xu..."

If Chu Zheng agreed to marry Young Master Xu, nothing would happen to him in the end. At most, it would not be heard well.

But if Chu Zheng disagreed.

What will happen in the end is not necessarily true.

Chu Zheng looked at Master Xu in silence, and Master Xu quickly moved away when his eyes touched her.

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Being overcast, angry!

"Sister Da Huang doesn't want to admit it?" The Seventh Empress said: "You ruined people's life. Da Huang Sister, have you ever thought about the feelings of Young Master Xu? ruling?"

Chu Zheng's eyebrows were calm: "With a piece of jade pendant, does it prove that I did it?"

The Seven Empresses said righteously: "This is your thing. Who else can there be except you?"

Chu Zheng: "Things are dead, people are alive. The jade pendant is placed in the palace, and I didn't bring it with me, so who did it, that's not necessarily..."

Chu Zheng paused.

"However, Young Master Xu should be clear."

He absolutely knew who the man he mated with last night.

Young Master Xu shrank: "I... Your Highness... You... Why did you treat me this way? Last night... It was obviously you last night."

As if afraid that people would not believe it, Young Master Xu returned: "You...you have a birthmark on your body. If it weren't for you, how would I know."

Mr. Xu pointed to a location, which was indeed the location of the birthmark on the original owner.

Not many people know this birthmark.

The kapok served by the original owner.

The empress and Wenwu should also know.

There is... Ning Yao.

But Ning Yao was so beaten by her, there were no conditions for committing the crime.

"You are not willing to be responsible...I...have no face to live, let me die."

Without knowing where his strength came from, Young Master Xu suddenly broke away from the person pressing him, fell off the bed, and slammed his head against the pillar.

Chu Zheng took a step back subconsciously.

The Seventh Empress quickly grabbed Xu Gongzi, and the people behind stepped forward and pulled Xu Gongzi back to the bed a few times.

"Xu Gongzi, don't worry, this matter will definitely give you justice." The Seventh Empress comforted him: "The big emperor does not recognize it, and the mother emperor is the master of you, so you won't be wronged."