Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 917: Psychic Summoning (22)

"Pool mirror."

Jiang Yunluo didn't know how long he watched. After the two separated, he walked over slowly.

Chi Jing glanced at him, and his tone became colder: "Heavenly Master."

Jiang Yunluo smiled: "You just unlocked the seal, so you did so unscrupulously, aren't you afraid of something wrong?"

Chi Jing smiled back: "Don't worry, it's more than enough for you."

Jiang Yunluo shrugged: "Our celestial master does not intend to get involved with this matter. But...Do you know the ghost just now?"

Chi Jing: "How can I know, just a little devil."

Jiang Yunluo looked at the mirror of the pool.

Jiang Yunluo seemed to be sure that what Chi Jing said was true or false.

After a while, his gaze shifted: "If this is the case, then you can do it yourself."

Jiang Yunluo paused and looked at Chu Zheng: "Brother, I advise you, don't walk too close to him, be careful to hollow you out."

Jiang Yunluo turned and left.

I didn't mean to check the situation in Dai's villa at all.

"He knows you?"

Chu Zheng asked Chi Jing.

Chi Jing took pictures of clothes with nothing dirty: "Someone in the heavenly master always knows me."

He paused and leaned to Chu Zheng's ear.

"He told you not to get too close to me, aren't you afraid?"

"Even a ghost can't win." Chu Zheng said coldly: "What are you afraid of?"

Chi Jing: "..."

Although the girl didn't have any expressions, Chi Jing heard a deep dislike and contempt.

Chi Jing thought that she had stepped on the male ghost before, and suddenly got a little bit stuffed.


Jiang Yunluo left the Dai's villa and drove to the skyscraper in the city center.

He enters the elevator and presses the 68th floor.

The elevator goes up very fast.


Jiang Yunluo got out of the elevator, the long corridor outside.

There is only one door at the end of the corridor.

Jiang Yunluo swiped his card to enter, which was the office area.

At this time, the office area was quiet, only the inner meeting room was lit.

The meeting room is very lively at this time.

"How did you fight, are you stupid!!"

"Hey, I will let you go over there!"

"Do you guys fight!!"

"Damn, I won't fight you again! Damn it!"

Jiang Yunluo pushed the door in, and the meeting room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone put their mobile phones away with a sigh of relief, and sat in jeopardy.

"Yunluo is back."

Jiang Yunluo walked to the empty chair and sat down.

"The pool mirror is in good condition. In a short time, he should not lose his mind."

"Then don't worry about it." A certain day teacher said.

"The Dai family deserves it."

"I'm afraid he won't be satisfied after taking revenge on the Dai family."

"At that time, it will be a lot of trouble, hey, don't you sleep well? You have to make trouble."

Jiang Yunluo tapped the phone, and projected the information on the phone to the conference room.

"This girl is called Xiao Chuzheng. She is full of yin qi, but I have been observing for a long time, but I haven't found where these yin qi comes from, as if it was her own."

"Bring your own Yin Qi?" A certain heavenly master raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah." Jiang Yunluo nodded.

"Is it born in a yin year, a yin month, a yin day?" This type of person is born with an extremely yin body.

"I checked, no." Jiang Yunluo said: "It is precisely because of this that I feel strange."

If it is a very vaginal body, he would not care so much.

Everyone in the meeting room discusses for a while.

The last person made a decision: "Observe first, don't worry if there is no danger."

"She and Chi Jing are very close, and those yin qi is tonic for Chi Jing." Jiang Yunluo said again.


There was a younger celestial master scratching his head: "People have done nothing wrong, and we can't control it. Recently, all the monsters and monsters have appeared, and I am so annoyed. Can I have a good game? I still have a game to play! "

"Let's observe first." The eldest celestial master in the conference room said: "Everyone has to work hard."

"I think it is necessary to check the ghost that appeared in Dai's villa today." Jiang Yunluo said again, "That ghost is a bit strange."

Everyone agrees with this.

Arrange the staff to investigate this matter.


Dai's villa.

It was pitch black in the villa, and Chuzheng stepped on the broken glass all over the floor, walked through the corridor and opened the door of the master bedroom.

Dai Congrong lay on the ground, blood shed all over the floor, not knowing whether it was alive or dead.

Dai Congrong's wife and children are not in the villa.

His brother was lying on the bed, nothing happened.

Father Dai was in the study, and he had died.

"You killed him?"

"Should he not die?" Chi Jing leaned on the door frame and asked with a smile.


"Then was it wrong for me to kill him?"

"I didn't say you were wrong." Chu Zheng turned around to look at him.

The girl was standing in front of the broken glass window, and moonlight fell in from behind her, casting her figure on countless fragments.

Chi Jing suddenly looked away: "I didn't kill him, he himself was scared to death."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Old man Dai is in poor health, so he can not stand the shock.

He died without coming up in one breath.

Chi Jing felt that he had died like this, and it made him cheaper.

"Where is Dai Congrong?"

"Who knows." Chi Jing smiled: "Maybe he was unlucky. He was involved in the fight."

This is my own bad luck.

It has nothing to do with others.

Chu Zheng suddenly asked him: "You are a ghost, and what Dai Jia lacks is luck. How can I get these things from you?"

Chi Jing lowered his head, and the broken hair brushed his eyebrows, blocking the emotions in his eyes.

After a few seconds, he left the room.

Chu Zheng frowned slightly and followed him out.

Chi Jing was in the tool room, turned out a shovel, and handed it to her.

"My body is here, you have to dig it up."

"you have not answer my question yet."

I want to dig you up?

I'm mad!

I do not want it!

"You dig first."



Chu Zheng took the shovel, went to the basement before, found the mechanism, and opened the secret room.

"You were summoned, how come there are bones?" The good guy card is not cheating me, right!

Chi Jing leaned aside: "I was a human before I died, of course there were bones."

Chu Zheng: "This is not logical."

As a ghost, he was called out.

How could the Dai family know where his bones are?

Chi Jing smiled, and instantly the smile fell, and the moonlight fell between his brows, revealing a chill.

"After the Dai family took control of me, they used me to find my bones, then dug them back and buried them here."

Chu Zheng: "..."

Plan the grave.

The Dai family are really crazy.

"Then how long have you been dead?"

Chi Jing raised his eyebrows: "That's what you want to know?"

Chuzheng is noncommittal.

Chi Jing raised his hand and rubbed her head: "It's a thousand years."

Thousand-year old ghost.

Chu Zheng suddenly reacted and opened his hand. Can you touch the head of the boss?

Chu Zheng gave him a cold look and started to shovel.

Chi Jing touched the back of his hand and watched Chuzheng dig, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a little smile.

It didn't take long for the first Zheng to dig, but it felt like something was dug.

Below is a rectangular box.

Chu Zheng dragged the box out.

There are very complicated lines carved on it, like some kind of rune.

Don't understand the ball.