Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 935: First encounter with Lianming (7)

"Ms. Ruan, what are you doing?"

Su He's surprised voice pulled his aunt back to reality.

She was just about to turn her head, and she fell into darkness on the sofa.

Su He looked at Chu Zheng in horror: "You... kill... kill..."

"I'm not dead, don't worry." Chu Zheng threw away the wooden stick in his hand, and his chilly eyes fell on Su He: "Murder is illegal."

Su He: "..."

Su He glanced at his breathing aunt, and then at Chu Zheng who was cold-faced. The cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and Su He turned and ran back into the house.

She got goose bumps all over her body.

Su He never expected that Chu Zheng would directly knock people out.

She gasped for breath, and it took a while to calm down.

Su He waited for a while, opened the door carefully, and looked outside.

No one is in the living room.

Su He listened intently and opened the door to go out.

My aunt is gone, and Chuzheng is not there either.

In the hot weather, Su He felt panicked and hurried back to the room.


When my aunt woke up, she was under her own corridor.

She clutched the back of her neck, grinning in pain.

That dead girl dared to stun her!

My aunt was so angry that she wanted to find Chuzheng to settle her accounts immediately.

But looking at the sky, Aunt still endured it, rubbing her neck and went home.

My aunt plans to go again the next day, she has to ask for the money.

The next day.

My aunt went to the dormitory first, but when she thought something was wrong, she went directly to the school.

School is over at noon, and students come out one after another.

When her aunt saw Chu Zheng coming out of the school alone, she rushed over, her slightly fat body stopped Chu Zheng.

With her aggressive appearance, the students around her cast their attention.

"Bad girl, you still dare to hit me. You really have hardened wings. I tell you, if you don't give me the money today, I will fight at the gate, let your students and your leaders see."

Chu Zheng was unmoved: "You are making trouble."

Aunt was surprised at Chuzheng's calmness and indifference, but was quickly replaced by anger.

"This is what you said!"

Chu Zheng was noncommittal, looked at her calmly, and motioned for her to start acting.

"Well, you are shameless, what am I afraid of!" Aunt suddenly raised her voice: "Oh, everyone, come and see this white-eyed wolf. Our family has worked so hard to raise her. Now she is working, but she Why don't I give the money to my family so much..."

Auntie howl.

It attracts not only students, but also parents who come to pick up students and teachers who leave work.

Everyone involuntarily began to move closer.

The audience circle has not yet formed, and a few people have emerged from nowhere, wearing the overalls of the psychiatric hospital, standing by the aunt.

One of the doctors dressed up apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is a patient who ran out of our mental hospital."

Aunt was stunned, and the lines that had been brewed just now were all disrupted.

"Who are you! Let me go! I don't know you, what are you doing, let me go!"

My aunt reacted, struggling in horror.

"Hold it firmly, don't let her run, take it away." The doctor directed the person holding the aunt and quickly moved to the car next to it.

Before her aunt could call Chuzheng, she was already stuffed into the car.

They were so fast that the crowd onlookers did not react, and the car had already whizzed away.


what happened? !

Everyone returned to their senses and went to see the person who was stopped just now, but there was no one else.


Aunt was pushed behind the car.

"What are you doing! Kidnapping! You are kidnapping!!"

The people pressing her left and right were unmoved and let her howl.

The car galloped all the way out of the city, not knowing how long it drove, and finally stopped on an unknown trail.

They dragged people out and dragged them into the forest nearby.

My aunt panicked: "What are you going to do, don't kill me, where are you going to take me, let me go, let me go, tell me if you want money, don't kill me, don't kill me."

The person holding her pressed her to a tree trunk.

The man dressed as a doctor walked up to her, where there was a half gentleness on his face, only fierce: "If you dare to trouble Miss Ruan in the future, it is not such a gentle warning today."


Ruan Chuzheng!

She did it! !

That **** girl dare to call to deal with herself like this...

"Have you heard."

Aunt was yelled at and couldn't help but shiver.

It's important to keep a small life.

Aunt nodded repeatedly, indicating that she knew.

"Be acquainted, don't cause me trouble." The other party didn't do anything to her, and warned her with these two sentences: "Go."

A group of people left one after another, and the surroundings returned to silence.

Aunt waited until the group of people couldn't see, and she was holding on to the trunk behind to pant, and her legs were frightened.

After a long while, my aunt fumbled around.

The phone and money are gone...

The group of people dragged her to the wilderness. She finally walked onto the road outside, but she didn't see the car for a long time.



"Mr. Ruan, there is a police officer looking for you outside."

A teacher knocked on the office door.

Chu Zheng was changing his homework. Hearing this, he raised his eyes and nodded slightly to indicate that he knew.

Chu Zheng got up and left.

The colleagues in the office immediately got together curiously.

"What did the police look for?"

"Where do I know."

"Isn't it a crime?"


Two police officers were accompanied by school leaders in the conference room.

When Chu Zheng went in, the two immediately got up: "Miss Ruan, is it?"

Chu Zheng nodded.

One of the officers responsible for the question said: "Don't be nervous, we are just asking you to find out a little bit. You sit down first."

Chu Zheng sat across from them.

The police officer said: "Someone called to the police today, saying that you kidnapped her. She claimed to be your aunt. At noon on the 21st, she came to the school to look for you, but as soon as she spoke to you, she was taken into the car by an unknown person. "

The police officer took out the photo for Chu Zheng to identify: "Is this your aunt, Ms. Huang Min?"

Chuzheng didn't touch the photo, only glanced at it: "Yeah."

"So, Miss Ruan, do you have anything to say about Ms. Huang Min's identification?"

Chu Zheng sternly, serious and serious: "I don't know anything, don't wrong me."

The two police officers looked at each other.

Chuzheng was too calm.

This is her relatives anyway, whether or not she did it, the reaction is not quite right...

The police officer asked: "Did Miss Ruan see Ms. Huang Min at the school gate that day?"

"Yeah." So many people watched. The student didn't know her aunt, but it didn't make sense to deny knowing her.

Constable: "So Ms. Ruan was watching Ms. Huang Min being taken away by unknown people?"

Chu Zheng: "Yeah."

Officer: "Miss Ruan, Ms. Huang Min is your aunt, why don't you help her?"

Chu Zheng was rightly confident: "The other party is so fierce, why should I help?"

Officer: "..."

Isn't that your aunt? !