Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 937: First encounter with Lianming (9)

Although Chuzheng was not their head teacher, he was also a teacher, so he did not contact the head teacher.

The Banba group of four is educated, and Chuzheng will be educated.

What happened to her!

Encountered such a few unlucky things.

Chuzheng squeezed his thigh, let you watch the excitement, make you disobedient, get retribution!

Chuzheng walked out of the police station with a cold face, and the Banba group of four quietly followed her.


Banba One gave a weak cry.

Chuzheng walked out without expression, and the four Banba looked at each other and quickly followed.

"Teacher, can you tell Bald about what happened today... Teacher Wang."

Teacher Wang is the head teacher of the eighteenth class of senior high school.

Lao Wang obviously has thick hair, and I don't know why these students call him Bald Lao Wang in private.

"Teacher, we know it's wrong. Don't tell Teacher Wang if it's okay. He will definitely ask the parents. My dad knows about this, so I have to break my leg."

"Teacher, Teacher Ruan."

The four Banba looked at Chuzheng with ‘Pitiful Chu Chu’.

"Study hard and don't fight all day long." Chu Zheng seriously criticized: "At first glance, it looks like being beaten."

Banba Group of Four: "..."

Inexplicably feel an arrow in the knee.

Banba No. 2 was not convinced: "I don't know which **** called the police. If the police didn't come too early, it wouldn't be certain who won!"

Chu·Baozi·Zheng: "..."

Chuzheng glanced at Banba No. 2 in a chilly look, and the final word was: "Go back and write a review of five thousand words."

Banba Group of Four: "..."

Five thousand words!

I am dissatisfied with the composition of 800 words, what is the concept of 5,000 words!

Sorry, no concept.

"Teacher, no!"


Because of the Banba group of four, Chu Zheng went back a bit late.

Su He was watching TV in the living room. When he saw her coming back, he rolled his eyes and continued to watch his own TV.

Chuzheng opened the door and entered the room. She stayed in it for nearly five minutes before taking her clothes to take a shower.

Chuzheng usually takes a bath faster, usually within 20 minutes.

But today I wandered in there for an hour before coming out.

Chu Zheng pushed open the hidden door, and there was a person standing inside.

"Su He, what are you doing in my room?"

Su He stood in front of Chuzheng's table with an ugly face and gritted his teeth and said: "Ruan Chuzheng, what do you mean?"

Su He was a little guilty, didn't dare to watch Chu Zheng.

"You are in my room, what do you mean by asking me?" You are only interesting! "Aren't you here to steal my stuff?"

Su He pressed the fairy water on the table with one hand, completely immobile.

Although Su He's cosmetics also have some big brands, she can't use them like Shenxian Water.

Last time Zheng was absent and the door was not closed tightly. When she came back and saw it, she secretly collapsed some.

The effect is really different from the others, so Su He doesn't like it.

But Chuzheng's room door has been locked these days.

Su He had no chance to enter Chuzheng's room.

Just now Chuzheng came back and didn't lock the door. Only then did she find a chance.

who knows……

Who knows that all of this is covered with glue.

Not only the bottle is painted, but the whole bottle is glued to the table, so she can only stand here now.

She is deliberately correcting herself.

"Who is going to steal your stuff!"

Su He strongly rebutted.

Chu Zheng asked slowly: "If you don't steal my things, what are you doing in my room?"

"I... I just wanted to find a fruit knife. I saw you use it last time! When I was looking for it, I touched you. Who knows you are sick. Put glue on it."


Chu Zheng looked outside the door, and the fruit knife was on the coffee table in the living room.

"You have a bad look, why don't you wear glasses, do you still use mine? But I am not nearsighted."


Su He felt that he was about to make up.

But this face cannot be lost.

"Ruan Chuzheng, don't be so snobbish. Who cares about these things from you still doesn't know if they are true or not."

"If you don't know if it's true or not, you still steal it. You can't pick it."

Su He's chest rises slightly: "Who stole it! I said I didn't, don't go too far! You quickly find a way to get this out!"

Su He felt that his hands were almost not his own.

Chu Zheng: "What can I do."

Su He: "You did it!"

Chu Zheng: "I didn't want to touch it with my hands."

Su He: "..."

The room was quiet for a few seconds.

Su He can't leave here now, and he can't use his mobile phone to ask for help.

Su He was tossing there for a long time, sweating all over, sultry and various emotions mixed together, Su He's head started to feel dizzy.

"I admit, I used a little water from you, not just a little water, how about you! You deliberately put glue on this!" Su He suddenly broke out, angrily: "Why are you so vicious!"

No, you steal my things and call me vicious? !

Am I right?

If I were vicious, I would just pour glue into it.

Chuzheng brushed his inner barrage wildly, but it didn't show up on the face: "I put glue on my own things, what's the matter? Who rules it?

"you you……"

Su He was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Chuzheng glued his own things, and there was no point to refute it.

"What do you want."

Chu Zheng thought about it: "Apologize first."

Anyway, it won't kill you for a while, worry.

Su He was unwilling to apologize, and these words were all over his face.

Chu Zheng had time to spend with Su. She took the book, sat next to it, and read it leisurely.

Su He can't do it.

She is so tired!

"I was wrong, I'm sorry." Su He stood in a stalemate for a while, and was first softened: "I'm sorry.


"Why! I apologized, what do you want? For such a thing, do you have to do this?"

Su He really couldn't support it anymore.

The air conditioner didn't know when it stopped, it was stuffy and hot.

Chu Zheng waited for Su He to finish roaring before saying casually, "Because I don't know how."


Finally, Chuzheng separated the table from the bottle and threw her out of the room, leaving her to figure out the rest.

After all, she still wants to sleep. She was a little scared when such a big person watched her sleep in the room.

After this lesson, Su He estimated that he would not dare to steal Chuzheng's things again.

of course.

She wanted to get it but couldn't get it, so Chuzheng locked the door in and out.

But in the bottom of his heart, Su He hated Chu Zheng to death, and wooed his teacher in the office to isolate Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng didn't care either.

Big guys don't need friends.

Chuzheng slipped to the back door of Class 18. At this time, several people didn't know what to play together during the break.

Chuzheng remembered the previous review and knocked on the table: "Where is your review?"

The Banba group of four stood up screaming, the movement scared everyone in the classroom to look over.

"Ruan... Teacher Ruan." Banba No.3 yelled weakly.


"Not yet...not written."

"That's not written yet?"


The Banba group of four instantly sat back, looking for books for notebooks, and pens for pens. There was a turmoil.