Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 95: Peak of the Devildom (30)

Outside the ruined temple, Lin Chen surrounded the ruined temple with a few disciples.

Chu Zheng walked out slowly, and Li Tang followed behind.

It is really annoying to noisy people to sleep in the middle of the night.

Are they not sleeping?

Can’t the habit of going to bed early and getting up early to learn?

"Brother, they came out." As soon as they arrived, the people inside came out before they made a sound.

Lin Chen suppressed the disciple, and whispered: "Remember what I told you, Chuzheng caught alive, and Litang executed it on the spot."


The disciples each looked at each other, did not talk to Chu Zheng and the others, and quickly flew up into the air, forming a formation in the face of Chu Zheng.

Chuzheng raised her head, and the light of the formation flashed in her pupils, extinguished, decayed like fireworks.

Standing outside the formation, Lin Chen looked at him solemnly, but also faintly with a bit of scorching heat and expectation.

Li Tang didn't like the look in Lin Chen's eyes, and subconsciously blocked Chu Zheng.

At this moment, Lin Chen flew up and landed directly above the formation, offering a long sword in his hand.

As soon as the long sword came out, the light of the formation spread, and the arrogant pressure washed away from the long sword.

Chu Zheng's body receded slightly.

Litang supported Chuzheng: "It's an artifact."

Chu Zheng knew it well, no wonder Lin Chen dared to come to him. It turned out that he was backed by an artifact and felt that he was amazing.

It's great to have artifacts!

She has it too!

[Miss sister, you really haven't. 】This kind of artifact is priceless in the market, and it is impossible to buy.

Chu Zheng: "..." What use do you say, bastard?

[...] Why is it wrong again? I've said that, don't call it a bastard! Isn't this scolding it in disguise? !

Say it again.

[...] I'm going, I'm going, I'm going now!

The king flees.

The formation in front of Chu Zheng was also completed, and the formation fell to the ground. She and Li Tang were completely trapped inside, and Lin Chen led the disciples into the formation.

"Chuzheng, Litang." Lin Chen held the artifact: "If you can't escape today, you will catch it if you know it."

"Why?" Chu Zheng played the spirit of asking if he didn't understand.

Lin Chen relied on the divine weapon and spoke very hard: "This formation is specially used to deal with the demons. If you are inside, your strength will be greatly reduced. You don't want to suffer, just surrender."

"I heard you were going to kill him just now." Chu Zheng pointed to his good guy card.

Lin Chen: "..."

He said so quietly, she heard it too?

But it doesn't matter if you hear it.

"The demons should have died." Lin Chen said: "If it weren't for your demons, there would be no war."

Chu Zheng's tone is calm: "Without war, you will be content with pleasure, stagnant, and eventually your ability will die, just like ordinary people."

Lin Chen frowned.

"Senior brother, what nonsense are you talking to her, she is delaying time." A certain junior brother reminded Lin Chen.

Lin Chen reacted: "Chu Zheng, are you serious about not surrendering?"

"No." How can a woman surrender? Resolutely not!

"Okay." Lin Chen picked up the divine tool, carrying it a bit ruthlessly: "Then you don't regret it."

Chu Zheng turned his head: "Look clearly."

Li Tang: "???" What do you see clearly?

Before Litang could react, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The disciples of Lin Chen and Ziyunzong were surrounded by thin silver threads at this time.

The sudden appearance of these thin lines made the people over there surprised.

"What is this..."

"It entangles me!"

"Why can't I open it!"

The silver thread suddenly tightened, tangling their limbs and neck.


"What the **** is this!"

No matter what the Ziyun Sect's disciples used to attack, Silver Xian did not respond and began to yell.

Each silver thread was connected to Chuzheng's wrist, and she gently pulled the silver thread, her expression calm.

More and more silver thread, almost wrapped their limbs invisible.

These lines...

Litang remembered the thread she wrapped around her hand in Ziyun Sect...

The cold touch makes people easily think of snakes.

"Brother! Save me!"

Lin Chen was a little better there, with the help of the artifact, the silver thread only entangled his ankle.

Lin Chen waved the divine tool and chopped it down. The silver thread was immediately loosened, wrapped around his waist, and threw it into the air fiercely.

"See clearly?" Chu Zheng asked Litang.

Litang nodded with an unclear expression.

Chu Zheng's fingertips clicked on the silver line, and the person connected by the silver line was instantly annihilated in the air.

Chu Zheng tapped past, and only Lin Chen was left in the field.

"You..." Lin Chen's face was green: "What did you do?"

He saw just now that his junior and senior disciples, right in front of him, disappeared - in other words, disappeared in smoke.

The person on the other side has not even moved.

Chu Zheng raised his hand, the silver thread was hidden in the air, and Lin Chen watched the surroundings vigilantly.

"You want to kill me, I am more powerful, you are killed, it's so simple, don't you understand?"

Of course Lin Chen could understand.

What he didn't understand was how she did it? Just rely on those lines?

Lin Chen's back was chilly, he underestimated this woman.

Master was right, Devil Bone couldn't deal with that easily, he shouldn't be impulsive.

But Junior Sister...

Thinking of Junior Sister's pale face, Lin Chen couldn't sit still. He didn't do anything, how could he save Junior Sister?

Devil bone is the only hope.

For the younger sister...

Lin Chen thought about it, and decided to pay attention in his heart, pour aura into the artifact, wave the artifact, and chop towards Chuzheng.

The artifact was easily blocked, and the person on the other side did not even raise her hand. The air flow brought her skirt up and down, and she looked calm and relaxed. There was an aura that made people unable to refute her.


Lin Chen flew out and hit the formation and was bounced back.

"If you can't beat me, don't think about my body, go quickly." Chu Zheng said.

I'm afraid I can't help but kill you!

The last stubbornness from a little poor who doesn't want to rewind!


These two words irritated Li Tang, and the look in Lin Chen's eyes instantly became gloomy.

Li Tang walked towards Lin Chen, his eyes gradually filled with black energy, and his body began to overflow with rich devil energy.

The surrounding environment seemed to become gloomy.

He wants her body unexpectedly?

How dare he!

She is her own, no one can covet it!

With a murderous intent, Lin Chen got up from the ground in fear and attacked Litang.

This formation would indeed suppress the demons, and Litang's strength was much weaker.

However, Li Tang was full of anger at this time, and when he fought with Lin Chen, no one could please.

[Miss sister, don't you help? 】The King is weak.

"Why help?" Chu Zheng closed her sleeves and couldn't kill Lin Chen, so she didn't even have the desire to do something.

[The sentence you just said stimulated him, Miss Sister, when you speak, please think about your mission goal. 】

"How I speak is my freedom." I am weak, blame me?

[But he is darkened! 】Miss sister must be here to speed up the blackening of mission goals! definitely is! conspiracy! This is a conspiracy!

Chu Zheng retorted: "What does it have to do with me? I didn't let him blacken it."

[If you don't say that sentence, how can he become black? 】

"What you say is my freedom."

[...] Yes, I came back again.