Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 967: Primal Overlord (3)

The original owner is a little vague about the concept of the prehistoric, many things are only half-knowledge, Chuzheng also needs someone who can tell himself the details of the prehistoric.

The hedgehog boy called Tunxiang.

When the boy introduced his name, Chuzheng looked at him weirdly.

What kind of elephant is this small body?

He is not old and his appetite is not small.

Of course, Chuzheng didn't ask, maintaining the high-powered style of a big boss.

The rules in Honghuang are very simple, whoever has the fist has the final say.

Chu Zheng liked this rule very much.

[...] I don't like it at all.

The prehistoric is huge, but most of the beasts will stay in their own territory.

Divine beasts and fierce beasts have clear territories. If it is not necessary, other beasts will go around these territories.

The rest are ordinary spirit beasts, like Tunxiang.

Either live alone in the wild, or rely on other powerful beasts...

"I heard that there is another kind of beast." Tunxiang said: "They are more difficult to deal with than fierce beasts."

"How difficult to deal with?"

Tunxiang shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before, just heard it."

Chu Zheng asked Tunxiang a few questions, and with the spirit of holding his thigh, Tunxiang took out all he knew.

"Why is the forest so quiet?"

Tun Xiang glanced at the forest: "I heard that there was a thunder robbery in the north today, and many beasts have gone there."

What to do there, Tunxiang felt that he didn't need to outline it himself.

everybody knows.

Lei Jie is dead if he can't survive.

Everyone is going to pick up the bargain.

In the unlikely event that you encounter a divine beast or a fierce beast that goes through thunder and tribulation and fails, it is better to grab it and eat it.

Chu Zheng: "..." Isn't Lei Jie in the north just me?

Feelings, these people ran to catch me?

"I also heard that there is a phoenix over there. Like the king, it is a bird, but a beast, and the only phoenix in the wild. It is said that her blood has a magical effect. If an ordinary spirit beast takes a sip, Can become very strong."

Tunxiang looked longing.

If it wasn't for its low strength, it would also like to see it.

It doesn't want to pick up the bargain, just want to see, the legendary beast.

Although everyone knows that there are sacred beasts in the wild, there are very few that have actually seen them.

"Who is it that tells that Phoenix's blood has this effect?" Chu Zheng asked blankly, this kind of harm must be done!

Where did the Tunxiang know, and shook his head: "Everyone says that."


Rumors kill the birds.

Chuzheng glanced at the swallow elephant...

Although the rumors spread widely, it seems that not all beasts know what a phoenix looks like.

"My lord, do you want to go and see?" Tun Xiang looked at Chu Zheng expectantly.

"Not going."

There are all beasts waiting to pick up corpses. Am I going to die?


Tunxiang sighed disappointedly, unable to take a look at Phoenix.

I really want to know what Phoenix looks like.


There are also bazaars in Honghuang.

The stone-stacked building stands in the wilderness like a giant beast.

There are many in this kind of market, mainly used for the exchange of some things with beasts.

"There are all kinds of beasts here, so be careful when you go in." Tun Xiang cautiously and Chu Zheng said.

There are no rules in the bazaar, so if you want to move around in the bazaar, you have to have excellent strength.

Tunxiang has just turned into form, and is unwilling to come to the market.

He didn't want to hang up as soon as he transformed.

But when the first Zheng was coming, Tun Xiang felt that the king who could take out three stone lotus fruits in one breath should be very capable.

"Well, Lord, would you like to cover it?"

"Why?" Am I ugly?

Chu Zheng was quite satisfied with the appearance of his Phoenix.

"Majesty... Well, you are a bird, and it's easy to get into trouble if you are seen."

Poultry and birds are rare, beautiful birds and birds will always be coveted by beasts, and some will even take advantage of their own strength and directly plunder.

Even if the birds are strong, if they can't beat them, they can only...

Chuzheng only heard the word ‘trouble’ in Tunxiang.

Wrap yourself in a circle with silver thread, and then follow Tunxiang in.


The bazaar is very lively, there are beasts that are transformed, and there are beasts that are not transformed.

The Tunxiang walked cautiously, for fear of encountering someone.

Chu Zheng glanced around randomly.

There are everything for exchange here, weird grasses, fruits, bones... Chuzheng also saw a beast in form, and sold another beast.

Chu Zheng: "..."

How cruel!

【Main Quest: Please spend ten stone lotus fruits within half an hour. 】

Chu Zheng: "..."

Before the beginning of Zheng, the effect of Caesalpinia serrata was revealed from Tunxiang.

There are a lot of these things, but...most of them grow on cliffs, and ordinary beasts can't get them.

The stone lotus fruit has the effect of enhancing power. It can be transformed directly by eating three stone lotus fruits like the swallow elephant. Of course, the swallow elephant is close to the transformation, and these stone lotus fruits are the last strength he needs.

Chu Zheng picked a stall at random and let Tun Xiang pass by.

"My lord, what are you doing?" Tunxiang lowered his voice, and the lord said to him that no one else could see her now.

After the swallow elephant came in, they found that these beasts really couldn't see the king.

The appearance of such a beautiful bird as the king would have caused a sensation if it could be seen.

"Buy that." Chu Zheng pointed to the things on the stall next to him.

Tunxiang looked at the stone lotus fruit in his hand, his eyes widened slightly.

This...so much?

But consider that the king is a bird, and it is much easier to pick acacia fruit than other beasts.

Tunxiang walked to the stall.

The stall owner is a thin man, a little dark, with superb eyes, giving people the feeling of thieves.

"Little guy, what do you want to change?" Seeing a customer, the stall owner greeted him warmly.

Swallowing elephant swallowed: "How do you change these?"

The stall owner looked at Tunxiang a few times: "What do you have?"

Swallowing the elephant looked around, took out a caesarean fruit and handed it over.

The owner of the stall suddenly narrowed his eyes, and held down Tunxiang's wrist to block the stone lotus fruit: "Little guy, you are a good thing."

Tun Xiang tried to withdraw his hand, but the main force of the stall was so great that he couldn't get it back.

"You let me go."

"Hey, don't the little guy want to change it?" The stall owner smiled thiefly: "I can't regret it now."

"I..." Tun Xiangang said, "What you have here is not worth it at all, you let me go!"

The stall owner pressed tighter, with a grim tone: "It's not worth it, but you don't have the final say."

There are no rules in the market, and naturally fists speak.

It is not uncommon to be robbed while exchanging things.

Those who can have a stall in the market are all powerful beasts.

"You are going to grab it!" Tun Xiang was anxious.

"Hahaha, what is this place, the little guy dare to come here just like you, and come up with something like this, isn't this for me to grab it." The stall owner did not shy away from it.


Tun Xiang looked at Chuzheng subconsciously.

It's okay to be a fool at first, but you can't grab it.

Snatch her on top, don't you want face? !