Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 969: Primal Overlord (5)

"Well, if you have it, you can come to see my sister. I live on the other side of the market." Enchanting pointed to the last position of the market.

There is a row of stone houses over there.

It can be regarded as an inn in the market.

"Sister, he must have it, are you afraid that he won't give it if you hold him?" Ting Cao looked at Tunxiang gloomily.

Enchanting played Tingcao's forehead: "Don't be fooling around, go."

Tingcao was dragged away by enchanting, and the beasts that Chuzheng had just beaten to fly limply followed.

The pedestrian quickly disappeared.

Swallow the elephant to see Chuzheng: "The King?"

"Go and see." Chu Zheng went to the side where the enchanting left.

Tun Xiang had no choice, and followed Chu Zheng.

Tun Xiang asked for a room with what he had just bought at the market.

This room is very simple, just built up with stones, there is a stone bed in the corner, and nothing else.

Everyone is a beast, not so particular.

Tun Xiang soon heard the news.

That enchanting one also lived in this morning.

The one who followed her was named Tingcao.

It seemed that there was still a man with him, but after the man entered, he never showed up.

Tun Xiang just inquired so much news.


On the other side, Ting Cao is also reporting to enchanting.

"Sister, that guy has also moved in."

Enchanting raised his eyebrows and asked: "He himself?"

Tingcao nodded and saw that he had only one room.

Tingcao suggested: "Sister, if I didn't touch him and **** him? I promise him there are still lotus fruits."

Enchanting looked to the corner of the room.

An adult man was lying on the stone bed. The man appeared to be seriously injured and pale.

Enchantingly wringed his eyebrows worriedly: "There should be other things by his side, don't act rashly."

Tingcao hesitated for the brief match just now: "But sister...the stone lotus fruit is hard to pick, where will we go to get it for a while?"

"Since he has moved in, he should have a purpose, wait a minute."

"Can Yuanning hold it up?"

"I have a way, you first go out and watch." Enchanting sent Tingcao out.

She got up and walked in front of the man, took out the bamboo tube with thick fingers, pulled out the cover of the bamboo tube, and dripped a drop of blood on the man's lips.

The drop of blood dripped, unlike ordinary blood, it was still a whole drop, and it penetrated along the man's cracked lips.

The man's ugly face gradually improved.


Both the Phoenix Stone and the Phoenix Essence Blood belonged to the original owner, and they had a different connection with her.

At that moment, Chuzheng felt her own strong breath.

The Phoenix Stone and Phoenix Essence and Blood were in the hands of that woman.

damn thing!

Chuzheng strolled to the enchanting room.

After the enchanting came out, Chu Zheng went directly in.

The room is no different from her side, Chu Zheng saw the man on the bed at a glance.

Chuzheng can feel it more clearly.

Phoenix essence blood will not exceed ten drops, and at least half of the original owner will be taken away, which means that there will be at least five drops.

Chu Zheng tried to use her original power to attract the Phoenix blood.

Unfortunately, no response.

Isn't it all on TV?

Why can't you get to me?

Discrimination against me or why? !

The breath of Phoenix's blood became weaker and weaker, as if it had been absorbed by this man.

Chuzheng is a little worried, how do I get it back?

Is bloodletting directly?

Chu Zheng didn't rush to bleed, so he looked for the Phoenix Stone first.

As a result, only the breath of the Phoenix Stone was felt, not even the shadow of the Phoenix Stone.

Chuzheng touched the knife.

Cut it!

Maybe he swallowed it.

As soon as Chuzheng wanted to start, the enchanting who had left came back. She swept across the room very quickly, and with a flick of her long sleeves, the white silk flew out from her sleeves to attack Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng: "!!!"

Chuzheng leaped back and landed in the corner of the room.

Enchanting quickly stood in front of the man.


Enchanting stared at Chu Zheng's direction, but Chu Zheng was sure she couldn't see herself, only that she was probably in this direction.

Chuzheng squinted slightly.


Enchanting perceives the danger, and the body starts to react instinctively.

The enchanting shook the white silk in his hand as a weapon, and the white silk was taut in the air, as if being held by something.

In the next second, the white silk was pulled hard, and the enchanting body rushed forward uncontrollably.

Enchanting reacted quickly and stabilized his body.

A flash of energy appeared in her eyes and she swept in the direction of Chu Zheng.

"Sneaky, have the ability to come out!" Enchanting low towards the void.

Chu Zheng: "..." If you let me go out, I won't.


The ground shook violently.

Chuzheng almost couldn't stand firm.

The enchanting obviously didn't know what was going on, and at this time he stepped back to the man and looked around vigilantly.

Click ——

The stone slab on the top of the head cracked into a crack, like a spider web, which was continuously spreading.

Light penetrated through the gap.

Chu Zheng: "..."


Neither party knew what happened.

But the cry from the market outside soon came.

Panic, fear, confusion...

Something happened outside!


There was another loud noise.

Then the ground shook more severely.

The stone house they were in was about to collapse.

The enchanting didn't care about anything else, so he helped the man up and quickly ran outside.

Chu Zheng rushed out of the room slowly.

Many stones in the bazaar outside were crushed, and the beasts are rushing out of the bazaar.

Chu Zheng looked up and saw the other end of the market, as if someone had used a big axe to cut a gully on the ground.

"It's Tu tired of that **** again!!"

"Why come across this unlucky thing, what are you doing, don't pick it up, run!"

"What fight, can you win?!"

"Who knows what he was going crazy!!"

The roar of the orcs came from the wind.


The stone house behind began to collapse.

Chuzheng took a look at the enchanting that had swept a few meters away, turned back to the stone room, and took out the Tunxiang that had not yet come out.

It was originally a gully at the other end of the bazaar, but suddenly one developed vertically, which was constantly coming towards her, forming a T-shape.

The crevices separated by mud and rocks rolled down.

That is not a ravine, it is an abyss, an invisible abyss.

"Big... King." Tun Xiang was startled by the sight in front of him.

Chu Zheng threw it on the open space next to him: "Run."

The Tunxiang was so frightened that he had weakened his legs, rolled a few times on the ground, regained his animal shape, and ran with the crowd.

Chuzheng flew directly into the air, and a wave of air rushed up from the abyss. Chuzheng was affected by the wave of air and turned his direction.

Wait for her to stabilize her body and look down.

Where is there any market below, only the dark abyss left.

In the distance are various beasts fleeing.

Most of them have returned to their beasts, and a few of them are still running in human form...

The stuff in Honghuang is so powerful?

Why is the original owner so **** as a beast?

Is it a fake animal?


Ting (ting) grass