Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 976: Primal Overlord (12)

"This?" The old man took the little gourd and pointed at Long Jing again: "You trade this with me?"

"Do you want?"

"You won't... pit me?" The old man was wary.

What is Long Jing?

That's dragon stuff.

A dragon crystal can directly raise the beast several levels.

The key is that the dragon clan takes care of the dragon crystal strictly, and the beasts in the wild cannot get it at all.

Occasionally, one out will definitely cause a **** storm.

"Change or not?"

"Change!" The old man jumped three feet tall like a child, but before he got up, he fell back to the ground: "Oh, my waist."

He clutched his waist, smiled embarrassedly at Chuzheng, and quickly untied the small gourd from his waist and handed it to her.

[Congratulations, Miss Sister for completing the task, a dragon crystal has arrived. 】

Chuzheng looked at Xiao Hulu, although it looked rough, but it looked pretty good.

I don't know what material it is.

After Chuzheng traded and left, Tunxiang quickly climbed out of the pit, bypassing the old man to follow Chuzheng.

The old man limped to follow him: "Hey, Little Phoenix, where are you going? Panlong Cliff over there."

"Don't call me Little Phoenix." Chu Zheng gave him a cold look.

"Then what's your name?" the old man asked readily.

"Chu Zheng." Chu Zheng's tone was not as cold as before, but there were still no ups and downs.

"There is Panlong Cliff!" the old man yelled again: "You can't get in."

Chu Zheng suddenly turned to look at him.

"You know how to get in."

"Knowing is knowing..."

"Take me in."

"But I have just been expelled from Panlongya." The old man covered his waist, and couldn't see any emotion on the pleated face, as if it was not him who was expelled from Panlongya.

Chu Zheng: "..."

What a ghost story.

The old man is the patriarch of the snake clan.

But not anymore, it has just been usurped.

Had it not been for him to pretend to be dead, it is estimated that there are no bones left.

Chu Zheng looked at the old man, as if he had been usurped, and it had no effect on him.

"Are you the patriarch of the Snake Clan?"

The old man sat down on the rock beside him drastically and corrected Chu Zheng: "The former patriarch."

"Then do you know how to solve the curse?"

"Curse?" The old man twitched his nose, and touched his beard like an old naughty boy: "The curse is the best thing in my snake clan, of course."

Scarlet Wren said he didn't know what curse Tu Wei was on.

But the only breakthrough was in Panlongya.

"Anything can be solved?"

The old man looked left and right: "Anything that is not difficult..."

Very uncertain.

Chu Zheng: "..."

"You have a curse on you?" The old man leaned closer to Chuzheng: "I didn't see it."

"It's not me." Chuzheng looked at Panlongya, "You take me in, and I will give you another dragon crystal." It is good to save a little trouble without having to split it by yourself.

"You still have Dragon Crystal?" The old man was surprised: "You snatched the Dragon Race?"


Am I that kind of person?

Why do you look happy when you talk about the dragon being robbed?

"Are you doing it."




The current patriarch of the snake is receiving a distinguished guest.

And this person is not someone else, just enchanting.

"What you said is all trivial. Thank you for your help before."

"Raise your hand." The enchanting smile was light: "Then trouble the patriarch."

Like a guardian knight, Tingcao stood behind enchanting, staring at the patriarch of the snake.

"No trouble, no trouble." The patriarch is not young, and speaks to the enchanting with some caution, but he has a little hypocrisy in his eyes: "In this way, the sacred objects are not ordinary objects, and I can't just borrow them. Although I really want to lend you, But this clan is up and down, and I just took over, so I can’t make the final decision by myself, right... Or I will arrange for you to live first, how about?"

The patriarch of Snake said clearly.

Enchanting nodded, agreeing to the patriarch's arrangement.

Enchanting did not bring Yuan Ning in, but arranged it outside.

The last drop of Phoenix blood in her hand was exhausted.

I hope there will be no accidents this time, otherwise it will be troublesome.

Thinking of the phoenix that was not dead, the enchanting felt a headache again, and regretted that he was softhearted at the time and did not give her a fatal blow.


It doesn't matter if she is alive, in case of any accident, she can still use her Phoenix blood to continue her life.

"Sister Enchanting, do you think they will really lend us things?"

Ting Cao stood behind the enchanting and asked worriedly.

"The snake is cunning, we have to guard against it." The enchanting words are mild: "But we do him such a big favor. If he doesn't want to cause trouble, he should not break his promise... It's okay to break your promise, you are prepared." Grab it when you arrive.

She is about to decide on this.

Tingcao nodded clearly.

Enchanting help.

It is to usurp the throne for the current patriarch.

I accidentally encountered a fight between the current patriarch and the former patriarch. The current patriarch was still losing, and happened to run into her.

The current patriarch said he was a traitor in the clan, so enchanting didn't ask much, pretending to believe, helped him, and took the opportunity to enter Panlong Cliff.

The patriarch of the snake was obviously dragging time, and he could see the enchantment.

However, she did not urge, but began to search for it herself in Panlongya.

She needs the holy artifacts of the Snake Clan.

But the enchanting search for a long time, did not find what she needed.

Instead, Yuanning's condition worsened.

She had no Phoenix essence and blood in her hand, and could not control Yuan Ning's situation, so she could only urge the patriarch of the snake.

The patriarch may not be able to endure it, and promised to take the enchanting to see the holy artifact.

"The holy artifact is the treasure of our Snake Clan. I can only promise to lend it to you, and it can only be used here."

Enchanting smiled and said yes, and glanced at Tingcao behind.

Tingcao nodded secretly.


Into the night.

There was dead silence in Panlongya.

On the trail, the three shadows moved forward unhurriedly.

The leader was an old man, limping and walking unhappy.

In the middle is a bird, and at the end is a young man looking around like a thief.

It is Chuzheng and his party.

"My lord, do you smell it."

The sound of the elephant pierced the night.

Chu Zheng and the old man stopped at the same time.

There was a faint smell of blood in the wind.

The smell of blood grew stronger and stronger following the wind.

The mountains in the distance are hidden in the darkness, silent, like a sleeping dragon.

The old man's face sank, he quickened his pace, and finally ran directly.

The habitats of the Snake tribe are concentrated, and some buildings are built with stones. There is a step before reaching these buildings.

At this time, blood was slowly flowing down from the steps.

You can vaguely see the snake above, lying on the ground.

Chu Zheng avoided the blood and followed.

The corpses were lying on the ground, all of them were snakes, and blood flowed into rivers.

The entire Panlong Cliff was deadly silent.

The old man rushed in and quickly came out, his face as cold as ice.

"The king... seems to be dead." Tun Xiang turned around in fright, then returned to Chu Zheng and said weakly, "There are corpses everywhere."