Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 977: Primal Overlord (13)

Although the old man was usurped to the throne, these are his people, and now they are all dead here.

He was obviously outside, but he didn't hear anything...

how can that be? !

The old man suddenly thought of something and quickly moved back.

Chu Zheng motioned to Tun Xiang to follow.

When the old man arrived in the cave, the stone door was opened, and a person stood inside.

The black clothes were like ink, and there was a dead snake lying at his feet, and blood was spread all over the cave.

"Tu tired."

The first zheng called.

Tu Nian turned around, his expression was faint, he couldn't see the happiness or anger, and the thick black eyes were as gloomy as ever, like suppressing endless darkness.

"Tu Nai!" The old man's eyes condensed, and his sharp eyes fell on Tu Nai, "Why did you slaughter my people!"

Tu Fan frowned, his eyes fell on Chu Zheng: "It's not me."

He explained to Chu Zheng.

After explaining, Tu Wei looked away, why he needs to explain to her when he does things.

Tu Wei flashed his body and disappeared into the cave.

The old man's body also flashed, Chu Zheng hurriedly turned and went out, Tu Wei and the old man appeared among the mountains, and she immediately caught up.

"Tu Nai, where did the Snake Clan offend you? You want to kill my whole clan!"

The old man asked angrily and bitterly, piercing the clouds.

No one responded to him.

Above the sky, there were only two afterimages, constantly converging and separating in the air, and a dull voice sounded between the sky and the earth.

"Big King, are you saying this... Did you kill it?"


"Great King?" Tun Xiang looked at her in shock: "Why are you so sure?"

Chuzheng did not answer.

Turning her wrist, the silver thread fell on the ground, centering on her, spreading out in all directions.

The air voice suddenly disappeared.

Chu Zheng looked up, only the old man was left in the void, and Tu Wei didn't know the trace.

The old man roared with red eyes.

"Tu Tien has the ability, don't hide!"

"Tu Nian, come out for me!"

"Tu Wei--"

The old man's voice kept lingering among the mountains, and the echo was washed away.

"Where are you going, my lord, wait for me..."

Tun Xiang suddenly noticed that Chuzheng was flying outside and hurried to follow.


Yuan Ning was lying in a cave not far away from Panlong Cliff.

Yuan Ning sat up, clutching her chest, and looked outside.

There are beasts guarding outside.

How long has he been asleep?


Yuan Ning hadn't even figured it out yet, the beast outside suddenly smashed in and disappeared instantly.

Yuan Ning's pupils shrank and looked out of the hole.

The luminous light outlines a shadow at the entrance of the cave, shaped like a bird.

The shadow stepped slowly, and a silver streamer seemed to follow behind him.

"who are you?!"

Yuan Ning looked at the shadow warily.

The shadow did not respond, but rushed towards him. Yuan Ning was shocked and flashed aside instinctively. Unfortunately, his physical strength was limited and he fell directly to the ground and rolled from the ground to the corner of the cave.

Yuan Ning's heart beats suddenly.

Get up quickly and run out of the hole.

However, before running two steps, he was pressed against the wall by his paw.

He clearly saw the shadow in front of him.

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't do anything." The girl's crisp voice sounded.

"What hate do I have with you?" Yuan Ning pretended to be calm.

The sharp claw clicked on Yuanning's shoulder: "Is my stuff comfortable to use?"

"What?" Yuan Ning didn't know what Chu Zheng was talking about, he didn't even know her.

"It's a pity that I can't kill you now."

Chu Zheng grabbed him out of the cave and flew directly into the air.

The aura of the Phoenix Stone on Yuan Ning's body became heavier, and the Phoenix Stone must be on him.

The breath of the Phoenix essence and blood is very weak...but before, the Phoenix essence and blood were obviously in his body, probably because it was absorbed by him...

Have to find a way to take it out.


Enchanting rushed into the cave with Tingcao, the cave was empty, where there were people.

"Sister Enchanting, Brother Yuanning is gone." Ting Cao looked around.

Not only Yuanning was missing, but also the beast left to protect Yuanning was gone.

The enchanting face was green: "Who would do it!"

"Is it that..." Ting Cao thought that they had met Tu Nai in Panlongya.

"How could he know that Yuan Ning is here? It can't be him." Enchanting forced himself to calm down.

"Could it be that Brother Yuanning left by himself." Ting Cao said, "The other beasts are gone. If they are found, there will definitely be dead bodies here."

Tingcao's words, enchanting, seemed to make sense.

Enchanting immediately walked outside the cave: "Look separately."

"it is good."


Three days later.

In the wilderness, the Tun Elephant carried a person and walked forward slowly.

Chuzheng fell behind.

The swallowing elephant stopped and gasped, "My lord, where are we going."

"Find the bazaar." Prodigal.

With a sound of swallowing elephant, continue to walk forward, through this wilderness, there is a market in the valley in front.

"I heard that Tu Fei killed the Snake Clan."

"Really? What is he doing to kill the snake tribe?"

"Then who knows, someday he won't kill the beast."

"Yes, but the Snake Clan is so annihilated?"

"Don't meet him..."

"Yeah yeah."

A few beasts stood together outside the market to discuss the news of the extinction of the snake tribe.

The news in Honghuang is not blocked and spreads very quickly.

It is estimated that all the prehistoric people know about Tu's annihilation of the snake tribe.

"Eh, look over there."

The scarlet figure is coming slowly, walking gracefully, and its feathers are shining in the sun.

"Birds...what kind of breed is this?"

"never seen it……"

Chu Zheng swaggered in and immediately attracted the attention of the people in the market.

Chuzheng set up a table and stood on top: "I'm looking for someone, as long as you can help me find the trace, you can get the dragon crystal from me." Of course, the prodigal is to have more people and more power.

[...] That's not how people are powerful! !

The crystal clear dragon crystal reflects a brilliant luster in the sun.

The beasts surrounding him were astonished.

"Long Jing?"

"It's not fake, is it? This is dragon clan thing..."

"That's right, how could the dragon clan's stingy stuff shed the dragon crystal, it must be fake."

"Who are you looking for?" Someone asked.

Chuzheng did not answer yet, when a man suddenly jumped onto the stage.

The man squinted at her, his eyes were greedy: "Are you a Phoenix?"

As soon as the word "Phoenix" came out, the bottom fell into a strange silence.

After a while, it became more intense than before.

"I just said how familiar she is, Phoenix!"

"What are you waiting for, let's go together!"

The beasts looked greedy and excited.

Caught Phoenix, isn't the dragon crystal on her still his?

And this is a phoenix!

No one in Honghuang knows that her flesh and blood are powerful!

If this is a bite, it will make a lot of money!

The beasts boiled and surged on the stage.

However, the next second, these beasts seemed to have been pressed the pause button.

The beast standing on the stage was collapsing into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dust fell down and struck their faces.