Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 978: Primal Overlord (14)

"Come up without fear of death." The huge phoenix stood there calmly, with a flat voice, but chilling.

The beasts stood in a stalemate for a few seconds, and then slid back several meters.

The movements are neat as if they have been trained.

How did this phoenix become so powerful?

In the past, it was said that the phoenix was not good, but it ran fast...

It can fly after all.

The beasts stayed far away, looking at Chu Zheng with weird eyes.

Some beasts know that Chuzheng has experienced thunder tribulation, although she doesn't know why she hasn't transformed, but the increase in strength seems reasonable-a ghost! How did she grind a beast into powder without moving?

"You...who do you want to find out about?"

Finally some beast could not hold back.

Chu Zheng glanced at him: "Tu tired."



The whole world seemed to be quiet.

Some beasts who want to be famous are not afraid of death. They dare to challenge Tu Tien and inquire about his whereabouts. The rest of the beasts can't wait to leave Tu Tien thousands of miles away, and don't run into him in this life.

Now this phoenix wants to inquire about him?

"That... as long as you inquire about Tu Nai's whereabouts, you will give me Long Jing?"

You can't drink a sip of Phoenix blood, it's good to get Dragon Crystal!


"Don't... catch it?"

Chuzheng's indifferent face: "Can you hold it?"

"..." Can't catch it.

Who dares to catch it!

The beasts discussed in a low voice.

"It's just looking for him, there should be nothing wrong with it."

"I still want to drink Phoenix blood."

The beasts look at the one who is talking: Who doesn't want to! !

"But she is so cruel, we can't beat her."

"Why don't you try it together?"

"Forget it, I don't want to die."

"It's better to look for Tu, anyway, just to inquire about his whereabouts, not to catch him back."

"Yes, this insurance."

The beasts decided to inquire about Tu Wei earning Dragon Crystal.

"One more thing." Chuzheng stopped them: "If you meet enchanting, remember to beat her."

"Who is enchanting?" They have never heard of this name.

"I seem to have heard..."

"It's the previous one, dressed differently from ours, very beautiful one, and now many beasts imitate her."

"Ah, I remember."

Chu Zheng said very generously: "The reward can be paid to you first. After the fight, as long as you can get back evidence to prove, you can also get the dragon crystal from me. This is effective for all the beasts in the prehistoric beasts. You can tell other beasts to participate. ."


Where do you come from so many dragon crystals!

Wouldn't it be the robbing of the Dragon Race!

Chuzheng was not afraid that they would not fight, anyway, he found a reason to lose.

The **** didn't know if he really took the dragon clan, and the dragon crystals suddenly flooded.

For Dragon Crystal, there will definitely be orcs doing it.

Many people are powerful, but Chai Duo has high flames.


Chu Zheng lived directly in the market, and Yuan Ning was **** by the bark and thrown in the corner.

The Tunxiang prepares food for Chuzheng.

After Chuzheng finished eating, he went to see Yuanning.

Yuan Ning looked very embarrassed after being **** for so many days.

But Yuan Ning does look good.

With good features, handsome and handsome, I don't know much better than the beasts in the prehistoric.

Chu Zheng took off the stuff that was gagging his mouth.

Yuan Ning exhaled, his eyes pressed with vigilance and anger: "What do you want!"

"My phoenix stone and phoenix essence and blood are all with you, you say what I want to do."

"Phoenix Stone?" Yuan Ning's eyes sank, as if thinking of something.

His physical condition is much more stable than before.

It turned out to be because of the Phoenix Stone...

"Where is the enchanting? What did you do to her?"

"What can I do to her, kill and kill her." Chu Zheng was not angry.

Yuan Ning breathed a sigh of relief, it would be okay for her to be enchanting...Why is she so stupid that she went to get the Phoenix Stone and Phoenix blood.

Chu Zheng's wings were very flexible and grasped a knife: "Swallow Elephant, you said that if you cut him apart, can the Phoenix Stone be taken out?"

She has checked, and the Phoenix Stone is not on him.

But that breath is not wrong, since it is not outside, it is in the body.

"The big king...it's not bad, right." Even after so much experience, Tun Xiang is still afraid.

"What's not good?"

"You... didn't you mean...you want to...send him...to Tubo?" Do you want to send the body?

"If you cut it open, you will definitely die." Chu Zheng was rightly confident: "Can't Long Jing hang his life?"

"..." Long Jing is used to hang his life, and the beast outside will kill you if he knows it!

In the end, Tunxiang made a sensible decision that I chose to see nothing.

Chuzheng didn't even start.

She turned around in front of Yuan Ning, Yuan Ning wanted to talk, Chu Zheng thought he was noisy, so she blocked him directly.

There are not many memories of the Phoenix Stone in the memory of the original owner...

How can I take it out?

This is not my thing!

Why can't it come out with a scream!

Phoenix stone...

Phoenix stone Phoenix stone...

Chu Zheng wandered silently in his heart.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Since this dog can eat in, he can certainly vomit it out.

No matter what, try, there is always a way to do it.

So Yuanning was tossed by Chuzheng and lost most of her life.


"My lord, it looks like..."

The swallow elephant came in and saw the blood on the ground, the words behind it seemed to be stuck in his throat.

A jewel-like blood-colored stone was floating in front of Chuzheng. When Tunxiang came in, he felt the pressure, his legs trembled, and he knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

"What's wrong outside?" Chu Zheng followed the stone and turned to look at Tunxiang.

As soon as the Phoenix Stone was collected, Tunxiang felt the pressure on his body disappear.

He glanced at the corners covered with blood, and Yuan Ning swallowed drooling.

"There's news of... Tu tired."

Chu Zheng nodded and let Tun Xiang look at Yuan Ning.

The Phoenix Stone was taken out, but the Phoenix blood could not be taken out.

But I am still very happy to take it back.

There was news that the beast brought disgust, and I heard that it had appeared in the east of Baili.

Some beasts fought him against him, and he was so tired of not staying alive in the past, but this time he was left alive, as if he was injured.

This news not only reached Chuzheng, but also many beasts.

Tu Tien is injured!

The news excited the entire Honghuang.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him!

Chu Zheng immediately rushed over with Yuan Ning.

But there were only traces of fighting left in that place. With the news that Chuzheng followed along the way, he finally found a market that had been ruined so badly.

The bottomless T-shaped abyss divides the market into two.

Chuzheng stood on the edge of the abyss, and there seemed to be an aura of Tu annoyance remaining in the abyss, very light... almost disappeared.

"My lord, I asked. Some beasts said that they saw a group of beasts going over there."

Tunxiang pointed to the mountains not far away.

He swallowed: "That's... the territory of the fierce beast."

There are many fierce beasts in the primordial land, but a fierce beast that can have its own territory must be a powerful beast.

The raccoon is such a beast.