Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 985: Overlord (21)

Tu Nai didn't quite understand why Phoenix was afraid of the cold.

Phoenix is ​​a fire attribute, and she can't be cold to anyone who is cold.

But he obediently changed back to his body and let Chu Zheng hold it.

Chu Zheng held his soft fur, bubbling with happiness.

This is what the winner of life should have!

What kind of beggar's life has been before!

So soft so soft...

calm down.

Chuzheng's expression was tense, his palms rubbing the soft fur on Tu Nai's body.

"Little Phoenix." Tu Wei pressed her paws and warned in a low voice, "Don't touch it."


Chuzheng stopped moving.

Tu Yan let go of her, and Chu Zheng immediately started again.

Tu Yan stopped her twice, Chu Zheng promised well, and when he let go, he started immediately.

Tu Wei had to hug her, and said awkwardly: "Don't touch it down."

Chu Zheng rubbed it up and touched the fur on his neck.

Tu Nai felt that Chuzheng at this time was not the same as usual. Although her face was still cold and there was no expression, Tu Nai felt that she seemed to be overflowing with joy.

Chuzheng touched him for a while, a little sleepy.

Tu tired but not sleepy at all.

He looked at the girl lying on his body with a mixed mood.


"Little Phoenix?"

Chu Zheng held his hands to cover his ears, but the bottom was still soft, and she rubbed again.

Tu Wei's body is slightly stiff...

Tuya wanted to put Chu Zheng down, but Chu Zheng suddenly hugged him tightly: "Mine!!!" He slowly touched one hand.

Tu Wei couldn't stand it anymore and changed back.

The soft cushion disappeared, and Chuzheng opened his eyes abruptly, disgusted with Tu Tu's beautiful face.

Chuzheng looked around and didn't know when the sky was bright.

She touched her ears and calmly got off Tuan, as if the person just now was not her.

Tu Wei: "..."

Chuzheng brought him a few fruits for breakfast, and continued on his way after eating.

Chu Zheng walked behind this time, and his eyes fell on him from time to time.

Tu Nian felt like a sharp edge on his back.

I always feel that the little Phoenix behind is making a bad idea.

In front of him was the Deadly Mountain, and Tu Wei gradually became vigilant.

Most of the fierce beasts in Breaking Mountain have committed crimes in the wild, and they are too chased to find refuge in Breaking Mountain.

"Can't we fly over?"

Why have to walk over?

I can fly!

"No." Tu Yan shook his head: "You can't fly over the Deadly Mountain." Nor can the beasts.

"The beast here is so powerful?" He can still control in the air.

"...No, it is said to have formed naturally." Tu Wei said in a low voice: "It was just picked up by the fierce beast in the Deadly Mountain."

There are many magical places in the wilderness.

This is nothing.

But it's different if used by the beast...

If you can't fly, you can't fly.

Then walk over.


When Chu Zheng and Tu Weigang stepped into the bounds of the Deadly Ridge, there was a beating.

Several men dressed in animal skins walked out of the woods beside them carelessly.

The other party looked at Chu Zheng, his eyes were a little brazen, and he laughed maliciously from time to time: "What are you doing?"

Tu Wei moved forward to block Chu Zheng: "Take a word."

"It's okay to borrow, but..." The other party touched his chin and looked behind Tuan with a squinting look: "She has to stay, you go over."

Breaking Dead not only robs things, but also robs beasts.

Especially good-looking.

At this time, they obviously fell in love with Chuzheng.

"What am I going to do?" Chu Zheng popped his head from behind Tu Wei and asked seriously: "Kill you?"


The few on the opposite side seemed to hear good jokes.

"Kill us, do you know where this is? You want to kill us hahaha..."

"Then what about me?" Tu Wei squinted his eyes, a dangerous sheen flowing through it.

"You? What kind of thing are you..." The beast said suddenly, and grabbed his neck with both hands, as if someone had caught his throat.

Tu Nai waved his hand, and the beast slammed to the side, hit a tree, and slid to the ground.

The man's gloomy eyes were full of murderous intent: "Tu tired."

The faces of the beasts on the opposite side changed instantly.

"Go...Go, go."

Several beasts ignored their companions lying on the ground and immediately fled into the forest.

Tu Wei stabilized the rushing breath in his body and turned to look at Chu Zheng: "Come over as soon as possible, otherwise they will call more beasts."


I don't know if he is tired of crow's mouth, or he knows the routine here.

Before they had gone far, they were stopped by a group of beasts.

Some of the beasts are in human form, and some of their bodies gradually emerge from the forest, surrounding them.

"Tu Wei, you dare to appear here."

A vigorous voice came from the depths, and a figure rushed over, and the fierce beasts all around bowed their heads to show respect: "Great King."

This is the current king of Jue Ming Ling, tall and handsome, with handsome facial features, but his inverted eyebrows make him look fierce.

The King of Breaking Ling stared at Tu Nai fiercely: "Last time you killed me so many beasts in Breaking Mountain, you still dare to appear now, Tu Nai, do you really think you can dominate the prehistoric?"

"You get in the way first." Tu Wei's expression did not change.

"Breakfast Ridge is my territory. If you want to pass from here, you have to follow the rules!" The imposing momentum on the King of Breaking Ridge swept across.

"According to my rules, it is also the rules." Tu Wei stretched out his hand to protect Chu Zheng behind him, his body remained motionless as the waves passed by.


The King of Breaking Ridge laughed furiously.

"Tu Tien you are still so arrogant, I have heard...you are hurt."

Speaking of the back, the voice of the King's Gate of the Deadly Ridge fell sharply.


News of Tu Tien's injury was spread everywhere in Honghuang.

Although he was not injured, his strength was indeed greatly reduced.

He was not completely sure about these desperate beasts on the Deadly Mountain.

"Fighting, killing and killing is in any style." Chuzheng grabbed Tu Nai, and stood up directly, looking at King Breaking Ling, with a cold tone: "Let's discuss a deal."

The girl wore a scarlet dress with exquisite features, even if her face was expressionless, she seemed to be expressive and beautiful, completely different from the beasts in the wild.

The mottled light in the forest fell, casting light and shadow on her body, and between her gestures, there was the noble elegance of a beast that could not be violated.

King Breaking Ling narrowed his eyes: "Are you a Phoenix?"

"know me?"

"No one has heard of you in the predicament." The King of the Deadly Ridge smiled strangely and greedily: "However, now someone wants your life."

Chuzheng fell silent.

At this time, it took her life...It is probably the enchanting dog thing.

There was no emotional flow on Chuzheng's face: "You can listen to my trading conditions before you decide."

King Breaking Ling stared at Chuzheng for a long while, then looked at Tu Nai, thinking about it: "Okay, let's listen."