Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 986: Primal Overlord (22)

Chuzheng asked to talk to King Breaking Ling Dao separately.

The King of Breaking Ling thought for a moment and agreed.

"Little Phoenix..."

"It's okay." Chuzheng patted his shoulder comfortably: "Wait for me to come back."

"Little Phoenix!"

Tu Wei did not stop Chu Zheng and watched her go there.

Chu Zheng followed the King of the Dead Sea to leave, and after a certain distance, the King of King Dead Sea stopped.

"Okay, just here, what deal do you want to negotiate with me?"

Chu Zheng found a packet of Dragon Crystal.

King Breaking Ling suddenly narrowed his eyes, and it was said that there were many dragon crystals on this phoenix, which turned out to be true...

"These dragon crystals can be given to you."

"Ha, if I catch you, these dragon crystals are not mine." The King of Breaking Ling raised his eyebrows: "And I can taste the phoenix, why should I make a deal with you?"


This dog's idea is pretty good!

"You can't beat me."

Endless arrogance and confidence hidden in the calm voice!

"Hahaha, you're just a growing beast..."

The King of Breaking Ling hadn't finished speaking, and the **** the opposite side suddenly disappeared.

He tensed fiercely and looked around quickly.

Quietly in the forest, the scarlet shadow just now seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The beast's intuition tells King Breaking Ling that it is dangerous.


The sound rang from above.

King Breaking Ling raised his head and looked up. Before he could see clearly, his body had already reacted and moved away.

Several silver beams fell, hit the ground, and disappeared instantly.

If he hadn't flashed fast just now, those silver lights would directly pass through his body.

King Breaking Ling's face was slightly distorted, and his anger burned from the bottom of his eyes.

This phoenix said to do it, he didn't finish his words! Understand the rules!

The forest is covered with silver light at some point, and it flows past, like a stream of light suddenly across the night sky in a summer night.

King Breaking Ling stepped back to the edge and hit the silver light, as if hitting an invisible barrier, bounced him back into the middle.

What is this?

A chill rose from the back of King Breaking Ridge.


When the King of Breaking Ling thought of something, he immediately found something out of him.

However, before he could open it, his wrist was cold.

The King of Breaking Ling grasped things tightly, but unfortunately more power came from his wrist, and the King of Breaking Ling was pulled on his limbs, and the big characters spread out in an instant.

The scarlet figure fell from the sky.

The silver thread in the air appeared instantly.

The dress was gently raised, and she stepped on a silver light, her posture as if she was staring at the whole world, cold and indifferent, pure and noble.

King Breaking Ling was startled by the silver thread in front of him. He turned his head and found that there were such silver threads all around. The nearest one rubbed his cheek.

The king's heart beats suddenly in Desperate.

When were these threads laid?

He didn't even notice it.

"Now, can we talk about it?"

The young girl's clear voice slowly sounded in the forest.

The heart of King Breaking Ling followed Yi Han.

What is this riding horse!


Chuzheng raised his hand and tapped his fingertips in the air, and the silver thread all over the forest disappeared instantly.

King Breaking Ling fell to the ground, he subconsciously reached out and fished in the air, but he didn't get anything.

Suddenly, my heart sank again.

too fast.

And it was silent, there was no movement at all.

It's as if that thing is controlled by her as she wants, appearing when it appears, and disappearing when it disappears.

The beast phoenix...

King Breaking Ling couldn't help but shiver.

"what is this?"

King Breaking Ling looked at Chu Zheng's hand. It was a bottle made of bone.

"I don't know... That woman said that I can deal with you." The King of Destiny Ling replied aggrieved.

"Oh." Chu Zheng collected the things, and Long Jing threw them over.

King Breaking Ling grabbed the dragon crystal, and still bit his head and said: "Tu Fei has hatred with me..."

"What kind of hatred is Honghuangli talking about? The beast he killed is not your son." It's not normal for anyone to kill a few younger brothers before!

"As a king..."

"You may not be either."

In a few short words, King Breaking Ling heard the threat.

King Breaking Ling grabbed Long Jing.

It's good to take it, it's better than losing one's life.


King Breaking Ridge took the beast back to the station.

"My lord, I heard they are coming?" The enchanting greeted him immediately, with some expectation: "How?"

King Breaking Ling glanced at her, and solemnly ordered: "Catch her up."

A beast immediately surrounded the enchanting.

Enchantingly surprised, his face changed slightly: "What do you mean, King?"

King Breaking Ling took a seat on his throne and looked behind.

Enchanting seemed to have a feeling, and turned around.

The scarlet figure came slowly, and the light spread a shallow white light around her body, and the whole person seemed to be shining.

Enchanting heard that she had transformed, but she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. At this moment she saw her, her fingers clasped and envy drowned her.

Enchanting has always felt that he is absolutely beautiful in the wild.

But she didn't expect that she would be so pretty...

"My lord, are you turning your back?" The enchanting nails were stuck in the flesh, suppressing the anger from the bottom of his heart, and then asked the King of Breaking Ling: "We said yes, why do you have to go back?"

Enchanting planned well, but she didn't expect that King Breaking Ling would turn back and team up with the phoenix to deal with herself.

King Breaking Ling didn't want it either!

What can he do!

He doesn't want to die!

"Grab it." The King of Breaking Ling waved his hand.

Where the enchanting is willing to go.

Enchanting strength is not low, but not high.

The one named Tingcao is not by her side yet, and it seems a bit difficult to face so many young brothers of King Breaking Ling.

Enchanting was quickly pressed to the ground.

Chuzheng squatted in front of her and took out the bone bottle: "What is this?"

The enchanting eyes seemed to be poisoned, and the anger in my heart was unbearable.

"Do you think I will tell you?" Enchanting squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

Chu Zheng played with the bone bottle, and said slowly, "If you don't tell, you won't tell."

Chuzheng pulled off the lid of the bone bottle, pinched her enchanting chin, and poured it into her mouth with lightning speed.

Since I don't say it, I'll just look at it for myself.

King Breaking Ling: "..."

The beasts are so cruel?

Suddenly she was a little lucky that she hadn't fed this thing directly to him before.


Enchanting and frightened struggle.

However, the beast at the back crushed her to death.

Chuzheng forces all enchanting to swallow.

The panic in enchanting eyes grew stronger.

Chuzheng let go of her and got up.

Enchanting immediately retched.

It's a pity that there are not many things, and it has completely gone down at this time, and can't vomit out.

Enchanting suddenly raised his head.

A pair of beautiful eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Chuzheng spitefully and ferociously.

"Look at what I am doing." Chu Zheng stood calmly and calmly, "Isn't this yours?"
