Let’s Lose A Billion Today First

Chapter 988: Primal Overlord (24)

The old man misunderstood Tu Tien, at this time Kan Tu Tien's eyes were a little empty.

"Do you want that?"

Chu Zheng leaned on Tu Fan's shoulders and asked him in a gentle voice.

Tu Wei regained consciousness and took a look at Chuzheng.

The girl leaned on her, naturally and casually, crossing his arms, gently holding her arms, her posture was unprovoked intimacy and ambiguous.

Tu Nai didn't know what Chuzheng was asking: "What?"

"The one in his hand." What holy artifact.

Looks ugly.

Still made of bones...

The last time Tu Wei went to the Snake Clan, it was for this holy artifact.

He squeezed Chuzheng's hand tightly: "I heard that the sacred artifact of the Snake Clan can foreshadow it."

The curse of the snake clan on his body couldn't be solved, maybe from that sacred artifact, he could ask something.

But I didn't expect that something like that would happen when he found it.

"Then I'll grab it for you." Chu Zheng said.

Tu Xian's heart jumped.

Before retorting, Chu Zheng had already let go of him and walked towards the old man.

"Let me use that."

The old man was stunned, and pointed to the holy artifact in his hand.

Chu Zheng nodded.

The old man looked towards Tu Wei and lowered his voice: "Little guy, you are a beast, what are you doing with him?"

If I am not stuck with good people, am I still with you?

Chu Zheng stared at him coldly: "Do you borrow it or not."

"This is a sacred artifact!" How can I borrow it casually.

"Otherwise, I'm asking you to borrow something." If it weren't for the sacred artifact, who would be rare to be such a broken bone.

"..." It makes sense. "Should I not borrow?"

Chu Zheng raised his hand and made a fist, his face very calm: "Then I can only grab it."

Although Tu Tiai wanted to get rid of this stuff quickly, he did misunderstand him before.

As compensation, the old man agreed to lend it to them.

"What do you want to ask?" The old man said: "I can only ask, otherwise you will end up like her."

There are mysterious powers in the sacred objects.

The snake tribe is recognized by the sacred artifacts and will not be harmed.

But others will be as enchanting...

Thinking of this, the old man's eyes flashed a murderous look.

He had heard from the elders of the clan before that there was a powerful force in the sacred artifacts, which far exceeded them, and they must not be used by people outside the snake clan.

For so many years, the sacred artifacts have been in the snake tribe.

Even if someone asks to use it, they will ask on their behalf.

No one has ever personally used the sacred vessel.

He did not expect that the price would be so high.

Tu Nai wants to ask about the curse on him.

The old man seemed to know there was a curse on him, so he didn't ask much.

He sat down cross-legged, with his hands folded upwards, with the sacred utensil in his palm.

Chu Zheng didn't know how the old man communicated with the holy artifact, but the holy artifact quickly responded.

On the white bones, black marks gradually appeared.

Flood, waste, end, head...

No more behind.

The display lasted for about thirty seconds, and the ink nicks gradually disappeared.

Still have to go to the end of the wild.

Where does it start and where it ends.

King Breaking Ling couldn't figure out what they were talking about, and just wanted to send these strange beasts away quickly.

He is still open for business!

"Is this stuff credible?" Chu Zheng questioned.

Suddenly being questioned about his own sacred artifact, the old man was bombarded: "You can question me, but you can't question the sacred artifact!"

Chu Zheng: "..."

I just said casually, don't be so excited.

"The sacred artifact of the Snake Clan, I haven't made any mistakes." Tu Wei and Chuzheng explained: "If it says so, it shouldn't be wrong." It's just the end of the land...

The old man angrily got up with the sacred weapon: "That's the murderer who destroyed my clan, can I take it away?"

He was referring to enchanting.

The enchanting body was covered with blood at this time, and had passed out.

The old man's eyes fell on her as sharp as a knife, with anger and hatred.

Although the old man was usurped, many of the younger generations in the Snake Clan did not know.

Those tribesmen grew up watching him.

It was all destroyed overnight, how he didn't feel hurt and hated.

"Whatever." She couldn't do it, and it was useless for her to hold it.

"That..." King Breaking Ling raised his hand and asked, "Why is she doing this? What's in that ossuary?"

"A medicine secretly made by the snake, after inhaling it, it can temporarily lose its mobility." The old man said: "It is useful for both sacred and fierce beasts."

Enchanting is taken directly, the consequences are much more serious than inhalation.

But it will not die.

"I heard..." The old man touched the sacred artifact, his tone a little hesitant: "Little Phoenix, come here, I will only tell you."

The old man waved to Chuzheng.

Chu Zheng didn't move: "Don't call me Little Phoenix."

Tu Nai's fingertips trembled, and his eyes moved to Chu Zheng. Those eyes, which were always gloomy, showed some light at this time, like sunlight piercing through dark clouds.

"...Come here, little guy." The old man changed his words.

This old man is not angry, looks like a kind and harmless old man.

Chuzheng let go of Tu Wei and walked towards him.

The old man took her a few steps aside, as if he was afraid of eavesdropping.

"The end of the wild, it's not a good place, little guy, don't go to death with that thing."

Divine beasts should play with divine beasts, and fierce beasts... or what to do with public enemies in the great wilderness.

Chu Zheng: "Do you know what's there?"

Old man: "It's not rumored that there are monsters."

Chu Zheng: "You said it was a rumor."

The old man choked.

He suddenly changed the subject: "Do you know where the sacred artifacts of the snake tribe come from?"

"..." Chu Zheng asked in a face-saving manner: "Where?"

"In that fog." The old man said: "Brought back by the ancestor of the snake. The curse of the snake was also learned from the sacred object. But... do you know what happened to the ancestor who brought the sacred object? "



Of course it's dead!

Is this still necessary?

All said it was an ancestor!

Seeing that she was also the only phoenix in the prehistoric beast, the old man endured it.

"It didn't take long for the ancestor to bring the holy artifacts back, he suddenly went crazy..." The old man's voice was low and low: "Before I can subdue him, the ancestor suddenly died of breath, and his whole body was drained of vitality. "

"There is something in that fog, but it's definitely not a monster."

The enigmatic curse of the Snake Clan, the sacred artifacts, and many things that contained great power in the prehistoric all came from the fog.

When the old man said this, he paused, pondered his language, and slowly said his voice.

"You are still young, don't mix these things, you will have a broader world in the future."

The birth of the beast is not easy.

Let alone a lonely phoenix like her...

As long as she works hard, she will definitely have her place in the future.

Chu Zheng looked towards Tu Wei, his tone of voice was light: "But I want to give him a vast world."

Old man: "..."

Divine beasts and fierce beasts will not end well! !

No cubs can be born!

The old man just thought that Phoenix was rare, so he tried to persuade him. Since Chu Zheng didn't listen, he didn't say anything, and left with enchanting.