Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 100: Cheng Yanmo VS Mu Qiu

The ‘One-Station’ bar is the most distinctive bar in Wangdong City.

The bar covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters. In the center of the bar is a performance stage, where stars and world-renowned DJs and **** often come here to perform.

Surrounding the stage is a circular dance floor. The dance floor is full of people all the time, twisting and twisting with the surging music. And outside the dance floor is a high-speed Harmony high-speed rail that circles the city.

Each car is divided into eighteen decks, and a bar is set up at the end of each car, where bartenders wait for guests who do not return every night.

The hustle and bustle on the dance floor and the quietness in the Harmony have formed a subtle and unique sense of mystery.

Mu Qiu was not good at dancing, and she didn't have the energy to dance. She went directly into Carriage 7 of the Harmony, studied for a while at the bar, and ordered a cocktail called ‘Northern Passenger’ on the recommendation of the bartender.

This wine is very beautiful, with a layer of orange-red liquid on the top, a drink like ice crystal in the middle, and a dark blue wine on the bottom. The cup is decorated with half a kumquat.

Mu Qiu tried to take a sip, but the concentration of the wine was not high. For people like Mu Qiu who didn't drink well, it was most suitable to drink this type of wine.

Holding the wine, Mu Qiu walked to the 5th table and sat down next to the window. Here, you can see the dance floor and the stage. At this moment, the electronic sound disappeared, and a handsome young man walked onto the stage.

The man sang a love song. It was a song that Mu Qiu had never heard before. She happened to hear a line--

[Once you made me very happy, now I think of it lonely, love makes me the kind of me who hates me the most...]

This is a song that Mu Qiu has never heard before. After listening to the lyrics, she was a little startled.

Love has turned me into the most hated kind of me...

Mu Qiu shook his head, thinking that love had nothing to do with her, she was a little chick to death. Mu Qiu turned on the phone and wanted to find out if there were any beautiful places in the nearby town of Wangdong City. She planned to find a cemetery for herself.

Mu Qiu watched the phone intently, but didn't notice that there were more and more people around him. Later, only the place next to her was left empty. At ten twenty at night, a dark blue figure sat beside Mu Qiu.

Mu Qiu stared at the phone, reached out to touch the wine, picked up the glass and found that the glass was empty.

The wine is finished.

Mu Qiu got up and wanted to order another glass of wine. He turned his head and saw the man in suit sitting beside him. "It's you, do you remember me?" Mu Qiu was a little surprised to see Cheng Yanmo again after a few days.

Hearing this, the man who was looking down at the phone raised his head. Seeing Mu Qiu, Cheng Yanmo was also a little surprised. "What a coincidence."

Appears to remember her.

Mu Qiu sat down again, and she said to Cheng Yanmo: "What do you want to drink, I invite you, last time you sent me home, I haven't thanked you well yet."

Cheng Yanmo came to the bar to catch Cheng Ziang, but there were too many people in the bar to find it. Disgusting that it was too noisy outside, Cheng Yanmo entered the Harmony in order to hide. He was planning to sit down and leave, but he met Mu Qiu.

To Mu Qiu's smiling eyes, Cheng Yanmo subconsciously said, "Same as you."

Mu Qiu pointed to her wine glass and said to Cheng Yanmo: "I just had a drink of'North Passenger'. It was delicious. I want to have another drink."

"Then I have a drink too."


Mu Qiu got up and left his seat, and soon returned with two glasses of wine. Cheng Yanmo quickly got up and let Mu Qiu sit by the window. And he himself sat in the aisle position.

Cheng Yanmo took a sip of the wine, showing no expression. The taste of this wine is not what he likes, but it is very pleasing to little girls.

Staring at Mu Qiu, Cheng Yanmo stopped talking.

Mu Qiu saw it and asked Cheng Yanmo, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Cheng Yanmo frowned slightly. He stared at Mu Qiu's slender body and that innocent and lovely cheek, and finally asked his doubts: "Little girl, are you an adult?"

Mu Qiu was taken aback, then he covered his mouth and laughed. "I look like a minor?" It's no wonder Cheng Yanmo thinks like this. Mu Qiu does look like a high school student.

Unlike his **** and charming sister Song Ci, Mu Qiu's figure is not hot, his chest is slightly bulging, and the biggest is a B cup. She was about 1.63 meters tall. She was ill and thin, and she was indeed very small in a doll-collared dress.

Mu Qiu simply took out his ID card, put it in front of Cheng Yanmo, and said playfully, "Twenty."

Cheng Yanmo was skeptical and bowed his head. Born in April 1999, he is indeed over twenty. Cheng Yanmo's frowning brows finally relaxed. He pushed his ID card to Mu Qiu's body and said to her, "Your name is Mu Qiu."

"Yes, Mu Qiu." Mu Qiu reached out to Cheng Yanmo and asked him, "What is your name?"

Cheng Yanmo pondered for a while before shaking hands with Mu Qiu and telling her his name: "Cheng Yanmo."

Mu Qiu: "Cheng Yanmo, eh, you have the same name as Cheng Ye!" After speaking, Mu Qiu looked blank when he saw the narrow color flashing after the lens of Cheng Yanmo's glasses. She quickly picked up her mobile phone and searched Cheng Yanmo's personal information.

A photo jumped out, exactly the same as the facial features of the man next to her, except that the real person looked colder and harsher than the photo.

Is he Cheng Yanmo? Cheng Ziang's brother? Cheng Yanmo, the head of the famous young man known as Wangdongcheng's first place?

Mu Qiu secretly looked at Cheng Yanmo's face.

Cheng Yanmo asked her amusedly: "What did you see?"

Mu Qiu said honestly: "You look pretty."

Cheng Yanmo was taken aback.

He is not as outgoing and enthusiastic as Cheng Ziang, he has been prudent and self-sustaining since he was a child, and the friends he made are all prudent and reliable. It's not that there are no celebrities who try to flatter him and crawl on his bed, but no woman has dared to praise him face to face so straightforwardly.

Cheng Yanmo didn't know how to answer Mu Qiu's words.

Mu Qiu had already gone to drink with her head down. She was sitting on her side with her back to Cheng Yanmo playing with her mobile phone, watching the lace scandals in Wangdongcheng forum. She saw a post called "Wangdong City Famous Men and Kuo Shao Ranking List".

Mu Qiu opened the post and saw the original poster saying--

I am a member of the swimming club. I have seen the majesty of many famous names in Wangdongcheng, so I compiled this ranking list. Note: The ranking is true and reliable, and refutation is not acceptable.

First place: Cheng Yanmo, 19;

Second place: Dongfang Yu, 18;


Mu Qiu stared at the number 19 after Cheng Yanmo's name, feeling a little confused for a while.

Is 19 age? It doesn't look right.

Mu Qiu tapped a finger on her head and read the content again. After understanding what the ranking data of the host said, she suddenly blushed.

Cheng Yanmo caught a glimpse of Mu Qiu staring at the phone. He didn't know what he saw. The white and clean face suddenly turned red, as if he was drunk.

He is a little inexplicable.