Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 16: It’s not good to waste food

There is still plenty of time to stay at the hotel.

Han Zhan got up early this morning and had no time to exercise. When he arrived at the hotel, he went to the swimming pool on the roof to swim alone.

At this time, there were very few people in the hotel, and he was the only one in the swimming pool on the roof.

After half an hour, Li Li came up to look for him.

Glancing at Han Zhan, who is swimming in the swimming pool, Li Li didn't bother.

Han Zhan looks very thin. He can see his strong muscles after taking off his clothes. Unlike the beautiful muscles carefully trained in the gym, Han Zhan’s muscles are very strong and look not burly and strong, but he is Every piece of meat contains amazing power.

When Han Zhan's head came out of the water, he combed his fingers and combed his short hair back at random, Li Li said, "Mr. Han, it's time to come up. We have to go eat."

Han Zhan jumped out of the pool holding the handrails. He pulled the towel around his waist and walked across the dressing room of Li Liwang.

When Li Li saw the large and small scars on Han Zhan's body, he was already calm.

Han Zhan changed his clothes and walked out.

The two walked side by side towards the downstairs room. Han Zhan asked Li Li, "What are the next arrangements?"

Li Li said: "We agreed with Mr. Long from the KT consortium at 3:30 in the afternoon. Now we will go to dinner first, take a half-hour lunch break after dinner, and then set off."

Han Zhan nodded after hearing this, then asked Li Li, "What do you have for lunch?"

Li Li pressed the elevator button and said solemnly: "I heard that the hairy crabs in Sunsin City are very famous. I have already booked a table. It's not far from the next door. I am leaving now and the hairy crabs are just out of the pot."

Han Zhan has no obsession with food. Every time he goes on business trips, he arranges for him to eat and drink. Naturally, he has no objections this time.

"lead the way."

Ten minutes later, Han Zhan and Li Li came to the hotel.

The layout of this hairy crab restaurant is a bit like a theater, you can sit on the second floor and watch the first floor.

Li Li booked the location on the second floor.

Li Li knew the time very accurately, and as soon as they were seated, the hairy crabs arrived on the table.

A waiter stood by his side and opened crabs for them with tongs. Han Zhan took a bite of crab roe, and when he glanced down at the hall, he saw a familiar figure in the hall on the first floor.

Han Zhan squinted his eyes. Is that... Song Ci?

Because the dressing style was very different from the morning, Han Zhan almost thought that he had admitted wrong.

He fixed his eyes and saw that Song Ci was right.

Song Ci, who wore a shirt and suit in the morning, released herself at noon. She wore a **** pink sleeveless short skirt, showing her arms that were white and well-proportioned like lotus roots, and all the long curly hair hidden in her hat was let down.

The hair was draped docilely behind her shoulders, revealing a porcelain-white cheek, both A and craving, and the beauty was contradictory.

Song Ci's skirt is very short, but her high heels are very tall, and her two legs under the table are long and straight.

Han Zhan flipped through fairy tale books when he was young. In his impression, the legs of the little mermaid were like those of Song Ci.

Extremely Beautiful.

In the whole hall, I don't know how many people are sneaking at her. Song Ci didn't know the danger, holding the mobile phone while taking selfies, changing her posture constantly, and her left hand was in a gesture that Han Zhan could not understand.

Looking back, Han Zhan stared at Li Li who was eating crabs, and suddenly asked Li Li, "What does this gesture mean?"

"Huh?" Li Li looked up confused.

He stared at the gesture of Han Zhan's left hand, silently swallowed the food in his mouth, took another sip of water, and said, "It means'bixin'. Nowadays, young people like to make this gesture when taking pictures."

Han Zhan: "Yeah."

Mr. Han picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat gently.

Li Li touched his nose, feeling that Mr. Han was weird. You know, Mr. Han took pictures, it was unconventional and correct, and such gestures appeared on Mr. Han, which was very contrary to peace.

Li Li drank another sip of rice wine, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, and then looked down at the business on the first floor.

Seeing that the first floor was full, and there were still people waiting patiently in line outside the door, Li Li was speechless, "This store is really hot, and there are still people in line, huh? That person..."

Li Li stared at the pink shadow on the first floor and took a closer look, confirming that he was right. He quickly said to Han Zhan: "Mr. Han, Miss Song is also on the first floor."

Han Zhan glanced down at Song Ci again.

At this time, Song Ci finally put down the phone and was peeling crabs with tongs.

The picture of Song porcelain peeling crabs is also pleasing to the eye.

Li Li is a 30-year-old man. He has talked with girlfriends, met with female celebrities, and has made friends with young models and celebrities, but no woman has made Li Li look amazing and feel hot.

Li Li said: "It's the same for peeling crabs. Why is Miss Song's style of peeling crabs completely different from other people?" Li Li smiled and came to a conclusion, "Sure enough, people are beautiful and everything is beautiful. ."

Han Zhan didn't agree with him.

Thinking of the same man, Mr. Han could not be completely indifferent to the beautiful and beautiful Song Ci. In addition to Mr. Han's strange reaction in the morning, out of curiosity, Li Li wanted to test Han Zhan's attitude.

Li Li asked Han Zhan: "Mr. Han thinks, what about Miss Song?"

Han Zhan commented on the younger generation like an elder, frowning and said: "Girl with internet addiction." Having a meal and playing with mobile phones, the internet addiction is a bit big.

Li Li: "..."

I asked you about Miss Song's appearance and body, but you said that the other party is heavily addicted to internet...

He finally understood why Mr. Han had a car and a house and both his parents died, but he was still a single dog.

When Han Zhan and Zhan went downstairs after dinner, Song Ci had already left.

Han Zhan noticed that although Song Ci ordered three crabs, he only ate one crab, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

What's wrong.

It's not good to waste food.


Zeus Airlines was born suddenly seven years ago. In the aviation field where state-owned aviation dominates, it is very surprising that Zeus Airlines can quickly gain a foothold.

Five years ago, Zeus Aviation established an aviation technology research and development center in the south bank of Wangdong City, and hired the world's top aviation research and development talents with high salaries.

After five years of research and development, the research team of Zeus Aviation finally succeeded in developing the first manned traveling spacecraft, which they named ‘Zeus One’.

Just three months ago, "Zeus One" made its first manned flight and returned successfully. The successful test flight of'Zeus One' aroused the world's wonder.

Zeus Airlines launched the highly anticipated ‘Star Reaching Program’ for this purpose. They want to create a brand new industrial chain, using their own pilots and their own airships to carry people to space travel!

For the successful implementation of the ‘Star Reaching Program’, Zeus Aviation will cooperate with three of the world’s top aviation technology manufacturing companies to create a batch of the safest and most perfect ‘Zeus One’.

Not only that, the company will also cooperate with the world's best aviation flight academy, intending to train a group of space pilots that belong to its own company.

The ‘Star Reaching Program’ takes a long time and has a huge amount of investment, but once it is successfully implemented, the benefits it will get are immeasurable.

Han Zhan came to the KT Consortium branch of Sunshin City this time to meet with Long Zhize, the eldest son of the KT Consortium, in an effort to win over Long Zhize for investment.