Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 181: The truth is revealed, snake-hearted

Who is the person who knows Du Tingting best? Who is the most reasonable person to take the risk to harm Du Tingting?

There is no doubt that it is Mu Qiu.

Song Ci quickly calmed down. She told Han Zhan: "I installed surveillance at Mu's house. I will check the surveillance again when I return. If my guess is correct, the surveillance will definitely take pictures that surprise us."

Song Ci looked calm, but her heart was already cold.

She extremely hoped that her inference was wrong, and if it was wrong, it meant that Mu Qiu still had a little conscience. If the guess is confirmed, then Mu Qiu's mind is too vicious.

It is said that the daughter is the little padded jacket of the parents, but some little padded jackets have pointed needles hidden in them!

Han Zhan told Song Ci: "When I went downstairs just now, I tried to test Mu Qiu's reaction. But her reaction was so natural that it was not leaking."

When he mentioned Mu Qiu, Han Zhan's brows frowned. "Either she is innocent, or she has too strong psychological quality."

How strong should the psychological quality be so that after almost killing his own mother, he is still calm in the face of others' suspicions?

"Snake-hearted, tut."

Song Ci deeply recognized Han Zhan's comments on Mu Qiu's "snake heart".

Song Ci inevitably recalled the scene before his death in his previous life. Beautiful and innocent Mu Qiu put his hand on her chest, tilted her head, and said the most ferocious and evil words in the most innocent and innocent tone: "Sister, give me your heart, OK?"

Song Ci only felt heavy and painful in his chest, and he couldn't breathe. Perceiving Song Ci's abnormality, Han Zhan quickly held her body and reminded her: "Take a deep breath!"

Song Ci grabbed Han Zhan's arm and took a deep breath, which made him feel better.

Seeing that Song Ci finally eased his anger, Han Zhan made a humorous joke: "Don't think about the unhappy things, if you are in a bad mood, think about your Brother Han."

Song Ci turned her head to look at her Han brother's face, nodded, and said, "Well, Han brother is handsome, handsome, suave, rich and handsome. Seeing you, my world will be lit up!"

Han Zhan: "..."

He is selectively deaf and only concentrates on driving.

Parked the car downstairs in the hospital, Han Zhan took Song Ci to the inpatient ward, and sent the sheets and a change of clothes to Du Tingting.

"Trouble you." It only took two hours from Song Ci to leave the hospital and return to Mu's house to arrange the clothes and come to the hospital. I think they haven't eaten yet.

Du Tingting said to Song Ci: "You haven't had dinner yet? I will ask your father to take you to dinner."

Song Ci: "Let my father stay here to accompany you, so don't worry about us." Tuck Du Tingting's quilt, Song Ci patted her on the shoulder to relieve her, "If you lose too much blood, you have to rest, mother. Don't worry about insomnia anymore."

"I have a friend from Shandong. I asked her to send me some donkey-hide gelatin. I heard that the donkey-hide gelatin over there is a good blood supplement. I'll send it to you again."

Looking at Du Tingting's pale cheeks, Song Ci couldn't help feeling sorry for her. If this incident today is not a simple accident, but Mu Qiu's actions, then how sad Du Tingting is as a mother!

Du Tingting felt warmth in her heart after hearing this. "You have a heart." When it was past seven o'clock, Du Tingting was worried that Song Ci and Han Zhan were hungry, so she said, "You guys go to dinner, I have your father with me here, it's okay."

"Okay. Then we're leaving."

I don't know when, it started to rain.

The autumn rain is pattering, and the car lights are on the drizzle. It is colorful and has a blurry beauty. Song Ci and Han Zhan strolled in the drizzle.

Song Ci suddenly stopped and glanced at Han Zhan with his head tilted. She felt that the scene before her seemed familiar.

Han Zhan was taking out the car keys, and when he looked up, he saw Song Ci staring at him with a deep and affectionate gaze. He was taken aback for a moment, and asked her in surprise, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Song Ci suddenly said, "The first time I saw Brother Han was on such a rainy day."

Han Zhan's eyes were stained with surprise.


Song Ci smiled and said, "The year I was 24."

Han Zhan was taken aback.

Then he realized that Song Ci was referring to the previous life. "I haven't asked you yet, did we know each other in the last life?"

"I know."

Han Zhan found it strange. He thought that Song Ci knew him because of his identity as the richest man in the east city. Now it seems that he guessed wrong.

"How is our relationship?"

Han Zhan had some expectation in his heart. He didn't know what answer he wanted to hear.

Song Ci smiled lightly, and she said, "What can you do? You are the richest man aloft, and I am the wife of the second son of the Cheng family. What can we have?"

Before that hijacking incident, Han Zhan and Song Ci had never socialized. It is not right to say that there has never been any communication. Song Ci actually met Han Zhan, only to see it from a distance.

It was a memory so far away that even Song Ci was almost forgotten.

Song Ci said: "When I was 24 years old, I just married Cheng's family. One morning, I was running on the hill behind Cheng's house as usual."

Han Zhan probably guessed where Song Ci met him.

As he guessed, Song Ci said, “There is a forest villa on the back mountain, which looks like an uninhabited one. I passed the villa that morning and heard a man talking. I stood at the door of the villa and looked inside. After a glance, I saw you across the gap in the iron gate."

Song Ci fell into that long-lasting memory. She whispered: "That morning, the sky also rained lightly, just like now. You are wearing a crow blue shirt, standing in the yard with your back to me, one Holding the watering bottle in one hand and the phone in one hand."

"I thought you were tall and handsome at the time, and I couldn't help but look at it a few more times, but you found me. You turned your head, just through the rain, staring at me like that."

Han Zhan couldn't remember these things Song Ci said. He is clearly the hero in the story, but he seems to be listening to a story about a stranger and Song Ci.

He asked Song Ci: "What was my reaction?"

Song Ci shrugged and said, "How can you react? We don't know each other. You will treat me as a stranger and turn around and enter the house."

Han Zhan believed it to be true.

"Get in the car, my hair is going to get wet." Song Ci urged Han Zhan to get into the car. She sat in the co-pilot, staring at the dim drizzle in front of the car.

She lied.

In fact, when we first met, Han Zhan actually took care of her.

When he found Song Ci outside the door, Han Zhan hung up the phone. He strode to the door and across the gap in the iron door, he asked her, "Is it the milkman?"

After hearing these words, Song Ci, who acted like a beast, fell into doubt about her own charm. She is fair and beautiful, and she has a nice dish. How does she look like a milkman?

Ending the ridiculous memory, Song Ci asked Han Zhan: "Is the villa on the hill behind the Cheng family yours?"

Han Zhan: "It's my grandfather's old house."

"So the person I saw is really you."

"It should be me." Han Zhan pointed to his eyes, and he said, "Aren't my eyes easy to recognize?"

Song Ci nodded, "That's you."

The first meeting was so rushed that Song Ci could not remember his appearance. Just now, watching Han Zhan, who was standing tall in the drizzle, Song Ci remembered the dusty past.

Fate is really wonderful.

Han Zhan felt a sense of joy when he thought that he had met Song Ci in the previous life. "After that, we will have no communication?" In his heart, Han Zhan hoped that Song Ci could have more communication with him.

Song Ci said: "Yes. After I got divorced, I became Liang Bo's music arranger. Once I took a plane to see his concert and met you on the plane."

"That was the first time we met in the true sense. Someone on the plane planned a hijacking and hijacked the co-pilot and two children. You saved the two children, but you also hurt your eyes because of it, and I was in danger and became a deputy. Captain, work with the captain to send everyone to the destination safely."

"Later, I went to a charity sanatorium to perform, and I met you again, and later we developed into irresistible friends."

"In this life, the reason why I dare to seek protection from you is because you are my good friend."

Those things Song Ci said sounded wonderful to Han Zhan, and he felt regretful at the same time. "If only I could remember those things, it would be great."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, anyway, in this life, we are closer than anyone else."

"That's true."

The car was parked in front of a low-key restaurant. "Today I will take you to taste the unique chicken." Han Zhan took Song Ci into the restaurant and ordered only one of their signature dishes——

Dry steamed chicken.

This dry-steamed chicken uses local chicken bacon as the main raw material, plus salted kohlrabi, Panax notoginseng dangshen, and special earthen pottery distilled drums.

Han Zhan filled Song Ci with a bowl of soup and handed it to her. "You taste it, it's absolutely delicious." The chicken soup is slightly yellow, and it smells delicious.

Song Ci held the bowl in both hands and took a sip. The taste is really delicious, the chicken has a strong fragrance and is not fishy at all. "The location of this store is bad, and the facade is not atmospheric. If you hadn't brought me here, I'm afraid I would never know."

"When my grandmother was still alive, my grandfather often brought her here. I thought you should like it too, so I'll take you to taste it." Han Zhan was relieved to see that Song Ci liked this dish. "We will come often in the future."

"it is good."

After dinner, when he walked out of the restaurant, Han Zhan took off his coat and put it on Song Ci's head when the rain became stronger. "I'll go drive first, and you will wait for me here."

"it is good."

Han Zhan drove the car to the door of the hotel, and Song Ci hurried into the car. After getting in the car, seeing Han Zhan drenched but his clothes clean, Song Ci was shocked at that moment.

Song Ci knows that there is love at first sight in this world, but love at first sight is not suitable for her and Han Zhan. Han Zhan is mature and wise, and at the same time rational and restrained. He also loves [Literature Museum www.wxguan.vip] beauty, but he is not a person who is fascinated by beauty.

Song Ci also loves male sex, but she is not the kind of woman who gets excited about sex.

She has a long-standing affection for Han Zhan.

But Song Ci did not intend to tell Han Zhan.

Whoever gets emotional first loses.

Back home, Song Ci hurriedly stuffed Han Zhan into the bathroom to take a bath. "You take a shower first, and I will find you clothes."

Han Zhan held the door frame of the bathroom with his hands, and looked at Song Ci helplessly. "I'm not so petite and expensive. I used to be on a mission and hid in a swamp for one night. I didn't see a cold."

Song Ci glared at him, "At that time you were single, and now you are my husband, you don't feel bad, I feel bad."

Han Zhan gave her a deep look.

Is the first lady's mouth made of honey?

Han Zhan took a bath and walked out naked, and Song Ci threw him a soft white bath towel. "Wipe dry, don't be a hooligan."

Han Zhan rubbed his body and sighed with emotion: "When you first lived together, you blushed and heartbeat when you saw me taking a bath. Now I am standing in front of you without an inch, and your heart is still in water."

Han Zhan threw away the bath towel, put on his shorts slowly, staring at Song Ci while putting it on, and questioned his soul: "Is Brother Han not tempting anymore, or Cibao is ambitious?"

Song Ci heard the temple jump wildly.

"Don't show up."

She picked up the laptop and wanted to go downstairs. Before opening the door, she glanced at Han Zhan who was wearing clothes, "I made you cold tea, remember to drink it."

"Okay, Mrs. Youlao."

Han Zhan got dressed and went downstairs.

Song Ci put the notebook on the coffee table, she was kneeling on the carpet, holding the mouse in her hand and adjusting the surveillance video. "Go drink cold tea."

"Good." Han Zhan went to the kitchen to pour himself cold tea.

Song Ci opened the monitoring screen of Mu's house and called up several monitoring images. In each small box, different pictures are playing.

Han Zhan came over with the cold tea, and he sat behind Song Ci.

Song Ci dragged the surveillance playback video until 12 noon, and she said: "Aunt Zhang said that her mother fell during lunch time. Mu's family usually had lunch after five o'clock at 12 o'clock. We started watching it at 12 o'clock."

Before Song Ci left the Mu's house, in order to be able to grasp the movement of the Mu's family, she placed pinhole monitoring heads in various hidden locations in the Mu's villa.

In order not to attract attention, she deliberately placed the camera in the stairwell on Du Tingting's personal photo wall painting frame. This monitor head is facing the stairs leading to the second floor.

Staring at the shaking pictures on the computer screen, Han Zhan's lips twitched, complimenting Song Ci: "You were smart once, and you know how to install surveillance."

Song Ci glared at Han Zhan and jokes: "The person who can install monitoring in his own master bedroom and monitor the data input at home all the time is really scary. Compared with me, Brother Han is not much better. ,"

Han Zhan told Song Ci: "I have met a spy before, but fortunately I found out in time and picked him out. Later, I installed surveillance in my home."

As the first lady, Song Ci also met many big people, but the existence of spies is still a bit far away for Song Ci. It is more like a profession only found in novels and television.

Song Ci asked Han Zhan: "Is it a commercial spy or an enemy spy?"

"Both. Because of my grandfather, I met spies from enemy countries. Later, I founded my own company. The rise of Zeus Airlines blocked the way for many people to make money, and many commercial opponents sent spies to me. "

Staring at Song Ci's beautiful and elegant profile, Han Zhan couldn't help but recall the scene when he first met Song Ci. "So the first time I was in the hospital, I was so angry when you told me exactly who I was. I thought you were a spy."

Song Ci stuck out his tongue, staring at the surveillance screen and spit out: "How can a spy look so good-looking like me?"

"Why not?" Han Zhan gave a real example. "Because of my family background, I know many children who grew up in the courtyard. There is an older brother who is eight years older than me. He married one in his first marriage. Very beautiful wife. That wife is a painter, knowledgeable and perfect."

"The two are very emotional, both in and out of each other, and envy others. But one day five years later, a group of people suddenly came and took away his wife. The reason is that his wife is an enemy spy."

Song Ci was surprised, "You all need a political trial when you get married? How did she escape the political trial?"

"Because her identity and background are very clean, the political trial can't find it out." Han Zhan told Song Ci: "In fact, spies are also hierarchical. Some people are easy to detect, but some hide deeply."

"That eldest brother’s wife, she is considered to be the highest-level spy. She was adopted by a Chinese couple when she was only two years old. She ate our country’s rice, enjoyed our country’s education, and raised her up by us. Citizens."

"But she still betrayed our country." Touching Song Ci's precious porcelain cheek, Han Zhan came to a conclusion, "So, the most beautiful woman is the most powerful poison."

Song Ci felt the pressure of Han Zhan's pressure on his cheek, and it hurt.

She knocked off Han Zhan's hand with a look of contempt. "You don't have to test me. If I were a spy, I wouldn't marry you."

To Shang Han Zhan’s suspicious gaze, Song Ci said: “I went directly to be a babysitter for Grandpa. It’s more valuable to approach your grandpa than to approach you.”

"You know, my mouth is sweet and pretty, and girls like me are the most popular with old people."

Song Ci's analysis was methodical, and Han Zhan's eyelids were frightened. He quickly pressed Song Ci's head and turned her face to face the computer. "Look at the monitoring, let's not talk about it."

Song Ci stared at the monitoring screen intently and stopped making a sound.

The monitoring screen showed that at 12:29, Du Tingting went upstairs carrying a bag and a B-scan. Because she was pregnant, she leaned on the railing.

Another monitoring screen showed that Du Tingting walked out of the master bedroom at thirty-two minutes. When she came out, she was only holding a card in her hand.

She looked at the card in her hand while walking, because of distraction, she habitually walked in the middle when going down the stairs.

After walking three or four steps of stairs, Du Tingting's feet suddenly slipped on the edge of the stairs. While screaming, she wanted to reach out to support the railing. But before the finger touched the railing, the person fell over.

Du Tingting rolled on the stairs several times, and did not stop until it landed on the corner platform. Song Ci couldn't bear to watch this scene, she turned her head directly and closed her eyes.

Han Zhan was shocked when he witnessed this scene. After Song Ci became pregnant, they must move the room to the first floor! But the house he lives in now has no rooms on the first floor.

Need to change house.

After a while, Song Ci opened his eyes. She looked at the surveillance screen with a look of unbearable expression and saw Mu Qiu and Aunt Zhang carrying Du Tingting away.

Only red blood was left all over the floor.

Staring at the blood stains on the ground, Song Ci felt a little uncomfortable.

"Brother Han, drag the time to 11:20 and watch the surveillance video from the beginning. There must be details that we didn't notice." Song Ci leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes, and stroked his chest in slow motion with his hand.

Han Zhan saw that her face turned pale and knew that she was watching the surveillance screen, which caused discomfort. "Wait a moment, I remember there are toffees at home." Han Zhan got up and walked to the TV wall, bent over to open the TV cabinet, and he found a few toffees.

He returned to Song Ci with the sugar, and directly tore a piece of sugar paper, and stuffed the toffee into Song Ci's mouth. "When you feel uncomfortable, eating candy will make you feel better."

Song Ci held the candy, she stared at the candy with the tip of her tongue, feeling jealous in her heart. "Who did you learn this trick from? When I coaxed Du Xueyan before?" This is not the first time Han Zhan coaxed Song Ci with toffee.

Han Zhan shook his head. "No."

Song Ci ridiculed him: "Who is that for? The small Banhua that I had a crush on before?" Han Wangwang broke the news about this, saying that Han Zhan had a secret love for a Banhua before and confessed it, but was rejected by Banhua. The reason is that he is too fat.

Han Zhan couldn’t help affirming: “Don’t listen to Wangwang dog nonsense, I don’t have a crush on her. That Banhua was at the same table as me. At the time I was the fattest boy in the class. A fattest boy sat with a best-looking girl. , They deliberately made fun of us. I really thought that I liked her at the same table. One day, I told me to give up giving up. She didn’t like fat people..."

Han Zhan, who was rejected, only found it inexplicable.

"And I didn't lose weight because of Banhua. When I was a child, I was in poor health. I took a lot of hormone drugs before becoming obese. Later, I gradually got rid of the control of drugs and exercised more, and I naturally lost weight."

Han Zhan is not the kind of person who has a spring heart when he sees someone beautiful. So far, Han Zhan has really been tempted by Du Xueyan when he was a teenager, and now Song Ci.

Song Ci grasped a key point and asked Han Zhan: "What disease needs hormone medicine?"

Han Zhan said lightly, "Some minor problems are all cured." He pressed his lips tightly, showing that he didn't want to talk more.

Seeing that he refused to say more, Song Ci stopped questioning him, and continued to stare at the monitor patiently.

"My mother said, when you feel uncomfortable, just eat a toffee. I have tried it, and it works." Han Zhan's voice suddenly sounded slowly in Song Ci's ears.

She slowly tilted her head and looked at Han Zhan.

The deep contour lines of the face make him look resolute, neither the wind nor the snow can collapse. But he also needs to eat toffee for comfort.

Song Ci feels distressed about Han Zhan.

There must be many stories hidden in Han Zhan's past. Those stories may be painful or sad. Song Ci wanted to listen to it again, but Han Zhan was still unwilling to open the book "The Past of Han Zhan" to her.

"When will I be free, Brother Han will tell me your story?"

Han Zhan said: "There will be that day."

"I am waiting."

She waited for the day when Han Zhan completely opened up to her.

Han Zhan glanced at the monitoring screen, his expression changed slightly, "coming!"

Song Ci hurriedly turned around and glanced at the surveillance screen.

She saw Mu Qiu.

At 11:45 minutes, Mu Qiu hurried upstairs and rubbed his hands on his lower abdomen while walking. As a woman, Song Ci knew exactly what that action meant.

Calculating the time, Mu Qiu is the menstrual period in these two days.

Mu Qiu returned to his room, and after only four or five minutes, he came out of the room.

When he came out, Mu Qiu was holding a few sanitary napkins in his hand. From the third floor to the second floor, Mu Qiu walked a little slowly, and his expression was very hesitant, as if embarrassed about something, vacillating.

When he reached the stairwell platform from the second floor to the first floor, Mu Qiu suddenly stopped. She hung her head, stared at the long stairs below her, and stared blankly.

Because Mu Qiu lowered her head, Song Ci couldn't see Mu Qiu's eyes and expression clearly. Looking at Mu Qiu's thin and thin body, she felt an inexplicable palpitation in her heart and felt uneasy.

Suddenly, Mu Qiu turned around and ran back to the room along the stairs.

Upon seeing this, Han Zhan suddenly said, "Guess, what is she going to do when she goes back?"

Song Ci frowned and said nothing. She just stared at the video, waiting anxiously.

More than a minute later, Mu Qiu came downstairs. This time, she had a small white jar in her other hand. After recognizing what that thing was, Song Ci suddenly sat up straight, his eyelids jumping wildly. She murmured: "It's a cream..."

Mu Qiu loves to use Lamer's face cream every season. She has put several bottles on the makeup cabinet, and Song Ci will not admit it.

The monitoring screen is still shaking.

Seeing Song Ci, Mu Qiu walked three or four steps down the stairs on the second floor, and then stopped moving. She opened the small box and took out a thumb-sized cream from it with her fingers.

Bend down and, like massaging his face, Mu Qiu applied the cream to the edge of the steps.

As everyone knows, Lamer's cream has several characteristics——



After rubbing and emulsifying, it is transparent and colorless!

"No..." Song Ci wanted to wake Mu Qiu and don't do stupid things, but when she spoke, she realized that this was just a surveillance video, it was a replay, and it was something that had already happened!

She had witnessed the cause and effect of the incident, but she could only watch and could not stop it.

Song Ci covered his face with his hands, and his whole body was cold.

How can anyone be so cruel?

That was the biological mother who gave birth to her and raised her! That is the person closest to her!

Han Zhan took the couple's coat and put it on Song Ci. He said, "Go upstairs and lie down for a while. I will edit this video and save it."

Song Ciyi grasped Han Zhan's hand.

Han Zhan's hands were extremely warm, like the weather in June.

Song Ci finally felt more at ease, and she shook Han Zhan's hand. "That was the mother who went to the ghost gate to walk around when she gave birth, and was almost dead. How could she be so cruel?" Song Ci was puzzled by this.

Han Zhan covered Song Ci's eyes.

His voice is mellow and long, but what he says is really hard to say: "Song Ci, not every child is an angel. In this world, there are children who have dropped out of school to save their mothers by donating kidneys, and some have been slashed in anger because of the dispute of tongues. Killed the mother's child."

Hearing this, Song Ci had a chill.

"The video is saved well, it's still very useful!" She wanted to show Mu Mian, what kind of devil he was trying to treat his daughter!

"Well, I understand, you go upstairs to rest." Han Zhan ordered Song Ci to go back to the room to rest. Song Ci went upstairs without being stubborn with him.

After watching her go upstairs, Han Zhan copied the video and put it in the study drawer.


During the recent period, Yan Jiang's city has been a little restless.

The reason for the restlessness is also related to Yan Jiang.

About half a month ago, the body of a little girl was found on the east bank of the Congo River. When she was found, the little girl was wearing no clothes, and the corpse showed a giant view. She was a stray child, without power and influence. Although the cause of her death was a mystery, no one was willing to investigate her.

After all, thankless, you may not be able to catch the murderer.

As a newcomer, Yan Jiang's thankless work was naturally assigned to him.

Yan Jiang performed an autopsy on the girl, and detected the man's *** in the girl's body, and detected silk fabric dander in her nails. While dissecting the girl’s organs, Yan Jiang found a men’s ring in her stomach.

In Kinshasa, people who can afford silk clothes are either rich or expensive. And that ring is the most evidence that can identify the identity of the other party.

The police named Lieluo a group of suspects, and in the end, they locked the suspect to a local political figure. In the process of secretly investigating the suspect, they unexpectedly found five or six immature imprisoned girls in the basement of that big man's house!

This incident was exploded and spread from ten to ten, which aroused the indignation of the people across the country.

Poor countries are chaotic, and there have been several large-scale civil wars in previous years. Once the news was revealed, and then manipulated by public opinion by people of interest, an upsurge of crusade against those in power was immediately set off across the country.

This city is about to be turbulent.

Recently, Song Fei and his institute's people went to work. They were all traveling together. They didn't dare to stand alone for fear of encountering danger. Yan Jiang knew that chaos was imminent and worried about Song Fei's safety. He had to send Song Fei to the hospital every day before going to work.

After Soaking in the bath, Song Ci put on clothes, sat in front of the dressing table to take care of skin care, and while waiting for the skin care products to be absorbed, she habitually took out her mobile phone to search Congo current affairs news.

This habit was developed after Song Fei and the others went to Congo.

Seeing the latest report, Song Ci couldn't help worrying about the safety of Song Fei and Yan Jiang.


In the middle of the night, Mu Mian stared at Du Tingting's pale and weak face after falling asleep, and he felt extremely sad.

The fetus in Du Tingting's belly represents hope. If Mu Qiu really leaves, the child in Du Tingting's belly will also be a sustenance for the couple.

But the child said it was gone...

Mu Mian felt terrified when he thought of Mu Qiu's death at any time.

Neither he nor Du Tingting could bear the pain of losing Mu Qiu! It's just the departure of a newly formed fetus that has made them sad so far, let alone a well-behaved and cute daughter who has been with them for twenty years?

Mu Mian took out his mobile phone and walked to the bed. He entered a secret link in his favorites folder and opened the dialog with ‘1’.

Mu Mian; [Hello, are there any new developments on your side? 】

As usual, 1 reply message was very timely.

1: [Sir, we can't do this business. 】

Mu Mian gave up completely.

Mu Mian: [Deduct the service fee and return the rest to me. 】

1: [OK, within two working days, the money will be refunded to your account. 】

Mu Mian exited the chat box and deleted the link completely.

He stood by the window for a long, long time.

The park in the hospital downstairs was quiet. Under a few night lights, the moths plunged into the light like a fire, lingering and reluctant to leave.

Mu Mian stared at the moths, feeling sad.

Knowing that the fire is burning, but moths are going to fight the fire. Knowing that once something has been done, it is pounced on hell, but it has to be done.

Mu Mian opened the world black net.

The world's dark web, an underground dark web that can publish tasks anonymously, kill people and arson do no evil.

On this day, a new task appeared on the black web homepage——

2027: Spend three million dollars to buy a life.

Target information:

Name: Song Fei.

Age: 22 years old.

Place of birth: Wangdongcheng, Hua Guo.

Current address: Kinshasa, capital of Congo (Kinshasa).

Status and occupation: Special student of Huaguo Virus Research Institute...

On the black web, people from all over the world post various tasks every day. After Mu Mian's mission was sent out, he only stayed on the homepage for a few minutes before being suppressed by other news.

But there are also many hired killers waiting to do business on the black Internet. Mu Mian only waited a few minutes before receiving three replies at the same time.

Staring at those replies, Mu Mian curled her lips.

You see, the use of criminal means to obtain benefits is always the most efficient. In this world, there is never a shortage of wicked people who commit crimes for money.

------Off-topic ------

Han Zhan: Is it the milk delivery?

Song Ci: No, the community sends warmth.

Happy Children’s Day, remember to eat a lollipop today~ I’m lazy, I’m still updating it all at once