Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 196: When you should bear it, be cruel when y

Cheng Yanmo came to Mr. Cheng's bedside like a star holding the moon. Looking down at the sickbed, his father who was reluctant to swallow in a long breath, Cheng Yanmo's expression was always calm and calm.


Cheng Zhanxiong's eyes widened strenuously when he heard the voice of the elder son.

Seeing that there was only the elder son beside the bed, but the younger son Cheng Ziang was not seen, the light in Cheng Zhanxiong's eyes became even bleak. "Where's Zi, Ziang?" Cheng Zhanxiong in a state of airstrips, even Cheng Ziang's name is not clear.

Cheng Yanmo did not answer his question, but looked sideways around the directors and shareholders standing in the ward.

Seeing Cheng Yanmo looking over, knowing that the father and son had a private message to discuss, everyone left the ward with tacit understanding. Cheng Yanmo's entourage guarded the door of the ward, not allowing others to approach.

Cheng Yanmo dragged a chair over and placed it next to the bed. He sat down, first pressed his tired temple, and then answered Cheng Zhanxiong's question: "Zi Ang has something to delay and can't come."

There was phlegm in Cheng Zhanxiong's throat. He opened his mouth and made a "嚯嚯" sound, as if accusing Cheng Ziang of unfilial piety.

Cheng Yanmo quietly looked at his dying father who wanted to behave in awe-inspiring manner, with an indifferent expression, as if watching the painful struggle of a stranger.

Cheng Zhanxiong's excitement gradually calmed down, and his voice came from under the ventilator intermittently: "He, hate me. He refuses to see me. But I, I am my father, and his father."

How dare he not come to see him one last time!

Upon hearing Cheng Zhanxiong's words, Cheng Yanmo's eyes suddenly filled with irony. "Yes, you are indeed our father. But you are also the murderer who killed our mother."

Cheng Zhanxiong was taken aback when he heard such a rebellious remark from Cheng Yanmo.

For a long time, Cheng Yanmo showed a gentle and innocent appearance in front of everyone, and spoke politely. Facing his father, Cheng Yanmo didn't say how respectful he was, but he wouldn't openly disobey him.

This is the first time Cheng Yanmo mentioned his mother in front of Cheng Zhanxiong, and he still used a tone full of resentment.

Cheng Zhanxiong found it ridiculous and sad. "Why, you, even you hate me?"

Cheng Yanmo didn't answer Cheng Zhanxiong's question, but in the dark pupils behind the lens, his eyes became more and more gloomy, like layers of dark clouds in a thunderous sky.

Cheng Zhanxiong understood.

He snorted and asked Cheng Yanmo: "Hate me so much, then you won't avenge me and avenge your mother?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yanmo finally answered, his usual calm and indifferent tone, "Hate you because you made our brother a child without a mother. If you do not retaliate against you, it is because you are my father."

That's it!

If Cheng Zhanxiong hadn't been Cheng Yanmo's father, Cheng Yanmo would have dismissed him a long time ago.

Cheng Yanmo was more than ten years old when his mother passed away.

He is the eldest brother, Cheng Ziang can act unscrupulously, but Cheng Yanmo can't. Grandpa told Cheng Yanmo from a young age that he would be the future successor of Chuandong Group, and he couldn't get angry.

He will always remember what Grandpa said--

Tolerate when to bear, be cruel when to be cruel.

Therefore, even though he hated Cheng Zhanxiong, Cheng Yanmo would never show obvious dissatisfaction and hatred towards Cheng Zhanxiong before he fully grasped the power of the group.

People who hit rocks with pebbles are fools.

Cheng Zhanxiong received a crit from his eldest son.

He always thought that the eldest son still respected and loved himself, but he did not know that the elder son's obedient and obedient was just an illusion that he disguised.

Although Cheng Zhanxiong's private life was chaotic when he was young, the only children were Cheng Yanmo and Cheng Ziang. When he was dying, both sons hated him, which made Cheng Zhanxiong feel a failure in life.

Cheng Yanmo suddenly looked down at the watch on his wrist and saw that the time had passed twelve o'clock at midnight, and the minute hand was pointing to three minutes past zero. He suddenly said to Cheng Zhanxiong: "When my mother died, it was five o'clock past seven minutes in the afternoon."

Hearing Cheng Yanmo's endless words, Cheng Zhanxiong felt puzzled. "You..." He wanted to ask Cheng Yanmo, what do you mean by that? But he felt short of breath and had difficulty speaking.

At this moment, Cheng Yanmo stood up slowly. He bowed deeply to Cheng Zhanxiong who was on the hospital bed, and then said: "Dad, how miserable the world is, you go well, I hope you can go to Jiuquan, Reunited with my mother."

After talking, Cheng Yanmo stretched out his hands and took away Cheng Zhanxiong's ventilator without expression.

Cheng Zhanxiong took a sigh of relief. Without the help of a ventilator, he could only breathe out but not inhale.

Cheng Zhanxiong's two turbid eyes began to tremble lightly. He stared at Cheng Yanmo, his fingers tremblingly raised. It seemed like I wanted to scold him, but also like I wanted to curse him.

Cheng Yanmo stood quietly, looking at Cheng Zhanxiong's finger pointing to his chest, he smiled, and said, "Dad, don't worry about leaving, don't miss the auspicious time. I will run the company very well, you Go well..."

Cheng Zhanxiong's eyes widened, and his mouth vaguely cursed: "You, you are not a human..."

Cheng Yanmo's expression did not change at all. "It's you for not being a human being, you can't blame me for being a human."

Cheng Zhanxiong's fingers trembled more and more severely, his emotions were too agitated, his eyes glared, and he died instantly! Cheng Yanmo watched Cheng Zhanxiong take his last breath, and then he glanced down at his watch.

It's seven past twelve.

very good.

Staring down at Cheng Zhanxiong's body for a moment, Cheng Yanmo picked up the ventilator again and put it on for him, and gently closed Cheng Zhanxiong's unsatisfied eyes. After doing all this, Cheng Yanmo turned and walked out.

Opening the door, Cheng Yanmo bowed his head and walked out, his hands quietly hanging on his chest, his expression solemn and silent.

Everyone found that the old man had come out, they turned their heads to look at Cheng Yanmo.

From Cheng Yanmo’s sad expression, they got some information--


An older director asked with a trembling voice: "Old President Cheng, have you gone?"

Cheng Yanmo raised his head and stared at the familiar faces in front of him, but they were full of various expressions. He nodded, his voice was loud and steady: "My father, Cheng Zhanxiong, passed away at 0:7 minutes on December 26, 2020."

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

After a while, someone questioned with dissatisfaction: "Young Master, what on earth are the Second Young Master up to? How can he refuse to see Mr. Cheng the last time? Even...even if he has hatred in his heart, but after so many years, he It's time to put it down."

Cheng Yanmo glanced at the man peacefully. He laughed and opened his thin lips gracefully, but the words he spit out looked thin and cold--

"Uncle Zhang, if your father stole, and the love stolen into your home, he was still on his and your mother's wedding bed, and your mother hit the scene...Your mother killed Xiao San in a rage and stabbed him Your father, then hanged himself on a crystal lamp in your house. You came back from school and opened the door to see your mother hanging in the middle of the living room, as well as Xiao San lying on the floor and dead, and the injured father who was about to die..."

A coldness flashed across Cheng Yanmo's eyes. "If you have gone through all of this, you can still be tolerant and kind to your father, then I will admire you. Really, you should be a priest more than a businessman. After all, urge people to let go Hatred has always been the duty of the priest."

Cheng Yanmo smiled three-pointedly, but his words were poisonous and sharp.

The old man who was called uncle Zhang by him was flushed with anger on the spot. "Cheng Yanmo, don't bully people! I'm too old, how can I allow you to slander you like this!" Uncle Zhang was insulted by Cheng Yanmo's spear and stick remarks, and his voice became unstable.

Cheng Yan stared at Director Zhang calmly, his arrogance was still arrogant, and he confronted him, "Uncle Zhang, if you haven't experienced the pain of others, don't persuade others to be generous."

Everyone can see that after Cheng Zhanxiong's death, Cheng Yanmo, who became the absolute leader of the Chuandong Group, has already drifted away. If Cheng Yanmo used to be a chopper with all its sharp edges, then he is now a sharp-edged dagger with a sharp blade. Who dares to provoke him?

Cheng Yanmo is good at business and is more outstanding than his father Cheng Zhanxiong. Everyone is a grasshopper tied to a rope for profit, and they have to rely on Cheng Yanmo to bring them endless wealth.

How unwilling they were to offend President Cheng before, how unwilling to offend Cheng Yanmo now.

Don't want to see Uncle Zhang irritate Cheng Yanmo, everyone hurriedly persuades peace. "Old Brother Zhang, don't be familiar with inkstone. Zhan Xiong has just left. Inkstone is sorrowful and heartbroken. You are speechless. You are mostly cold."

This is talking nonsense with eyes open! Director Zhang glanced at Cheng Yanmo's peaceful face, but he didn't see the slightest sadness on his face.

Another person persuaded Uncle Zhang: "Yes, yes, who didn't know that the old man is close to Zhanxiong, and Zhanxiong suddenly passed away. The old man may still be blindfolded. It is inevitable that you will hear a little bit, Lao Zhang, don't let him frustrate.

This group of people are clinging to the wall, recognizing the form, as if they want to behave like Cheng Yanmo.

Uncle Zhang snorted and said nothing more.

Cheng Yanmo was satisfied to make sure that no one was going to make trouble. He said to his entourage: "Call and call the funeral home!"


Cheng Zhanxiong's body was sent to the funeral home overnight and was cremated at dawn. In the morning, Cheng Yanmo held Cheng Zhanxiong's urn and returned to the Cheng family's old house for a funeral.

Cheng Yanmo had been paralyzing himself with work some time ago. In addition, he hadn't slept all night last night. He was very tired and walked a little top-heavy.

After returning to the room to sleep for two hours, Cheng Yanmo took a bath after waking up, and suddenly felt much better. He changed into a black coat and came to Cheng Ziang's villa, only to find that Cheng Ziang was not at home.

Didn't return all night again?

Cheng Yanmo found the housekeeper with a gloomy expression and asked him where Cheng Ziang was going. "Did Ziang come back last night?"

The housekeeper nodded, "Yes." Staring at the white lantern hanging in the doorway, the housekeeper sighed, and then said, "The second young master probably doesn't want to attend the funeral of the old man, so go into hiding."

Cheng Yanmo raised his eyebrows, walked under the scorching sun, took out his mobile phone and called Cheng Ziang.

The phone got through the first time, but no one answered. Cheng Yanmo dialed again patiently, this time the call was finally answered, but the person who answered the call was not Cheng Ziang.

"Hello." It was the voice of a girl with a crisp voice.

Cheng Yanmo was stunned and asked, "Where is Cheng Ziang?" He thought that this girl was Cheng Ziang's bed partner last night, so he told him, "Thank you for giving your phone to Cheng Ziang, I'm his brother."

The other party said, "Hello, Mr. Cheng. This is Wangdong Second People's Hospital. Your brother was injured and was hospitalized last night. He has not recovered. Is it convenient for you to come over and pay for his medical expenses?"

Cheng Yanmo was a little surprised, "How could he get hurt?"

"It's not clear. In short, when I was sent to the hospital, there were many injuries to the soft tissues. Besides..." The other party was silent for two seconds before telling Cheng Yanmo a bad news: "Your brother should be inhumane anymore."

Cheng Yanmo's eyes widened.

how come!

Cheng Yanmo rushed to the hospital without a bite of the meal.

When he arrived, Cheng Ziang was already awake.

Cheng Ziang had already felt the weakness and abnormality beneath him. He asked the doctor, and the doctor also told him the real reason. Knowing that he would never touch a woman again in his life, Cheng Ziang was furious on the spot.

When Cheng Yanmo arrived in the ward, the ward was in chaos. Bed sheets, drinking glasses, and various bills were scattered on the ground. The initiator Cheng Ziang sat on the bed, holding his forehead with his hand, motionless.

Cheng Ziang's head was smashed by the wine bottle and the wound was very long. When he arrived at the hospital last night, the nurse shaved all his hair, and now Cheng Ziang's head was wrapped with white gauze, like a rice dumpling.

Cheng Yanmo stood at the door, looking at Cheng Ziang's bruised and dejected look, a little surprised. In the last life, Cheng Ziang was killed during this period of time.

Recently, he has been entangled in affairs, and Mu Qiu's incident has somewhat affected Cheng Yanmo's mood. He even forgot about it.

Cheng Yanmo was a little upset, he couldn't help regretting it, thinking that if he cared more about his younger brother, and kept his younger brother tighter, he wouldn't be allowed to do anything wrong, would he not end up with such a result?


Hearing Cheng Yanmo's voice, Cheng Ziang's body became stiff.

Cheng Ziang slowly raised his head, revealing a pair of red eyes, which were full of pain, despair and unwillingness. Looking at the brother standing under the door frame, Cheng Ziang's despair and anger turned into grievances.

"Brother..." Cheng Ziang started crying after his brother shouted.

Cheng Yanmo hurriedly walked over and placed his hand gently on top of Cheng Ziang's head. When he thought of a **** mouth under the gauze, Cheng Yanmo felt a little pain. He comforted Cheng Ziang in a soft voice: "Ziang, it's brother, brother is here."

"Brother..." Cheng Ziang grabbed Cheng Yanmo's hand, and said to him eagerly: "Brother, I want to kill that woman, I want to kill her!"

Cheng Yanmo did not rashly agree to Cheng Ziang's request. Some promises made casually are to help the poor.

Cheng Ziang's expression was hideous, and he said to Cheng Yanmo: "That woman deliberately gave me a condom. She pretended to be drunk. She bit me while I was not paying attention. Brother, you must help me take revenge. She killed me! All my life was ruined on her!"

"Brother, I have become a useless person!"

Cheng Ziang cried madly.

Cheng Yanmo heard the cry of his younger brother, and the scenes he had seen in that dream kept appearing in his mind.

In the previous life in the dream, Cheng Ziang was beaten inhumanely. At that time, Cheng Yanmo also wanted to get justice for Cheng Ziang, but the girl's identity background was very strong, and even the Cheng family could not afford to offend.

In the end, the Cheng family could only suffer from this dumb loss.

After losing the man's ability, Cheng Ziang became more and more violent. At home, he beat Song Ci if he felt uncomfortable, while outside, he hooked up when he saw the girl he liked. If the hook up didn't work, he would resort to abusive methods.

Inhumane, he can always come up with all kinds of tricks to vent his hatred on women.

Not only that, he is also obsessed with browsing perverted websites to enjoy watching special crime videos. Gradually, he became dissatisfied with this, and boldly co-founded a private website that specializes in profiting from minors.

After Song Ci found out what Cheng Ziang had done, she reported all Cheng Ziang and her group and sent them to prison.

The year Cheng Yanmo died, Cheng Ziang was still serving his sentence in prison.

As for Cheng Ziang's later ending, Cheng Yanmo wanted to get it with his toes. The lunatic Han Zhan had harmed Song Ci because of Mu Qiu, and he had to kill him as Mu Qiu's husband, let alone trampling and hurting Song Ci's Cheng Ziang for six years?

In this life, Cheng Yanmo must not watch his brother continue to make mistakes!

Cheng Yanmo patted Cheng Ziang on the shoulder, and he asked Cheng Ziang, "What is the girl's name?"

Cheng Ziang said: "Han Wangwang."

Cheng Yanmo sighed and closed his eyes.

It really is her!

Han Wangwang was born in a military and political family. His father Han Wanglong was the highest-ranking politician in Sunshine City. His grandfather Han Dongliang was even more distinguished and transcendent. Cheng Ziang had fallen on this woman all his life and this life, and it was he himself.

"Zi Ang, we can't offend this person."

Upon hearing this, Cheng Ziang was taken aback. And people they can't afford to offend?

Thinking of the words Han Wangwang left when he left last night, Cheng Ziang asked Cheng Yanmo: "Isn't she just a girl born in an ordinary family? Is there any other way?"

Nodded, Cheng Yanmo lightly spit out the names of two people: "Han Wanglong, Han Dongliang. One of them is Han Wangwang's father and the other is Han Wangwang's grandfather."

Cheng Ziang didn't pay attention to political affairs, and he didn't pay attention to military affairs. He didn't know who these two people were. But when I heard the name Han Wanglong, I felt familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere.

Cheng Ziang took out his mobile phone and checked the identities of Han Wanglong and Han Dongliang. After reading the popular science materials, Cheng Ziang knew who he had offended.

Han Wangwang is indeed a little princess who loves her.

At this time, Cheng Ziang suddenly felt fortunate, glad that he didn't really touch her. If you touch it, I'm afraid the entire Cheng family and Chuandong Group will be retaliated by each other!

But just let him swallow so hard that he would never be humane for a lifetime, and Cheng Ziang was not reconciled. "Then I have to swallow? I was bullied for nothing?"

Cheng Yanmo knew what Cheng Ziang was thinking, and he told Cheng Ziang: "I will arrange for you to go abroad to see the best male doctor. In your case, the chances of being cured are still very high."

Cheng Ziang saw hope. "really?"

"Really. There is a male doctor in Holland who is very good at this. I will let someone take you to find him." Cheng Yanmo hopes that the doctor can heal his younger brother's body, and that Cheng Ziang, who is physically and mentally healthy, will not repeat the same mistakes.

Cheng Yanmo doesn't expect Cheng Ziang to be such a good person. He can just be a dude who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, as long as he doesn't commit crimes and don't commit himself to death.

Cheng Ziang knew that his elder brother would not lie to himself, he heard that the shady bird in his eyes had faded a lot. "Brother. If it can really be cured..." Cheng Ziang thought for a while, he said, "I must change my mind and be a new man!"

Cheng Ziang regretted it when he was sitting alone on the carpet of the hotel last night, the blood was bleeding but he couldn't get help.

He thinks back to the first half of his absurd life, and he also feels very sad.

Cheng Ziang couldn't help but think of his elementary school years, when he was also a smart kid who won the Triple Good Student Award. He also jumped into a pond to rescue a classmate who almost drowned in a summer, and was treated as a teacher by the principal. The raw face praised.

But after the mother died...

Cheng Ziang knew very well that he was sick. His mother's death was a thorn in his heart. He knew that he should let go of the process and let go of himself, in order to have a more exciting life.

But he just can't let it go!

At this moment, being comforted by his brother's arms, Cheng Ziang's gradually indifferent heart finally felt warmth. "Brother, are you disappointed in me?"

Cheng Yanmo said, "Disappointed."

Cheng Ziang smiled bitterly, but he heard his brother say: "But I still have hope for you."

Hearing this, Cheng Ziang's eyes lighted slightly, and suddenly he felt that this day didn't seem so bad anymore.


Cheng Zhanxiong's funeral date is set on the morning of December 28.

Cheng Zhanxiong was an entrepreneur who benefited the country and the people. His death also caused a wave of condolences on Weibo. At this time, when a person is dead, those pickled things during his lifetime are not important.

Han Aoyu and the Cheng family had a good relationship. Cheng Zhanxiong was dead, and Han Aoyu also went to the Cheng family's funeral to sit for a while.

Many people from the Cheng family came today, all of them young and middle-aged people, and no old friends familiar to Han Aoyu. He felt boring, he just sat for a while, said hello and went back.

When he got home, he saw a black Volvo parked in the courtyard.

Knowing that it was the Han Zhan couple coming, Han Aoyu walked inside and shouted: "Song girl, I will make mashed potato pie tonight, can you eat it?" Knowing that Song girl is a foodie, every time Song porcelain comes, Han Aoyu Yu has to change his way to cook Song Ci.

Song Ci, who was eating grapefruit with a small bite, couldn't help rubbing his stomach when he heard the roar from his grandfather. Every time my grandfather came to eat here, she would take digestion tablets and exercise frantically after returning home.

Song Ci ran out of the house holding the grapefruit and saw the energetic grandfather. Song Ci smiled sweetly and praised Han Aoyu, "Grandpa is so handsome today, this tunic suit is especially suitable for you! It makes you strong and faint. The spirit of the world!"

Han Aoyu knew that Song Ci was a guy who could brag with his eyes closed, but he still liked Song Ci's sweet mouth. Compared with Han Zhan, who opened his mouth and couldn't utter a good word, Song Ci is too cute.

"As long as your mouth is sweet, then I will make you some beef sauce!"

Hearing this, Song Ci closed her mouth subconsciously.

Han Zhan suddenly uttered.

Han Aoyu hummed to Han Zhan, and went into the house to look for potatoes, ready to be cooked and crushed to make potato cakes. Han Zhan was holding a watering can to water the Podocarpus pine. Seeing Song Ci's expression depressed, he couldn't help but joke Song Ci: "It makes your mouth sweet, so you can eat it."

Song Ci walked to Han Zhan and stood with her fingers pinching the needles of Podocarpus. She suddenly said, "Next week, I am going to participate in the audition of "Le Chi". If I get selected, I might go with the crew. European filming."

Han Zhan was taken aback, "Go to Europe? How long will it take?"

Song Ci said: "Maybe a month."

Han Zhan said nothing.

It's been a few months since Han Zhan had been married, but Han Zhan had been on business a few times, because the time was not long, so I didn't find it hard to bear. Thinking that Song Ci might be away from him for a month, Han Zhan inevitably felt a little disappointed.

"Brother Han can't bear me leaving?" Song Ci bumped Han Zhan's shoulder on tiptoe, tilted his head and said to him, "Brother Han, if you act like a sweetheart, I won't go."

Han Zhan didn't believe in Song Ci's deceit at all.

"You lied to me." Han Zhan still knows Song Ci better. He said: "You told me about this, not to discuss with me or to listen to my suggestions. You are just notifying me of your decision. People decide what to do, where can I stop you? Let’s talk..."

Han Zhan smiled and said, "I can't bear to stop you either." She wants to chase her dream, he can't hold her footsteps and tie her wings.

Song Ci felt warm, "I know that Brother Han understands me."

Shen Yubei asked her to make this drama, naturally it made sense. The movie "Le Chi" will indeed explode. The small characters in this movie have become red stars in the future. If Song Ci can win a role, he will definitely be able to open up his reputation in the world. Three years later, to participate in the Queen Elizabeth International Music Competition, I also have more confidence and capital.

The violin is a dream that Song Ci could not complete in his last life. In this life, Song Ci wants to be the real Song Ci!

"Porcelain Treasure, you must take this role. I will book the show every day when the movie is released."

"it is good!"

Han Aoyu spent two hours in the kitchen making a table full of dishes. The hospitality was unbelievable. Song Ci had eaten two bowls of rice and many dishes, and she couldn't hold it before putting down the bowl.

Han Aoyu asked Song Ci: "Has Grandpa's craftsmanship improved?"

Song Ci: "It seems to be more refined than last time."

"Lying." Han Aoyu put down his chopsticks, heard the sadness and joy from the mountain, remembering something, and said to Han Zhan: "Yesterday the boy Cheng Yanmo took Mr. Feng Shui to the top of the mountain to select the cemetery. When passing by my house, he said something to me ."

Han Zhan did not look up while eating.

"Say what?" Song Ci asked.

Han Aoyu relayed Cheng Yanmo's original words to Han Zhan word by word: "The kid said: The kid is reckless and dull, and he has learned the lesson he deserves. I will send him out of the country to reform him another day. Let him behave again, and hope that Mr. Han Haihan will no longer have the same knowledge as him."

Han Aoyu relayed what Cheng Yanmo had said. He squinted his eyes and looked at Han Zhan, and asked him, "Are you bullying your brother?"

Han Zhan did not deny, but neither did he admit.

It seems that Cheng Yanmo has investigated the Han family clearly, and even found out the relationship between Han Wangwang and him.

Seeing Han Zhan didn't want to talk about it, Han Aoyu didn't go into it anymore. Han Zhan is an adult in his thirties, and Han Aoyu has to learn to let go of him and stop worrying about his younger generations.

"I'm old, I can't sit for a long time after eating, I'll go out for a while. When you go back later, take the roast duck from the kitchen, and you can eat it by heating it in the microwave tomorrow." Porcelain said.

Song Ci nodded, "Okay, thank you Grandpa." Song Ci got up and cleaned up the dishes with Han Zhan. Entering the kitchen, Song Ci grabbed Han Zhan's arm and asked him, "What happened to Cheng Ziang being beaten by you?"

Han Zhan looked at the greasy plate without saying a word, as if he was deaf.

Song Ci thought it was funny, "Just do it and pretend."

Han Zhan admitted. "Yes."

"Why did he do that? He didn't offend you either!"

"Because he hurt you, he still..." He even married you. Han Zhan refused to admit that he was a jealous and possessive person, and did not want Song Ci to know his true colors, so Han Zhan did not say the latter sentence.

Song Ci felt warm in his heart. "Thank you Brother Han, but in the future, don't do this kind of thing. After all, it's not an honest method."

Brother Han is an upright patriotic young man, because of her, he has begun to count people.

It is she who has tarnished the integrity of Han Zhan of [Xin Bi Qu Ge www.biqule.co].

Han Zhan agreed to Song Ci, "I won't bully people in the future." After thinking about it, he said, "Try my best."

Song Ci: "..."


After Cheng Zhanxiong's funeral, Cheng Yanmo officially appeared at an international large-scale business conference as the chairman and executive president of Chuandong Group. Also appearing together was Li Li, who was recently promoted to vice president of Zeus International.

Li Li and Cheng Yanmo met at a reception after the talk.

When the two met, Cheng Yanmo took the initiative to raise a glass to Li Li, "Congratulations to Mr. Li for his promotion." To Li Li, who is only one year older than himself, he can climb to his current position by himself. Cheng Yanmo also sincerely admires him. .

Li Li smiled and gave the original words to Cheng Yanmo, "I also want to congratulate Mr. Cheng for being officially promoted to President Cheng."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Li Li thought of the scene he had encountered in the hotel that night. He looked around, and when no one noticed, he lowered his voice and asked Cheng Yanmo: "Cheng, how is your brother's recovery?"

Cheng Yanmo heard Cheng Ziang say that Li Li and Han Zhan also appeared on the scene the night he was beaten.

Knowing that Cheng Ziang was beaten, he must have nothing to do with Han Zhan, and Li Li and Han Zhan had a very close relationship, Cheng Yanmo concealed the truth, and only said: "The body is no longer a serious problem, but I plan to send him off recently. Going abroad to study and study, and then wasting the time like this, it’s not sensible."

Knowing that ‘further study’ is just a kind of euphemistic and decent way of saying, Li Li approves of Cheng Yanmo’s approach. "It's time to study hard, but it's not always good for bad luck."


Both of them are leaders in the younger generation, and they were soon called away to socialize. Cheng Yanmo drank some wine, was slightly drunk, and sat on the sofa to have a nap. On the sofa not far away, several big businessmen were smoking cigarettes while chatting about the recent changes in Wangdongcheng.

After chatting, I couldn't help but talk to Mu's house. In the past, Mu Mian would never be absent from this kind of place, but now that everyone is gone, everyone feels aggrieved.

Until now, those old friends who had a good relationship with Mu Mian couldn't believe that Mu Mian was a habitual murderer. "I really didn't see that Mu Mian turned out to be that kind of person."

"This is the so-called unpredictable appearance."

"Hey, the really poor one is Mrs. Mu." Mrs. Mu is a beautiful, elegant and kind-hearted woman. The news of her sudden death from a cerebral hemorrhage was spread, which made many people regret it.

An uncle in the Mediterranean shook his head and sighed: "Remember when Madam Mu was young, she was also a first-class beauty in Wangdong. To be honest, I had a crush on her. But she didn't look good and looked down on me. Go to Mu Mian."

"It's not just you? The boss of the Zhu company still remembers Madam Mu. He is so affectionate." The boss of Zhu admired Du Tingting in his heart, but he never married.

In this way, Mu Mian is really happy to be jealous.

"The world is unpredictable!"

The world is unpredictable, life is impermanent, you never know what will happen next moment.

Cheng Yanmo listened to them talking about the Mu family with little interest. He got up and was about to leave, and suddenly heard a person say: "The daughter of the Mu family is called Mu Qiuqiu, right?"

"It's Mu Qiu, whose nickname is Qiu'er."

"Oh, yes. I heard that my child seemed to be a monk in the fall. A few days ago, the wife of the Dongfang family took her young grandmother to Yuezhao Temple of Magpie Mountain to pray for blessings, and saw a young female nun who looked like the one from Mu Autumn."

"Really?" Everyone was shocked, the Mu family's youngest daughter became a monk?

Many uncles and uncles who have seen Mu Qiu feel sorry, "That girl is pretty good, cute, and kind. Our guy used to think about marrying her into the house. It would be a pity to be a monk. .."

Cheng Yanmo listened blankly, feeling absurd.

Mu Qiu is a monk?

how come...

A string in Cheng Yanmo's heart suddenly broke.

After becoming a monk, she cruelly cut off Hong Chen and also cut off the marriage with him. Obviously it was his initiative to break up, but now, his chest is slightly sour, stuffy and heavy.


It was raining lightly, with a little snow in the rain.

Holding an umbrella, the man climbed halfway up the mountain on foot, standing on the small square looking up at the temple in front of him.

The three characters Yuezhaoan are simple and upright.

It wasn't until the rain water wetted the toes of Cheng Yanmo's sneakers that he lifted his leg, stepped on the small puddle on the concrete floor, and walked into the temple. The Buddha's songs in the temple are quiet and elegant, slowly and peaceful, but listening to it makes people feel peaceful.

Cheng Yanmo put the incense on, gave a lot of money for the incense burner, and went to the Zhaifan canteen alone. The light rain has stopped, a female disciple wearing a gray monk robe came to the courtyard with a broom and swept away the fallen leaves and stagnant water in the courtyard.

The female disciple's back is tall and slender, and she doesn't feel vulgar when sweeping the floor while holding a broom. She wears a cloth hat, and the exposed back of her head is clean, without a single hair. Cheng Yanmo stared at the man's back, keeping his eyes fixed, even his breathing became lighter.

Cheng Yanmo cautiously shouted tentatively, "Xiao Qiu?"

The female disciple swept the floor.

She slowly turned around, holding the broom in her hand, and her dark and faint eyes were clear, which was unprecedentedly clean and clear. Cheng Yanmo stared at Mu Qiu's face, he was a little excited.

"Xiao Qiu, it's really you!"

Cheng Yanmo walked towards Mu Qiu quickly. When he was only one meter away from Mu Qiu, Mu Qiu suddenly folded his hands together and said with a clear voice: "Donor, please stop."

Cheng Yanmo's footsteps stopped abruptly.

He looked at Mu Qiu in astonishment, and broke a five-flavored bottle in his heart.

Mu Qiu stared at Cheng Yanmo peacefully, with no love or nostalgia in his eyes. "Donor, the poor Nifa name forgets dust." Seeing Cheng Yanmo's eyes are shocked, Mu Qiu said: "I have let go of the past. Please let go of the donor as soon as possible and start a new life as soon as possible."

After speaking, Mu Qiu turned around and continued to sweep the floor.

Cheng Yanmo just stood behind Mu Qiu until Mu Qiu finished sweeping the floor and left with the broom, without looking back at him again.

On that day, Cheng Yanmo stayed in Yuezhao'an all day, eating fast food, chanting scriptures, and doing everything Mu Qiu had done. When he left, his eyes were red.

Five days later, a piece of good news hit the headlines of major newspapers in Wangdongcheng——

Good news! Cheng Yanmo, President of Chuandong Group, has announced his love affair with Southern Su family daughter Su, and the wedding will be held on the 28th of next month!

------Off-topic ------

This chapter is a transitional chapter, and the next chapter starts to fight monsters