Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 383: It’s God’s business to make people h

Han Wangwang received Jiang Zhen’s message and took a look. She asked Jiang Zhen: [Where are you? Are you in danger? 】

After sending the message, Han Wangwang asked Han Yueyun: "Dad, is this person who sent me things in danger?"

Han Wangwang said to leave today without having dinner. Han Yueyun felt distressed that his girl was still hungry, so he took off his suit and went to the kitchen to cook dinner for her girl.

Hearing Han Wangwang’s question, Han Yueyun sighed: “If you have something to do with this kind of thing, there is no danger.”

Hearing that, Han Wangwang was even more worried about Jiang Zhen's situation. She asked Jiang Zhen on WeChat again: [Do you want to come to me, I will ask my father to send someone to protect you. 】

Jiang Zhen may be busy and did not reply to any more messages.

Without waiting for a reply, Han Wangwang threw away his phone and went to the refrigerator in the kitchen to look through things. She rummaged through the refrigerator, but did not find ice cream, so she asked her father, "Are you not eating ice cream?"

"You kids only like that kind of stuff."

Han Wangwang turned the corner of her mouth disapprovingly. She said, "As soon as you leave, my mother bought two boxes of ice cream in the refrigerator, and eat it every noon and night."

Han Yueyun put down the knife, narrowed her eyes, and asked her, "Did your mother steal ice cream?"


"This person..." Han Yueyun wiped his hands immediately and went to the living room to call.

Han Wangwang stood in the kitchen, ears erected, and heard her father scorn Lin Jiao'e with his heart. Lin Jiao'e on the phone is like a good baby, constantly humming.

After Han Yueyun finished speaking, Lin Jiao'e asked him, "Where did your daughter go?"


"What are you going to do? She lied to me, saying that she was going to the Mathematical Olympiad teacher to practice problems. This girl!"

Han Yueyun glanced back at Han Wangwang and explained vaguely: "If you miss me, come and see me."

"She has to study tomorrow!"

"Okay, I will ask the driver to send her back tomorrow."

"You are used to her."

Han Yueyun talked to his wife for a few minutes before hanging up.

He put down the phone and saw that Han Wangwang was stealing the sour radish, and told her: "This was given to me by the driver. The sour radish made by his old mother tastes good. I often use this to eat."

"Your life is really hard, gnawing carrots every day." After speaking, Han Wangwang threw another carrot in his mouth.

Han Yueyun picked up the knife and continued to cut vegetables. While cutting, he said: "How did you pass the security check with that thing on your back?" If the airport finds powdery things in her bag, it will be screened strictly.

Han Wangwang said: "I called my grandfather and told me about it. Grandpa personally greeted the people at the airport." Han Wangwang can distrust others, but she trusts grandfather Han Aoyu 100%.

"No wonder."

Han Yueyun's cooking skills are not good, so he made a flat plate of fried pork with sour radish and served with a meat and egg soup for a dinner.

Han Wangwang is not picky about eating. She is full and drunk. Seeing that Jiang Zhen hasn't responded to her message, she can't help but worry about the other party.

Han Wangwang sent another message to Jiang Zhen: [Hey, you haven't told me what is your name. 】

Jiang Zhen was standing on the beach. He looked at the rough sea under the cliff and heard the phone rang again. He looked down at the text message and did not reply, so he uninstalled WeChat.

His rubbish, there is no need to involve such an excellent girl more.

As soon as Jiang Zhen deleted WeChat, he heard footsteps. The poisonous scorpion took his hand down.

He turned around and looked at the four or five men behind him.

Jiang Zhen stared at the poisonous scorpion for two seconds, then moved his eyes to the poisonous scorpion's right hand. It was with this right hand that he shot and killed Duan Wuhao, leaving Duan Wuhao down the cold sea.

"Little mouse, go to the lampstand, steal oil and eat, but can't get off. Meow, meow, the cat is coming, and roll down." The poisonous scorpion sang a song with a funny tone, and Jiang Zhen's eyes were full of jokes.

Obviously, in his eyes, Jiang Zhen is the little mouse who steals oil from the lampstand. And he is that majestic cat.

Without frowning, Jiang Zhen listened to the singing of the poisonous scorpion and said, "Don't sing, it's disgusting."

The singing of the poisonous scorpion stopped abruptly.

He looked at Jiang Zhen with a surprised expression, only to realize that Jiang Zhen had a face that God loved. "It turns out that Mu Feng looks so...beautiful." Jiang Zhen's appearance followed his mother, and his handsome facial features have a feminine beauty.

"It is said that Mu Feng has never shown his true colors. It is a great honor to see Mu Feng's deity today!" The poisonous scorpion made a pretended action to take off his hat, and then treated Jiang Zhen to a standard and funny Noble etiquette, "Master Mufeng, hello, I am a poisonous scorpion!"

When he looked up, the eyes of the poisonous scorpion changed, and there was no smile, and there was a **** stern.

"I know, poisonous scorpion." Jiang Zhen said on the grass in front of him: "That night, you were here and shot Uncle Duan with your own hands."

Upon hearing this, the poisonous scorpion showed a slightly unexpected expression. "You were there that night?" Since he was there, he could hide in the dark and silently watch them commit their crimes. It seemed that he had a strong psychological quality.

The poisonous scorpion is a person who cherishes talents, he suddenly didn't want to push Jiang Zhen into desperation.

The poisonous scorpion said to Jiang Zhen, "I said Mu Feng, do you want to do things with me. As long as you hand over things and promise to do things with me, I will never treat you badly."

"Heh..." Jiang Zhen laughed, he mocked the poisonous scorpion: "You shouldn't be called a poisonous scorpion, you should be called a weasel, a weasel who gives a rooster a New Year greeting."

When the poisonous scorpion heard this, he was murderous towards Jiang Zhen.

This kid is so courageous at such a young age, he can't keep him!

After the scorpion reached his waist, he pulled out his gun silently.

He stroked the gun and whispered softly: "Children, give me things, and I will let you go. Otherwise, don't say you can't get out of this land tonight, you are your flowery sister, don't even think about it. Live!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhen not only was not afraid, but hooked the left lip. "Then try to see if you die first or I die first!" After saying that, Jiang Zhen suddenly stretched his hand to his waist and pulled out the gun very quickly. Without any hesitation, he was facing the poisonous scorpion. gun.

The poisonous scorpion did not expect that the little fellow Jiang Zhen could get a gun. He was unprepared for a while, and was easily shot in the chest. His face changed drastically with pain, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, "Kill him for me!"

Not everyone has guns. There are four subordinates behind the poisonous scorpion, and only the man with a scar on his neck has a gun.

He is the confidant of the poisonous scorpion and has life-long friendship with the poisonous scorpion.

Hearing the order of the poisonous scorpion, Scar Man pulled out the gun for the first time. As soon as he pressed the trigger, he noticed a red light aimed at the poisonous scorpion's head in front of him.

The Scar Man raised his head in amazement and chased him in the direction of the red light, and he found a person hiding behind a big tree in the jungle.

Scar Man realized the danger, and his pores suddenly stood upside down. He shouted vigilantly: "There is a sniper!" How can there be a sniper!

They obviously searched the neighborhood, and there is clearly no police!

Scar man hurriedly protected the poisonous scorpion behind him. As soon as he blocked the poisonous scorpion, Scar Man was shot in the center of the eyebrow!

Scar Man's eyes widened, and he fell down beside the poisonous scorpion.

The subordinates of the poisonous scorpion were very loyal. Seeing that the scar man was dead and the sniper was still hidden in the jungle, the remaining three people didn't want to escape, but to protect the poisonous scorpion behind them.

The three of them formed an iron triangle, protecting the poisonous scorpion in the middle, preventing him from getting hurt.

On the tree, the man sighed. He held down the headset and said to Jiang Zhen: "Hey, are you really willing to sell my life for me for three years? Don't you regret it?"

Jiang Zhen's headset was hidden in his ears. Hearing the assassin's question, he hummed softly and said, "I have worked hard for three years and will never go back."

"it is good!"

Hearing Jiang Zhen's words, the poisonous scorpion hadn't figured out what this person meant by "three years of hard work and never regret", so he heard another gunshot. After that, a subordinate who had just stood next to him fell down!

The pupils of the poisonous scorpion shrink!

That killer, marksmanship!

They have been moving, and the opponent can still hit the target with one shot. Obviously they are professional killers!

The poisonous scorpion felt the approach of death very clearly.


There was another silencer shot, and the second subordinate also fell.

The subordinates of the poisonous scorpions fell one by one, the key is that they did not die immediately after falling, but kept twitching on the ground!

The remaining subordinate saw this scene and finally collapsed. He had to abandon the poisonous scorpion and ran into the grass.

The killer on the tree stared at the swaying grass, he laughed playfully, and learned the tune of the scorpion singing before, singing the little mouse to the lampstand.

"Little mouse, go to the lampstand, steal oil to eat, can't get down, meow meow, the cat is coming, and roll down--"


After the last "come" was sung, the assassin shot suddenly, and the swaying grass suddenly fell silent, and then he heard a scream.

Finally, the grass also returned to calm.

The poisonous scorpion stared at the restoring grass in a panic. The shadow of death enveloped him. He was sweating and his mouth was trembling.

"You...!" The poisonous scorpion stared at Jiang Zhen. At this moment, he wished to tear his flesh, break his bones, and strip him alive!

"You brought the killer!" He suspected that Jiang Zhen would not cooperate with them obediently, and it is very likely that he would ventilate with the police. Therefore, before coming to see Jiang Zhen, he deliberately called his own people to inquire, and learned that Jiang Zhen did not call the police, so the poisonous scorpion came to see Jiang Zhen with confidence.

I don't know, although Jiang Zhen did not call the police, he was called a killer!

A stream of blood came out of the poisonous scorpion's wound, and his whole body was hurt by the muzzle. The poisonous scorpion was a little unstable, and his legs began to weaken, and he could kneel down at any time.

But he insisted on his willpower and refused to kneel in front of a teenager.

"Boy." The poisonous scorpion stared at Jiang Zhen with a gloomy gaze. He admired this kid's courage and felt ridiculous for his recklessness.

"Kill us, you are a murderer. In your life, no matter where you hide, your hands will not be washed clean!"

"It's not good to be young and vigorous!"

After the poisonous scorpion said this, he saw that the young man's eyes were still as calm as water and there was no fluctuation at all, and he knew that the young man's heart was as solid as a rock and he was fearless at all.

This person is born to do great things.

When the poisonous scorpion was just over a dozen years old, he was still a little bastard, how could this kid be so cruel!

Sure enough, the back wave pushed the front wave, and the front wave died on the beach.

"Boy, we'll meet below soon, I'm waiting for you to come and find me!" The poisonous scorpion could no longer support it, and knelt on the ground weakly on his knees.

He knelt down as if he was kneeling down for Jiang Zhen begging for mercy.

Jiang Zhen squatted down, he put on his gloves gently, and then he held the poisonous scorpion's right hand, and squeezed the five fingers of the poisonous scorpion's gun, one by one forcefully opened.

The poisonous scorpion watched his gun be snatched by Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen threw the gun directly into the sea behind him, and he took out a pair of wire cutters from his bag. As soon as he saw the wire cutters, the body of the poisonous scorpion shrank.

"What are you going to do to me!" The poisonous scorpion hid subconsciously.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of being abused alive and die!

Jiang Zhen lifted the chin of the poisonous scorpion, and he smiled slightly.

This laughed, it turned out to be very clean and innocent, like a true carefree young man. The poisonous scorpion was frowned upon by Jiang Zhen's smile.

Jiang Zhen is not a person who loves to laugh. Most of the time, he has a blank face. Because he likes a blank face, Duan Wuzhuo gave him the stage name of "Wood Wind".

"You made people use this kind of vise to pull out Uncle Duan's teeth one by one. I saw it with my own eyes. He was very painful when he died."

The poisonous scorpion red eyes and roared: "Boy, give me pain, kill me with one shot!"

"No." Jiang Zhen shook the wire cutters. He said, "It's God's business to make people happy, and it's mine to make you painful." After speaking, Jiang Zhen forcibly opened the scorpion's mouth and used it. The wire cutters removed the poisonous scorpion’s teeth one by one from his front teeth.

The poisonous scorpion was shaking with pain.

This **** process lasted more than twenty minutes before it ended.

After finishing, Jiang Zhen stared at the dying poisonous scorpion. He said, "That's it. You are all dead, and my sister is safe."

After speaking, Jiang Zhen saw a young man walking out of the jungle with a gun on his back. The young man was wearing combat boots, jeans, and a short-sleeved hooded sweater. The hat on his head blocked his short blond hair.

The youth stepped on the grass, stepped across the blood-soaked soil, and came to Jiang Zhen.

His gray-blue eyes looked at Jiang Zhen with a smile. A few seconds later, the other party reached out to Jiang Zhen, smiling so that two lovely dimples were revealed. "Hello, I am Agen, and you will serve an employer for three years."

He promised to help Jiang Zhen solve the crisis tonight, at the price that Jiang Zhen must follow him as a cow and horse for three years.

Jiang Zhen took off his gloves and shook hands with him, "Hello, I am Mu Feng."



Jiang Zhen's first-hand computer skills are excellent, and he ranks among the top five in the global hacker list.

In the past three years, Jiang Zhen has traveled all over the world with his employer Ajan. They have been to the most prosperous New York and the most backward Africa. He has dealt with the wickedness, and the elite international police.

In every action, Agen is responsible for fighting on the front line, and Mufeng is responsible for cleaning up the aftermath. Their cooperation is seamless, from an employment relationship to a close friend relationship.

The three-year agreement came as promised.

This day is when the contract between Jiang Zhen and Agen expires. Agen and Jiang Zhen sit on a mountain pass on the Isle of Wight in New Zealand, drinking while looking at the mountain pass in the distance.

The volcano in that mountain pass is erupting, and there is a plume of gray smoke from the top of the mountain. If you look closely, you can see the red magma ejected from the mountain pass.

Ajan held his binoculars and watched the scene of this volcanic eruption in his eyes, with blood surging in his heart. He put down the telescope and said to Mu Feng: "Continue to cooperate with me, I am willing to share with you in accordance with international salary standards."

Jiang Zhen shook his head, "No, I have other things to do."

Being rejected, Ajan was a little unhappy. He said viciously: "Believe it or not, I will throw you into that crater and make you a red corpse water."

Jiang Zhen reached out and poked Arang's dimples, and said with a sullen face, "Are you willing?"

Ajan knocked off Jiang Zhen's hand, "Fuck you!" He took the beer beside his leg, unscrewed it, and handed it to Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen took the beer and clinked glasses with Ajan. After drinking a bottle of beer, Arang asked Jiang Zhen, "What are you going to do next?"

"Go back to China, do business, expand the business, buy a big house, and bring my sister back."

"But doesn't your sister have adoptive parents?"

"I don't mind supporting that kind couple with her." It was a kind couple. They were kind to Jiang Bi, and Jiang Zhen was willing to support them.

"Does the money in your pocket have long legs? It keeps trying to run out? Does it not fragrant after spending it, but also to take care of irrelevant strangers." Ajang liked money the most, which made him willing There is no one who spends money in this world, so he especially does not understand Jiang Zhen's approach.

"Okay, everyone has aspirations." Jiang Zhen put down the beer bottle, picked up his suitcase and carried it on his back.

He packed lightly, with only a computer and a pair of brand new coconut shoes in his bag.

Jiang Zhen looked down at Arang and said: "The green hills will not change, the green water will flow long, there will be a period later."

Ajan waved, "Get out!"

After Jiang Zhen left, Arang quickly took out his mobile phone and called a subordinate who could speak Chinese. The phone was connected and he asked: "What does it mean that there will be a period of time after the green hills remain unchanged and the green water flows long?"


The subordinate patiently explained the meaning of this sentence, and then gave a thoughtful suggestion, "Master Arang, if you are really interested in Chinese, I can give you some Chinese textbooks."

Ajan hung up directly.

Who the **** is interested in Chinese!

He doesn't bother to learn the hypocritical Chinese language!

At this time, Ajan had a deep resentment against Han Zhan who had abandoned him. Therefore, when someone mentioned China or a Chinese man, he had to scold him for hypocrisy, and he felt better.

Nanxing City has not changed much in the past three years. Although two more commercial circles have been added, the place where he lived before is still the same.

The rented house I used to live in has been rented by others, the vegetable market is still bustling, and the underground boxing gym is open again, but the proprietress has changed.

Jiang Zhen revisited his old place. After three years of wandering, he finally felt a sense of homecoming.

He did not stay longer in Nanxing City, so he went to the county seat. He remembered Jiang Bi's home. He went downstairs in Jiang Bi's residential quarter and was stopped by security.

The security guard saw Jiang Zhen wearing a peaked cap and looked shameless, so he stopped him outside the door and asked him, "Who is it for?"

Jiang Zhen lowered his head and said, "I'm looking for Professor Su. I'm the nephew of Professor Su's wife. I just came back from abroad."

"Professor Su?" The guard thought for a while before remembering who Professor Su is. The guard's expression changed slightly. He glanced at Jiang Zhen a little strangely and said: "Professor Su and his wife drowned when they went on a trip three years ago. Don't you know about this?"


Jiang Zhen looked up in amazement, looked at the guard, and asked in disbelief: "You said Professor Su and his wife have passed away?"

"Yeah!" The guard thought Jiang Zhen's identity was suspicious. He said, "You are Teacher Jiang's nephew. Don't you know about the death of Teacher Jiang?"

Jiang Zhen didn't answer this question, but instead asked anxiously: "Where is my sister?"

Guard: "Huh?"

Jiang Zhen grabbed the guard's shoulders, and that grasp would probably leave fingerprints on the guard's shoulders.

When Jiang Zhen thought that Jiang Bi's adoptive parents had died the year before, Jiang Bi had been living alone for the past two years, and he was worried. "Where is Su Run, where is my sister Su Run!" Su Run is Jiang Bi's name after being adopted by Professor Su.

The guard hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Shortly after Professor Su and the others died, your sister committed suicide because of heartbreak. Don't you know about this?"

The door guard looked at Jiang Zhen's eyes with doubts, "I said, who are you! You are not Teacher Jiang's nephew, don't you know what happened to Professor Su's house?"

"Who are you? You are suspicious. Take out your ID card and let me see!"

Jiang Zhen pushed away the security guard and ran away.

He ran downstairs in the studio where Jiang Bi once studied fine art, and then stopped. Jiang Zhen leaned on the railing, watching the sparkling drinking water, noisy in his mind.

Sister committed suicide by lying on the rails?

How could my sister commit suicide by lying on rails!

Even if her adoptive parents die, she still has herself!

Jiang Zhen's vision became blurred. He refused to accept the fact that his sister died soon after he left!

At this moment, the children in the next studio were all over and walked out of the studio with their painting bags.

Hearing the movement, Jiang Zhen turned his head and looked over there. He stared at the group of vigorous young girls, thinking of his sister, and suddenly felt like a knife.

The art teacher sent away the students, went back to the office to get the bag and car keys, and planned to leave work. He came downstairs and saw a tall and slender young man standing in the exhibition hall on the first floor of the studio.

Thinking it was a kid who wanted to learn to paint, the teacher walked over enthusiastically and introduced him: "The painting in front of you is the work of a student in our school. It has won the first prize of the Southwest Youth Painting Competition. '."

It was an oil painting of a starry sky, which was extremely sophisticated about the painter's control over color and his insights into light. Jiang Zhen couldn't paint such gorgeous colors in this life.

He stared at the signature of the painting and murmured, "Su Run..."

The smile on the teacher's face gradually dimmed, "Student Su Run, is the best student I have ever made, it's a pity..."

Jiang Zhen lowered his head, covered half of his face with a peaked cap, and asked the teacher: "Student Su Run, which school does this belong to? I like her paintings very much, and I want to see her."

There was a touch of pain on the teacher's face. He said, "Student Su Run is gone."

"Where did she go? She went to another studio? Or did she go to university?" Knowing that Jiang Bi is dead, Jiang Zhen felt a little bit more pain every time he asked.

She died, she would never be able to paint again, let alone go to college.

The teacher didn't want to talk about Su Run more, but just said: "Student Su Run is no longer there, classmate, if you come to our studio to sign up to learn painting, you can go upstairs and consult the dean."

After speaking, the teacher left without looking back.

Every time Su Run was mentioned, the teacher felt sad.

Jiang Zhen stared at the painting and squeezed his fist tightly. He returned to the hotel and searched for a long time before he found a report on Jiang Bi's suicide on the rails.

The news report was very short, with only a few sentences--

On November 23, 2018 local time, a young girl committed suicide while lying on a railroad track in our county. The investigation revealed that the woman was 16 years old, a native of the county, and her parents died two months ago. The interview revealed that the woman was mentally depressed after the death of her parents, suffered from depression, and committed suicide by lying on rail.

This is the content of the news report, the brief introduction is brief, and it is lightly concluded that Jiang Bi committed suicide because of depression.

Jiang Zhen doesn't believe this is true!

When my sister was in Vietnam, she was locked up by her adoptive father for several months without seeing depression and committing suicide. How could she commit suicide because of the death of her adoptive parents!

Jiang Bi looks thin and petite. In fact, her heart is as hard as a rock. She is stronger than anyone else. If it hadn't been for something that really made her desperate, she would not have done such a thing!

Jiang Zhen suspected that this incident was a conspiracy!

He must find out what happened to his sister!

Jiang Zhen broke through the public security defense system, hacked into the archives, and found the person in charge of Jiang Bi's suicide case.

The case record file states that Jiang Bi was **** when she died, and she could not see her face clearly. Later, she was handed over to a forensic doctor for a medical examination to verify her identity.


Jiang Zhen took down the name of the forensic doctor.


At eleven o'clock in the evening, the forensic doctor Yang Chong was still working overtime and she was a little hungry.

Seeing that the work at hand could not be finished for a while, Yang Chong took off his gloves and went to the tea room next door to make a bucket of instant noodles.

After pouring the boiling water, Yang Chong threw the seasoning bag into the trash can, inserted a disposable fork into the top cover and the wall of the tube, and took out his mobile phone to play.

After waiting for two or three minutes, Yang Chong smelled a tempting spicy fragrance. She hurriedly put down the phone, took out the disposable fork, and was about to reach out and uncover the hot top cover.

At this time--


A large hand of a man with disposable gloves pressed it on top of the instant noodle bucket, blocking all Yang Chong's movements.

Yang Chong looked up in amazement, and saw a man wearing a mask standing in front of him. The mask is very crude, just like the plastic Monkey Monkey mask sold in the street shop.

Yang Chong stared at the person who broke in suddenly, she said sharply: "This is the public security department, and there are surveillance everywhere. If you commit a crime here, you will not escape!" She tried to calm Jiang Zhen with words.

Jiang Zhen sneered, "I can only say that your monitoring is not very good. I hacked into your monitoring system and it doesn't take five minutes."

Yang Chong's pupils shrink slightly. She glanced at the monitor in the corridor outside the door and found that the monitor head was not working.

Yang Chong stared at the intruder a little nervously, kept as calm as possible, and asked him: "You want to kill me?" She is a forensic doctor, and it is inevitable that she would be bad at doing this.

"Su Run." Jiang Bi suddenly mentioned the name of an irrelevant person.

But after Yang Chong heard the name, his pupils trembled slightly. Su Run was the first case she took over and the most aggrieved case she had ever handled.

"...You." Yang Chong calmed down a bit, she asked Jiang Zhen, "What do you want to know?"

Seeing that Yang Chong's movements were still coordinated, Jiang Zhen put away the murderous intent. He removed his hands from the instant noodle bucket and stared at Yang Chong with his arms around his chest. He said, "I want to know the real cause of her death. They all said that she was depressed because of depression after her adoptive parents passed away. Suicidal. But I don't believe it."

Yang Chong asked him: "Why don't you believe it? A depressed patient can always come up with strange ways to commit suicide."

"Do you believe that a girl who has experienced the pain of trafficking in her early childhood, is often locked up and abused by bad guys, and has never suffered from depression, will die of depression because of the death of her adoptive parents?"

Yang Chong did not expect that the girl would have such a painful past, and she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart.

"She..." Yang Chong's eyes were full of tears, and she choked and said: "They forbid me to tell the truth, I..."

Yang Chong looked up at the ceiling and said with tears: "It's not easy for me to get this job. I still have a younger sister with incomplete IQ to raise. I can't lose this job."

"Sorry, I helped them hide the truth."

Jiang Zhen is not in the mood to watch her repent, all he wants is the truth. "Say, how did she die!"

Yang Chong sniffed his nose and summoned his courage before opening up the secret that she had buried in her heart and blamed herself for two and a half years. She said: "I performed an autopsy on her and found traces of four different men in her body..."