Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 414: Han Zhan matched Song porcelain, it was

Li Feng was on his way home and heard the driver say that a drone was performing in the sky. He opened the skylight of Maybach and watched the stunning drone performance above his head.

When the drone performance was about to end, Li Feng's car also drove to the door of his solitary community. Seeing that the performance was over, Li Feng closed the sunroof and lowered the shading baffle between the rear compartment and the driver's seat.

He touched the thumb and finger of his left hand, and asked the secretary sitting in the co-pilot: "The boss of F International, can he show up today?"

The secretary is a mature beauty in her early thirties, wearing a red suit and light makeup on her face. She is a superb beauty who looks like a female entertainer. Hearing this, the beautiful secretary shook his head slightly and said softly: "No, it is McQueen who played for him."

McQueen is the vice president of F International and a technology genius. Half of F International's products are researched and developed by him. What kind of person is the boss who can make McQueen a genius loyal follower?

Li Feng said.

The driver drove the car into the underground garage and parked with another sports car of Li Feng. The driver turned his head and told Li Feng to declare what he saw, so he got off the car and drove home in his own car.

The secretary got out of the car with a briefcase and was about to leave when suddenly he heard Li Feng say: "You stay tonight."

The female secretary was slightly happy, but did not show it. She quietly followed Li Feng and walked towards the elevator with him, greedily watching Li Feng's back.

Li Feng, dressed in a royal blue suit, has a perfect and robust figure, with a bee-back and ape-back, and a crane-like beetle. He is a standard and excellent supermodel figure.

He is the man that all male and female stars of Edge Entertainment want to have.

Even if this person has no heart, no emotion, and is just a prostitute, he is still the best thing everyone wants to have.

Back at the single house, Li Feng took off his watch, took off his suit, and went to take a bath. When he came out of the shower, the secretary was cooking ingredients in the open kitchen, and there was a smell of rosemary in the air.

Li Feng was holding the water glass, staring at the woman's graceful and **** back, and suddenly said, "Put your hair down."

The female secretary was taken aback when she heard the words, then turned the steak in the pot, and then reached out to remove the hair band on her head. Suddenly, the black wavy hair draped all over his shoulders, and his back became more slender and moving.

She is wearing a red suit, with black curly hair, and her waist is slender and hips. Seen from her back, she really looks like Song porcelain. Li Feng suddenly walked over, held the female secretary's hand, put his chin on the female secretary's head, and said, "Don't do it yet."

The female secretary whispered: "But I'll be familiar soon."

"Stop eating."

He turned the female secretary around, pressed her down, let her squat down in front of him. Then, he unfastened the waistband of the thin bathrobe and let the whole bathrobe slip off his broad shoulders and stacked on the ground.

Under the light, the shadow moves in a small range...


After a long time, the female secretary whispered: "I heard that the lawyer Song who was in charge of defending Gu Qinchuan was temporarily taken into the detention center because of an attempted murder. Do we take care of or do not care about Mr. Li and Gu Qinchuan?"

Gu Qinchuan and Li Feng are not only subordinates, but also buddies, good brothers. Li Feng took the initiative to lead Song Yun's line. Now Song Yun has been sent in, fearing that no one will take care of Qinchuan's case.

Li Feng is also worrying about this these days.

He wasn't the only brother like Gu Qinchuan. If Gu Qinchuan was really planted in, he would be planted in, and he didn't lose the slightest bit. But he had a ghost in his heart. He had committed crimes with Gu Qinchuan. He was afraid that after he completely gave up Gu Qinchuan, Gu Qinchuan would be crazy.

People become mad, they become dogs, and mad dogs bite people. Who can stop them?

Li Feng didn't want to care about Gu Qinchuan, but he had to. He thought about it again and again before saying: "Continue to find a lawyer, there will always be someone willing to take over this matter.

"it is good."

The female secretary lay on Li Feng's waist and glanced at the time on the watch secretly. It was one o'clock after seeing that and Mr. Li hadn't called her back as usual. It seems that she should be expected to stay in Li Feng's bed tonight. Up.

She was about to stun in her heart when Li Feng suddenly got up and walked to the bathroom. When he was about to reach the bathroom door, he turned his head slightly and said: "It's getting late, Secretary Jiang, you go back first."

Hearing this, Secretary Jiang's blushing face suddenly stiffened her beautiful face.

"...Okay, good night, Mr. Li."

Secretary Jiang got out of bed obediently, got dressed and left. When she walked to the floor-mounted dressing mirror by the door, she suddenly stopped, turned around and glanced at her background.

Mr. Li always likes to stare at her back in a daze, who is he looking at through her back?

Li Feng came out of the shower, but still didn't sleep.

He picked up his mobile phone and checked the Wangdongcheng forum, and saw someone sharing a photo of Song Ci at the F International Opening Ceremony wearing a yellow fairy dress who was pregnant with a second child.

Li Feng stared at Song Ci's white cheeks and bulging abdomen, feeling sour in his heart.

Below this forum post, there are many people who are flattering Han Zhan, saying what--

President Han is really capable, and hold them for three years!

Li Feng opened the reply, hesitated, and replied viciously: [Han Zhan matches Song porcelain, it is a linen towel embroidered with peony, not good enough! 】


Song Ci sprayed out a mouthful of water, almost spraying onto the thin quilt.

Han Zhan was **** and preparing to go to bed. Seeing that Song Ci was playing with her mobile phone and spraying water, he sat down beside her curiously and asked, "What did you see? The reaction is so exaggerated."

Song Ci handed the phone to Han Zhan, "Brother Han, look at this reply on the forum."

Han Zhan took a look and saw the "Tianya Cunzhi".

This person is Song Ci’s professional black. He has blacked Song Ci in the forum for many years, and Song Ci’s reputation is stinky by this fellow. When Han Zhan saw Tianya Cunzhi's reply this time, he was immediately unconvinced.

Why is he not worthy of Song porcelain?

He wants money and money, a face and a face, a figure and a figure, good kung fu and considerateness, why is he not worthy of Song Ci?

Han Zhan suddenly woke up from sleep, holding his mobile phone and quickly replied to Tianya's memory——

Han Zhan: [I am not worthy of her, so are you worthy? A passage from Ms. Zhang for you: You have a round coconut-like head, hair is combed back, and the front is the face. The hair is combed forward, and the face is behind, it's no difference! 】

Tianya Cunzhi had already figured out Song Ci's vest, and seeing this reply, I knew that this was not what Song Ci said, but it was definitely Song Ci's toad husband Han Zhan.

Li Feng was angry and laughed, and directly launched a personal attack on Han Zhan: [How about you? You are good everywhere, return the yarn to the country and province. Others use half a catty of wool for a pair of gloves, and you only need three or two wools. Why would you be missing two fingers? 】

Han Zhan was really annoyed by the other party. He was about to reply when his phone was robbed by Song Ci. "Too much deception! How dare to attack you!"

Song Ci directly shared the person's personal homepage with Song Fei, and asked Song Fei to help her find out the person's IP address, but to see who was so uncomfortable with her.

It didn't take long before Song Fei sent the other party's IP address and the information of the most frequently used landing place to Song Ci.

When Song Ci found out that the two places where the other party logged in most frequently were Fengmang Entertainment Media and a high-end community, what didn't he understand?

She really did not expect that the sunspot who had caught her black for five or six years turned out to be the only son of the Li family, Li Feng?

What is this called?

Love can't just go to death?

Han Zhan saw that Song Ci's expression was very complicated, and he was curious about his identity. "Who is it? Did you find it?"

Song Ci shook his head, lied, and didn't tell the truth, "If you don't know him, maybe he's an ugly one. Seeing that I look good and married a local tyrant, I am envious and jealous."

Han Zhan muttered: "This person has such a smelly mouth, he definitely didn't brush his teeth at night, and went to bed first."

"Well, go to sleep."

The two went to bed at about eleven o'clock. Song Ci thought he could sleep soundly, but in the middle of the night she had a dream. The dream was strange. She was on the high school campus for a while, on the plane again, and on the boat for a while. ..

Song Ci woke up suddenly, a little thirsty after waking up, took a water glass and went to the small living room outside the bedroom to get water to drink. It is hot now, Song Ci went to the small living room barefoot without wearing shoes.

She took a cup of forty-five degrees of warm water, sat on the small sofa and drank the cup of water slowly before returning to the room to rest.

As soon as she fell asleep, Han Zhan put her arms around her chest. "Why are you still thirsty at night?" Han Zhan was easily awakened when he slept, and Song Ci noticed it when he got up.

Song Ci said, "It's not that I am thirsty, but your son is thirsty."

"Go to bed quickly. You will go to the elderly's home for a charity performance tomorrow morning."


Song Ci was held by Han Zhan, and soon fell asleep again. She was drowsy, always feeling the bed shaking. Song Ci felt a little unsteady. She looked down and found that she was not lying on the bed, but standing on the deck.


Song Ci was stunned for a moment, she looked up and saw the night, and she was standing on a luxury cruise ship. The cruise ship was far away from the shore, and the outline of the city could not be seen.

The moonlight gleamed on the boundless sea surface, and the faint blue ocean was like a huge mouth of the devil, which could engulf everyone by opening his mouth.

Song Ci panicked for a moment, she was a little afraid of the deep sea subconsciously, but soon calmed down. What's scary about the sea? The sea is not terrible at all. Coco lives in the ocean.

Song Ci regained her composure thinking this way.

She realized that she should be dreaming, but in the dream she clearly knew where she was.

The sea area where she is located should be the blue sea near Nanxing City, and she is standing on the birthday party cruise ship that Li Feng held for his star girlfriend.

Su Run!

Song Ci thought of Su Run and ran into the cabin.

She ran into the cabin of the cabin and saw a group of beauties and handsome men in bikinis dancing around the magic, and Li Feng was dancing close to his girlfriend. Li Feng hugged his girlfriend's waist, and the two were ambiguous and hot, and everyone around was whistling.

Li Feng is still here, so is Su Run still alive?

Song Ci realized that Su Run was still alive, so she turned her head and walked towards the house where Su Run was imprisoned. She turned to one side and saw Su Run face to face.

"Su Run..." Song Ci murmured Su Run's name subconsciously.

Sixteen-year-old Su Run is petite, about one meter six. She wore a white polka-dot puff sleeve dress with black straight hair tied into a high pony tail. Holding a mobile phone in her hand, she was walking towards Song Ci with bright eyes. That way, it's like going to an important person's appointment.

Song Ci recognized Su Run, and she almost cried with excitement.

Su Run is still alive!

Su Run is still alive!

Song Ci stepped forward and ran towards Su Run, she stretched out her hand to pull Su Run’s hand, and said to Su Run: "Su Run! I am your brother’s friend, you can’t go in, you go out with me, OK? It will be dangerous..."

Before Song Ci finished speaking, he found that his hand was empty.

She couldn't hold Su Run's hand!

And Su Run walked toward her with joy as if he hadn't seen her. Song Ci watched as Su Run slipped through her body and walked towards the cabin of the cabin!

Song Ci turned around in amazement and shouted at Su Run: "Su Run!"

Su Run is unheard of.

Song Ci realized that something was wrong, she suddenly stretched out her hand to catch a girl passing by, but her hands went over the girl's shoulder again!

This is a dream!

She is an invisible person!

She can only watch things happen, but can't stop the tragedy from happening!

Song Ci was desperate.

She watched as Su Run slipped past the dancing crowd and walked towards the cabin rest area. Then, Song Ci saw herself at the age of seventeen!

Seventeen-year-old Xiao Song Ci, wearing a red bohemian skirt, black hair, and a wreath on her head with a red rose.

Although she was young that year, she had already begun to show her stunning appearance.

Xiao Song Ci was standing on the periphery of the crowd with a plate of cantaloupe, eyebrows tangled at Li Feng.

Li Feng saw that Song Ci was paying attention to him, and he deliberately got closer to the female star. Li Feng has been observing Song Ci all the time in the process of flirting with the female star.

Suddenly, Xiao Song Ci put down the fruit platter in boredom, turned his head and walked out of the cabin.

She is going to breathe on the deck.

Less than two minutes after Xiao Song Ci left, Li Feng left his girlfriend and chased after Song Ci. Song Ci knew that Li Feng was chasing him out to tell him something, so instead of chasing Li Feng out, he went to find Su Run.

When Song Ci walked through the crowd to the cabin rest area, he saw Jiang Guchuan. At that time, Jiang Guchuan was only in his early twenties. Wearing a white T-shirt and blue beach pants, he walked past Song Ci and went to the bar.

Song Ci looked back at Jiang Guchuan, and saw Jiang Guchuan standing at the bar and looking around, looking suspicious.

When Song Ci, who was planning to go to Su Run, saw this scene, she subconsciously stopped, and focused on Jiang Guchuan.

Jiang Guchuan turned his head and looked around. Seeing that everyone was dancing and no one was paying attention to him, he moved quickly and walked along a mobile phone on the bar. It was an Apple mobile phone with a phone case on the phone case with a pair of Pikachu ears.

Song Ci suddenly realized that it was her mobile phone!

That's right! It's hers! On the night of Su Run's accident, it was precisely because of the loss of her mobile phone that Song Ci was searching around the cabin!

What did Jiang Guchuan steal her phone for?

Song Ci frowned and decided to follow Jiang Guchuan.

Jiang Guchuan hid the phone in his pocket, and sat at the bar while drinking and chatting with the beautiful young girl. Before long, Li Feng came back, his face full of hostility when he came back.

Song Ci knew why Li Feng was so angry.

That night, Li Feng wanted to kiss Xiao Song Ci, but Xiao Song Ci slapped him and cursed "dirty"!

After Li Feng returned to the bar, he kept drinking and complained to Jiang Guchuan about Song Ci's shortcomings. Seeing that Li Feng was in a bad mood, An Xu, Gu Qinchuan, and Ying Ji all went to the bar, and while enlightening Li Feng, they accompany him to drink and stay drunk.

Song Ci paid attention to Jiang Guchuan throughout.

She saw Jiang Guchuan secretly adding medicine to these people's wines, and saw him hide his hands under the bar table when everyone was not paying attention, and quickly edited some information with Song Ci's mobile phone.

As soon as Jiang Guchuan put the phone away, Li Feng picked up the phone.

He glanced at the message content of the mobile phone, and suddenly stood up, and walked towards the rest cabin without any concern, and An Xu and the others followed him.

Song Ci realized what would happen next, she took a deep look at Jiang Guchuan, and rushed to the rest cabin.

Seeing Li Feng opened the door of the room where Su Run was in, Song Ci hurriedly squeezed into the door among the crowd.

The room was pitch black. As soon as Li Feng's group of people entered the room, the door behind them was closed. Li Feng only thought it was the door that he closed during the season, but didn't care.

But Song Ci noticed that the door was closed from the outside.

Li Feng turned on the light, and while turning on the light, he cursed angrily: "Song Ci, you would rather sleep with Cheng Ziang than you would be kissed by me!"

When the light was turned on, Li Feng saw that there was a girl in a white polka-dot skirt lying on the bed, only to realize that he had recognized the wrong person. He stood behind the door, staring at the **** the bed, and said to An Xu: "Go and see who it is."

An Xu walked over and turned the person over and said, "I don't know him." An Xu smiled and said, "It looks pretty good."

Li Feng came closer, stared at the girl's face for a moment, and said, "This is the daughter of a mentor of mine. Why did she get on the boat?"

No one can answer his question.

Li Feng felt something was wrong.

He took out his cell phone and stared at the text message that he had just received, and started stunned. Gu Qinchuan was the closest to Li Feng, he leaned close to Li Feng and took a glance, read the text message, and said, "Zi Ang, I am waiting for you in Room 309."

Gu Qinchuan glanced at the letter's name and saw that it was Song Ci, and immediately understood that Li Feng was angry and willing. Observing Li Feng's expression, he cautiously asked, "Is this a text message that Song Ci sent to your phone by mistake?"

Li Feng didn't speak.

Ying Ji stared at the sleeping **** the bed, and said, "It doesn't have to be Song Ci's hair, it's like a set..."

Li Feng frowned, and subconsciously said, "Who would deliberately do such a thing?"

"Leave him, let's go out first. Is the air-conditioning in this room broken? It's strangely hot?" An Xu touched his hot cheek and urged Gu Qinchuan: "Gu Er, open the door, let's go out, it's hot inside!"

Gu Qinchuan also felt hot. He said, "The air conditioner in this room is broken?"

Ying Ji laughed at him: "How hot can the air conditioner be if it is broken in a twenty-degree day?" Then, Ying Ji reached out to open the door, but found that the door was locked from the outside.

"Huh?" Ying Ji's face changed instantly. "The door is locked."

Li Feng looked back at the **** the bed, then stared at the red faces of the brothers. After a while, he yelled: "Dogs are pushing things! Someone pits us!" The four people are used to doing evil, and they have not established themselves. With fewer enemies, you can't think of anyone who will pit them.

Four people tried to open the door, but failed.

Li Feng took out his cell phone to call for help again, but the call was made, but no one answered.

Li Feng said: "It is estimated that the sound is too loud in the ballroom, and no one answers the phone." I don't know what medicine the person gave them. The effect is very strong. Soon a few healthy young people got excited. , Unable to calm down.

In the end, Gu Qinchuan couldn't help it first and walked towards the bed...

Song Ci stomped her feet in a hurry, but no one could hear her. Song Ci watched the tragedy in despair, tears all over his face.

When the four of them were immersed in work, the closed door was suddenly opened by a gap. Song Ci immediately turned his head and saw a man's hand with distinct bones.

The man probably wanted to come in, but when he noticed someone was coming, he dodged away again.

Later, Song Ci saw the face of Xiao Song Ci.

Xiao Song Ci came to look for the phone. She accidentally ran into a scene that was happening in the room, and her eyes widened in horror. Fearing that she would make a business, Xiao Song Ci quickly covered her mouth and nose with her hands.

Xiao Song Ci hesitated for a while between whether to save people or Pepsi, before deciding to save people. Xiao Song Ci's hand just grasped the doorknob, before pulling it open, she was suddenly covered with her mouth from behind.

Xiao Song Ci looked up in shock and saw Jiang Guchuan.

Jiang Guchuan dragged Xiao Song Ci and quickly walked away.

After a while, Song Ci saw Jiang Guchuan returning.

Jiang Guchuan opened the door and alarmed the four people in the house.

Li Feng and the others turned their heads vigilantly and saw Jiang Guchuan with a strange expression of danger.

When Jiang Guchuan saw the scene in the house, what did he not understand? He hurriedly closed the door, leaned against the door, and said in a low voice: "Afeng, I just saw the message you sent me, you guys are..."

Li Feng raised his pants and walked to Jiang Guchuan's side, staring at him coldly. "Jiang Guchuan, what should be said and what can't be said, you should be clear."

Jiang Guchuan's eyes trembled in fear, before he stammered: "Nothing happened here, and I didn't see anything. You just drank too much and came to this room to rest for a while."

When Li Feng heard this, he nodded in satisfaction.

Ying Ji glanced at Jiang Guchuan vaguely. He said in a dangerous tone: "You see, you are a time bomb." Ying Ji walked to Li Feng's side and said to Li Feng, "Afeng , This person can't stay."

Jiang Guchuan quickly raised his hands, begging for mercy, and whispered: "I, I swear, I won't say anything! Really! I know this girl, too."

Jiang Guchuan raised his head and glanced at Li Feng, and then said calmly: "She is Su Run, A Feng, she is the adopted daughter of Professor Su. Professor Su and her lover drowned some time ago, and Su Run is painful. I lost my parents and suffered from depression, so I committed suicide if I wanted to..."

Jiang Guchuan swallowed anxiously and looked at Ying Ji again. He asked, "Ying, Ying brother, is this the same thing?"

Ying Ji glanced at Jiang Guchuan inexplicably, and suddenly laughed heartily. He patted Jiang Guchuan on the shoulder and said, "You are right, this girl is so beautiful, suddenly her parents are depressed, and it's not surprising that she can't think about committing suicide."

Several people stared at the dying **** the bed, and tacitly launched a dark plan...


"Porcelain treasure!"

"Porcelain treasure!"

Han Zhan was full of tears when he saw Song Ci, but couldn't wake up no matter what. He was so frightened that he quickly picked up his cell phone and called Yan Qingxiu.

After receiving the call, Yan Qingxiu put on his pajamas and ran to the master bedroom.

Han Zhan led Yan Qingxiu into the bedroom and explained Song Ci's situation to him as he walked. Yan Qingxiu stood by the bed, looking thoughtfully at Song Ci, who was full of tears. He said, "Madam, this is the soul out of the body."


Han Zhan was shocked.

He had only seen things like the soul coming out of the body in novels and TV. Hearing Yan Qingxiu's words, Han Zhan would suspect that Yan Qingxiu, the **** stick, was nonsense.

Yan Qingxiu said: "The pregnant woman's soul is already weak and unstable. The wife must have been preoccupied with her heart recently, so the soul out of her body appeared during sleep."

"I think it's like this, her soul is 80% floating somewhere." Yan Qingxiu asked Han Zhan: "What's the worry in Madam's heart recently? The kind that is hard to let go."

Han Zhan pondered for a moment, and then thought of the key. "Yes." Han Zhan told Yan Qingxiu what Song Ci had seen and heard in Nanxing City many years ago. After Yan Qingxiu heard about it, he sighed and said: "Madame's soul has been trapped for eight years. In the memory of the past."

Because I felt guilty about it, I was stuck in the past and couldn't get out.

"Then what should I do?" Han Zhan's face became pale, for fear that Song Ci might have an accident.

Yan Qingxiu said, "It's okay. Once I get her soul back, I can rest for two days."

"...it is good."

Han Zhan looked at Yan Qingxiu suspiciously as he used his hands to compare some of his unmoving tactics, but soon Song Ci really stopped crying and slowly recovered his calm.

Yan Qingxiu lowered his hands and exhorted Han Zhan: "Keep your madam well, I'll go and prepare some soothing tea for my wife, and it will be fine after two days."

"it is good."

Song Ci woke up the next day, feeling exhausted.

After she drank the calming tea that Han Zhan handed over, her chaotic and uncomfortable mind became more comfortable. Han Zhan did not go to work at the company, but worked remotely from home. He told Song Ci about what happened last night.

Song Ci was also surprised. "There is such a thing?"


Han Zhan asked Song Ci: "What did you see last night?"

Song Ci opened his mouth and said, "I saw..." Song Ci found that she couldn't remember anything. She suddenly asked Han Zhan: "Han Zhan, is there a well-known hypnotist in Junyang City, Ji Qing?"

Han Zhan nodded, "Well, it's the wife of the president of Jewelry International crowned for love."

Song Ci actually said: "Can you please bring her for me? I want her to try hypnosis for me, and see if I can remember what I saw last night." Song Ci pressed his sullen chest, his face was sad. He whispered: "I always feel that I have seen something very important and I must remember it."

Han Zhan worried that Song Ci's body would not be able to stand it. He said, "I have to ask Mr. Yan first, if your body allows hypnosis, then hypnosis. Otherwise..." He patted Song Ci's head and said: "With me, you and your children are the most important."

Song Ci agreed.

Han Zhan asked Yan Qingxiu and learned that Song Ci could undergo hypnotic surgery, so he personally called Qiao Sen, the president of Crown Jewelry International, to explain the situation to him. Qiaosen said that he would pass his request to his wife and reply to Han Zhan's call later.

In the evening, Qiao Sen called and told Han Zhan that his wife would personally come to Wangdongcheng to hypnotize Song Ci.

Song Ci was relieved to learn that Ji Qing agreed to hypnotize herself.

Because of the soul out of the body, going to the old man’s home for a charity performance can only be moved later. Song Ci rested for two days before going out in the morning of the third day to perform a charity performance at the old man's home.

The Home for the Elderly is a public nursing home in Wangdong City. The environment and facilities are good. It is filled with retired elderly people.

They all like to listen to some classic music, such as Erquan Yingyue and Liang Zhu.

After the performance, Song Ci also stayed as a volunteer to feed the elderly with limited mobility. She was feeding the meal when she saw a staff member walking over with some medicines, and asked Song Ci to wait a while to feed the old people with medicine.

People get sick more or less when they get old. The old man Song Ci takes care of is for the old professor who suffered a stroke due to cerebral hemorrhage.

The old professor suffered from lung cancer many years ago. He had an operation three years ago and he recovered very well. But this spring, the old professor suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and stroke. Both children have jobs, so they jointly contribute money to send the elderly to their homes.

Song Ci waited for the old man to finish his meal, wipe his face and wash his hands, and then fed the medicine to the old man to drink.

The elderly are very cooperative with the medicine, and become drowsy after drinking the medicine.

Song Ci covered the old man with a thin blanket and heard several old people next to him who were playing checkers discussing Jiangdong Pharmaceutical.

"Many of the medicines I eat are bought from Jiangdong Pharmaceuticals. You said, the boss of Jiangdong Pharmaceuticals is so bad. Will there be problems with the medicines produced by their company?" Old lady with reading glasses.

The old man with a pu fan said, “That can’t be said. Although the boss of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical is not a human, the quality of the medicines sold is definitely not problematic, and the price is fair. Didn’t Brother Pu suffer from lung cancer before, he was treated for lung cancer at that time. Many of the medicines in China are imported drugs, and the expensive ones are dying. Later, Jiangdong Pharmaceuticals developed the "Fulic", which sold for more than 80 yuan per box. Although Jiang Weimin is not a thing, Jiangdong Pharmaceuticals is a conscience company. ."

Uncle Pu in Uncle's mouth is the old man Song Ci is taking care of.

Song Ci was deeply moved when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Weimin's kind of profit-only person runs a company with a conscience. Back at home, when Song Ci and Han Zhan finished eating, they told Han Zhan all the things she had heard in the old man's house.

When Han Zhan heard the name of the drug'Feilix', he told Song Ci: "Feilix is ​​the core drug of Jiangdong Pharmaceuticals. Now Felix has become the most critical medicine for treating lung cancer in hospitals across the country. Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will never really fall down with this prescription in his hand."

Song Ci asked, "Who developed this medicine?"

"Dong Bi, this person is not very old. He graduated from Nanxing Medical University and was a talent that Jiang Guchuan dug from Nanxing City." Han Zhan fed Song Ci a sacred fruit.

Song Ci bit the sweet and sour cherry fruit and whispered: "Why is Nanxing City again..."

"Jiang Guchuan went to university there, and it's normal to know the talents over there." Han Zhan added, "The reason why Jiang Guchuan can convince the crowd at a young age and sit firmly in this position is his main contribution. This Dong Bi. Jiang Guchuan dug Dong Bi to Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, and the benefit to Jiangdong Pharmaceutical was no less than 5 billion."

"As long as Dong will not change jobs and continue to play for Jiang Guchuan, no one can shake the position of Jiang Guchuan."

------Off-topic ------

On Saturday and weekend, the little **** has a holiday. There is no internet at home these days, and the children have been pestering me, so the update time is only so long.