Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 435: Unclear mom, lost CD

Li Ao finished the jigsaw puzzle, and looked for his dad all over the room with the complete jigsaw puzzle. When he found his dad was taking a bath, Li Ao stood outside the bathroom door and knocked gently on the door.


Hearing Li Ao's voice, the noise in the bathroom suddenly stopped.

Li Ao didn't know that he interrupted his parents' good deeds. He raised his head and said innocently to the bathroom door, "Dad, I've done it well, do you want to take a look?"

Su Beibei was a little nervous, and her body suddenly tightened.

Li Li noticed Su Beibei’s reaction. He gently patted Su Beibei’s head and whispered, “It’s okay, don’t be nervous.” After comforting Su Beibei, Li Li replied loudly to Li Ao, “I will check later, you Go watch TV for a while, okay?"

Li Ao tilted his head and asked, "Are you taking a shower?"


"What about mom?"

When Li Li saw Su Beibei's cheeks suddenly turned red, he secretly thought it was funny. "Your mother is also taking a shower."

The world of two-year-old children is not as complicated as that of adults. In their eyes, taking a bath is a bath, simply soaking in water. "Well, I'll look for you again after you finish the bath."

Li Ao turned and walked out of the master bedroom holding the puzzle. Li Ao listened and made sure that Li Ao had gone out. Then he lowered his head and took a bite on Su Beibei's earlobe, "Alright, allow you to speak out."

Li Li released the right hand covering Su Beibei's lips, Su Beibei suddenly turned her head and glared at him angrily, "Auntie and Neil are both in this daytime, what do you say about you..."

Li Li maliciously touched her, causing Su Beibei to hum lightly.

Li Li smiled, "I miss you so much."

Su Beibei looked at the smile on his lips, and the scarred heart was gradually repaired. She leaned against Li Li's arms, bit her lip and said, "Strong harder."

Li Ao hugged her tightly, "Hold it up."


Li Ao waited for more than fifty minutes.

Li Li and Su Beibei took a simple shower and changed into clean clothes. Then he walked out of the master bedroom and went to the living room to accompany Li Ao.

Li Ao stuffed the puzzle into Li Li's arms, "Dad, look, I've finished it."

Li Li stared at the dinosaur puzzle in his hand, smiling at the corner of his lips. "It's amazing, Neil."

"Mom bought me a lot of jigsaw puzzles, and I put them together every night." Li Ao especially likes jigsaw puzzles, and can often sit on the carpet in the room and play for an hour or two by himself.

Li Ao asked again: "Dad, do you want to go to the zoo in the afternoon?" Li Ao was looking forward to going to the zoo. He had been looking forward to it for several months.

Li Li nodded and scratched Li Ao's nose lightly. He said, "What animal do you want to see?"

"Lion, panda, elephant, flamingo..." Li Ao said the names of more than a dozen animals in one breath.

"Okay, Dad will take you to see the animals this afternoon." After Li Li finished speaking, he looked up and saw Su Beibei coming out of the room. She changed into a golden sling dress, her slender body was wrapped in a thin layer of fabric, and her front was raised and back, and everything was perfect and just right.

Obviously, I just tasted the beauty of that body. At this moment, seeing Su Beibei, Li Li felt hungry again.

Seeing his father staring at his mother, Li Ao hurriedly held his father's face and taught Li Li seriously: "Mom said, the man who always stares at girls is a pervert!"

"Puff!" Su Beibei couldn't help but smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Li Ao's head. "Only you are smart!"

Li Ao stuck out his tongue.

Li Li asked Su Beibei: "You told him?"

Su Beibei sat down on the solo sofa with a book in her hands, her legs were tilted, and her beautiful slender legs were exposed from the bottom of the skirt. Li Li thought of the taste of him holding his legs down and kissing, and quietly swallowed his saliva. It is also strange that after three years of marriage, every part of Su Beibei's body still has a fatal temptation to him.

He will die on this woman in his life.

When Su Beibei heard Li Li’s question, she said, "Are you a pervert?" Before Li Li could answer, Li Ao shouted: "Dad is a pervert!"

"Look, your two-year-old son knows it."

Li Li had nothing to say. He pressed his son in his arms, pinched his petite earlobe with his hand once and then, and told him: "When you grow up, you will become a little pervert."

"I won't!"

The father and son hugged each other to watch TV, while Su Beibei looked down to read. Hearing the laughter of father and son, Su Beibei would occasionally look up at them. Seeing the happy scene of father and son hugging each other, Su Beibei felt satisfied again.

The aunt made the meal and brought it over. "Madam, Mr. Li, it's time to eat. Neil, come here, and Auntie will take you to wash your hands." Li Ao slid off the sofa and went to wash hands with Auntie.

Su Beibei got up and walked over to the dining table. When she passed in front of Li Li, Li Li hugged her waist. Li Li pulled her head into her arms, leaned close to her face, and said in a low voice, "You look good in this way."

Su Beibei asked him: "Then dress like this and go to the zoo, what do you think?"

Li Li's cheeks suddenly stink.

"No way."

This skirt is too contoured, it feels like it's not worn, but it makes people reluctant to look away. Li Li allowed Su Beibei to wear it to him at home, but she didn't allow her to be seen by others.

Su Beibei sneered, "Smelly man."

After eating, Su Beibei was forced to change into a light blue waist-waisted A-line long skirt at Li Li's strong request, and **** the slightly curly hair.

He was finally able to go to the zoo. Li Ao was very happy. On the way to the zoo, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and he was chatting all the way.

Later, when the car got on the high speed and drove smoothly all the way, Li Ao finally couldn't resist the sleepiness, and fell asleep deeply in the child safety seat.

The car went half a circle in the parking lot before finding a parking space. Su Beibei carried a small backpack, Li Li picked up Li Ao who was still awake, and the family went to check the tickets and entered the zoo smoothly.

In the late summer, the temperature in Wangdong City has begun to cool, but it is still hot at noon, but it cannot resist the enthusiasm of tourists. The crowd was very lively, and Li Ao was very awake.

"Dad, daddy, I'm going to see the panda!" Li Ao has long yearned for the panda.

"Okay, let's go to the Panda Pavilion first."

Wangdongcheng Wildlife Park is the largest wild zoo in the country. There are more than 500 kinds of animals in the park, all of which fly in the sky, run on the ground, and swim in the water.

There are a total of 12 pandas in the panda house. When Su Beibei and the others entered the panda house, three pandas were sleeping, and the rest were gnawing bamboo.

There are a lot of people in the panda house. Li Ao disliked his poor vision, so he approached Li Li's ear and said, "Dad, carry me, your back is high."

Li Li hurriedly carried Li Ao on his shoulders. Li Ao held Li Li's ears with both hands. He saw the honest and cute panda and immediately exclaimed in excitement, "Giant panda! Mom, look, it's a panda!"

Su Beibei quickly put her finger in front of her lips and told Li Ao, "Shhh, Neil, be quiet, don't frighten the panda."

Li Ao quickly closed his mouth for fear of waking up the sleeping panda.

After visiting the Panda House, they went to the Elephant Base, Giraffe Paradise...

It's getting dark, and they still haven't visited half of the projects. Li Ao didn't want to go back yet. He asked Li Li, "Dad, shall we live here tonight? Let's play another day tomorrow."

Su Beibei did not speak, but looked at Li Li in silence. Li Li looked at Su Beibei, then at Li Ao, and agreed. "All right, we will stay here tonight."

The three of them ordered a panda-themed suite online. When they went to the hotel, Li Ao was attracted by the panda figurines. He took Su Beibei's hand and said, "Mom, let's take a photo and send it to Miaomiao and the others!"

"it is good."

Li Ao took Su Beibei to take a photo in the hotel, and Li Li accompanied them for a while before receiving a call from the hospital.

"I'll answer the phone." Li Li told Su Beibei.

Su Beibei asked: "Who called?"

Li Li was very honest. He said, "It's a hospital."

Su Beibei didn't say anything, nodded, and pulled Li Ao away.

Li Li walked to a quiet corner and asked in a low voice, "Hello."

The caller was the nurse Li Li hired for her mother. The nurse asked, "Hello, is this Mr. Li?"

"Hello, I am, how is my mother today?"

The nurse told Li Li: "Today I have a good appetite. I drank some soup and ate some porridge, but she was unwilling to let me scrub her body and insisted to come by herself. Mr. Li, I would say that, she just refused."

Mother Li is an older generation who can't let go, and refuses to let a stranger wash and change her clothes, so she is awkward. Feeling helpless, Li Li pressed his eyebrows with his hand before saying to the nurse, "You give my mother the phone."

The nurse said to Li's mother, "Auntie, I will let your son talk to you."

Mother Li took the phone and held it to her ear. Before Li left her mouth, she asked, "Ali, when will you come over from get off work? I'll wait for you."

"Mom, I can't do anything today. Didn't I hire a caregiver for you? She is professional and very experienced in taking care of people."

Hearing this, Li's mother felt wronged in her heart and whispered: "Then, I am not familiar with others. The first time I met, she asked her to bathe and change my clothes. I..."

Li Li didn't speak.

Mother Li noticed her son's silence, she was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Are you working overtime?"

Li Li: "Well, I haven't worked for several days, and the documents are all piled up. I can't spare time today. I will see you tomorrow."

Knowing that her son is busy at work, Li's mother can understand. She said, "That way, I won't take a bath today, and wait for you to come over tomorrow..." Li's mother was interrupted by Li Li before she finished speaking.

He said: "Mom, I am your son, but I am also an adult man. Do you think it is appropriate for me to give you a bath and change clothes?"

Mother Li didn't think there was anything in it, so she subconsciously said, "You are my son, a piece of meat that fell from my body, what's the matter?"

When the nurse heard this, he raised his eyes and glanced at Li's mother, thinking that the mother was also confused.

Li Li only felt that his head was big. "I am a piece of meat that fell from your body. This is true, but I am also an adult man. You lay in bed and couldn't move. I can't worry about you. I will wipe your back, wash your feet and change your clothes. This is what it should be. But now I have found professional female nurses for you. They are all women. Why are you embarrassed?"

"You let me come, I'm embarrassed!" Li Li was angry and angry, and his words would inevitably become a little harder.

Li's mother was taken aback by Li Li's roar.

She was dumbfounded, and she burst into tears. Her voice trembled and asked Li Li, "Are you despising me? Li Li, are you despising me? Oh! You found a young and beautiful vixen, and you despise me as a mother. Isn’t that old and ugly? I’m lying in bed and can’t take care of myself, so you don’t want you to give me a bath?”

A few days after Mother Li finished the operation, the wound on her head did not heal. After such a fierce speech, her head started to hurt again. She scolded with a hoarse voice: "Li Li, you really got your conscience eaten by that fox!"

"Mom!" Li Li was furious, and yelled at Li's mother: "What do you seem to say! Beibei is my wife, you open your mouth and shut your mouth as a vixen, what do you think of me? What do you think of your grandson Li Ao!"

Li's mother was so angry that she hung up the phone and refused to say more to Li Li.

She threw the phone on the ground, crying and said, "This little unscrupulous man, if you have a vixen, you don't want my mother. If you see too much of a young woman's body, you will despise my old lady. What's so great, the vixen has changed A day of old and ugly!"

Female nurse: "..."

She picked up the phone on the ground, checked the screen, and saw that the phone was not broken, and then put the phone back into her pocket.

The nurse looked at Mother Li with a contemptuous expression, and couldn't help but say something fair: "Auntie, don't say a few words, that's your daughter-in-law. If you say that your daughter-in-law, you are stepping on your son's face! "

Mother Li glared at the caregiver, "What do you know, that woman is a vixen, and she knows every day to smoke and drink to hook up men."

The female nurse shook her head and said, "You are so old, you don’t pant when you speak. I don’t think you need to be hospitalized. You can just leave the hospital." After that, the female nurse turned around and left. Lost work.

She doesn't bother to wait on such an old lady who is unclear.

When Li's mother hung up the phone, Li Chengli was also filled with a nasty breath. He kicked on the wall of the hotel without venting his anger.

Su Beibei's voice suddenly sounded behind him: "What did the hospital say?"

Li Li wiped his face, then turned around and smiled relievedly at Su Beibei, "It's nothing, just report my mother's physical condition to me."

Su Beibei asked him: "How is she today?"

"It's fine."

Li Li stretched out his hands towards Li Ao in Su Beibei's arms and said, "Come on, Neil, hold me."


Li Ao was taken back to the room by Li Li. Li left to take a bath. Li Ao was checking the photos his mother took of him. He said, "This one, this one, and these two are all pretty, mom, send it to Miaomiao and the others, okay?"

"it is good."

Su Beibei simply added a filter to those pictures and sent it to Moments. Li Ao sat beside Su Beibei and asked her, "Did they see Miaomiao?"

"Not yet, you go take a bath first, and you will receive Miaomiao's reply later."

"it is good!"

Li Ao got naked and went into the bathroom, taking a bath with Li Li. After taking a shower, Li Ao asked again: "Did Miaomiao look for you?"

Su Beibei shook her phone and said, "Miaomiao asked where you are. Did you see a koala."

Li Ao grabbed Su Beibei's cell phone, found Song Ci's WeChat profile picture, and directly made a video call to Song Ci.

Song Ci took the video and saw that Li Ao was playing Su Beibei's WeChat. She asked Li Ao: "Neil, did you go to the zoo with your parents today?"

Li Ao smiled sweetly and said, "Aunt Song Song, I saw a panda and an elephant today..." Li Ao said for a long time before asking Song Ci: "Where is Miao Miao Junjun?"

"Wait, Auntie will go find them."

The sisters had just finished taking a shower and were playing with toys on the carpet in the room.

Song Ci fixed the phone to the ground, and Miaomiao and Jun Jun appeared in the camera. Miaomiao crouched in front of the phone and asked Li Ao, "Did you eat that sausage today? The sausage is delicious." Han Miao was very impressed by the zoo's sausage.

Li Ao didn't eat it, but lied and said, "I have eaten it, I ate three roots."

Han Miao: "Wow! Have you eaten that ice cream, it's blueberry flavor."

Li Ao continued to lie: "After eating, I prefer vanilla."

Han Miao: "Wow!"

Su Beibei was not interested in their little guys chatting, she took her bathrobe to take a bath. After taking a shower, she found that Li Li was smoking. She walked over and put out Li Li's cigarette and said, "Neil is in the room, what do you smoke?"

Li Li hurriedly threw the cigarette into the ashtray. He patted his thigh, "Come on, I'll hug."

Su Beibei sat down on Li Li's lap.

Li Li pressed her in his arms, and Su Beibei heard the dull heartbeat of the man. "Are you worried?"

Li Li said, "I was thinking about my mother."

Su Beibei stopped speaking.

"Bei Bei."


Li Li licked his lips and said hesitantly: "My mother fell this time and fell on the ground for a night. This time it was luck and luck and got her life back. If something like this happens next time... "Li Li did not finish speaking, he believed that Su Beibei could understand what he meant.

They can't escape this matter. Li Li won't mention it today. When Li Mu is discharged from the hospital, this matter will still be discussed. Su Beibei asked him: "What do you want to do?"

Li Li said, "I'm thinking, do you want to take her over and live with us? In this way, there is also a caregiver." Li Chengli was very nervous, he knew his proposal was very fucking, but there was no way.

He only has such a mother, and he really did give him a whole life. He knew in his heart that his mother was unclear, but he couldn't really let his mother leave.

Without a mother, there would be no him.

Su Beibei sat up from his arms, she took a deep look at Li Li, and asked with a serious expression: "If you want to take her over and live with us, I can't refuse. But Li Li, you are sure you can Do you handle the conflict between us?"

Li Li subconsciously said: "I will handle it."

Su Beibei stretched out her hand to interrupt him, and she said: "You think clearly, if you can't handle our conflicts, we will fight and quarrel if we live together in the future. If there are more conflicts, our relationship will naturally have problems. Then, A home may be so broken."

"Li Li, you can tell me after you think about it."

Naturally, Su Beibei would not be so stupid to refuse Li Li's proposal. He is Li's mother's own son, and he naturally loves his mother deeply. If Su Beibei refuses in one fell swoop, and Li's mother really has a long and two shortcomings in the future, then Li Li will push all the faults on Su Beibei.

That way, their marriage will still have problems.

Su Beibei kicked this multiple-choice question to Li Li like a ball. Li Li suddenly felt a headache. He pressed his temples and sighed: "You said, why is my mother so paranoid? My father is guilty!"

Su Beibei couldn't give Li Li the answer, she got up from his arms and went to the crib with Li Ao.

Li Ao fell asleep soon, and it was only ten o'clock at this time, but neither Su Beibei nor Li Li could sleep. In the old days, at this time, they would definitely have to go to bed and do some exercise, but neither of them would be interested tonight.

Su Beibei was lying on the bed, as if asleep.

After a while, Li Li lay down beside her. Li Li hugged Su Beibei's shoulders from behind. He said, "You are celebrating your birthday. What do you want to do this year? I was too busy at work last year and I couldn't accompany you."

On Su Beibei's birthday last year, Li Li went on a business trip, but the gifts and flowers were still delivered. Su Beibei had thoughts in her heart, so she was not interested in birthdays, so she didn't say anything.

Li Li said, "Let's go see the stars, okay?"

Hearing this, Su Beibei couldn't help but think of the night they went to see the stars on the mountain before their marriage, and that day, they had their first occurrence in a tent.

Su Beibei understood Li Li's mind, he was trying to please her.

Su Beibei softened again. She said, "Let's do it."

The atmosphere between the two became a little more relaxed. Li Li couldn't help kissing Su Beibei's neck. After kissing for a moment, he suddenly said, "Do you want a second child?"

Su Beibei opened her eyes wide.

She thought of those terrible experiences when she was Huai Liao, and she shook her head suddenly, "No."

Seeing her change face, Li Li guessed that she was thinking of something unpleasant, and he was also a little sad. Li Li said: "You gave birth to Neil, as if it was yesterday. When you escaped from the dead, my legs were so frightened that I was so frightened. It's okay if I don't give birth, I just want you to be well.

Thinking of what happened the day Neil was born, Li Li was scared, and subconsciously hugged Su Beibei tightly.

Su Beibei patted his arm and said, "Go to sleep."

Li Li rubbed her with his body. He said, "It's still early, don't sleep in a hurry." He turned off all the lights in the house, leaving only one wall lamp.

Putting his hand into Su Beibei's skirt, all the way up, Li Li kissed Su Beibei's earlobe and neck. Feeling Su Beibei trembling in his arms, Li Li's body temperature rose, and soon turned over and pressed it up.


In the afternoon of the next day, a family of talented people went home.

After walking around the zoo for a day, the three of them felt tired when they returned home. Li Ao went to bed after dinner, and Su Beibei was also tired.

Seeing Li Li changed his clothes, she seemed to be going out, so she asked him, "Are you going to the hospital?"

Li Li nodded, "Well, I didn't go yesterday, so I have to go and see it today." Seeing that Su Beibei had been staring at him, Li Li felt a little uncomfortable and asked, "Why don't you go with me?"

Su Beibei shook her head, "Forget it, when she saw me, she might get angry and increase her blood pressure."

Li Li felt sorry for Su Beibei.

He sat on the side of the bed, holding Su Beibei's hand, and said sincerely guiltily: "I feel very sorry for you. I obviously promised to give you a happy family before marriage, but now..."

Li Li laughed at himself. He said, "It's a mess."

Su Beibei could feel Li Li's apology, and she was also uncomfortable. She said: "Ali, you know, as long as you still love me and think of me, I can endure these grievances."

Li Li nodded and promised: "I will always stand by your side and protect you." He lowered his head and kissed Su Beibei's finger, and murmured, "I'm sorry, that's my mother. I can't ignore her. "

Su Beibei nodded, "Go ahead."

"Well, then I'm going."

Li Li is gone, but Su Beibei is no longer sleepy. She went to the study, opened the document, stared at the new novel that she had just written, and was in a daze.

She sat in front of the computer for a long time before putting her hand on the keyboard to start coding.

No one bothered, Su Beibei was very inspired and wrote more than 5,000 words in two hours. She was a little tired, took off her glasses, stood up for a lazy waist, and then turned off the computer.

Su Beibei was about to have a cup of tea. She went to the kitchen to boil water. After waiting for the boiling process to be boring, she opened WeChat. Su Beibei realized that Cong Nuo had sent her a voice message an hour ago.

Cong Nuo speaks English. He said: [Bell, I give you a birthday present, have you received it? 】

Su Beibei was a little puzzled, she replied with her voice: [Kid, did you give me a gift? What is it? 】

As soon as Su Beibei's message was sent, Cong Nuo replied, seemingly waiting for her to reply with her mobile phone.

Cong Nuo said: [Have you not received it yet? But here I show that you have signed for the package. Then, Cong Nuo gave Su Beibei a screenshot of the express delivery.

Su Beibei scanned the tracking number and clicked to view the delivery information, and found that the delivery was signed by the guard yesterday morning. Su Beibei told Cong Nuo: [It may be at the guard. 】

Su Beibei took off the suspender skirt, put on a dress, and wore sandals to the guard room.

The doorman and Su Beibei are acquaintances. When he saw Su Beibei, the doorman said with a smile, "I'm going out so late, Ms. Su?" The security guard thought Su Beibei was going out to buy things.

Su Beibei walked directly to the guard on duty, and she asked, "Brother Lin, I had an international express delivery yesterday. Is it yours?"

Su Beibei handed the courier information to the security guard Lin Ge and took a look. Lin Ge took a closer look and said, "I signed for it, but Mr. Li had already come to pick up the courier yesterday."

"My husband took it?"


Su Beibei smiled at the security guard, and then said: "It may be at home, and forgot to tell me."

When Su Beibei returned home from the security, she changed into indoor slippers and stuffed her outing sandals into the shoe cabinet, and found a pair of brand new sneakers in the shoe cabinet. These are the sneakers she bought at the flagship store of a certain brand online a few days ago, and they arrived yesterday morning.

It seems that Cong Nuo's gift was indeed taken home by Li Li.

Su Beibei searched the house but did not find the gift from Cong Nuo. She took out her mobile phone and asked Cong Nuo: "My child, what gift do you give me? 】

Cong Nuo said: [My first album. 】

Cong Nuo said again: [Bell, haven't you received it? 】

Su Beibei said: [There are too many express delivery, I have to look for it carefully. 】

Su Beibei looked around but couldn't find the album. Seeing that she had been looking for something, she asked her, "Madam, what are you looking for?"

Su Beibei thought that her aunt came early yesterday, so she asked her aunt: "Auntie, did your husband get me the express delivery yesterday? Did you see where he put the express delivery?"

The aunt thought for a while, and then said: "I remember that he dismantled the courier in the hallway. I can't remember where it was placed, but I saw a small courier box in the trash can..."

Hearing this, Su Beibei's pretty face first became stiff, and then it became a little ugly.


"Auntie, where did you throw the garbage yesterday?"

Auntie suddenly changed her expression when she heard Su Beibei's words. Thinking that there are valuables in the express box, the aunt jumped with horror. She watched Su Beibei's reaction and asked cautiously: "Ma'am, did you lose something valuable?"

"No, just a CD, which was given by my friend."

"Oh, frighten me." The aunt patted her chest and said to Su Beibei hurriedly: "After you left yesterday afternoon, I also left. I threw all the garbage at home into the trash can downstairs. In a moment, I'm afraid I can't find it anymore."

"Okay, I see. Auntie, it's too early. Go back and rest first."

"Okay, I will tidy up the kitchen and leave." Auntie cleaned up the kitchen, and Su Beibei ran to the room and looked at Li Ao. Seeing that Li Ao was sleeping soundly, she said to her aunt, "Let's go down together."