Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 453: A strange flower in the arena, forge a b

"Okay, get on the plane."

"it is good."

Song Ci boarded the plane. She sat down in her seat, fastened her seat belt, and looked up and saw Xiong Jian boarding the plane with Song Shiqing.

Xiong Jian stood at the forefront with his hat in his hand. He stared at these people in the cabin and said solemnly: "Welcome passengers to take Zeus 1 plane. This flight is to Brussels, the capital of Belgium. I am the captain. Xiong Jian."

Xiong Jian paused. Next to him, Song Shiqing went on to introduce himself: "I am Deputy Captain Song Shiqing."

The two bowed to everyone before saying: "Please trust us, we will bring everyone to Brussels safely. Now, please fasten your seat belts and we are about to set off."

After speaking, the two took their companions into the cockpit and closed the door.

Soon, the plane started and went straight into the sky.

Han Zhan stood at the airport on the ground, looking up to see the private plane go away, leaving a scratch in the sky. He didn't turn around until he couldn't see the shadow of the plane.

This was the first time Allen took a private jet. After the plane entered the high altitude and was driving smoothly, Allen untied his seat belt and walked to Song Ci.

Allen put the coffee cup on the table and sat down beside Song Ci. He said, "I have grown up like this. This is the first time I take a private jet. Thanks to you."

Song Ci was very funny when she heard this. She punished Alan's assistant and said with a smile, "When will the official become your assistant?"

Song Ci got on the plane and saw Nan Guanguan sitting with Alan whispering, only to realize that Nan Guanguan was Alan's assistant.

when did it happen?

Allen looked at Lanhua and said, "Oh, aren't officials cute? How cute?"

Song Ci looked at Alan closely, "I said..."

Allen immediately sat upright, Lanhua's fingers were not raised, and he asked Song Ci vigilantly, "What do you want to say?"

Song Ci turned around and said, "Did he offend you? Or owe you money?"

Allen said nothing.

Song Ci said again: "If you don't tell me, I'll just ask him. Be careful. I tell Yanyan about this. You know, Yanyan and I have a relationship with me now, and we are close..."

Allen said honestly: "Official officer, I am the object."

Song Ci:!

I got a big fuck!

Allen dropped the depth bomb, took his coffee cup and left calmly, leaving Song Ci to sit in place and continue to doubt life.

The organizing committee arranged a free host family for the contestants, but Song Ci did not go to the residence arranged by the organizing committee with a big belly. Han Zhan had already rented a large house to Song Ci in advance. After Song Ci and his group arrived in Brussels, they went straight to the residence.

The temperature in Brussels and Wangdongcheng is almost the same, in autumn it is only a dozen degrees. After getting off the plane, Song Ci tightened his coat, led a Cayenne with his bodyguard, and went to his residence.

In previous years, the competitions were registered before and in May after the year. But this competition changed the time and became a registration at the beginning of the year and participation at the end of the year.

Today is November 5th, the end of the game is December 10th, and Song Ci's due date is December 26th.

The draw will begin tomorrow morning to determine the order of the first round of performances in four days. Before that, contestants from all over the world had already signed up for several rounds of primaries online.

There are 3,000 contestants in total, but only the top 100 can get the final chance.

From November 9th to November 14th, the first round of six-day trials will be held. This selection will eliminate most of the players, leaving only the best 24 players to participate in the semifinals.

The semi-finals are the same as the first trial, which lasts for six days, starting on November 16 and ending on November 21. After the semi-finals, 12 winners will be selected to participate in the finals for the championship.

The finals started on November 30th and lasted for six days, until December 5th.

The six winners will be selected in the finals. These six players will be rewarded very richly. The first winner will receive a prize of 25,000 euros, the second place will receive 20,000 euros, and the third place will receive 17,000 euros...

The six players who did not win will also receive a cash prize of 4,000 Euros and a concert. But those who came to the competition didn't fancy the cash prize, what they fancy was to be recognized by the world!

After the finals, the award ceremony will be held on December 8th, and the winners' concert will be held on December 9.

In short, the next month, Song Ci will have a very fulfilling life.

Participants also have age restrictions. They must be between 18 and 30 years old. Song Ci is already 25 years old this year. If she misses this time, she will have to wait four years.

But she can't wait to become famous as soon as possible.

When he arrived at the residence, Song Ci called Han Zhan and said he was safe, and then fell asleep. After adjusting the jet lag, Song Ci got up early the next morning and was full, and then went to the game to draw lots.

She was drawn to the final order of appearance on the third day.

At the lottery, Song Ci met contestants from all over the world, and they were all discussing this year's new competition system.

In previous years, whether it was the first round of the competition, the semi-final, or the finals, the repertoire of the contestants was selected from the repertoire prescribed by the organizing committee. But this year, the 12 participants who successfully entered the finals must play a concerto of their own creation.

This means that the organizing committee has increased the test site of creativity.

But the people who can enter the finals are all the best in the field of violin in the world. Everyone can compose, and it depends on whose composer is better.

This year's final was really a fight between gods, and it was exciting to think about it.

Back home, Song Ci made a phone call with Shen Yubei and told Shen Yubei about the new competition system this year. After hearing this, Shen Yubei told Song Ci: "Did I tell you that I am one of the judges of the finals?"


Song Ci didn't know this.

"Teacher, when were you invited?"

Shen Yubei said: "Three months ago."

"Then you kept hiding it from me..."

Shen Yubei smiled and said to Song Ci: "Song Song, I hope to hear your concerto in the finals."

"it is good!"

In the next few days, Song Ci began to prepare for the first round.

It was the 11th in a blink of an eye.

Song Ci woke up naturally. After waking up, she didn't practice the piano like she did a few days ago. She was walking in the yard with a plate of fruits, humming a song while walking.

Seeing that she was so calm, Allen lay down at the window and asked her, "Are you confident in yourself? I didn't see you practicing."

Song Ci raised her head and glanced at the sunny day in a foreign country. She put on an attitude of breaking the jar. She said: "It's useless to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily. It's better to relax, eat and drink well, and treat it with heart."

Allen clapped his palms, "Good point!"

Song Ci is the last one to play today. She can go to the stadium after lunch at home. After lunch, Allen began to make styling for Song porcelain.

Song Ci is now in the third trimester of her pregnancy, her big belly can no longer be covered, and many slim skirts are not suitable for wearing. Allen chose more than a dozen dresses for Song Ci this time. He said: "The most gorgeous dresses have to be kept for the most exciting moments. Today, we will just be an ordinary painful beauty."

Song Ci was amused by Allen, "Okay, give me makeup."


Allen put on good makeup for Song Porcelain before taking the dress and letting her put it on.

Allen chose a golden deep V-neck halter dress for Song Ci. Song Ci changed into that dress and felt strangely uncomfortable. After pregnancy, her bust is fuller, and her skin is white. She looks very **** and plump in this skirt.

She walked out of the locker room with her chest clutched and said to Allen: "Tomorrow my Han brother will see my clothes on the Internet, and I must scold you."

Allen Dead Pig is not afraid of boiling water, "You are beautiful, he scolded him."

"You are so brave."

Afraid of catching a cold, Song Ci put on a thin down jacket over the dress, put on sneakers, and went to the game with Alan and bodyguards. At the competition site, Song Ci took off the down jacket in the car, put on a fashionable camel coat, took off the sneakers, and put on the flat-bottomed shoes. Then he walked into the competition site with the skirt.

When she arrived, the game was in full swing.

At this moment, standing on the stage is a Western beauty, and she is playing Bach Violin Solo Sonata No. 1 in G minor. The woman was wearing a blue mermaid skirt, and the blond hair on the left was braided in a small braid, hidden behind her ears.

She wears dark blue diamond earrings on her ears. Her violin is obviously also exclusively custom-made. It is blue. When playing the violin, the earrings sway and complement the violin. It is both a feast for sound and vision.

When Allen saw Song Ci looking at the woman on the stage, he stared at the woman for a while before he said uncertainly: "Is she Eliza?"

Song Ci nodded, "Well, it's her."

Eliza Tren, a young world violinist and the daughter of Idris Tren, the principal pianist of the First Symphony Orchestra of Y Country. She is very outstanding. She graduated from the Juilliard School of Music and has won several international violin competitions.

Song Ci looked at her with a new light in his eyes.

She has been hailed as a violin genius since she was a child. Seeing Eliza, who is also known as a genius violinist, Song Ci was provoked to fight. "Let's go, we will be here in a while."


There are not many people in the practice room at the moment, after all, today's game is almost over. When Song Ci arrived, only one male player was practicing.

Song Ci didn't disturb the male player's practice. She entered quietly and found a stool to sit down.

She opened the piano case, took out the porcelain treasure, and gently stroked it on her lap.

At this time, there was applause from a distance, and it seemed that Eliza's performance was over. Hearing the applause, the male player in the practice room immediately got up, carried the violin, and walked out. Then it was time for him to appear.

After they left, Song Ci was the only one in the piano practice room.

Song Ci picked up the bow and looked at the lettering on the bow. Thinking that the piano was given by Han Zhan, he felt like he took Han Zhan to the competition. Song Ci couldn't help but curled his lips and smiled. Alan saw her smile and gave two chuckles, and said, "You smile like a cat in spring, it's spring."

Song Ci glared at Allen, "Don't open your mouth if you can't speak."

The two quarreled, but heard the sound of high heels approaching. Allen closed his mouth and looked up in the direction of the entrance with Song Ci. A blue shadow comes in, Eliza wearing high heels walks with wind, her hair swings with her steps, like a supermodel.

Eliza walked in proudly, and when she saw Song Ci in the practice room, her eyes became obviously surprised.

Song Ci caught Eliza's reaction and couldn't help but wonder: Does she know me?

Song Ci nodded at her, saying hello. Song Ci didn't expect Eliza to talk to herself. She planned to adjust the sound of the piano. As she raised her bow, she heard Eliza say in London-style English: "What is your relationship with Jiang Shifeng?"

The three characters ‘Jiang Shifeng’ are pronounced in Chinese.

Song Ci raised his head in surprise and looked at Eliza. Without covering up, Song Ci replied: "He is my Uncle."

Hearing this answer, Eliza's eyes had a touch of contempt.

Song Ci frowned, wondering why Eliza was so hostile to herself.

Eliza sat down on the stool next to Song Ci. She put the violin in the box and said, "Did you know, your Uncle is a thief." There was a laugh in her playful voice.

Song Ci froze for a moment, and then thought of the hands of his uncle whose knuckles had been broken. This Eliza, what are the holidays with uncle?

Without hearing Song Ci's answer, Eliza closed the piano box, raised her head, and looked at Song Ci's white and beautiful face, and she didn't even conceal the meaning of no contempt in her eyes.

Eliza said to Song Ci: "Did you know? A few days ago, your Uncle used to put aside his words in front of my daddy, saying that you are very powerful, and your strength far exceeds your mother." Jiang Shiyu was once Y She is the principal violinist of the National Symphony Orchestra, she is very famous.

"Jiang Shifeng thinks you will defeat me and become the most famous violin player. But I think you are nothing more than that." Eliza curled her lips to Song Ci and asked contemptuously: "Your Uncle is Thief is a scum in the music industry. What about you? Are you also a thief?"

Song Ci suddenly became angry.

What kind of thing, dare to presume in front of her!

Song Ci slowly got up and looked at Eliza. She curled her red lips and said provocatively and arrogantly: "Eliza, believe me, after this game, my name, Song Ci, will replace you Eliza and become the youngest violinist in the world. !"

Eliza was surprised by Song Ci's wild attitude. In the entire violin world, there is no such name as Song Ci!

Why is she so proud?

Eliza calmed down, thinking that Song Ci was ranting. Eliza sneered. She said, "Your Uncle stole my daddy's work and was knocked off ten finger joints. What can you do to beat me?" Staring at Song Ci's plump breasts, Yi The corners of Lisa's lips evoked a contemptuous range, and then said: "Take your breast?"

Being physically attacked, Song Ci directly kicked Eliza's thigh and kicked Eliza, who was wearing high heels, to the ground.

Eliza fell to the ground, and she stood up on the stool for a moment, "You kicked me!" Eliza flushed with anger, and the anger in her eyes burned wildly.

Song Ci took out the wet tissues from the bag, wiped the soles of her flat shoes, and then threw the tissues into the trash can with disgust.

After some operation, Eliza gritted her teeth with anger.

Allen watched from the side and couldn't help giving Song Ci a thumbs up in silence. Look, with such a big belly, when you say that you kick someone with your leg up, how many women can compare to her with this courage?

Song Ci looked condescendingly at Eliza, and she said, "Why should I win? If I kick you, you can only sit on the ground and stare at me. You dare not even say a fart."

Song Ci smiled proudly and said, "Eliza, when I get the championship, you have to kneel on the ground and kowtow to me and admit that you are rubbish!"

Eliza looked at Song Ci in surprise, she did not believe that Song Ci would win the championship!

She is the best young violin player!

What is Song Ci!

"Okay! Gamble!" Eliza was very confident of her own strength. She shook her words even harder. She said: "If I lose, I will kneel and kowtow to confess that I am rubbish. But I If you win, you must also admit that your uncle is a scum in the music industry and that you are also a trash in the music industry in front of the whole world!"

The next one is Song Ci. Song Ci picked up her piano, glanced at Eliza indifferently, and replied with a clear voice: "Okay."

After speaking, Song Ci straightened her back, like an elegant and confident swan, walking calmly to the stage.