Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 464: Auction, open face

As a first-tier city in China, Wangdongcheng always holds several large and small auctions every year. Some are purely charity auctions, while others are for the purpose of making money.

Among the wealthy families in Wangdongcheng, the Cheng family, Gu family, Li family and Dongfang family are represented.

Among them, the Cheng family started out with bicycles 50 years ago, and the "Chuandong brand bicycles" that were popular throughout the country were produced by their family. Later, he became bigger and bigger, and he founded motorcycle companies one after another, and now he has become a leading domestic automobile brand.

As the name suggests, Gu's Electric made its fortune with electrical products. In the 1990s, almost every family with good conditions would buy their TV. Until now, their products are still the first choice of many families.

The old man of the Li family was mixed in the dark when he was young, and later founded Edge Entertainment Film and Television. After years of business, he has now become a film and television company comparable to Empire Entertainment.

Among these four great families, the one who truly can be called the super family is the Eastern family. Dongfangjia is a two-hundred-year-old enterprise. It used to be a chain **** shop in the late Qing Dynasty. It is well-known throughout the country and its name is Tailong Pawn.

After the country was in turmoil, a large number of **** shops closed down, leaving only the two in Kyoto and Wangdongcheng. Until the end of the war, the country was peaceful, the old man of the East, the grandfather of the current Patriarch Dongfang Lin, resolutely changed the Tailong pawnshop into the Tailong auction house.

Today, Tyrone Auctions has become a well-known auction company in China and even the world.

On this day, the photo studio sent the finished family portrait to the villa, and Song Ci and Steward Cai asked the helpers to hang the family portrait on the wall.

When he was busy, suddenly a famous male ran into the house and handed an invitation letter to the hand of Steward Cai. Steward Cai walked to Song Ci with the invitation letter and said to Song Ci, "Madam, it is the invitation letter from Tailong Auction House."

Below the invitation letter, there is a brochure of auction items.

Song Ci took the invitation letter and the booklet, went to sit down on the deck chair in the courtyard, she was about to open the book when she heard the footsteps of Han Miao and Han Jun.


Han Miao leaped on Song Ci's thigh. She sued Song Ci and said, "Junjun won't play dominoes with me!"

Han Jun's small round face was full of contempt and disdain. She said, "It's boring, it's not fun." She doesn't play that kind of boring game.

The two sisters quarreled every day, and Song Ci was used to it. She picked up her daughters and put them on her lap, changed the subject, and diverted their attention. "Come on, let's see what good things are in this book."

"it is good."

Han Miao held the book with a pair of small palms, and Han Jun helped to turn the book under Song Ci's prompt.

After turning five or six pages in a row, Song Ci didn't see anything she liked. "It's all jewellery, I don't really want it." There are so many jewellery in the world that Song Ci can't collect all of them, and she is not interested in it.

Han Miao took a fancy to a brooch. She pointed to the brooch and said, "This is pretty, mom, buy it!"

"Okay, buy it!"

Song Ci asked Steward Cai to bring a pen and drew a tick under the brooch, and then asked Han Jun to continue flipping it. Behind Song Ci saw another pearl necklace, which was described as King R’s favorite necklace during his lifetime.

Song Ci felt that this pearl necklace fits Han Wangwang well, so he also tick the bottom of the necklace.

Backward, it is not jewelry, but some antique collections. "It doesn't look good, I'm going to play dominoes!" Han Miao didn't look interested, and slipped off Song Ci's legs and ran to play dominoes.

Han Jun wanted to spend some time with his mother in the sun, so he moved into Song Ci's arms and continued to help Song Ci turn the book.

Turning to the last page, Han Jun saw a sword.

It was a slender sword, the hilt and scabbard were all black, but I didn't know the color of the sword inside. Song Ci yelled and said, "The auction house now has this thing. But this sword looks mediocre, who will sell it?" She glanced at the starting price of the sword, and was suddenly caught by the high price. The pricing was shocking.

"For such a sword, the starting price is one million. Isn't this a robbery?" Song Ci was about to close the pamphlet. At this moment, a soft and soft voice suddenly said, "Mom, I want it."

Song Ci was taken aback.

She looked down at Han Jun in her arms, and Han Jun also looked at Song Ci with a white face.

Han Jun said again: "Mom, I want it."

Song Ci closed the booklet and asked Han Jun: "Why? You are so young, what do you want this thing for? Or, I will buy you a necklace and keep it for you to wear when you grow up?"

Han Jun shook his head, pointed at the cover of the booklet, and said paranoidly: "I want that sword." An instinct told Han Jun that she needed that sword.

Song Ci said, "I will consider it."

Han Jun nodded, and then slipped off Song Ci's leg. She walked into the room, walked a bit, stopped again, turned her head, and told Song Ci seriously and seriously: "Mom, I want it."

Song Ci nodded.

She knew that Han Jun was a little different from ordinary children, and Han Jun insisted on this sword. Perhaps this sword had something inhuman.

Song Ci went to Yanqingxiu's room.

Yan Qing corrected himself sitting cross-legged on the carpet to meditate, and when he heard the knock on the door, he slowly opened his eyes before he got up to open the door.

Song Ci stared at the blanket on the wooden floor in his room and couldn't help but smiled, "Meditating again?" Yan Qingxiu would meditate for an hour or two every day, and Song Ci was also used to it.

"Well, it's almost over." Yan Qingxiu took a step back barefoot and invited Song Ci into the house.

Song Ci stuffed the booklet into Yan Qingxiu's arms. She said, "Turn on the last page."

Yan Qingxiu heard the word and followed suit.

He opened the booklet and turned to the last page. When he saw the black long sword, his pupils suddenly tightened, "This is..." Yan Qingxiu stared at the sword and compared it to the one in his mind. The swords overlapped.

Yan Qingxiu closed the booklet abruptly and murmured, "This is impossible..."

As soon as Song Ci heard his self-talk, he knew that there was a problem with the sword. "Mr. Yan, does this sword have a mystery? Junjun saw it before and insisted that he wanted it."

Yan Qingxiu meditated suspiciously. After a long time, he told Song Ci: "This sword is very similar to the top ten spirit sword'Guiyi' in Aosheng Mainland."

He touched the pointed chin with his fingers, and said thoughtfully, "But it shouldn't be. The Guiyi Spirit Sword had self-destructed and disappeared with him as long as Qu Jinghong's soul was scattered. It should not be returned. Exist..."

When Song Ci heard the name Qu Jinghong, he asked who he was.

"Who is Qu Jinghong?"

Yan Qingxiu's expression was complicated. He seemed to be remembering something and forgot to answer.

After a long while, Yan Qingxiu said admiringly: "Qu Jinghong is hailed as the first person in the mainland cultivation world. He is the great disciple of the Sect Master of the Sword God Sect. He has a deep heart for the world and a profound swordsmanship. I heard that he His Yujian is a slender sword made of profound iron. It has no divine power, just an ordinary sword. But that sword followed Qu Jinghong, but it gave birth to spiritual consciousness. In the battle to destroy the world In the middle, Qu Jinghong slashed out of the Demon Realm with a single sword, and drove all the monsters into the Demon Realm. From then on, he became famous. With the spirit sword level, Qu Jinghong was also promoted to the top ten gods."

"In short, the Guiyi Sword is a very powerful killer, and its owner, Qu Jinghong, is a deadly weapon on earth."

Yan Qingxiu opened the booklet again, staring at the sword, and murmured: "I should have made a mistake. Guiyi sword has destroyed itself long ago and cannot exist."

Even more unlikely, it will come to the earth star.

Song Ci listened to the story of Yan Qingxiu just like listening to fantasy novels. She spent a few minutes digesting the content, and then pointed out: "What does Junjun have to do with this sword?"

Yan Qingxiu rarely showed an awkward expression.

"What?" Jun Jun and this sword, is there any unspeakable secret?

Yan Qingxiu actually said, "What's the matter? It's probably because our Lord killed Qu Jinghong, and this sword is the enemy of the killer."

Song Ci: "..."

Oh, Jun Jun actually killed Qu Jinghong, who was in the world, so what kind of monster is Jun Jun?

Song Ci was frightened in a cold sweat.

With a look of admiration and admiration on Yan Qingxiu’s face, he raised his head and said, “Our Lord is famous for killing Qu Jinghong, and we have become a major demon among the world’s population. Call to kill. They forced the Lord into the snowy region where people, ghosts, gods and demons dared not enter, but they did not expect that the Lord not only died, but became the Lord of the snowy region!"

Yan Qingxiu's eyes flashed with enthusiasm and admiration. Like a loyal fan of the cult leader, he opened his arms and shouted: "The Lord is supreme!"

Song Ci: "..."

Unclearly sick!

Song Ci grabbed the auction booklet and left.

Coming out of the banquet repair room, Song Ci heard the children's noise. She looked towards the corner of the living room and saw Han Jun, although helpless in every possible way, still honestly kneeled on the ground to play dominoes with Han Miao.

Song Ci's eyes became loving.

No matter if Yan Qingqiu is a big demon or something, Han Jun will always be her daughter.


A week later, the auction was officially held.

Song Ci put on a dress, and after feeding Han Wei, he sucked some milk and put it in the refrigerator, so that the nanny warmed it to Han Wei after two hours. After getting everything done, Song Ci took Han Miao and Han Jun to the company to join Han Zhan.

At the auction site, there was a staggering scramble and fragrant clothes. Everyone talked about various interesting things, like the extravagant scenes in the movie "The Great Gatsby."

In the corner where the women gathered, someone suddenly said, "Have you noticed that those couple on Yulong Mountain are very high-profile recently." The couple on Yulong Mountain naturally refers to Han Zhan and Song Ci.

Miss Jin heard this, and Miss Jin immediately sneered, laughing unclearly. Miss Jin's name is Jinfeng, and she has known Song Ci for many years. When Song Ci was still in the celebrity group, the two of them had magnetic fields at odds.

They all smiled when they met, and turned to MMP's plastic sisters.

In the past few years, Jin Feng had talked with the second young master of the Dongfang family, separated and reunited, and successfully forced the second young man of the Dongfang family to divorce his wife. She is now half the second young grandma of the Dongfang family.

Hearing her chuckle, everyone turned their heads to look at her. Someone said flatly to her, "Afeng, what are you laughing at? You are close to the second young master of the East. Do you know what your inner relationship is?"

Jinfeng felt happy when he heard this.

Jin Feng shook the grape wine, and said in a disdainful tone: "What is the inside story? After three years of marriage, Song Ci gave birth to three babies from two births. Now she finally has an heir who can inherit the crown. She is now Mr. Han's. Treasure in the palm."

Song Ci gave birth to a second child, but the **** of the child has not been revealed, the name has not been announced, and everyone has not seen the Han family offering a full moon wine to the child, so everyone is privately guessing that the second child of Song Ci is still a daughter. Will be despised.

Therefore, everyone was even more surprised to hear what Jinfeng revealed. "Song Ci gave birth to a boy? Then why didn't the Han family give that child a full moon banquet?"

"Maybe you want to protect your children, so keep a low profile." Jin Feng sighed again and said: "Hey, I have only been married for more than three years and have two children in a row. After Song Ci married into Han's family, his life passed. It's really busy and fulfilling."

She was mocking Song Ci for marrying a wealthy boy for a living, using herself as a fertility machine, alluding to Song Ci's glamorous appearance, but it was not easy behind it.

People are like this. Seeing that the pheasant who had been with him before suddenly flew up to the branch and became a phoenix. After living the precious life of golden branches and leaves, I felt jealous and resentful, and I wished to hear that the man's husband and wife were not in harmony.

When everyone heard Jinfeng's words, some people were secretive, while others doubted the truth.

Zheng Suyue had been with her husband for socializing before. At this moment, her husband left her to talk to the men's pile. When she was free, she took the wine glass and walked towards Jinfeng and the others.

Seeing Zheng Suyue coming, Jin Feng slightly put away her arrogant expression.

The Zheng family is a scholarly family. Years ago, the Zheng family successfully married the mayor's family. Zheng Suyue married the mayor's son, and when she came, she was the one with the highest status among these women.

Zheng Suyue and Song Ci had a good friendship, she had heard Jinfeng's words long ago, and she was very upset.

Getting closer, Zheng Suyue had a drink with the ladies and ladies, and then touched the wedding ring on the ring finger, making a look of surprise, and said, "Guess everyone, who else will be there tonight?"


Jinfeng felt bad.

Zheng Suyue smiled lightly and said: "When I went to the bathroom just now, I heard the grandmother of the Dongfang family calling Madam Han, asking her how long she would be there."

Hearing this, the expressions of several women suddenly became wonderful.

Mrs. Han?

Song porcelain?

"Isn't she just after giving birth to her baby? She will come to the auction today?"

Zheng Suyue covered her mouth and chuckled, and said, "Well, I heard that Song Ci hasn't completely lost weight after giving birth. Mr. Han learned that she was coming to the banquet and booked her a few heights early in Paris. Order a dress. I heard that the cheapest one is more than 800,000 sets."

"Hey, this high-definition dress is delicate and delicate. It is often worn once and can't be worn again. Mr. Han treats Mrs. Han, that's really a favorite."

After Zheng Suyue finished speaking, she looked at Jin Feng's expression with interest.

Noting that the black dress that Jinfeng wore was from the G's show last year, she made a look of surprise, pointed to Jinfeng's dress and said, "Oh, Miss Jin, this dress on you is so beautiful, I I saw it at the show last year and wanted to buy it. But my body is not as good as you, and I can't hold this skirt. I regret to miss it."

Hearing this, several lively eyes fell on Jin Feng's body at the same time.

I have been separated and combined with the second young master of the Dongfang family for a few years, and I have entered the Dongfang family with half of my foot. Today, I still wear last year's dress to attend this occasion. This makes this group of women who love to compare and admire fashion can not accept .

Therefore, the look in Jinfeng's eyes became despised and contemptuous.

Jin Feng’s smile did not change. He only said in a light tone, “I’m not like Song Ci. I don’t have a husband who is the richest man. Naturally, I can’t wear a skirt of hundreds of millions of dollars as plain clothes. I’m not like Miss Zheng. You are so blessed to be married to a noble family."

This is both an insinuation that Song Ci is relying on Han Zhan's vase, but also an insinuation that Zheng Suyue's back is straight now, relying on the identity of her husband's family.

Zheng Suyue was about to be ironic when she heard a charming voice sound from the back of the crowd, from far to near——

"I can successfully marry the richest man, and Suyue can successfully marry the Jiang family. Naturally, we are unique. It is Miss Jin. When I got married three and a half years ago, you and the second young master of the East were dating. I two years ago When you gave birth, you were dating the married second young master of the East. When I gave birth to the second child last month, I heard that you were still dating the second young master of the East."

When the voice fell to the ground, a beautiful and rich shadow walked in front of everyone.

Everyone looked up, followed a pair of silver-gray super high heels, and saw a lavender purple tube top waisted long skirt, dotted with countless small pieces of special shiny material. The light fell on the skirt, which exudes a light purple gleam, full of money.

The owner of the long dress has a snow complexion, clear makeup on her porcelain-white cheeks, her black hair is ironed into a small wave cake roll, and she wears only a pair of vintage earrings and a plain ring on her ring finger.

She holds a small and exquisite dinner bag in her right hand, with a light layer of cinnamon powder lipstick on her lips, without the need for flaming red lips, but also has the aura of a queen.

As soon as Song Ci appeared on the stage, the ladies and wealthy ladies in front of Zheng Suyue showed embarrassment unconsciously when they thought that the words they had previously discussed might have reached Song Ci's ears.

Song Ci stood in front of Jinfeng, first smiled at Zheng Suyue's lips and said, "It's been a long time, Suyue."

Zheng Suyue also smiled at her.

Song Ci suddenly turned around, relied on his height, and lowered his head to look at Jinfeng. The expression in her eyes that landed on Jinfeng was very explicit, as if she was looking at an object, without a hint of temperature.

Jin Feng was seen by Song Ci, her legs were weak, and she was trying to find an excuse to slip away, when she heard Song Ci finished adding what she hadn’t said before, she said: “I recognize the old lady of the Dongfang family, that’s a scorpion. Expensive but sensible lady. I wondered, Miss Jin was born beautiful, why did she drag and date with the second young master of the East for three or four years, and still failed to log in to the door of the East? Miss's character problem can't get into the eyes of the old lady? Or is it that your Miss Jin just stuck the plaster on the second young master's body, and the second young master can't tear it off even though he wants to tear it?"

The audience is silent!

Zheng Suyue has always known that Song Ci is a sharp-skinned person, but she didn't expect to be able to reach this level neatly.


Jin Feng was ridiculed by Song Ci's words to the point that she was noseless and faceless, no matter what kind of place she was, she was humiliated on the spot, and Jin Feng would cry no matter what she could bear.

She was crying, pointing at Song Ci’s face, and cursing: "Song Ci, what are you dragging now? Look at which thing on your body you earned yourself? Not all Han Zhan gave you. I bought it! I'm not a good thing, you think you are noble and glamorous?"

"You spoil you with Han Zhan, you just humiliate me like this, be careful one day Han Zhan won't spoil you, and find someone younger, I want you to cry so badly then!"

"You are young and beautiful now, but you will always have a late day. When you grow old and become ugly, there are more little girls waiting in line. Now the things you wear will also be worn in others sooner or later. The body of the woman!"

After Jin Feng roared these words, he turned around and was about to run. As a result, when he turned around, he hit a hard chest.

Jinfeng took a step backward and almost fell.

She heard the sound of air-conditioning around her.

Jin Feng raised his head in surprise, and saw another master——

Han Zhan.

Jin Feng did not expect that a busy person like Han Zhan would come to the party.

Han Zhan held Han Miao and Han Jun with his left and right hands, and the gaze that fell on Jin Feng was colder than the cold wind blowing outside.

Just now Han Miao saw a sugar-blower craftsman on the street, clamoring for a sugar-eater. Song Ci received a text message from Zheng Suyue and learned that Jinfeng was chewing her tongue at the party again, so she asked Han Zhan to accompany the children outside waiting for the sugar man, and stepped forward by herself.

When Han Zhan came to the reception with his two daughters, he happened to hear Song Ci's final questioning of Jin Feng, and Jin Feng's irony of Song Ci.

Jin Feng saw Han Zhan and felt shocked.

She saw her mother in the distance staring frantically at herself. She knew that Han Zhan was a person in their family who could never offend. She bit her lip, and then apologized quietly: "Mr. Han, Mrs. Han, I'm sorry. No cover, you should not insult Madam Han first."

Hearing her apology, Han Zhan's expression did not loosen, and it was still gloomy. He put his daughter on the ground, patted them on the shoulder, and said, "Miao Miao Junjun, go find Dong Yang."

Han Jun sensibly took his sister to find Yan Qingxiu.

The scene was very quiet, only the footsteps of sister Han Miao could be heard, and everyone's eyes were on Song Ci, Han Zhan and Jin Feng.

They thought to themselves, Mr. Han is a man anyhow, he shouldn't be too rude to Jinfeng.

After all, men, when treating women, always have to maintain some demeanor.

However, Han Zhan never understood Lin Xiangxiyu, and all his tenderness and affection were given to Song Ci. Han Zhan raised his left hand, squeezed Jinfeng's chin, looked at her cheek arrogantly for a while, and then withdrew his hand.

Han Zhan took out the beautiful handkerchief folded in the chest pocket of his suit and slowly wiped the fingers that stroked Jinfeng's chin before turning his head and said to Song Ci, "Madam, you just said something wrong."

Song Ci's eyes turned slightly, cooperating with Han Zhan's actions, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Han Zhan smiled and said to Song Ci: "Madam's eyes are used to being sharp, why is it not working today? Take a closer look, how can this lady's appearance be called beautiful? Madam, you are It’s humiliating the word beautiful and lovely."

He looked at Song Ci's face affectionately, and said, "Madam looks like this, so she is so beautiful and can't be seen enough."

on site:"..."

Han Zhan is ruthless!

It turned out to be ugly to humiliate Jinfeng in public.

Song Ci was sympathetic to Jinfeng. She thought that Han Zhan had vented her anger for herself, and it was time for her to calm down.

But Han Zhan wanted to see more than that.

Han Zhan seemed to be answering Jinfeng, and it was also answering everyone’s questions. He said: "I know that many people are waiting for Song Ci to go ugly, and to see the day when I cheat and raise a young man. . But unfortunately, everyone, I have already entrusted my lawyer to write a notarized certificate."

Hearing this, everyone looked suspicious, wondering what exactly was written in Han Zhan's notarized certificate.

Song Ci didn't know if Han Zhan was talking nonsense about these people, or if it was true, she was also curious. Han Zhan received Song Ci’s suspicious look, he smiled, and then said: “There is a clear statement in the content of the notarized document. Once I cheat, all my family properties will be unconditionally donated to Song Ci.”

He looked at Jin Feng sideways and said, "Miss Jin, your expectations are destined to fall."

Jin Feng touched her lips up and down, but she couldn't say a word. She squeezed her bag, turned her head and ran away.

But the people who had been eyeing Han Zhan's identity and wanted to secretly send his lover or daughter to give him something new and make some benefits, they dispelled this thought.

Forget it, Han Zhan is a ruthless person, they can't beat him.

At this time, Dongfang Lin and his wife walked into the reception hand in hand, which meant that the auction was about to begin. Dongfang Lin gave a few words in his speech, and asked everyone to move to the auction room.

Everyone pretended that nothing happened and went to the auction hall one after another. The auction was about to begin. The person in charge was about to close the door of the banquet hall. At this moment, he heard a steady and rhythmic footsteps.

They stopped closing the door, staring at the corridor outside the door, and saw a seven or eight-year-old boy walking in slowly. Following the boy, there are two adult men.

Noting that the boy was wearing a blindfold on his left eye, the person in charge immediately guessed the identity of the other party. "Master Xu, you are here, and the auction will begin soon."

Xu Qian raised his head, nodded to the person in charge, and said: "You have been waiting for a long time." After saying that, he took his attendants around the reception and went to the auction hall.

"Who is that person? Manager Zhou?" The staff on the side asked Manager Zhou in a low voice.

Manager Zhou hissed, and when the young master of the Xu family had left, he told the younger brother beside him, "From the Xu family in Kunlun, don't ask if you shouldn't."

But he only needs to mention the Kunlun Xu Family, and the others will understand it. Kunlun Xu family, the first family of metaphysics, the young master of Xu family is even known as the first genius of metaphysics.

It turned out to be so exquisite and extravagant.


Song Ci's family has four positions. Two adults sit in the middle and the child sits next to their parents. After Han Miao entered the auction hall, seeing everyone stopped talking, he quieted down.

Han Jun lowered his head to play with her new Rubik's Cube, and was returning the yellow side of the Rubik's Cube to its place when a boy suddenly sat down beside him. Han Jun turned his head faintly, and after seeing the boy's appearance, he stopped his movements.

"Hello." Han Jun took the initiative to greet Xu Qian.

This is a very rare event.

Xu Qian tilted his head slightly and stared at Han Jun with his right eye. He remembered Han Jun, the little baby who sneaked his eyes when he first met in the mall.

Xu Qian nodded slightly, then sat up straight and stared at the auction on the court. Han Jun randomly disrupted the Rubik's Cube and handed it to Xu Qian. She said, "Will you play?"

Xu Qian stared at the Rubik's Cube, disliked Han Jun's noise, shook his head and said, "No."

It's a pity that words are like gold.

Han Jun whispered: "I will, I will teach you."

Xu Qian: "Please be quiet."

Han Jun: "..."

Han Jun closed his mouth and played the Rubik's Cube alone.

On the field, the auction items were presented one by one, and everyone scrambled to take away each one. Han Jun didn't raise his head the whole time, he kept playing Rubik's Cube, challenging his speed limit.

Xu Qian felt that the auction was a bit boring. When he caught a glimpse of Han Jun still playing Rubik's Cube, his speed was dazzling, he blinked, then reached out to Han Jun and asked, "Try me, okay?"

Han Jun stopped and looked up at Xu Qian for a moment before handing Xu Qian the Rubik's Cube.

Xu Qian disrupted the Rubik's Cube and then tried to restore them.

But looking at a very simple thing, Xu Qian didn't even know it.

Xu Qian frowned and continued to compare the Rubik's Cube, but he couldn't successfully recover the second side after playing for more than half an hour. Xu Qian finally found something he couldn't easily do, which was somewhat novel to him.

The attendants on the side saw Xu Qian had been twisting the Rubik's Cube, and he was also surprised. The omnipotent young genius can't play Rubik's Cube?

At this moment, a male staff member wearing a Tang suit walked onto the stage holding the sword. Almost at the moment when the staff lifted the cover on the sword, Han Jun and Xu Qian looked up at the same time, opened their eyes, and looked at the sword.

That sword was Han Jun's goal and Xu Qian's goal.

"Eleven years ago, an adventurer found it in a dangerous glacier during an adventure on Mount Everest. This sword is very special because no one can pull the blade out of the sheath. These years, we I found many people to try to draw the long sword, but they were not successful. So we decided to auction it to someone destined to it, hoping that it can meet its destined people, and look forward to the day when it will see the sun again!"

After learning of the particularity of this sword, some people became interested in it, and some people gave up their desire to auction it.

A sword that cannot be unsheathed, what to do with it!

"The starting price is one million yuan! Each price increase is 100,000 yuan, and the higher price will get."

One million shoots a broken sword. This seems to be incomprehensible to many people, but there are still people who bid the price.

"One hundred and one hundred thousand!"

"1.2 million"


The people who bid the price were very enthusiastic at first, but when the price rose to three million, the competitors were reduced by more than half. In the end, only three or four people were left bidding against each other.

Jiang Zhen raised his placard, "3.8 million!"

As soon as his voice fell, Han Zhan raised his placard, "3.9 million."

Jiang Zhen looked back at Han Zhan and silently put down his brand. Seeing Jiang Zhen's actions, Han Zhan said in his heart: Good boy, worthy of being a family, and give him a big red envelope when he comes back to get married.

After Han Zhan raised his placard, the remaining few people put down the bidding cards.

Although they don't know what Han Zhan wants this broken sword to do, they all want to sell Han Zhan a favor. Just when Han Zhan thought that this sword was about to become something in his pocket, a childish but composed boy's voice suddenly sounded——

"four million!"

Han Jun suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Qian on the right, and subconsciously said, "I want that!"

Xu Qian took the Rubik's Cube, looked at Han Jun, and said with a serious expression: "I want it."

Han Jun's eyes widened, while Xu Qian stared at her calmly.

After a while, Han Jun lowered his head and whispered to his father: "Dad, we don't want it."

When Han Jun said no, Han Zhan and Song Ci were a little surprised. Song Ci asked her: "Junjun, didn't you make a fuss before asking for it, why don't you want it now?"

The big guys who were close by heard Song Ci's words, and suddenly twitched.


Han Zhan spent so much money to take this sword because his daughter wanted it?

Everyone cast their curious eyes on Han Jun, not understanding why this young lady didn't want the sword again.

Han Jun still lowered her head. She didn't know that everyone was watching her. She didn't know that she was shy and reserved. She said very honestly: "Compared with that sword, I like my little brother. I want him. I will give it to him."

Xu Qian: "..."

He was sitting still, but his ears turned red.

When Song Ci heard this answer, she didn't want to bend it, but said, "That's good, then don't let it go."

She recognized the little boy next to Han Jun and knew that the boy was the heir of the Xu family. Song Ci said to Xu Qian, "Little Young Master Xu, since we want this sword, then we have the beauty of adults."

Xu Qian put down the Rubik's Cube, stood up, turned to face the direction of Song Ci and Han Zhan, saluted very sincerely, and said, "Xu Qian thanked Mrs. Han for cutting her love."

At a young age, he is an old-fashioned style.