Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 476: Han Miao: A good name for a teenager!

Li Ao's operation was very successful, but his psychological trauma was difficult to heal.

After he woke up, he subconsciously curled himself up under the quilt and stared at the ward with anxious eyes.

When Li Ao was awake, Su Beibei, who was dozing off on the **** bed, quickly sat up. She moved so loudly that she frightened Li Ao, Li Ao trembling all over, and subconsciously hid further into the quilt.

He had already hid to the edge of the hospital bed, and if he moved his body, people would fall off. Su Beibei saw Li Ao's subconscious avoidance behavior, and her heart ached.

Sitting on the bed, Su Beibei did not dare to act rashly, for fear that she would scare Li Ao.

Li Ao hid his head under the quilt. After a while, he found that there was no movement around him. Then Li Ao gently pulled down the corner of the quilt. A pair of skinny eyebrows were exposed outside the quilt, and she was looking at Su Beibei with two trembling eyes.

Su Beibei didn't dare to speak, endured the heartache, and looked at her child tenderly.

Li Ao and Su Beibei looked at each other for a long time, as if he had finally recognized the identity of the person in front of him, tears gradually appeared in those trembling pupils.

Li Ao hid under the quilt and trembled. He bit the quilt with his teeth and wept with a whimper.

When Su Beibei heard her son's cry, she almost burst into tears. She cried out cautiously: "Neil?"

Li Ao's sobbing body paused, and soon shivered slightly.

Su Beibei gently slipped off the bed, and she slowly approached Li Ao's hospital bed.

Standing by the hospital bed, Su Beibei asked Li Ao in a low voice: "Neil, can mother hug you?"

Li Ao was silent for a long time before rubbing his head on the white pillow.

It was a slight nod.

Su Beibei was lying on the side of Li Ao's bed, and she comforted Li Ao softly: "Neil, you are safe. You stay with your mother now and nothing will happen."

Li Ao just continued to sob, without saying a word, as if he hadn't heard Su Beibei's words.

Su Beibei gently patted Li Ao's shoulder through the quilt, and sang a soft song in his ear. Li Ao's twitching body gradually calmed down.

After a long time, Li Ao pulled down the quilt on his head. He stared at Su Beibei with tears on his face, confirming that this person would not hit him, Li Ao cautiously leaned towards Su Beibei and nestled a head on Su Beibei's waist.

Su Beibei hugged the child, afraid of touching the wound on Li Ao's back, so she didn't dare to use force.

Smelling her mother's body and hearing her mother's singing, Li Ao gradually settled down.


A small part of the small intestine was cut off from Li Ao's body. Fortunately, the small intestine that was cut off was only about ten centimeters long, which was not enough to destroy his digestive system. Keep it well, and after the body recovers, the small intestine can function normally.

But he is really too thin, his stomach is very small, and he can only start tonic from liquid foods that are easiest to digest and absorb. The doctor advised Li Ao to drink milk first, and then slowly transition to porridge food.

It will take at least two years to get his body toned.

The wounds on Li Ao's back are all infected, and the doctor will do anti-infection rehabilitation for him.

Su Beibei suspended all work. Fortunately, all the manuscripts for the first season of her play have been written, and she no longer participates in the production of the second one.

Su Beibei had already fired her former aunt, and she stayed in the hospital to take care of Li Ao after she closed business.

They stayed in the hospital for more than a month before returning home.

Li Ao suffered a serious crime this time, and his heart was greatly traumatized. His character became timid and fearful. When he saw things like hemp rope, he would tremble with fear.

He didn't even dare to speak anymore.

Because someone in the subconscious was telling Li Ao that he would be beaten when he spoke!

Li Litohan Zhan found the contact information of the most famous American psychologist, Yalman Evans.

Yarman's time is very precious. He only sees seven mentally disabled patients every month, and will not see new patients until these seven patients recover.

Li Li spent a lot of money to convince Yarman.

With Su Beibei's attentive company and Alman's psychological counseling, after five years, Li Ao slowly walked out of the shadows, and his body became healthy.

Although he still couldn't speak, he finally dared to look directly at people, and dared to run and jump and make big movements.

As for Li Ao's inability to speak about it, Yarman also felt helpless.

Heart disease is not so easy to treat.

In the winter when Li Ao was ten years old, after Su Beibei cleaned the house, she wore a coat and went outside to throw trash.

When she came home, she stepped on the frozen ice block, and Su Beibei fell and smashed her **** on the cold and hard snow, making her half of her body numb.

Adults are not like children. Children can get up and jump up and down as soon as they fall, but adults cannot.

Su Beibei sat on the ground, letting the heavy snow fall on her.

Snow fell on her eyelids, melted into water, and rolled down the end of her eyes into the sweater.

She wiped her eyes, knelt sideways on the snow, propped on the ground with her hands, trying to get up slowly.

The falling snow seems to have stopped.

Snow stopped?

Su Beibei looked up in surprise and saw a large black umbrella above her head.

Li Ao, who was holding the umbrella, was a lot taller, but still thin.

The knuckles of his right finger holding the umbrella were thin and white, revealing an unhealthy color.

Standing in the wind and snow, the young boy stood tall and straight like a cypress.

He will never bend his waist despite the destruction of Fengxue.

The little boy raised his left hand and gently wiped away Su Beibei's tears with his thumb. He opened his lips, probably because he wanted to say something, but his mouth moved for a long time, and finally closed.

Su Beibei felt desperate.

She hugged the young boy's thin body tightly and wept loudly. "Neil, mother beg you to talk, okay?"

The boy's shoulder was pinched by Su Beibei and shook for a while. He felt dizzy, but did not show it. In the end, Li Ao just patted Su Beibei on the shoulder.

When the mother and son returned to their homes, Su Beibei saw the creepy picture of the coffin on the drawing board. She couldn't bear to look at it, turned and walked towards the kitchen, and said to the teenager, "Do you want to eat glutinous rice wine and boiled eggs?"

The glutinous rice wine was sent to Su Beibei by her aunt. After her aunt lost Li Ao, Su Beibei fired her aunt. Auntie feels ashamed, and has been sending things to Su Beibei mother and son all these years.

Li Aoliang tore off the painting, did not hear the voice, realizing that Su Beibei was waiting for his reply, he turned his head and nodded to Su Beibei.

After drinking a bowl of hot glutinous rice wine, the boy was about to go to sleep. He was lying on the bed, listening to Su Beibei reading for him with his eyes open.

Like childhood, Li Ao likes to listen to Su Beibei telling stories she wrote.

Three years ago, Su Beibei restarted her writing career. She became a behind-the-scenes screenwriter, and the two films she participated in were very famous. One of the plays won the Golden Globe Award for Best Film, the heroine won the Best Actress Award, and her screenplay also won the Best Original Screenplay Award.

Su Beibei is now a well-known screenwriter.

Her career is developing very well, but her love life is still blank, and she seems to be not interested in love. In this world, there are only two things that Su Beibei loves, one is his son, and the other is script writing.

After reading the story for more than 20 minutes, Su Beibei found that Li Ao had closed his eyes. Su Beibei closed the script, bowed her head and kissed Li Ao on the forehead, and then left the room.

After a while, Li Ao opened his eyes and stared at the silent night in a daze.


At the age of sixteen, Li Ao registered online to participate in the world's highest art award-Alexander Luchi Painting Competition.

He sent out his original work "The Wrestler".

That "Wrestler" painted a picture of a woman falling down in the snow, but the strange thing is that the woman is wearing a down jacket, but there is a skeleton under the down jacket.

The style of "The Wrestler" is weird, creepy, and desperate and lonely.

But no one can deny how outstanding the artist’s creativity and imagination are. The reason why Li Ao only won a silver award instead of a gold award was because the judges believed that his paintings revealed an anti-social cruelty, and should not be Selected as the gold award.

Some people deny it, others affirm it. "The Wrestler" was acquired by a Japanese collector for a high price of 1.5 million U.S. dollars after winning the silver medal for Alexander Luchi's painting.

The 16-year-old Chinese boy Li Li became famous for a while and became the youngest talented painter in the world.

Many well-known media called Su Beibei and wanted to interview Li Ao, but Su Beibei refused. After hanging up the phone, Su Beibei stared at the young man sitting at the easel, she walked to the young man and sat down.

Seeing the young man staring at the drawing board in a daze and delaying his writing, Su Beibei asked, "Why is "The Wrestler" a skeleton man?"

Su Beibei knew that "The Wrestler" was inspired by her, but she did not understand why in Li Ao's eyes, she would die a skeleton!

Li Ao tilted his head to look at his mother. He pondered for a moment before he picked up a pencil and wrote on the easel: [Mom, I can't forget the way you looked at me that night. 】

Su Beibei asked in surprise: "What kind of eyes do I look?"

Li Ao looked at Su Beibei.

The look in Su Beibei's eyes that night hadn't appeared in these years, but Li Ao couldn't forget it.

He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips, which was an expression of anxiety.

Su Beibei was a little nervous, and she told Li Ao: "Neil, tell mom, okay? If you don't tell me, mom is panicked.

Li Ao held the pen again and wrote on the easel: "The look in my eyes is full of despair, making me feel that no one in this world is still looking forward to me. Even my mother is desperate for me. 】

After writing this line, Li Ao dropped his head, his right hand holding the pen trembling faintly.

Su Beibei was shocked!

She fell down that night and her body hurts badly. Li Ao came out to pick her up under the umbrella. She wished that Li Ao could say something to herself, even if there was only one simple--

Does it hurt?

But Li Ao said nothing.

At that moment, Su Beibei felt desperate.

But she did not expect that the desperate emotion only appeared in her heart for a few seconds before being caught by Li Ao.

"Neil." Su Beibei touched Li Ao's long black hair and blamed herself in her heart. She said, "Neil, mother admits that I was indeed desperate for you that night."

Li Ao looked up at his mother, his eyes filled with fear.

Is mother desperate for herself?

Will my mother want him?

Su Beibei saw clearly the emotion and content in Li Ao's eyes, and she only felt distressed.

She put her head against Li Ao’s forehead and said to him, "But Neil, you are also the pride of your mother. Mom doesn’t expect you to rise above others. Whether you are a talented painter or an ordinary child, you will always be your mother proud."

"Neil, mom is just too greedy. When you are thin, mom wants you to be fatter. When you are short, mom wants you to be taller. When you finally dare to look at others, mom will I hope you can make some more friends. So when you get better and better and gradually get rid of the shadow of childhood, my mother greedily hopes that you can speak again."

"Neil, you have always been good and great, but my mother is too greedy."

Li Ao heard what Su Beibei said, and his tight body finally relaxed.

He wrote on the easel: [Mom sat on the ground that night and cried, like a dying person. Therefore, in my eyes, you are a deadly bone. 】

He turned his head again and looked at Su Beibei softly, and wrote: [But now my mother is the sun. 】

Li Ao drew a stick figure of the sun on the paper, and drew a little person under the sun, and the little person raised his head towards the sun in a hug pose. Li Ao wrote next to the child: [Neil is eager to be loved, afraid of being abandoned. 】

Su Beibei stared at the last line, her eyes filled with tears. "Neil, my mother will never abandon you and love you forever." After a pause, she added: "and your father, and your godfather."

Li Ao nodded.

Mother and son talked for a while, and then they solved each other's knots.


Early in the morning, Su Beibei opened the door and led Li Ao's tutor into the house.

Li Ao and his teacher are studying in the study, and Su Beibei is squeezing juice in the kitchen, busy and constructing new stories in his heart.

Suddenly, the mobile phone on the dining table rang.

Su Beibei put the dragon juice on the table, picked up the phone, and saw Li Lili's name. She was a little surprised.

Over the years, Li Li rarely talked to her, and most of the time he contacted Li Ao directly. In recent years, there are not many opportunities for father and son to meet, but there are videos every week.

Su Beibei answered the phone, went to the backyard, sat on a wicker chair, and asked Li Li, "Li Li, are you looking for Neil?"

Li Li shook his head and said, "I'm looking for you."

Su Beibei was silent before saying: "Oh, we haven't talked for a long time, and we don't know what to tell you."

Li Li told her: "Dr. Nona returned from a business trip. I decided to have surgery. The risk of surgery is very high. Beibei, I..."

The man at the other end was silent for a long time before saying, "I want to see you before the operation... see the child and you."

Su Beibei heard the'you' he said subconsciously. She knew that Li Li never let go of herself. She once found herself being followed on the street. She took out her makeup mirror and could see that Li Li was hiding behind her. from.

In recent years, Li Li's condition has not alleviated but worsened. There are always two or three months to go to Switzerland to recuperate in a year. When he was seriously ill, he was crazy and sometimes wanted to harm himself.

Probably fed up with the pain, Li Li decided to have surgery.

Dr. Nona is Li Li’s doctor. She has studied his mental illness for more than ten years. She discovered an abnormality in Li Li’s nervous system, and she tailored a surgical plan for him in two years.

If the operation is successful, Li Li will return to normal.

If the operation fails, Li Li will suffer from amnesia and hemiplegia, and at worst, he will not sleep long.

Li Li wanted to see the child and his wife before the operation.

After so many years, he never admitted that Su Beibei was his ex-wife.

Some diseases cannot be cured.

Such as paranoid love.

Li Ao sent away the tutor. He was about to go to the studio to paint, but Su Beibei stopped him. "Neil, get ready, we will go to Switzerland tomorrow."

Li Ao paused, and turned his head to cast a blank questioning look at her.

"Your father is going to have a craniotomy, which is very risky. He wants to see us."

Li Ao knew about the operation.

My father has been hesitating all these years, but now he is finally determined to do it, he must be uneasy in his heart.

Li Ao nodded.

The next day, the mother and son set off for Zurich and met Li Li in Dr. Nona's research institute. Twelve years later, Li Li has also passed the 14-year-old hurdle.

There are some traces of years on his face, and his temples have white hair. Because of the torment of his illness, his figure looks very thin.

Seeing Li Ao's mother and son, Li Li didn't smile, but his eyes clearly became brighter. Li Ao still did not speak. After so many years, he has forgotten how to pronounce it.

On the day of the operation, both Han Zhan and Beizhan flew over. Seeing that Su Beibei and his son were both there, both brothers were a little surprised. But after being surprised, I felt fortunate.

Regardless of whether Li Li's operation succeeded or failed, he should have no regrets after seeing his family before the operation.

Li Ao hadn't seen Han Zhan and Beizhan for many years, and he felt strange. He has been sitting next to his mother Su Beibei, head down, immersed in his own world.

Han Zhan saw that Li Ao was a lot taller, and he was 1.67 meters tall. He smiled and said to Su Beibei: "Porcelain Treasure measured the height of the three cubs in our family last month. The second child is 1.73 meters and the youngest is 1.62 meters."

It's been a long, long time since Su Beibei met Han Miao and Han Jun in person, and they met with Song Ci every year.

She always heard Song Ci talk about Han Miao and Han Jun, so when she heard this, Su Beibei subconsciously asked: "Miaomiao should be angry?"

As an older sister, Miaomiao is seven centimeters shorter than her younger sister Han Jun. How could she be convinced?

"Yes, Mingming Miaomiao can eat better than Junjun, and she was stronger than Junjun when she was a child. Who would have thought that she would end up being a few centimeters shorter than her sister."

Bei Zhan looked at the silent young man beside him, and smiled: "Beibei, I remember that when I was a child, Miaomiao liked your family Neil very much and wanted to be his bride."

Su Beibei said: "Yes, but my Neil always disliked Miaomiao for gaining weight at the time. I saw Miaomiao during my video with Song Song last year. She has lost a lot of weight now."

After speaking, the three of them stared at Li Ao.

Seeing that Li Ao did not respond to the topics they discussed from beginning to end, all three adults put away their smiles.

This kid...

Li Li's operation lasted six hours, but fortunately, the operation was successfully completed, but the man suffered a serious crime.


Li Li recuperated in Switzerland for three months before returning to China.

After returning home, he felt very lonely. Han Zhan and Beizhan are both in pairs, and the children in the family are also lively and lovely. He is lonely and unavoidable.

Li Li brazenly called Su Beibei again, wanting Li Ao to return home to accompany him for a while. Su Beibei was originally unwilling to agree, but Li Ao had an accident when he was a child, it was from Li Li.

Su Beibei worried that if the child returned to Li Li, there would be another accident.

But after learning about this, Li Ao’s psychiatrist Yarman said to Su Beibei: “Belle, I think it might be a bold new attempt to change Neil’s living environment.”

When Su Beibei heard Alman’s proposal, she was shocked, "Alman? Do you also think it would be better for Neil to return to Congress?"

Yalman said: "You and I have been with him for so many years. He has not overcome the biggest problem. Maybe he will meet new opportunities when he returns to China?"

Yarman is a psychologist, so he understands better than anyone that psychologists are not omnipotent and can really cure people with mental illness. It is never the psychologist, but the people around them.

Su Beibei failed to make Li Ao completely out of the shadows, that means she is not the one who can completely redeem Li Ao.

In a new environment, there may be unexpected gains.

Su Beibei was moved by Yarman and agreed to let Li Ao return home.

Li Ao didn’t react much to the return to China until he heard Su Beibei say: “Your father found you a school, and spent time with the sisters in your Uncle Han’s family at the same school. You have been friends since you were children. Now, I will definitely get a piece of it."

Su Beibei said this to comfort herself.

When Li Ao grew up, he had never made friends seriously. He was guarded and withdrawn. He was not the kind of person who could easily make friends with people.

When Li Ao heard this, he finally lowered his eyes. He picked up the phone and sent a WeChat message to Su Beibei: [Mom, I don't want to go to school. 】

Su Beibei said: "You are an older child, Neil. The knowledge that can be learned in books is dead. Communication with people is a profound knowledge that you must learn. Furthermore, people must be integrated into society. Will grow."

"Allowing you to go to school is a joint decision made by Yarman and I."

Knowing that this was Arman's idea, Li Ao had to agree no matter how unwilling it was.

Li Ao also hoped that he could speak. He hoped that he could be better than anyone else, but it was more difficult for him to speak.

He didn't know why he couldn't speak, he didn't even remember what happened in that basement when he was a child.

But he was afraid of speaking.


For the sake of Li Ao, Li Li talked with Su Beibei, and finally obtained Su Beibei's permission to move the luggage into their former home.

The coffee shop is still open, and Akun has been promoted from clerk to manager.

On the day Li Li moved back to the cafe, Akun was particularly emotional. He sat at the corner between the cafe and the second floor and smoked. Li Li sat next to him. A Kun knew that Li Li could not smoke after the operation, so he quickly put out the cigarette **** in his hand.

He sighed: "I feel emotional when I think of the scene of your family of three coming in and out at the same time. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li, you will have one day to come back here."

Akun's tone is ironic.

When Su Beibei divorced Li Li, and Li Li and his mother were wrong, Akun naturally defended Su Beibei.

Li Li was not angry. He said: "What if I come back, I am back, and the child is back, and she will not come back."

A Kun stopped speaking.

After dark, it was almost closing, and Li Ao appeared at the door of the coffee shop with his suitcase. The boy grew up in the United States, but he did not have the enthusiasm of an American boy. He wore a black shirt, black trousers, and stood in front of the cafe with a suitcase.

With cars coming and going behind him, he stood still, and at a young age, there was a breath of abstinence and loneliness.

As soon as Akun saw the boy's face, he recognized him.

Li Ao’s appearance is a combination of the advantages of Li Li and Su Beibei. The peach blossom eyes look like his mother, and the sharp and handsome nose bones seem to be pulled from Li Li’s face and pressed to his face. .

At the age of sixteen, he is already a handsome guy. When he grows up, it is even more remarkable.

Akun pushed the door open and said to the boy, "Welcome home, Neil."

Li Ao stared at A Kun and looked at the cafe behind A Kun. He tried to search his memory in his mind to find pictures related to this cafe.

But he can't remember anything.

Li Ao nodded to A Kun, and then walked into the cafe with the light behind his back.

Li Li was waiting upstairs, and the babysitter had already prepared food.

The food was light, Li Li couldn't eat spicy food while he was sick, and Li Ao didn't like spicy food.

After dinner, the father and son sat together playing with building blocks, the atmosphere was very silent.

Li Li looked at his handsome son, and thought of Li Ao's always chattering to himself when he was a child, but now he is silent, he can't help feeling sore in his eyes.

"Go to bed early. You will report to school tomorrow. I will accompany you."

Li Ao pointed at Li Li's head.

Li Li smiled and said, "It's okay. It's been three months since the operation. I just need to rest, not that I can't drive and walk."

Li Ao was relieved.


The school Han Zhan chose for the three boys was not a noble school, but Wangdong No. 1 Middle School where Song Ci had studied.

The campus building is a bit old, and the walls are covered with creepers, but the teaching staff is the strongest in Wangdongcheng.

Han Zhan also didn't plan to send the children abroad for further study. He sent them to Wangdongcheng No. 1 Middle School, because he wanted them to take the college entrance examination and experience the suffering in the world.

For the future, the three children have their own detailed plans.

Han Miao has a special liking for piano. He learned piano from his uncle Jiang Shifeng when he was three and a half years old. Now he has performed on large-scale stages many times. She plans to apply for the Hannover Conservatory of Music after finishing her third year of high school.

Han Jun doesn't like music, she is more like a rebellious wolf, like excitement and challenge. Han Jun is the youth young Taekwondo champion, the international youth sniper champion, and the Union Marseille shooting competition champion!

But Han Jun does not plan to join the army, nor does she plan to become a professional athlete. Her goal is to be the proud heir of Han Zhan and create a new business creation with her own hands!

The youngest member, Han Yin, does not have the musical talent of the elder sister, nor the athletic talent and business talent of the second sister, but he is particularly keen in the political field. When Han Xu was five years old, he worshipped Mr. President Zhou Baoguo as his adoptive father, and he will go on an official career in the future.

The three sisters also have different personalities. The elder Han Miao is accustomed to being wild, lively and jumping. The second child, Han Jun, is cold and frosty, unloading his arms and legs at every turn. He is a violent maniac. The youngest member is a smiling tiger, the city is not bottomed out, and the man behind him is all sorts of things.

Over the years, the three siblings have pinched each other, joined together, and the bumps have grown up.

Early October.

At the end of the National Day holiday, a group of crazy students returned to the campus, like a group of sparrows flying in the air. Suddenly their wings were injured by the slingshot.

Just after the National Day, I started to count the New Year's Day with my fingers.

Han Miao went to France on the National Day. Kleiman is getting old and held his last personal piano concert in Paris a few days ago. As an invited guest, Han Miao went to Kleman’s concert to perform on stage and also appeared on the International Newspaper.

In the morning, the three Han brothers and sisters arrived at the school in a car. The youngest went to the junior high school, and the eldest and second child went straight to the second teaching building. Han Jun was a student of God, and he entered Class 205 directly, and Han Miao was a scumbag and entered Class 222.

Wangdongcheng's liberal arts and sciences have long since ceased to be divided into classes, but they are still divided into top students and ordinary students. Class 05 is an experimental class for excellent students, and Class 22 is a group of middle-level students.

Han Jun's classroom is on the top floor, and Han Miao's classroom goes to the ground floor.

Han Miao is multi-talented, beautiful and rich at home. The people are still unassuming. The pictures of her performance in Paris the other day appeared in international newspapers. When the man of the wind arrived in the classroom, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But Han Miao has long been accustomed to being noticed. She walked to the second-to-last row and sat down, put down her schoolbag, pulled out chocolate from the bag, and handed it to her favorite female monitor. "Here, sweet treasure, chocolate, brought back from Paris."

Squad leader Lin Yutian is a small and exquisite cute girl, about 1.6 meters tall, Han Miao likes to be friends with cute girl most, walking together seems to be her tallest.

She hates playing with Han Jun the most.

Lin Yutian took the chocolate and said to Han Miao, "Miaomiao, a transfer student will come to our class today. I heard that he is from the United States."

Han Miao played with the monitor’s pigtails and stared at the small black mole on the back of the monitor’s neck. She said, “Don’t panic, unless I come, you will always be my favorite.” Just finished speaking, Han Miao noticed that there was a sudden silence in the rioting classroom.


Han Miao heard the monitor’s air-conditioning voice, "So handsome!"

Han Miao raised his head and looked over the black head of the monitor to the door of the classroom.

At the door of the classroom, there was a thin teenager standing at some point.

He is wearing a minimalist black shirt, shirt hem tucked into casual black trousers? The man in his early 1.7 meter is still developing, but the Bile with his legs can be said to be against the sky. Surprisingly, if this person is two years old, all the best male models in that magazine will have to step aside and call big brother.

The boy was very thin, his black shirt was buttoned up to the top, his collarbone could not be seen, but the protruding apple knot could be seen.

The chin is round and round, not the sharp chin that is most popular today. The thin and narrow Alice nose has high roots. When the nose appears on someone's face, you will think it was a knife, but if it grows on his face, you will feel that using a knife is an insult to him.

The nose is pretty, and even the eyes look like drawn with a brush. The eyes of the pair of peach blossoms looked like clouds and mists, and the slender eyes turned up naturally. If you watch someone seriously, that person is willing to undress him. If you glance at a person indifferently, that person will be terrified.

Han Miao stared at the man for a while, and finally exclaimed in a low voice, "My dad, I saw a male fairy!"

Han Miao has never seen such a good-looking one among his peers.

In an instant, Han Miao felt that he was in love, and he was in love, and he could start thinking of names for his future children.

The teenager stood at the door of the classroom and looked around the room, saw the only empty table, and walked straight over.

The table was temporarily placed in the last row by the back door. He put down his schoolbag and didn't know what to do next, so he sat up straight and did nothing.

A hand stretched out in front of Lin Yutian, when she recovered, the chocolate on the table was taken away by Han Miao.

Lin Yutian: "Eh Miaomiao, didn't you give me the chocolate!"

Han Miao didn't seem to have heard it, so he took the chocolate and went to the boy.

Li Ao saw a slightly fat but beautiful girl walking towards him, and he subconsciously reached out and squeezed the strap of his schoolbag, feeling a little nervous.

Is she going out through the back door?

still is...

"Classmate, I think your face is pale, is it low blood sugar? Come, I have chocolate brought back from Paris, and I have eaten it to save life." Like an old driver, Han Miao threw the chocolate on Li Ao's table on.

Li Ao stared at the chocolate without speaking.

Han Miao bent down and stared at the juvenile's curled eyelashes, and asked curiously, "You have a good eye, what's your last name?"

Li Ao has no experience of getting along with peers. He thinks the girl in front of him is the monitor and is here to get information from him.

He took out a pen from his bag and wrote on a piece of paper: [Li Ao. 】

Han Miao was a little surprised, is he Neil?

Beautiful boy, he doesn't talk to me.

Han Miao erased the word and stained some black ink on her thumb. She smiled, patted Li Li's shoulder and said, "Li at dawn, proud and proud, a good name for a young boy."

Li Ao did not speak.

Good name?

When I took this name, my parents still loved each other very much.

Han Miao returned to his seat and greeted Lin Yutian's contemptuous eyes. "Miaomiao, it's okay, unless the king of heaven comes, I will always be your favorite?"

Han Miao glanced at the boy and said in a low voice, "Heaven King is here."