Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Chapter 480: Li Ao is gone

He scolded Li Ao, no matter what he thought, Han Miao turned around and ran back to the classroom. Li Ao didn't enter the classroom until class. He walked into the classroom, glanced quickly from Han Miao's face, then lowered his eyes and sat back to his position.

Han Miao and his class have an art class every week, the third class on Wednesday afternoon, music class every single week, and art class every two weeks.

Today happens to be Wednesday, which happens to be a fortnight, and the art class is on. There are 30 classes for each grade in Wangdong No. 1 Middle School. Class 230 is on the outermost floor of the first floor. Class 230 is an art class. The students in the class either sing and dance, or play and run.

The art teacher of Han Miao and his class is the head teacher of Class 230, whose surname is Ouyang. Fu's surname sounds very high, but his parents gave him a downgrade name, called Ouyang Fa Cai, and everyone privately called him Fa Cai Shu.

The Fortune Tree wears a light gray double-breasted gown, and a pair of handmade black cloth shoes that are hard to see in this era are on his feet. His hair is short, but his chin has a slick beard, like a goat.

Fa Caishu walked into the classroom and glanced at the crooked melons in Class 22. Knowing that there is no child in class 22 who has a talent for drawing, he is not very excited in class.

The Fortune Tree picked up the white chalk and drew a few strokes on the blackboard, but for a while, there was a chalk sketch jar on the blackboard.

"Today we learn how to deal with the shadows of realistic sketches."

The teacher is speaking on stage, and the students are doing doodles underneath. Han Miao was drawing a stick figure with a watercolor pen, and Lin Yutian was writing something on a light blue letter paper with a pen.

Li Ao stared at the teacher who was giving the lecture for a moment, and then he lost interest.

After the teacher finished speaking, seeing that the students were all playing their own games, he felt boring and said, "I will give you a task."

All the students raised their heads and stared at the fortune tree.

"Teacher, what task?" Lin Yutian asked.

The teacher said: "Today is Singles' Day."

Everyone showed a "so what" expression.

The teacher took out a copper coin from his pocket. He said, "This is a good luck coin. I asked for it in the temple when I went to Nanyue to burn incense. In this way, everyone came to the competition to paint and vote for the first place. People, you can take my copper coin. With my copper coin, you can get out of the order successfully and become a couple with your crush!"

As the head teacher of the art class, Ouyang Fat Choi is more open-minded. He thinks that the children are 17 or 18 years old, and they can be regarded as young adults. It is normal to be curious about love.

Hearing Ouyang Fat Choi's words, a group of young girls suddenly geared up, showing interest.

Ouyang Facai put the copper coin on the chalk box. He stared at the classmates off the court and suddenly shouted, "Student Han Miao, come up." Han Miao is a man of the school and plays the piano very well. Much better than the guys in his class who learned musical instruments, so he was very impressed with Han Miao.

Han Miao was confused. She walked onto the stage and was pulled by the teacher to stand behind the stage. To be honest: "Student Han Miao is a model for everyone today. Whoever paints her most vividly, who owns this coin!"

Several people in the class who had learned to paint immediately raised their hands. The teacher counted, and there were six students who participated in the competition. He asked: "Is there anyone?"

Quiet for a while.

Just when everyone thought there was no one, a hand was suddenly raised in the corner of the back door.

When Han Miao saw Li Ao raise his hand, he suddenly thought of the piece of pork belly sticking to the refrigerator. She gave Li Ao a hard look and warned him not to make trouble.

Ouyang Facai nodded, and said: "That's OK, I'll give you 25 minutes, even if you abstain if you overtime." Teacher Ouyang sent a quick drawing paper to each of them, letting them show their magical powers.

Han Miao stood out from behind the desk. She was leaning against the blackboard with one hand on the blackboard and one hand in the pocket of her trousers. The lines on her side were slightly rounded, and she assumed a relaxed posture for everyone to draw her.

It was the painter's observation ability and painter who sketched the postgraduate entrance examination. Li Ao stared at Han Miao for a long time, only picked up the pencil in the last seven minutes, and quickly dropped lines on the drawing paper.

The teacher started to observe the contestants from the window position, and when he moved to Li Ao's side, Li Ao's work was almost finished.

Li Ao's posture holding the pen is a veteran, and every line in the pen is very clear. The same model, on other people’s drawing paper, is either messy or invisible, but on his drawing paper, Han Miao is vivid, even if it is just a sketch of an outline, you can see the model’s vigor through the simple outline. The vigorous side.

The teacher stared at Li Ao's paintings, and he even had the illusion that he was a big boss and he had to bow down.

"Study?" Ouyang Facai asked Li Ao.

Li Ao's lips were straight, and his eyes focused on his image quality, without taking care of Ouyang Fat Cai. I don't know if he didn't listen to Ouyang Fa Cai at all, or he didn't even bother to answer.

A girl in front told Ouyang Fa Cai in a low voice, "Teacher Ouyang, Li Ao can't speak."

Teacher Ouyang suddenly realized.

It turned out to be unable to speak.

"Time is up!"

Hearing this, Li Ao immediately stopped writing.

Teacher Ouyang took everyone's paintings and posted seven pictures on the blackboard for everyone to vote. The painting has no signature, only a serial number, and there is almost no suspense. Everyone voted for the No. 5 painting with their vote.

Han Miao stared at himself on the drawing paper and told her intuitively that it was painted by Li Ao.

Finally it's not pork belly.

Han Miao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After the results of the competition came out, Teacher Ouyang smiled. He took down the painting and shouted: "Li Ao, come and get your painting and copper coins."

Li Ao took the painting and also took the copper coin.

Jingle Bell--

get out of class has ended.

Everyone ran away with their schoolbags.

Li Ao walked out of the classroom with his bag on his back and was stopped by Teacher Ouyang who was standing in the corridor. "Li Ao!"

Li Ao stopped and cast an inexplicable look at Teacher Ouyang.

Teacher Ouyang grabbed his beard, approached Li Ao, and said, "Li Ao, have you ever worshipped the teacher? Did you learn painting from someone?"

Li Ao nodded.

Upon seeing this, Teacher Ouyang was a little disappointed.

Already apprentice...

"Have you thought about going to the Academy of Fine Arts?"

Li Ao shook his head.

Ouyang was in a hurry to get rich. He said, "Why! Li Ao, your paintings are very good. Really, I am not among the people of your age. I am better than you. To be honest, you are better than us. The art specialties in the class must be good at painting. You should not waste your talent."

Li Ao finally understood Ouyang's intention to make a fortune. He took out his cell phone, found the news report he won some time ago, and handed it to Ouyang Facai.

Ouyang Facai probably read the content of the report. He said: "I know this painting, "The Wrestler"! This is the work that won the silver medal in the Alexander Luchi painting competition. It is said that the artist who created this painting was only At the age of 16, he is still a Chinese boy. He is a real genius!"

Ouyang Facai guessed what, he looked at Li Ao suddenly, and said: "Do you want to be like him?" Ouyang Facai couldn't help pouring Li Ao's cold water. He said, "Li Ao, you are indeed a genius, but you He is a bit worse than he is, he..."

Before Ouyang Fat Choi finished speaking, he saw the teenager pull down the screen with that slender index finger, and then revealed a photo of the winning teenager holding the trophy.

Ouyang Facai stared at the face of the award-winning boy, then looked at the face of the boy in front of him, he said, "..."

He forgot what he wanted to say.

Ouyang Facai took a deep breath, then rubbed his face vigorously, and said in disbelief: "My dear, you are Neil!"

Li Ao nodded, turned off the phone and left.

That back, proud and indifferent.

Ouyang Fa Cai looked at the young boy's tall but thin back, his face panicked. He is so big-faced that he wants to accept the silver medalist of Alexander Luchi's painting as his apprentice!

That's a real painting genius!

How can he be a talented teacher!

He wants to worship genius to become a teacher!


Carrying a bag, Li Ao walked for a while along the stadium stairs to the school gate, but suddenly stopped. He stared at the sneaky **** the next step platform and walked silently behind him.

Han Miao hid behind a tree and looked ahead secretly.

In front of her is an unmanned basketball court. In the hidden corner of the basketball court, there are two people, Tian Bao and Zhou Heng from the next class. Tianbao handed Zhou Heng a light blue letter paper folded into a heart shape and a lollipop.

Far away, and Tianbao's voice was soft, Han Miao couldn't hear what they were saying.

But she guessed it.

After a while, Tian Bao and Zhou Heng were about to leave. Han Miao was afraid that Tian Bao would find her peeking, so he turned around and left. But she didn't know that there was a person standing behind her. When she turned around, she suddenly ran into someone and exclaimed in surprise. She leaned back and almost rolled down the stairs.

Li Ao quickly stretched out his hand to hold her arm and drew her back.

Han Miao was hit by the chest of Chao Li Ao who was violently pulling her, she was short by Li Ao, and her forehead hit Li Ao's nose.

Li Ao groaned with pain.

For the first time Han Miao heard Li Ao's muffled sound, the tone sounded very strange. She quickly took a step back and stood on the stairs below, looking up at Li Ao.

Li Ao cried, tears falling down one after another, completely uncontrollable.

Han Miao looked dumbfounded.

"You cry!"

Han Miao quickly took out a tissue from his bag and wiped Li Ao. As soon as he wiped his face, tears flowed down again, just like a faucet.

Han Miao was taken aback for a while.

She squeezed the wet tissue in her hand, feeling a little at a loss.

"Does it hurt?" Han Miao asked.

Li Ao shook his head, but still couldn't hold back his tears.

Han Miao thought of Li Ao’s childhood experiences and guessed something. She thoughtfully said, "Neil, do you feel stronger than us?"

Otherwise, I can't understand why the teenager is so afraid of pain.

Li Ao cried so much, he took a handkerchief from his pocket and quickly wiped away the tears, and then ran away like an escape.

Han Miao: "..."

Han Miao felt that he had made a big mistake, and after returning home, he called Song Ci to talk about it. "Mom, I knocked Neil into tears today."

Song Ci was surprised when he heard it, and couldn't help asking in surprise, "What did you hit with?"

"I hit his nose with my head, good fellow, his tears are as if they don't need money, they just flow, and they can't stop."

Han Miao asked Song Ci: "Mom, is Neil very afraid of pain?"

"Let me ask you Aunt Beibei."

Song Ci called Su Beibei and realized that Li Ao had become acutely painful because of his childhood experience. For others, there is only 10% pain, but for him it is a hundred times pain.

After Han Miao learned of this, he silently added a nickname to Li Ao in his heart——

Squeamish bag!

When he was in class the next day, Han Miao glanced at Li Ao secretly. Seeing that the other party had regained his indifferent and reserved look, he couldn't believe that the boy who cried like a baby yesterday was Li Ao.

After the second class, Lin Yutian pulled Han Miao to buy snacks. Han Miao went. As usual, he only bought a bottle of water. Lin Yutian bought a box of biscuits and a box of yogurt. Seeing that Han Miao only had a bottle of water in her hand, she said, "Do you really want to quit snacks to lose weight?"

Han Miao nodded, "Yes."

She has insisted on it for a month and can't give up halfway.

Lin Yutian believes that Han Miao is really determined to lose weight this time. She thought for a while, and silently threw the biscuits and yogurt into the trash can. "Then I won't eat snacks anymore, so that you won't be greedy by the smell."

Han Miao hugged Lin Yutian, "Tianbao, I know you love me the most!"

Lin Yutian let Han Miao hold her arms, and the two walked to the classroom like Siamese babies. When they reached the second high school building, Han Miao hesitantly asked, "Tianbao, did you confess to Zhou Heng yesterday? ?"

The smile on Tian Bao's face suddenly disappeared.

Han Miao let go of Tian Bao and stared at Tian Bao's uncomfortable cheek. She said, "He rejected you?"

Tian Bao gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Han Miao's eyes fell slightly, and he took Tian Bao's hand and said, "Don't be sad, there will be better ones waiting for you in the future!"

Tian Bao Qiang smiled.

Han Miao thought that Tian Bao would give up if Zhou Heng refused, but she underestimated the attachment of the young girl who was in love with her.

It was getting colder and colder, and it was Christmas in a blink of an eye.

Young children like to spend Christmas, but Li Ao is the only one in the class who really regards Christmas as the New Year. On Christmas Eve, Su Beibei flew back from the United States to spend Christmas with Li Ao.

Su Beibei grew up in New York, and so did Li Ao. The mother and son have already regarded Christmas as the biggest holiday of the year.

When Su Beibei came to look at Dongcheng, she brought Li Ao with a set of dolls she had longed for. She was very happy to receive the dolls and even decided to forgive Li Ao for reporting her early love with Zhu Feng last time.

Su Beibei also prepared gifts for Korean TV dramas and Han Yu.

On Christmas Day, Li Ao did not go to class and spent Christmas with his parents in the old coffee shop house. This is the first time Li Li and Su Beibei have spent Christmas together after more than ten years.

After more than ten years of divorce, Li Li had another operation, and his mood was much calmer than before. The couple sat in the same room for dinner, and the atmosphere was rare and harmonious.

They do not discuss the past or the future tacitly, but only talk about the children and the friends they know together. Li Ao looked at the way his father and mother talked happily, and he thought it was not bad.

After Christmas, Su Beibei returned to New York, and before leaving, went to the rented house where Li Ao studied. Li Ao's homework hasn't been finished yet. He is doing his homework in the study. After obtaining Li Ao's permission, Su Beibei entered Li Ao's studio.

Li Ao's studio is full of his works, including oil paintings, sketches, and several Chinese landscape paintings. Despite the chaos in the studio, Su Beibei would not move those words casually.

Li Ao is a bit paranoid and eccentric. The studio is his private domain, and he will not allow anyone to make trouble in his private domain.

Su Beibei respects Li Ao's privacy.

There are two easels in the studio, one of which has an unfinished oil painting on it. Judging from the color of the painting, Li Ao's painting should be the thundering sea at night.

The turbulent waves were black, like a demon with an unfathomable mouth, ready to swallow the ship.

Li Ao's paintings are as dark as ever.

Su Beibei walked to another easel.

This easel is facing the door of the studio and against the window. The window opened, and the winter afternoon sun came in through the window and fell on the pure white drawing paper.

Su Beibei thought that he would see another painting with a weird and dark style, but unexpectedly, there were no skeletons, no demons, and nothing that would make people uncomfortable to see it.

The picture shows a young girl. She is holding the blackboard with one hand, one hand in the pocket of her trousers, and her long hair randomly pierced the head of a ball in the back of her head.

The girl was smiling, and the sun fell on the girl's cheek, which made her look alive and powerful.

Su Beibei recognized the **** the drawing paper as Han Miao.

She was surprised and happy.

My son has painted for ten years. He seldom paints people, and the only few figures in his painting style are very strange. The people he painted were either skeletons or had no facial features.

This is the first time that he actually painted a person on his drawing paper.

Su Beibei thinks this is a good sign!

It might be the right decision to let Li Ao return to study in China!

Su Beibei did not ask Li Ao about the painting, but relayed the matter to Li Ao's psychiatrist. The psychiatrist and Su Beibei share the same views. They both believe that Li Ao's condition is gradually getting better.

Maybe it won't be long before Li Ao is willing to speak.

On the 27th, Su Beibei left. When leaving, Li Ao and Li Li went to see her together. When Su Beibei was sent away, both father and son were silent for a while.

Both of them were reluctant to leave the woman.


In a blink of an eye, it was New Year's Day.

Under the organization of Han Miao, class 22 prepared a dance which was performed by boys and girls in the class. They danced an MJ dance. Han Miao is the chief choreographer, but she is not in the performing team because she will play the piano alone this evening.

The New Year's Day party was held in the evening, with 6,000 teachers and students in the school sitting on the large playground. The scene was also spectacular.

To perform on stage in the evening, Han Miao went out to put on makeup in the afternoon. She was the finale and had to be the last one to play. When she got back to school with her makeup and clothes, it was half past eight.

Han Miao was wearing a dress and felt cold, so he put on a down jacket outside and sat in the waiting room with the host.

Tonight's hostess is still Weng Ling, the schoolgirl who gave Li Ao a lollipop on Singles' Day. Weng Ling knows Han Miao's true identity, and they are old acquaintances with Han Miao.

Seeing Han Miao coming, Weng Ling walked to Han Miao and sat down. She handed a glass of milk to Han Miao and said, "It's hot to drink."

Han Miao subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

But when he thought that he was losing weight, Han Miao retracted his hand again. She smiled apologetically at Weng Ling and said, "I'm going to lose weight, so I won't drink these things."

Weng Ling smiled and said: "What do you do to lose weight, you look good if you are fatter."

"I look thinner and look better."

Weng Ling hummed.

The performance on stage was about to end. Weng Ling should be ready to be the host. Before taking the stage, she suddenly asked Han Miao, "Is that Li Ao the son of Mr. Li Li?"

Han Miao looked at each other with a faint smile. She did not admit or refuse, but said, "Li Ao is my fiance." Seeing Weng Ling's pupils trembled slightly, Han Miao added: "20 years old We will hold an engagement ceremony and get married after college."

Weng Ling never doubted the authenticity of Han Miao's words.

If the news she got is correct, Li Ao is almost always Li Li's son. The daughter of Han Miao and the boss of Zeus International, Li Li is the only son of the second boss of Zeus International. It is not surprising that the two will marry.

Weng Ling was also expecting to pursue Li Ao and board the ship of Zeus International for her family, but she did not expect that Li Ao would have a marriage contract with Han Miao long ago.

Weng Ling was a little disappointed when her abacus fell through.

Li Ao didn't have the slightest interest in these performances, but he sat patiently until the last moment. It was almost nine to forty, and finally it was Han Miao's turn to appear.

Han Miao sat in front of the grand piano and immediately improved the compelling performance of the stage, giving people a feeling of being in an open-air concert.

Han Miao played Kleiman's classic "Kiss Wind Kiss Rain", which is a lyrical piece and was selected as one of the top ten sad piano golden songs in the world.

When Han Miao was playing, almost no one spoke.

Li Ao looked at the girl who concentrated on playing the piano.

When Han Miao was playing the piano, her whole body exuded charming radiance, and she became quiet and immersed. The cold night wind fluttered her little curly hair, and her tender and tender cheeks were full of collagen.

The young girl was ready to bloom, ready to bloom.

She is a charming dangerous thing!

When Han Miao finished his performance, the audience burst into thunderous applause. Li Ao sat in the audience and applauded, palms flushed.

After the party, the dean of each grade took the microphone and stood on the stage to direct each grade to withdraw to the classroom with stools.

When it was the 22nd turn, it was past ten o'clock.

Li Ao held the stool and followed the crowd to the classroom. He habitually walked in the last position. After returning to the classroom, the stools were put on, and everyone left in groups.

Li Ao took his schoolbag, and when he was about to leave, he discovered that Han Miao's schoolbag and jacket were still in the classroom. He thought that Han Miao was wearing an off-shoulder skirt today, and it was late again, worrying that she would go back to the classroom alone to fetch things.

Li Ao couldn't rest assured, fearing that Han Miao would be bullied and teased by malicious boys. Li Ao took out his cell phone and wanted to ask where Han Miao was. He could send her the schoolbag.

But the phone is dead.

Li Ao wanted to help Han Miao take the things directly, but was afraid that Han Miao would come back to take the things, and finally decided to sit in the classroom and wait for Han Miao to take the things.

At ten thirty every day, the administrator of the teaching building will turn off the main gate of the teaching building on time. Standing at the end of the corridor, the administrator did not hear anyone talking, and roared: "It's all back to the dormitory, it's about to turn off the switch!"

After roaring, the administrator pulled down the switch!

In an instant, the whole world plunged into darkness.

Li Ao found that the whole world was dark, and a trace of fear crawled up the bottom of his feet until it reached his scalp! He suddenly stood up from the stool, staggered and hid in the corner of the back door, curled up in the corner with his schoolbag, his eyes widened!


Han Miao was going to go back to the classroom to get his schoolbag and jacket, but he ran into Han Jun downstairs in the classroom.

"Not going?" Han Jun saw Han Miao wearing a skirt and a down jacket. She walked over to help Han Miao zip the down jacket. Then she said, "Go back, don't catch a cold."

Han Miao smiled and asked her: "Are you worried about me, are you here waiting for me?"

Han Jun did not deny.

Han Miao would go to the Symphony Orchestra in Kyoto with Shen Yubei during the New Year's Day holiday. She didn't need to do homework. She was also cold, so she stole laziness and didn't go back to the classroom to get her schoolbag and coat.

During the holidays, the three children have to go back to the manor in Yulongshan to live. When the sisters walked downstairs to the house, they saw Yan Qingxiu parked the car on the side of the road. Han Wei leaned on the front of the car and was eating silkworm potatoes. Seeing Han Miao and the others were coming, he said to the banquet in the car, "Sister, they are here!"

Yan Qingxiu got out of the car, and Chao Han Jun said, "Hurry up, just wait for you."


The four people ride back to Yulong Mountain in the same car, and the three brothers and sisters in the car are fighting, and there is no quiet time for a moment.

Han Miao asked Han Wei, "Little brother, has the eldest sister lost weight recently?"

Han Xun stared at Han Miao's arm and said, "I didn't find it!"

"I went from 112 catties to 108 catties, which is a total of 4 catties!" Han Miao stretched her hands a distance in front of him, and said, "Do you know the size of four catties of pork belly is big! I lost such a big piece of meat? come out?"

"You really lost four catties?" Han Jun and Han Yu asked this together.

Han Miao hugged his arms, raised his head proudly, and said with a smile, "Yes!"

Han Yin and Han Jun looked at each other, and both felt quite surprised.

Unexpectedly, Han Miao really lost a few catties.

The third sister and brother made a few noises around Han Miao Shou Shou, and only interrupted their conversation when the phone rang suddenly.

"My phone rang!" Han Miao took out the phone from her down jacket and saw that Uncle Li was calling. She put her finger to her lips and said, "Uncle Li is calling."

Han Jun and Han Xun were quiet.

Han Miao answered the phone and yelled obediently: "Uncle Li." Then she asked: "Uncle Li is calling so late..."

Before Han Miao finished speaking, Li Li on the other end yelled anxiously: "Miaomiao! Neil hasn't gone home yet, and the driver has not picked him up. Have you seen Neil!"

Han Miao's expression changed drastically! "Is Neil missing?"

Han Miao subconsciously sat up straight and said to Yan Qingxiu, "Aunt Dong! Go back to school!"

Yan Qingxiu turned around at the next intersection and drove back to the school. On the phone, Li Ao talked to Han Miao about Li Ao's situation in a flustered tone, "The driver had been waiting at the door, but he waited until 10:30 before he saw Neil, so he went to the school and rented a house to look for it."

"They haven't found Neil yet!"

As the second boss of Zeus International, Li Li has set up some enemies outside. Li Li is worried that an enemy has kidnapped Li Ao, and he wants to use Li Ao!

Li Li grabbed his hair in pain, and said guiltily and reproachfully: "The kid had experienced something like that when he was a child. If I do it again, I really..."

He is not even qualified to die!

"Uncle Li, don't worry, let's keep looking!"

Han Miao and the others hadn't walked far, and soon returned to school. Han Miao felt that Li Ao was not the kind of person who would run around. If Li Ao had been kidnapped, they would naturally not find Li Ao where he was.

If Li Ao is not kidnapped, then he is either in a rented house or in school.

The rental area is not large, and the driver did not find Li Ao, which means that Li Ao is not renting. The three siblings got out of the car, and Han Jun calmly and calmly said, "Brother, you go to the playground, I'll go to the sidewalk and the small forest in the school, Han Miao, you go to the school building!"

"it is good!"

Han Miao quickly ran to the teaching building of the second grade under the dim street light. She was standing at the entrance of the first floor of the teaching building, and she saw the dark corridor with some hair behind.

About five or six years ago, a senior who was under pressure to study jumped from the top of the building and landed at the position where she stood.

Han Miao didn't feel scared when there were people during the day. There was no one at the moment, and the surroundings were dark. The timid Han Miao was so scared that he got goose bumps all over his body.

When the cold wind blew, Han Miao's hair fluttered, and she felt that the elder fool was blowing at her.

Han Miao was frightened by what he had imagined.