Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v2 Chapter 101: , Shantou, brother is coming.

The appearance of the Elder Scrolls caused Luo Tian’s heart to swell.

As long as the secret on the reel is untied, the first veil of the ancient gods can be uncovered.

If you can really get it, then...

It’s really a very wow thing, and I’m so excited about it. He’s been in the world for a few months. No matter if it’s a book or a powerful person, I’ve never heard of any gods. Soldiers, there is nothing more to keep up with the ancients.

The various runes on the scroll were a smog and they could not be understood at all.

It doesn't matter if I don't understand it. I almost lost my mind.

Fortunately, the emergence of the mad knife!

When Luo Tian heard that there was a way to drink blood and mad knives, he opened his heart and hurriedly said, "What are you waiting for? Let’s quickly unravel what ‘乾坤阵’.”

"Cough, cough..."

"Kids, only one battle in the morning, Laozi's real yuan is running out."

"Do you know the power of this squad? According to the rank of the array, the level of this tactic is probably above the ninth level. The people who are engraved are really powerful and can be so powerful on a small parchment. I have to admire this."

"It seems that this engraver should be an ancient great man." The voice of the knives came out in detail.

His words made Luo Tian a surprise.

Who is the blood drink mad knife?

Will he admire people in the presence of the world's first tyrant?

The people he admire can be seen to be so powerful. If it is the scroll left by the ancient great man, it must be hiding this amazing treasure.

Luo Tianxin is getting more excited. "When will it be necessary to solve it?"

The mad knife said: "To solve the Qiankun ray, I am sure that I can't do it alone. You must first find Qi Jin, Mu, Water, Fire, and the Five Elements of the Demon, and use the power of the Five Elements to add my 'Sura killing God'. It may be broken."

"Five lines of demon nuclear?"

"All are attribute demon nucleus." Luo Tian heart can not help but a tight, this demon nuclear can not be met, most of the monsters possessed by the monster are common attributes, it is very difficult to find a property demon nucleus.

The mad knife said: "I can't control this. This is your own business. If you find me, I will solve the secret of the scrolls on the scrolls. If you can't find them, I can't help."

The mad knife puts on a look that doesn't matter.

Luo Tian is uncomfortable: "Is there any other way you are jealous? Well, I am also your host. If I don't mix well, don't you have a face?"

The mad knife shouted: "It’s not good for you to mix me. If it’s not for your kid to promise me to kill, I will take your broken body."

Luo Tian also shouted: "The old is not dead, there is a kind of you come, you think I am afraid of you."

After swallowing the killing nucleus, Luo Tian entered the killing world and was not afraid of the knives, but it could burst out of clarity. It is impossible to win his house now.


The **** knives must be limited by some kind of power. Otherwise, with his hot personality, Luo Tian will definitely rush out with a slap in the face.

"I'm furious."

"Your kid... his grandmother dripping, mad at me, coughing..." The coughing sound of the mad knives continued, and the gas was not as good as the old man who was licking.

Luo Tian also couldn't bear it. He comforted: "I said something a bit heavy. Don't worry, I will get together the five elements of the demon. What is hidden in the Elder Scrolls, you want to know, right?"

The mad knife does not speak.

Luo Tian said again: "Rely, don't be like this, make a joke with you."

Still don't talk.

Luo Tian hippie smiled and said: "The mad knife brother, mad knife brother, I am not wrong yet? I should not lose your temper, I am guilty."

Still don't talk.

This makes Luo Tian very faceless, and angered: "The mad knife, you are so rude, don't give face? Laozi whispered and admits mistakes, why do you want to scream."

Luo Tian’s words were just finished, and there was a sound in the body. This voice is, “Hey.”


"Knife, your sister, call you a snoring, your sister's really ‘吱’.” Luo Tian was speechless.


The mad knives violently jumped up. "Are you a kid who was sent to death to kill me? Lao Tzu said that he would consume a little real yuan in one sentence. If he goes on, the life of Laozi will be gone. Do you know that Laozi is taking life with you? Speak, don’t say a word to me if you don’t have a five-line demon.”

Luo Tian’s eyes squinted, waiting for the mad knife to finish, whispered: “You have spent five real yuan.”


The mad knife wants to kill Luo Tian’s heart.

Luo Tian grinned and said: "You are not angry, just look at you so hot, it is still very strong, rest assured, brother will not bother you before you recover."

After that, Luo Tian's body did not have the madness of the knife.

It should be to recapture his killing world and recover the real yuan.

a long time.

Luo Tian determined that the mad knife is not there, and some contemptuous words: "Hey, but also claim to be the world's first tyrant, is not to let you kill a metaphysical ninth-order Zhu Changfeng, this can not stand, too disappointing, How do you follow your brother?"

Very despised, but also very happy.

The personality of the mad knife is actually like him.

The same hegemony, the same madness, the same personality is also hot.

It is also because this point of the knives only look at Luo Tian.

And Luo Tian is also considered to give up the idea of ​​conquering the knives.

The two people are somewhat sympathetic to some extent.

Luo Tian looked at the sky, it was already late, only one hour from the dark, and the heart began to itch.

Mystery award?

Can I pick it up at night, is Li Xueer sending me some kind of signal?

Luo Tian laughed evilly.

Thinking of Li Xueer's beautiful face and proud figure, Luo Tian was somewhat unbearable, and the evil fire of his heart rose.

Immediately, she will have a very wow relationship with her, and she will soon be able to say goodbye to the virgin body.

Luo Tian’s heart is excited.

This kind of excitement is a bit embarrassing, some overwhelmed, and the mood is very complicated.

Luo Tian took a few deep breaths and secretly said: "Luo Tian, ​​you are really dying, isn't it swearing, is it so exciting?"


It’s squatting on the ground and doing hundreds of push-ups~lightnovelpub.net~ Every time I think of a mind, I think of a posture, and my younger brother is gradually looking up, hardened, and the push-ups are like a pair. The action of strong x earth is quite wretched.

Time passed by.

Luo Tian is almost as true as a needle, counting time.

He really can't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Looking forward to coming soon at night, hurry up to do wow...

After a long time, it is the longest period of time that Luo Tian has ever felt.

The sky finally got dark.

Luo Tian suppressed his inner excitement and grinned softly: "Hey, brother is coming!"


The volume of "The Ancient God Soldier" was changed to "The Ancient Treasure", and the individual feels better. He also made a fuss about the third volume.