Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 1128: , game BUG...

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Luo Tian was shocked by the resentment of the scene.

The number of grievances is much more than he imagined.


The cultivation of these grievances is stronger than him. He does not see the strength of these people's grievances.

Like the spirit, the spirit of grievance can also break through, but it takes a very long time.


It has been sealed here for 10,000 years. It is unimaginable for a long time. Their cultivation is even slower, and many people’s grievances reach a terrible level.

This is a very powerful team!

This is the first feeling of Luo Tian!


No one can see them in the most powerful part of the team. Sudden attacks will be impeccable and unstoppable.

A grievance, headed by a step forward, respectfully said: "Good people, thank you for agreeing to help us, as long as you can help us to free the shackles of the Soul Sword, we will do our best to help you accomplish one thing."


"Our kind of grievances can't enter the reincarnation, and we will always be crushed by the Sword of the Soul. In this 3, 768 years, we are more uncomfortable than being a ghost. This kind of death can't die. The feeling is too uncomfortable."

"Good people, you must help us."


A lot of grievances make a voice, and the voice is a bit gloomy. It sounds like a hairy hair.

From the voice of their voice, Luo Tian’s mind was slightly tight and asked: “You said that you are not dead?”


"We will never die, and we will never die."

"This is the curse that the wizard planted on our souls. Let us live forever and suffer for this eternal life."




Luo Tian’s heart trembled. “The veritable undead army, is this too strong?”


Luo Tian said: "Since you are not dead, why not kill the sword of the soul? I only have the cultivation of the realm of Wu Xu, you let me help you to break the sword, to know the witchcraft The spirit of the division may reach the realm of the sea of ​​God, how can I be an opponent?"

The head of the grievances said: "You don't know, although we are not dead, but we have received the ban, we can only move within five kilometers of the infinite number of people, we also want to break the sword of the soul, but also Without waiting for us to get close to the main hall, the Spirit of the Soul Sword will give up the power to destroy the soul. It is a spike to us. We tried countless times and the results are the same."

Even if it is an undead body, there is a time to die.

Luo Tian meditated.

In order to find the BUG, ​​you must analyze each sentence they have said.

Not waiting for Luo Tian to speak, the grievance said: "We are grievous, ordinary attacks are useless to us, but there is an attack that will only die if we meet, that is the power of the wizard."

"The spirits in the Infinite Hall are not wizards, but they are the spirits that the wizards have condensed. They have a certain power of choice. We are very afraid and we dare not approach."

Luo Tian continued to be silent.

Many grievances looked at Luo Tian, ​​for fear that Luo Tian would leave.


Even if Luo Tian leaves them, they will not blame Luo Tian, ​​because it is too difficult after all.

Luo Tian’s cultivation is too low after all.

If it weren't for them to hold Luo Tian, ​​I am afraid that Luo Tian is already dead inside.

The grievances in the gates are extremely ferocious. Once humans are present, or the monsters are close, they will all be killed.

This is also why there is no monster around.

"Two elders, I think it is too bad. The repair of this little brother is too low. Even the grievances of the Taiyan realm can't cope with it. How to counter the spirit of the realm of the sea?"

"Yeah, he can promise us, I am very happy. He has been the only one who has dared to promise us for thousands of years."

"Oh... this may be our life."

"It’s all because of the witch, not because she is infinitely divided and it doesn’t become what it is.”

"There is another wizard's wizard..."


Many grievances whispered.

For Luo Tian, ​​they did not have hope, and pressed Luo Tian to protect him.

Luo Tian promised to help them, they were overjoyed, but they were very clear in their hearts. With Luo Tian’s current strength, it is impossible to help them break the sword of the Soul, and even the spirits of the realm of the sea can be added by all of them. Not an opponent.

a long time.

Luo Tian's eyes flashed a trace of fine mans, and his eyes lifted gently.

The surrounding grievances have already dispersed more than half, but the grievance of the blasphemy is still there. He is also polite to accompany Luo Tian, ​​otherwise he will leave early.

Seeing Luo Tian’s eyes flashed a sharp and sharp man, his look was not affected.

Luo Tian looked at him and said: "You mean you can't get close to the infinite hall?"

The grievous nodded noddedly: "The infinite hall is protected by the Sword of the Soul. We will be killed when we are a little closer. It is the same for one person or ten people. It is instantly turned into powder. Although we are not afraid of death, we still want to Can enter the reincarnation and get a second super-life. If our grievances are strangled, then we will never lose the chance to reincarnate."

Everyone is afraid of death.

Even the grievances are the same.

They are also eager to be reincarnation.

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "You also said that as long as you cross the gate, you will encounter all kinds of powerful brutality and grievances?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Luo Tian said: "Is their cultivation compared with your cultivation?"

The grievous spirit said: "It should be said that it is almost the same, but our strength is difficult to kill each other. We are all undead, so we can’t talk about who is more powerful, but you humans can kill them, but your repair is too It’s low, you won’t be killed until you get close.”

"Sure enough!"

Luo Tian excitedly laughed.

"Sure enough."

"This should be the bug of this task?"

"Oh... my mother is a genius!"

Luo Tian is excited ~lightnovelpub.net~ As a professional player, he not only wants to play games well, but also the most important thing is to understand the analysis and know how to use everything in the game.


Luo Tian looked at him and asked: "I have a way to help you!"

The look of grievances also became excited. From the first sight of Luo Tianshi, he felt that Luo Tian was different. The reason why he did not leave was that there was still a hope in his heart. He heard Luo Tian say so, his The voices became trembling and asked: "You said, you said, as long as you can help us break the sword, let me do anything."

Luo Tian smiled softly and said: "I want you to send me to the infinite hall, as long as you can do this, I can help you to break the sword!" R1148

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