Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 1168: , the power of the day, ...

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go away?

Never thought about it!

Haiyu Long must die!

Haiyulong’s eyes lifted gently. He couldn’t remember what special words Luo Tian had said. He couldn’t help but say: “What?”

Luo Tian said with a smile: "I said, we meet again is your death!"

The voice fell.

The sound of Haiyulong is trembled. The fear in Lingyun City once again comes to mind. "No, you can't kill me, kill me, all your friends will die, including Yi Mengmeng."


"As long as you are willing to let me go, I will assure you that Haijia will never send people to kill you again, and there are still... I immediately go to the antidote of Black Dragonfly King Poison to restore the appearance of Yi Yumeng, Luo Tian ... Luo Tian, ​​as long as you don't kill me, I promise you all the conditions."


Thoroughly afraid.

He thought that he would not be afraid of Luo Tian if he broke through the realm of Tai Yan.

did not expect.

This time, the fear hidden deep in the bottom of my heart became stronger. When I heard Luo Tian’s voice, his body could not help but tremble. Luo Tian directly became his demon, afraid of death.

Seeing that Luo Tian does not speak, Haiyu Long is anxious to say: "You killed me, you can't escape. The two of them are all in the realm of Taiyan. You can't deal with them. As long as you put them down. I, the conditions open with you!"

The two black men are also divided into two directions, and they are close to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian is not afraid.

He does not speak.

He is waiting!

Waiting for the time, wait for the white bears to escape to a distance that a black man can't catch up.

Luo Tian smiled and said: "What conditions can you really agree?"

Haiyulong quickly said: "What conditions are promised, if you want you to say it, there will be no things that I can't do with the sea family. I can give you anything you want."

Luo Tian said with a full smile: "I want you to eat your own 屎 屎?"


Haiyulong's teeth bite slightly, and I can't wait to tear Luo Tian into pieces. "Luo Tian, ​​don't push too much!"

The distance between the two black men is one step closer.

Luo Tian is still calm and calm, said arrogantly: "I am pushing too much, what's wrong? You Haijia is not always overbearing, very arrogant? I want to get rid of me again and again, if I don't show anything again, really Thought that Luo Tian is a good bully?"

In an instant.

The two black men's eyes exchanged a little.

Between lightning.

In a sudden move, the two men used the same kind of exercises and directly sealed Luo Tian’s direction. Under these two strokes, even if they were higher than their realm, they could not escape!


Luo Tian mouth gently tapped, his body slammed into the ear of Haiyu Long, oh, sullenly said: "Death!"

Haiyulong spit out his eyes and shouted: "No..."

The sword is moving!

Luo Tian did not retreat!

Even less to control the attack of two black men, now this time the white bears have already ran to a safe enough distance, then he has no scruples, the sword swept out and slammed.

Investing in vitality.

God burst release!

The fierceness that erupted on the Eternal Sword was raging and directly smashed the head of Haiyulong!


Blood burst out!

The head rolled on the ground, two eyes with fear, with anger, with unwillingness, looking at the dark night, did not close!

Also at this moment.

The attack of two black men fell at the same time.


"Kid, take your life!"



Watching Haiyulong being killed, they are murderous, and the moves on their hands are even more fierce. There is absolutely no room for them. If they can't kill Luotian, they can't explain to Haijia.

They have no retreat.


Luo Tianxin’s heart twisted, without any hesitation, “the power of the heavens, give it to me!”


There was a burst of noise in the body.

Turn around.

The power of the heavenly election that was exploding from the King of the Souls was released by Luo Tian. One of the three most powerful forces in the ancient mainland was very precious. In the face of the two killers, Luo Tian did not have the slightest Hey.

If you do not release the power of the election, then he will die!


The power of the election is gone, and you can blast again next time. You can also climb the mountains to get the power of the election!

More critical!

Luo Tian uses his power of choice to have his plan...





A powerful force, almost letting Luo Tian's violent force burst out of his body, he could not grasp the power of the operation, the trajectory, from the moment of use, the power of the election is completely out of his control.

Because it is too strong.

Powerful to him, even the control can not control.

At the moment when the power of the election broke out, the two black-handed killers were sinking, with horror, with incomprehension, and with more fear than Haiyu’s longan, “How, how, how ,,"

"The power of the day?"

"Wizard... Wizards...?"


"Hey, hey..."

The body of the two had a series of cracked bones, and then the whole body ruptured, and the body jerked, like a strong suction, madly shrinking, and the health of their heads was also drastically reduced.

Less than half a second.



The system sounded two beeps!


There is no resistance!

Can not resist.

Luo Tianxin secretly sinks himself, and he can release the power of the natural election. He can clearly feel the power of the power, and his heart is excited and excited. "Good, strong, really powerful, this power... too mad, Too much to do, you must get this power!"


Luo Tian did not make any stops and left quickly.

The release of the power of the election can cause the attention of the strong in thousands of kilometers. After all, not everyone has the power of this heaven. The wizard is only a few, and this power is not used casually. Once used, it is bound to be a major event. If you don’t leave, you will gather a lot of strong people in half an hour. There must be a strong person in the sea family. When you want to leave, you can’t go away.

The reason why Luo Tian used the power of heaven to kill two black people was because he wanted to hide his eyes and ears.

No one knows that he has the power of a natural election.

Even if the people around him don't know ~lightnovelpub.net~ two black killers are killed by the power of the election, then the Hai family can not infer his body, so he is safe for the time being, more The important point is that white bears will be safer. Just wait for them to enter Yunxiao College, and believe that Haijia does not dare to move them brazenly.

As for myself...

Luo Tian did not think much, the soldiers will stop, you dare to come, I will dare to kill!

Luo Tian quickly left and walked toward another mountain road leading to Yunxiao City...


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