Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v2 Chapter 122: , strengthening magma fire

The crowd was turbulent, and all of them desperately went back.

Their eyes are full of endless fear, fear, and the body can not help but tremble.

Fear, incomparable fear.

The sinister sinisterness of the undead guards made them tremble.

Luo Tian stood at the very least to support the pregnant woman at the foot of the giant Han, looking at her pale face, the heart secretly hurt.

Is this **** still a person?

Even a pregnant woman has not let go, but also that arrogant look.

Everyone has parents, who are all out of the mother's womb, so treating a pregnant woman is not as good as a beast.

Luo Tian cold eyes smashed the half body of the giant man, his eyes filled with endless anger, he could not wait to let him die 10,000 times.

The old woman stepped forward and held the pregnant woman who had already fainted, and said, "God, they are coming."

Luo Tian looked indifferently and smiled and said: "It’s just right."

If you are angry, you have to release them all!

In an instant.

Luo Tian did not wait for the guards to come up and directly attack them.

Two fists and one grip, dragging the often-tailed flames, like a cannonball shot.


"I am your ancestor!"

He jumped heavily, his right fist moved, his strength poured in, and he punched.

Align the head of the first person to the bottom.

A punch is rotten.

Sounds in the mind


Punch, spike!

After a round of bombardment, the second fist followed, and roared: "Mal Gobi. You all go to **** to you."

Like crazy, like a magic.

The scene where the pregnant woman was stepped on was printed in Luo Tian’s mind, and the scene really made him extremely angry.

The more annoyed. The more you vent.

Every punch and blast will kill an undead guard, and Luo Tian will prove to them that the so-called undead guard is nothing more than a group of waste, no need to be afraid.


Less than half a minute, there is only one person left by a 16-person patrol patrol squad.

It is also the leader in the team's bodyguards.

Riding a **** dog, his face was stunned, and the rifle pointed at Luo Tian and shivered. Looking at the dead guards around the face is very ugly, but also very puzzled.

How can it be?

How could this be. Yin Wang gives us a dead body, how can it die?


Who is this man in front of me?

How can he kill undead guards?

In horror, his voice trembled and asked: "Who are you?"

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "I just said it. I am your ancestor."

The head guard's eyes changed darkly, and the underarmed dog screamed in the murderous throat, and said coldly, "Look for death!"


Luo Tian sighed and smacked his index finger and smiled and said: "You really thought that you are not dead, you are a group of stupid pens."

"Yin Wang will not lie to us."

"Our flesh is immortal..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Tian licked his ears and said that this sentence had been annoyed, and the figure moved. A punch hit out.

The head guards immediately closed their mouths and ejected from the **** dogs.

At this time, the **** dog was madly rushed up.


"You are still a beast to arrogant in front of Laozi." Luo Tian punched the back of the dog.

Directly smash its body into two segments.

The dog is not dead. Like other bodyguards, it has the so-called 'undead body', and the two dogs are screaming at Luo Tian, ​​still mad.

Not afraid of Luo Tian!

Luo Tian is very annoyed, one foot directly stepping on the head of the evil dog, and the brain is blasted out. "Fucking. Call again!"

The head guard's face is very ugly, "How come you..."

Luo Tianqi smiled and said: "How can you kill them? I said. You are a group of stupid pens who think they have an undead body. It is actually a group of garbage."

They are really bad.

If you want to use the level of division, it is estimated that it is only the realm of Xuanshi.


If they do not find their weaknesses, then their strength is probably the realm of the great master.

Give it a try.

How can a person fight without death, no pain, how do you fight with him?

Fortunately, Luo Tian found their weaknesses, otherwise they would be killed by them.

Because of this, their experience is very rich, it is a good place to brush experience, if these people have a thousand words...


Luo Tian couldn't help but swallow his throat. Isn't that a breakthrough in the realm of Daxu?

The head guard's eyes almost spurted out anger, and said: "Yin Wang will not lie to us, you can't kill us, hahaha... You outsider will die very badly, and Yin Wang will give us eternal life. Hahaha..."

"Give your sister!"

Luo Tian’s foot moved, and the wind and shadow stepped out.

The body drawn a long phantom, and instantly fell to the head of the leader, with a hook on the corner of his mouth, showing a smile of death, cold and cold: "Let's laugh again."

The head of the guard had just opened his mouth, and a thick magma fire fist rushed into his mouth.

Burning, crazy burning.

The nose, the eyelids, and all the ears are full of black smoke.

Under the head of the head guard, a half-finger bug was moving wildly, as if to break out.

Also at this moment.

Luo Tian’s mind suddenly remembered a tone.


“Congratulations to the player’s “Luotian” magma fire upgrade, is it strengthened?”


“Upgraded?” Luo Tian’s heart was happy, immediately said: “Strengthen!”


"Please make intensive choices, feet, chest, head."

"What do you mean? Is this a set of exercises that constantly strengthens the body and then turns the body into a magma, or is it a fireman?"

In an instant.

Luo Tian wowed, and the heart said to himself: "Isn't it going to strengthen the red dog that is one of the three major players in One Piece? Or is it fire fist Ace? Or the power of both of them, wow a thief, want Don't be so arrogant, the little heart can't stand it."


Luo Tian thought a little and made a choice, saying: "Strengthen your feet!"


"In the process of strengthening the feet..."

Why do you strengthen your feet?

Chest, head, can only be more defense, but the foot is the attacking part, ask a foot to sweep out, like a fire whip, that is how to pull the wind.

of course.

There is another reason why Luo Tian chose to strengthen his feet, because he just thought of the characters in One Piece, and naturally thought of the chef of the eyebrows, how powerful his dead feet are.

A few seconds passed.

The whiteness of the feet began to appear, and then became red, and then the little magma rolled out.

Both hands and feet are made up of magma, and it looks like his mother’s wow.

Also at this time.

The head of the guard was already dying, and Luo Tian smiled coldly and said, "Go to hell."


Suddenly ~lightnovelpub.net~ an extremely thick voice came out, a cloud of black clouds floating in the air.

The golden clouds are shining in the clouds, and they are also endlessly cold and dying.


"You told Laozi to stop and stop, and the old man has no face." Luo Tian said with a contempt, then his right fist moved.

Unscrupulously killing the head of the guard!


The black cloud exploded, and the inexhaustible death pressure was like a tsunami that was crushed toward Luotian...


Thanks to the ‘pasqualer’1888 book coin reward support, thanks to the ‘book friend 51851787’ for the support, the old cow is extremely grateful, and the new day, ask the brothers to vote for the recommendation to the old bull, thank you! To be continued