Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 1236: , 1 big wave of strong...

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The four beasts were inhaled by Luo Tian.


The body is like an ancient battlefield.

The green dragon is roaring, the white tiger is in the hustle and bustle, the basaltic is in the hair, and the Suzaku is taking off.

The scene was too shocking.

When they hit, it was the most uncomfortable time for Luo Tian.

They want to be super-lost, and they are constantly raging and breaking through the shackles.

After a night of integration, Luo Tian's body has reached the edge of the collapse, and the mental strength is also extremely exhausted. At this time, the four-headed beast is madly in his body, and he is almost unable to bear it.


A force on the mind has surged.

Luo Tian’s eyes flashed through a fine man’s eyes, and he screamed in his heart: “You all give me a stop, be careful that I cut you!”

The ancient tree was very uncomfortable with the four-headed beast.

Suddenly a force came out.

The four beasts trembled at the same time.

Luo Tian can clearly feel that they are afraid of the power of the ancients, "Well, it is finally to save a life."

A loose heart.

Also take this opportunity to use the idea of ​​madness to merge the four behemoths into one.

A few minutes passed!

Luo Tian glanced with both eyes and excited: "It is!"

"Ha ha ha..."

"The fusion is successful!"

Luo Tian’s heart can’t tell the excitement, but it’s also a while.

One night's thrills, several times I stepped into the ghost gate, and on several occasions I was about to grasp the power in the blood. Fortunately, everything was bitten by him, just if it was not the ancient tree that broke out. If the four beasts are quiet, Luo Tian will eventually fail.



Luo Tian's double fists secretly grasped, and felt the strength of the body in detail, and gently tapped the corner of his mouth. "The power of arrogance and arrogance is cool!"

Can't tell the cool.

The powerful force contained in the blood makes Luo Tian excited.

This time the adventure is worth it!

Even if he is allowed to take ten such risks, Luo Tian will never wrinkle his brows. He will once again combine the power of blood to unlock the blood seal of the four gods. He can now clearly feel the dragon in his left wall. Above, the white tiger is right, the basaltic defense is in front, and the Suzaku insight is all behind.

The four beasts are as guarded by Luotian as before and after the four King Kong.

This feeling is like the continuous breakthrough of dozens of times, the power has risen to a height that Luo Tian can't imagine.


The only thing Luo Tian was a bit uncomfortable, did not wake up the blood of the four gods.

It is just a simple way to unlock the blood.

What is the blood of the four gods, and once the blood is awakened, is it still worth it?

What's more.

If the current Luo Tian awakens the blood of the four gods, then his body will not be able to withstand it, and will be directly smashed by the power of the blood, so it is a lucky thing for him not to wake up the blood.

Luo Tian stood up and shouted, saying: "Shuang!"

All over the body, every capillary, and even every cell is full of explosive power, this feeling is too cool.

The exhaustion of one night, the physical collapse, the lack of mental strength disappeared instantly.

Liu Zhan was covered in blood. When he saw Luo Tian’s words, he came up and asked, “You’re so cool, this young man almost made a life for you.”

Luo Tian smiled slightly and said: "Liu fat, brother will remember everything you have done today."


Luo Tianshi exhibited a 'regeneration technique'.


The regenerative technique covered the head of the Liu war from head to toe. In just a few seconds, the extracutaneous wound on his body was quickly regenerated in the form of the naked eye, and it was restored, just like the regeneration on the Tian Xuan continent.

Liu war suddenly stunned and looked down at his body. "I rely on it, all well. You are too powerful in healing. The god-level exercises are just like this."

Luo Tian himself is also a glimpse.

It stands to reason that regenerative surgery belongs to the mystery of Tian Xuan's mainland. On the ancient continent, it can't be regarded as a higher cure. In the past, every cure can only heal a little, but now it is restored at one time.

Is it difficult to change?

Luo Tian couldn't wait to open the system skill bar and watch the exercises in the skill bar. The whole person was scared.

Exercise: regeneration

Grade: God level

Gongfa: Shanhe Quan

Grade: God level

Practice: Savage collision

Grade: God level

Gongfa: King Kong Sword

Grade: God level


All the exercises have changed.

Practice: Alchemy

Grade: God level

Exercise: Forging

Grade: God level


All are god-level exercises!

Unbelievably powerful!

Luo Tian himself was frightened by the whole person. A kind of practice became a **** level and he was psychologically prepared. However, all the exercises he cultivated were promoted to the level of God. What kind of rhythm is this Nima? Hey.

It’s a mess.

Luo Tian almost scared the urine.

To know.

The gap between the god-level method and the ordinary method is too great. A god-level method can sometimes turn things around.

Luo Tian’s most **** exercises have become god-level exercises, which means that the power of these ‘garbage’ exercises has now reached an extremely terrifying level.

In this moment.

Luo Tian immediately thought of the blood of the four gods, and the heart was excited again. The blood was burning. The dark road said: "It must be the change brought about by the blood seal of the four gods. It’s so cool, hahaha..."

in fact.

Luo Tian did not know, because of the chance.

Combine the power of great and full of blood.


The use of the **** burst twice, the power of the **** burst is completely integrated into the blood of the four gods. Under the double coincidence, the practice of his cultivation has been completely transformed, that is to say, all this can not be controlled by the system. Otherwise, Luo Tian will hear the system prompt tone.

It is worth mentioning that.

Two explosions, the most powerful force in the blood of the four gods was inspired.

Once the blood is awakened by Luo Tian.

The power brought by the blood of the four gods will multiply, which is the power of the gods.

Liu Zhan looked at Luo Tian’s stupid and excited look. On his face, he said in his heart: “It seems to be a success, but what exactly is he unwrapping?”

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, these belong to the four gods and beasts.

It is impossible for him to have these in his body.


Liu’s doubts asked: "Are you just unlocking the seal of some kind of practice?"


This is the only thing he can think of.


Luo Tian itself is mysterious, and the practice of cultivation also has a transformation ~lightnovelpub.net~ So it is reasonable to practice the practice of the four gods.

Luo Tian took a moment and smiled a little, saying: "How to practice?"


"It’s a practice, completely unlocking the seal."

Liu Zhan is very contemptuous of Luo Tian, ​​some uncomfortable: "With you is too hurt and self-respect."

Luo Tian looked at the bright sky and said: "The good show is on the scene, let’s open the door and welcome you!"

The big wave around the strong is close...


The first chapter is delivered!

On the last day of April, the old cows begged everyone to check the ticket warehouse to see if there is a monthly ticket. Today, the monthly ticket is needed at any time. The old bull needs the support of the brothers. Everything is pleased! ! ! ! R1148

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