Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 1363: ,You are already dead...

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A slap in the face.


The dragonfly bounced directly on the ground and fell again.

Qin Fu directly fell nose and face swelling.


This palm does not use too much force, otherwise don't say climb up, I am afraid his head is now gone.

"Dare to move Laozi!"

"Do you know who Laozi is?"

"You..." Qin Fu's nose was full of blood, and when he got up from the ground, he screamed loudly.


Before he finished speaking, Luo Tian went straight out.


More than two hundred kilograms of fat man flew out like a broken kite and flew directly into the city dozens of meters away.

Xu Feng was waiting for him. He looked at Qin Fu, who was half-dead in the city. His eyebrows were tight. He did not intend to shoot at Luo Tian. He said slightly: "Let's go, he is the nephew of the deputy city owner. I am afraid that it will be too late to leave."

He admired the man in front of his heart.


Luo Tian did what he wanted to do but did not dare to do.

Luo Tian smiled, "the little scorpion of the deputy city owner?"

"Who is the deputy city owner now?"

Xu Feng’s face was a little anxious, saying: “Bai Xiangfeng is also the first strongman of Wuliangcheng. His cultivation is already the realm of Taiyan’s peak. Don’t ask so much. If you don’t leave, you can’t go. The city is not Anyone can scatter wild places."

"White to the peak?"

Luo Tian remembered the name.

At the beginning, he led the white people to the vast mountain through the Wuliang Mountains. It was not for the benefit of the city. He was somewhat unhappy, but he was very satisfied with Xu Feng and said, "Don't worry."


"I just told you that from now on you are the leader of Dongcheng."


Luo Tian stepped into the city gate.

Xu Feng stunned, but he didn’t react at the moment. When Luo Tian’s group of people walked into the city of Wuliang, they rushed out and shouted: “Who are you, are you not afraid? Wuliangcheng is already a gold force. City, you..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Liu war came to him and smiled and pointed to Luo Tiandao: "Do you know who he is?"

Xu Feng shook his head.

Liu Zhan laughed: "He is your city master!"

Xu Feng's eyes shook, "Luo,,, Luo Tianluotian adults?"


Qin Fu is still not dead, because he has a level of armor.

Climbing up from the ground and watching Luo Tian a group of people walking into the city, did not feel afraid, but with a murderous machine, shouted loudly: "Where is the Guards, what is the Guards? Lingyun City's spies are coming, they want Kill me, hurry... kill them all."

What did Luo Tian do for him?


He knew that when he waited for Luotian, they would become a dead body on the ground.

With the Deng family of Lingyun City relying on the mountains and seas, the infinite city is waiting for the time. The patrol patrols can be seen at any time on the street, and it is also the most powerful army in the city.

The patrol squad heard the cry of Qin Fu and immediately picked it up.

Quickly arrested Luo Tian and all of them.

Qin Fu’s face was shocked and pointed at Luo Tian’s nose. “It’s him. He is the spy of Lingyun City. I suspect that he is a person of the mountain and the sea, and it is definitely a person sent by Deng’s family. I killed him."

The captain of the patrol squad did not order, but asked, "Is he really talking?"

Luo Tian did not speak.

Did not even stop, went directly to the captain's face, said slightly: "Take me to see your deputy city owner."

The guards’ eyebrows were shocked and shouted: “The deputy city lord is what you can see and see, Qin Tongling, what you said is true, who are these people?”

Qin Fu’s eyes turned, showing a cold smile, and he said in his heart: “See my brother-in-law? This is just the right thing, you are not the opponent of my brother-in-law.”

Luo Tian has a lot of people, nearly 20 people.

The patrol squad of the Guards is only eight people, and it is not necessarily an opponent.

If you can bring them to your brother-in-law...

Qin Fu coldly smiled and said: "They are spies, and they are brought to my brother-in-law. He must have identified it. My brother-in-law was once a Lingyun city."

"What are you doing?"

"Put them over."

The heart sneered: "Boy, where is my brother-in-law, I see how you die, the two beautiful people are my, hahaha..."


The Guards Force forced it up.

Kailin looked at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian shook his head and said slightly: "Follow them."

He also wants to see what this white peak looks like.

People on the street are pointing.

Luo Tian took a close look at the road and found that it was much better than when he came, and the products are also richer. There are also many foreign merchants and some risky squad members. The most important point is that it is not here. Chaos.

For this point Luo Tian is somewhat pleased.

After half an hour.

They were taken to a huge military field.

The big house in front of the military field is the city government.

The martial arts are all younger disciples who are shirtless upper body and crazy practice, some of whom are uncommon talents.

"Qin Tongling, when we brought it, we bothered you to inform the White City Lord." The patrol captain said.

Qin Fu smiled coldly and said: "Now there is nothing wrong with you here, you can go."


Qin Fu made a heavy drink and shouted: "Where is the guardian of the city?"

"Where is the infinite disciple?"


The guard of a city government ran up and said: "Qin Ye, what happened?"

at this time.

The disciples who practiced in the martial arts field all stopped, and they ran up and brushed, and they couldn’t get through the water around them.

Qin Fuyin smiled coldly and pointed to Luo Tiandao: "Dog things, know who this is? Who dares to move Laozi, today I want you to know the means of Laozi, give me a fight, except for the two beautiful people, all give me Fighting in the dead."

"His mother, dare to beat Lao Tzu!"

The people around him were slightly shocked.

Qin Fu’s eyes were round and roaring. He said, “I didn’t hear you in my words?!”

The guardian of the city government immediately shouted: "Get them down!"


The encirclement is quickly pushed in.

Qin Fu smiled smugly, watching Luo Tianyi said: "Dog things, dare to fight with me, I can play with you casually, hahaha..."

Luo Tian mouth corner hook, smiled, "play dead me?"

"I wanted to give you a chance to live~lightnovelpub.net~Now...you are dead."

Luo Tian was slightly angry.

at this time.

A man came out and watched the performance field full of people. He shouted: "What happened? Don't you practice? Don't you know that time is precious?"

The voice has not yet fallen.

He looked at Luo Tian in the crowd, his face was happy, and he instantly shook it. "Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tiancheng, you are back..."


Make up the chapter, there will be a monthly ticket plus more chapters tomorrow!

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