Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v9 Chapter 1750: , merged, shocked...

The reason why the beast was angry was because Luo Tian broke the defensive gas shield of the beast. ,

If you absorb the defensive gas shield of a beast, you can't tear the space and tear quickly.

and so.

They are angry.

Roaring like a thunder, rolling up.

at the same time.

Lei Fatzi also led many guards to rush.

This is the strongest collision in the history of the Devil's Abyss.

Lei Fatzi has been on this line for more than a million years and has never encountered so many beasts.


He is holding the determination to die.

The same is true of the guards behind him.

They also have things they guard.

Or the homeland, or some kind of will, anyway, following the first day of Feng Lei, they will be out of life.


The momentum is ferocious, not weaker than those beasts.

Let's talk about Luo Tian.

After the energy of the gas shield was absorbed, his mind was sinking. The system did not know why it became violent, as if it was afraid, and it seemed to be excited. This feeling Luo Tian could not say.


Luo Tian has a feeling that the system has a relationship with the interface opposite the time and space crack.


It is possible that the system in your body is implanted on the opposite side of the technology plane.

Why is this?

Luo Tian didn't know that the system was replaced. He couldn't communicate with the intelligent system now. He didn't know who the system was implanted in his body. Now the only thing he wants to do is kill.




The cracks in time and space are shaking, and hundreds of beasts rushed up together, like the thousands of troops rushing.

Luo Tian stood in the same place, with a heavy fist and a heavy fist. The heart said: "It has a defensive shield, you?"


"Otherwise you may not be in the same place."

"If this is the case"

"God burst"

Luo Tianxin sighed aloud, his power tumbling, his right palm moved, his arm burned.


Luo Tian’s foot rotates out of the flame.

The range of rotation is getting bigger and bigger, and it is as big as a hundred meters. Suddenly, the flame slams and burns. Luo Tian holds a huge fireball, facing the beast that rushes up from the front, and his eyebrows are tight.

"Dark vindictiveness"


The darkness of the nine dragons rushed out of his body and quickly flooded into the emperor, swimming on the surface of the huge fireball.

"Yan Emperor"

"Give me a bomb"


The turbid sky slammed down a bolt of lightning.

Yandi blasts

Directly into the cracks of time and space.



Wan Lei Qi Ming in general.

Crazy crushing, crazy burning, the rushing beasts under the flame are instantly crushed.

I saw the constant redness of the damage on their heads.




All are six-digit damage, but the blood on their heads is too horrible. Each head is worth 100 million points. It is impossible to kill with Emperor Yan, and Luo Tian’s current repair is still too weak.

The power of the realm of the gods cannot simply release the power of Yandi.

The beasts did not suffer from the chaos of the injury, but they were more rapid and shocked.




A headed beast rushes out of the flame and the whole body is burning.

One of them jumped into the air, opened the blood basin, and bite down the head of Luo Tian, ​​and at this moment, a strange and unfamiliar force on the beast was crushed on the heart of Luo Tian.


The knees trembled slightly and the body was bent.


"The pressure is crushing, and it is the pressure of his mother."

What Luo Tian hates most is this kind of attack.

The brain is heavy, uncomfortable, and involuntarily violent.

Luo Tian’s temper is more violent

Double fists and heavy grips, fire the flames, "Overlord battle body"


Luo Tian’s body was covered with an armed color of domineering, his right foot was shocked, and his body rushed up. “I like the pressure of crushing, but I let you crush it.”


The beast bites down



Its teeth were bitten on Luo Tian, ​​Luo Tian was not injured, but his teeth were broken several times. At this moment, Luo Tian’s fists moved, “Overlord Fighting Boxing”


A fist hit the top of the beast.

The beast's mouth is open.

Luo Tian body bombed, flew out, his fist turned black, suspended in the air, staring at the beast of the painful screaming, "I let you know what is called crushing."




Punch out with a punch and a punch.

Like a storm

In the air.

The body of the beast fell down, and Luo Tian rode on the body of the beast, punching the flesh to the flesh, and crit.


The beast was on the ground and pulled out a huge deep pit.

Luo Tian did not let go of this, or continued bombardment, double fists do not leave spare capacity, each time is the overlord battle boxing, each time is full force, the power of the dark overbearing master is released wildly.

The head of the beast was shattered.

Brain pulp splitting.

Blood rushed out.

Luo Tian still didn't stop. In the end, he directly tore the head of the beast and lifted it to the air. His eyes were coldly staring at the demon lords who were outside the scene, and then they were heavy. "His mother, Who else"


Unarmed and empty fists directly killed a beast.

at this moment.

Those demon lords are dull, "Is he still a man?"

"The power of the gods has this power"

"What exactly is this kid? He really is the ruling of the ruling."

Lei Fatzi was excited, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha"


Loudly laughing.

Lei fat man turned to look at the shocked demon lord, and laughed loudly: "The other man's ridicule to Laozi, waste my boss may be waste you guys, wait. Hahaha"

His men are also very excited.


"I always thought that the Lord Lord was the most terrifying. I didn't expect him to be more terrifying."


"It’s a madman~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone is full of blood.

Even the beasts of the beasts were scared by the arrogant domineering that Luo Tian had released. His eyes were full of fear, his voice was low and his body could not help but retreat.

Also at this time.

Luo Tian’s mind sounded a tone.


"Congratulations to the player Luo Tian to kill the beast to gain experience, 1 point, the value of the gods, the power of the source is 1 point."


"Is the power of integration?"

"Successful integration"

When I heard this prompt, Luo Tian was dumbfounded~ search for the basket color, you can read the later chapters in full text.
