Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v10 Chapter 1958: , accept the bundle of fairy rope

Luo Tian Ma stepped slightly, his right hand stretched out, looked at the old man, said: "Get started."

The appearance of a generation of masters.

The old man looked at Luo Tian and kept looking at him.

The fairy power on his body surged.

Luo Tian faintly said: "It is best to use all your strength, or you will regret it."

The old man’s heart was tight, and he didn’t know why. Looking at Luo Tian’s eyes, he always felt the inexplicable pressure. This kind of pressure made him somewhat unbearable.


Breathing out of the body, the heart of the old man calmed down and adjusted his breath to the best condition.

In an instant, the old man exhaled, "I am coming!"


It disappeared instantly.

At the moment of this disappearance, the celestial force on his body was sent out, forming a force shock wave to directly evict the surrounding students.

Xuanyuan cattle also have some body can not bear, in their hearts are stunned, "a strong breath shock."

"Is this Xianli?"


They also know that the old man in the confrontation with them did not use all their strength, and only used a trace of Xianli.

The gap is really too big.

Zhuge Qing looked at Luo Tian, ​​and his heart was vaguely worried.

"Does Heaven Brother..."

"Rely, Tian Ge is invincible, there will be nothing."

"Not bad!"


Everyone is watching Luo Tian. ,

The people at Thunder College, as well as the people in the military area led by Lei Xiangdong, all looked at Luo Tian.

If Luo Tian loses, it will definitely affect morale.


If he wins, this can be extraordinary. He can win the immortal strongman of the immortal ancestor. This will make them feel very excited and let them worship Luo Tian. The city of Shenhai will be more united.

No matter how.

This war can't be lost!

Absolutely not.

Not only can't lose, but you must also win beautifully.

"I'm coming!"

In the void, the old man slammed into Luo Tian, ​​and the fist was so powerful that he rushed to Luo Tian’s forehead.

Luo Tian stood still and did not move.

"What happened to the boss?"

"What happened?"

"How can I not move?"

"What happened to Tian Ge?"


The people around him are not clear, even the old man is a little confused, and the moment the fist slams down, he will soon hit Luo Tian’s forehead, and he wants to take back Xianli.

It is also at this moment.

Luo Tian’s eyes suddenly rounded up.


A thought burst out.

The body is still there, punching it through, but not hitting the entity, leaving it in place is nothing but a shadow.


The old man’s heart was tight, and a huge force came behind him.


Unstoppable, he had no room for any backhand, and he didn't have any time to respond to him. Almost at the moment he shot, Luo Tian stood behind him. This speed... is much stronger than too much.

A fist hit.

It does not use any force, this is a tribute to the old man.


He did not use force on Zhuge Qing just now, otherwise they will definitely be injured.

The old man’s body just rushed forward and stood up, turned and looked at Luo Tian, ​​saying: “Good, fast speed!”

"Kid, I have to use real power."

The voice fell.

The old man's five fingers and one move, a sacred force rune appeared on the five fingers, and constantly turned to the void, followed by various rune shields around his body, and the whole body was surrounded by death.

The old man stretched his right hand and said: "Go!"

A dazzling white force is tied to Luo Tian.

Luo Tian said a little, faintly said: "You will not be a rope tied with a rope?"


"Do you know the bundle of ropes?"

The old man said, "Don't you really go to the fairy sect? Or, are you a disciple of Tianzun?"

"Ha ha."

Luo Tian smiled and said: "The immortality is really gone. As for the Tianzun you said, I don't know anyone."

"Now, see how I broke your bundle of ropes."

The voice fell.

Luo Tian did not retreat and directly rushed to the bundle of fairy ropes.

Also at this time.

The old man also moved, and the gas shield on his body continued to burst out of Xianli, forming a burst of pressure after a while, crushing to Luotian.

The speed that Luo Tian just broke out made him have to use his own superiority to release Luo Tian.

Only in this way can Luo Tian be tied to win him, and he can bring these savage disciples to the immortals.


Luo Tian emptied and grabbed the bundle of fairy rope directly in his hand. The powerful Xianli constantly wanted to tie him.


Luo Tianmei’s heart was shocked, and his mind was moved. A force of divine power was injected into the bundle of fairy cords. The original imperial power disappeared completely and instantly became the power of Luo Tian.

"Hey..." Luo Tian excitedly smiled and threw the bundle of fairy ropes out, saying: "Bundle!"



In less than half a second, the old man was tied up, and it was still **** with five flowers.

The air shields on his body were turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.


"Oh..." The old man continued to use his strength, and he continued to use the idea to inject the bundle of fairy ropes, but it was completely useless.

His mind is completely uncontrollable.

He kept calling.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at the old man's five flowers tied to the ground, all laughed.


"Boss is mighty!"

"Boss is mighty!"

The students at Thunder College shouted in unison, and everyone was extremely excited. What about the immortals of the Immortal?

It was solved after three or two, and even his magic weapon was conquered, too powerful!

far away.

Lei Xiangdong’s blood is boiling, he said: “I don’t see it, I don’t see it. You can’t see the strength of the boss. It’s too strong. This is Luo Tian. Just ask you, is it strong?”

More than 6,000 warriors are like him, and they are full of blood.

Immortals are not opponents, this boss is really too embarrassing.


Luo Tian thought of a move, tied Xianxian automatically returned to his hands, walked up to help the old man, faint smile: "Old man, take it?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Xuanyuan Niu laughed with great joy, said: "Apply?"

The skinny monkey is even more excited. "You simply stay in our Shenhai City. Don't go back to the fairy sect. The immortals of Xianrenzong are not the opponents of our brothers~lightnovelpub.net~The old man is very Wolverine, he was very excited because of Luo Tian.

Looking at Luo Xian’s bundle of fairy ropes, the old man is full of doubts: “How did you do it?”

He is very excited.

Never been so excited.

Luo Tianxiao asked: "You have not said that you are not convinced."

The old man said: "For so many years, besides my master, you are my first person who is convinced, I serve!"

Really served.

If you don't accept it, even the high-class fairy tying rope that his master gave him will be conquered. Can he dissatisfy?

Thanks ‘ riding a snail on the high speed, how to make it, if there is no fake,’ there is a brother who can’t see the old cow, thank you for your reward, thank you, thank you!

Good night.