Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v10 Chapter 2007: , the killer carrying a **** knife...

When Satan made a choice, Luo Tian did not move.

He is waiting.

Satan is undoubtedly the king of the Western world, in charge of the Yin world.

These ghost warriors must have been made by him.


And what Karen is also his followers.

He is waiting for Satan to make a choice. If his choice is a little wrong, then... Satan in the North American theater will disappear!





There are at least a thousand ghost warriors near the Pentagon. They are all in the dark, and the sniper rifle locks Luo Tian’s head.

Karen ordered it.

The bullets rushed out and the shells came out. They were all poisonous bullets with the blood of God. As long as they hit, they would appear paralyzed.

By the time……

Karen looked at Luo Tian, ​​who was motionless in the sky, and grinned. "Ha ha ha... kid, your death is here."

The president and the ceremonies in the safe house also smiled.

They are also aware of the power of these ghost warriors, and it is clear that Luo Tian will be shot down immediately.

Just when the first bullet left Luo Tian and the name of a few centimeters, Satan suddenly moved, and the darkness of the sky spread.

Turn around.

Satan turned into the king of hell, and roared, "Oh..."

All the bullets turned into black spots and were swallowed up by the darkness, and the ghost warriors were sucked into the darkness one by one.

There is no resistance at all.

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

Karen was panicking, watching the darkness of the sky, muttering: "Master, how, how is you, how can you stand with him?"

"No, no, no, master, I will get his genes right away, everything I do is for you."


A dark force directly caught Karen into the air, and Satan said coldly and coldly: "Are you for me?"

"Are you for yourself?"

The voice fell.

In the darkness, a devil's mouth is opened to directly devour Karen into the darkness.


A scream rang, the power of darkness came, and the world became quiet. Satan stood quietly behind Luo Tian and smiled: "The garbage is cleared."

Luo Tian smiled a little, and the corner of his eye glanced at Satan and said: "You saved your life just now."

Cold voice.

In addition, Luo Tian’s eyes were taken to the eyes of killing. Satan could not move at this moment, and was completely crushed by the breath of Luo Tian’s body.

In my heart, I was afraid after a while. If I chose to start with Luo Tian, ​​I really died as he said!

A cold sweat oozes from the back.



Zhao Linger smiled and said: "I will say that you will die in your own master."

"All right."

"Little calf, it’s time for us."

The thirteenth floor is underground.

Here is the headquarters of the gene base, which is one after another laboratory, as well as a variety of test tubes in huge test tubes.

There are humans.

There are also animals, and some Warcraft.

At the bottom of the lab, there is also a piece of spherical meteorite, and more than a dozen researchers studied it with various instruments in its hands.


Zhao Linger stopped and muttered: "It's here!"

Looking at the spherical meteorite, his eyes are slightly combined, and the dark channel: "Is this the power of the outer domain?"

Also at this time.

A man who collected an anesthetic gun and gun pushed Zhao Linger heavily and said: "I didn't let you stop, hurry to give me away."



A cow demon with a flame spiral rushed out, and the strong man who had just pushed Zhao Linger flew out and hanged directly on the wall, squirting blood and suffocating.

The cow demon angered: "Dare to move my master, find death."

In an instant.

The demon king slammed into the madness of the thunder, and the more than a dozen strong men in Zhao Linger were trampled to death.

Zhao Linger said slightly: "One does not stay!"

The demon king stunned and immediately slammed into the front door and directly knocked the door down.

Then kill it wildly.

This is the first time Zhao Linger issued an order to kill.

Genetic research relies not on data, but on the talents of these genetic studies, and they are the source of the terminal.

In this matter, Zhao Linger did not hesitate at all.


For her, people in the North American theater are heterogeneous.

Zhao Linger step by step toward the huge spherical meteorite, the wrinkle and deeper the eyebrows, did not take a step closer, her body could not help but tremble, "good, strong, too powerful, what is the interface strong?" ”

The breath on the spherical meteorite almost affects her strength.

Almost unbearable.

Just 50 meters away, she walked for ten minutes, standing on the side of the spherical meteorite, Zhao Linger took a deep breath, the little hand gently placed on the rock, the eyes slightly combined, her body A special force is released.


Her body sank slightly.


Her mind is like a time tunnel.

"Nine days of sacred gods!"

"As long as you can bring him back to God, I will give you the crown of the Lord God."

"This is the main artifact."

"His name is Luo Tian, ​​in the low-level plane under the chaos, where is the earth."

"Get him to me!"


She can see the laughter of the supreme **** Wang Hongtu in the realm of God, and can feel the tremendous power of him.


Zhao Linger squirted a blood, and the body fell to the ground. "Uncle, are you from the realm of the gods?"

"What secrets are hidden in your body, can you let a king of the gods use the strongest killer organization in the nine days and ten circles to chase you?"

"Uncle, what kind of past do you have?"

She wants to know.

This is her main purpose here.


She wants to know what Luo Tian is doing to find the source debris.

Now she can't even understand Luo Tian.

More and more do not understand, what is hidden in Luo Tian, ​​what can make a **** domain king send a super killer to chase?


Zhao Linger gasped out and stood up again.

The demon king has solved all the people here, standing quietly next to Zhao Linger and asking: "Master, what happened to you?"

Zhao Linger wiped the blood of his mouth~lightnovelpub.net~ faintly said: "I don't want to talk to Luo Tian about my business."

The demon king said slightly: "Yes."

Turn around.

Zhao Linger restored the look of the playful little girl in the past and looked at the spherical meteorite. He said: "You swallow it. The power on it is enough for you to grow into a strong person in the realm of heaven."

Turn around.

Zhao Linger turned and left.

The demon king did not hesitate to swallow the spherical meteorite.

at this time.

Zhao Linger’s body suddenly sank, and the picture that appeared in her mind rushed out again, and was not rushed out by her control.

The killer carrying the **** knife is coming...
