Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v6 Chapter 788: Murong Wanjian broke through...

Everyone is working hard!

Murong Bai is, King Kong is, two eggs are also.

They are also desperately practicing.

Except them.

Lei fat child is also, Xuanyuan one, Liu Zizi is also.

An Chunchun is also practicing.

Xiner is also practicing.

Li Xueer is also practicing!

All people are practicing.

Luo Tian is practicing, and he is more desperate.

There is another person who is also practicing, Murong Wanjian!


Before, he didn't put Luo Tian in his eyes. Now he still doesn't put Luo Tian in his eyes. For him, Luo Tian is like a fly, flying in front of him, flying irritated. He shot like a slap in the face.

In a lot of time.

He will receive all kinds of news about Luo Tian.

Luo Tian’s breakthrough, Luo Tianxin’s practice of cultivation, and the artifacts he obtained, he knows everything.

For these.

Murong Wanjian still disdains.

On a mysterious altar.

"With me, Murong Wanjian grabs a woman, Luo Tian, ​​what do you count, what qualification do you have?"

Murong Wanjian sneered.


Murong Wanjian rushed to the sky, "Swordsman Wan Manli, the real dragon broke, the realm of Xuan Emperor broke me!!!"

A heavy bang.

The sky above the altar, the lightning raging, the power of Wandao gathered from various places in Tianxuan mainland, just like a beam of light on the body of Murong Wanjian. At this moment, the whole continent seems to be still.

All the strong men look out of the void.

"The mystery of the breakthrough of the Emperor!"

"The son of the real dragon is not the son of the real dragon. He uses the power of the real dragon blood to impact the realm of the Xuan Emperor. This method has never been used before. He thought of it. When he was 30 years old, he stepped into the realm of the Emperor Supreme. This Murong Wanjian is the first person in the ages."

"It seems that he will not only be the first person in the history of Tian Xuan mainland, but will definitely break out in a hundred years and enter an ancient world."

"If you can't make it, you have to look at it. After all, it is like baptism in the realm of the Emperor's Supreme Emperor. You can live with it and see his creation."


In the void.

Those who are in the realm of the Supreme Emperor are talking about it.

It is completely different from their discussion of Luo Tian.

They only praised Murong Wanjian, the first person in the ages, the youngest Xuan Emperor in history, and what will become a hegemon in the ancient world in the future. Any gorgeous words are used to praise Murong Wanjian. Body.

It can be said that it is the opposite of Luo Tian.



Wanli fell and rushed into the body of Murong Wanjian.

His eyes roared and a small sword was raised in his eyebrows.

"Sword Heart?!"

"Unexpectedly, I realized that the supreme saga of the sword is no wonder. No wonder he can practice any martial art exercises as long as he can learn it once and for all. It is easy for those who understand the swordsmanship to practice any martial art."

"Sword Heart? You can see it clearly, it is not Jianxin, it is a sword spirit that is more powerful than Jianxin!" Tibetan Tianlong laughed and looked at Murong Wanjian. He was more happy than anyone else, excited, this is his most Proud disciple.

The voice of Tibetan Tianlong fell.

The small sword of Murong Wanjian’s eyebrows is directly shot out, just like an elf, breaking through the air.

The power gathered from all directions is even stronger.

Murong Wanjian’s body was dark and sinking, and he smiled coldly and said: “Do you have this strength? Give me a little more!”

"True Dragons!"

"The ninth floor, the real dragon proud!"



A golden dragon broke out, a huge golden dragon, an adult dragon, with a very arrogant Longwei power, very violent, the king's arrogance played to the fullest, extremely powerful.

Even the hearts and minds of those who are supremely strong, the sea of ​​knowledge has been violently impacted, and many of the strongest emperors have released their strength to defend.

Earth shakes.

A series of dragon whistling sounds over the Tian Xuan mainland.

All look up to the sky.

"True dragon!"

"The son of the true dragon, the true dragon of Murong Wanjian, the most talented disciple of mankind, is the hope of mankind."

"The first person of the human race."

"Too handsome, if I can marry him, this man is like a star in the sky, too dazzling."


All the people cheered for Murong Wanjian.

From the moment when Murong Wanjian was born, he was destined to bear the mission of the strongest person in Tianxuan mainland, and also bear the mission of defending the Terran. He was noticed by everyone, even the three-year-old children and the eighty-year-olds. Both pay attention to him.


The real dragon broke into the sky, constantly raging, endless arrogance, and constantly released Longwei, and some people directly crushed on the ground.

Murong Wanjian screamed coldly, "Let's ravage, let the little bugs of the **** dragon gods look at what is a dragon, let the dog thing Luo Tian look, his cultivation of the green dragon, Suzaku, basaltic blood In front of you is like the existence of an ant!"


The voice of Murong Wanjian covers the entire continent.

"Ha ha ha... What is the descendant of the Dragon God? Can he compare with the true dragon of Murong Wanjian? There is no comparability at all."

"How about integrating the three blood vessels, I see that Luo Tian has no qualification for shoes for Murong Wanjian."

"Luo Tian? Who, I have never heard of it."

"I don't know what Luo Tian is counting. What qualifications does he have to compare with my idol Murong Wanjian? It's a joke, and I don't know how to smother myself."


Despise, sneer and sorrow.

This time is a mockery of the entire continent!

They are saying that Luo Tian is not self-reliant.

Even if the fusion of more blood of the beasts is useless, it is not the opponent of Murong Wanjian.

Murong Wanjian is invincible in their hearts!





The thunder of the altar is even more raging. The power of the real dragon, the power of the sword spirit, the constant raging, constant enlargement, and the violent collision of the forces that merge into the body of Murong Wanjian, produce more powerful The power comes out.

This force turned out to be the strongest transformation of his body in his body.

The mind, the sea, the internal organs, and even a capillary hole are undergoing tremendous changes. The more powerful the force is, the stronger the power of the Emperor, and the influx of each force into the body will become a huge Power the ocean.

This is metamorphosis.

Real baptism!

Murong Wanjian is also biting his teeth and suffering from the shock of the strength of the body, it is very difficult, but he is extremely excited and arrogant.


Murong Wanjian suddenly stood up, and the two fists were heavily gripped and roared. "The realm of Xuan Emperor, give me a break!"


The strength of the fierce harvest, all into his body, his body suddenly changed dramatically.

After a few seconds.

Murong Wanjian laughed wildly, "Ha ha ha... break through the realm of the Emperor!"

"Luo Tian!"

"Li Xueer is the woman of my Murong Wanjian, grabbing a woman with me? I dare to break the city, I want your dog!"


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