Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 928: I personally gave Wu Feng 1...

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It is full of power and domineering.

This has not yet become the first martial art of Wushan City, and it has already demonstrated that kind of arrogance.

Not only the door owner.

The genius Wu Feng, the face of everyone above and below the gathering of the spirit door, emerged that kind of superior expression.

The most surprising thing is.

Opposite the platform, the most prominent row is where the referee is.

The referee is composed of the most highly respected veterans in Wushan City, except for these people who have two white families.

Inside, a white robe old man, embroidered the standard of the white house on his chest, his name is Bai Xuan.

at this time.

Bai Xuan stood up and went straight to the front of the Gathering Gate. He smiled and said: "When the king came, the Lord came."

Wang Huan was somewhat flattered. He knew that Bai Xuan came here because Wu Feng was happy again in his heart. He said: "It is really the glory of the Gathering Gate to recruit such a disciple."

Immediately, Wang Huan’s body sighed and immediately smiled respectfully: “The white elders are early.”

Bai Xuan smiled and looked at Wu Feng. His eyes were shocked. "Good boy, I can't think of a half-month time to make another step. It's good, yes, the old man didn't read you wrong, hahaha..."

In front of other people, Wu Feng's expression is cold and proud, but in front of Bai Xuan, he did not dare to make a second, put away the arrogance in his eyes, respectfully said: "This is all the guidance of the white elders, if there is no guidance from the white elders The disciple must have been struggling."

Bai Xuan gave a smile and was more satisfied with Wu Feng. "You can not participate in this low-level competition. As long as you nod, you are immediately a disciple of Bai."

The crowd around them is in utter disappointment.

Wang Huan’s heart was once again happy, and his heart was laughing. “The influence of this next gathering of the Lingmen Gate will be unprecedentedly strong. Within a few years, Wushan City is the gathering of the Lingmen, hahaha...”

In the past, there were only rumors that Bai Jia had made an exception to accept Wu Feng as a disciple.

Some people will be suspicious.

But now, Bai Xuan said this in the face of so many people, this shock is different.

"Sure enough, it is true."

"Bai Jia really looked for Wu Feng in advance, which is the first time in the history of Wushan City."

"You didn't hear the white elders say? Wu Feng's repairs have taken another step in this half-month, which means that his repairs may have entered the fifth stage of Lingwu, reaching this level in a month, even if it is The gold power family will also be admitted."

"Wu Feng, it’s a baby. Why didn’t you grab it at the beginning?”

"It's almost the waste. If it weren't for him, Wang Li could have the ability to grab such a good baby. This time, the next time, the Gathering Gate will ride on our heads."


Discussed in the crowd.

The doorkeepers of more than a dozen sects are also sighing.

Dissatisfied with the elders who are recruiting disciples, and let the gathering of the spirits squander a big bargain, this big cheap is likely to let them be eaten away by the Ghosts within a few years.


Let me talk about Wu Feng.

The words of Bai Xuan made his vanity more inflated.

The face appeared the cold and proud of the superior, confident smile: "Thank you for the love of the white elders, but I still hope to get the qualification to enter the white house through my own efforts, I will not let the white elders disappointed."

Bai Xuan smiled and said: "Good boy, personality, I like it, hahaha... Then I will watch you in the audience and show it."

Wu Feng hands and arches, said: "Do not worry, I will not let you down."

Bai Xuan is satisfied with the return to the position.

Wang Huan looked at Wu Feng and said with satisfaction: "The elder Bai Jing is a white house manager. He has no small rights. He is taking care of several cities around him. He will enter the White House afterwards. You will definitely enter the White House. In the core circle."

Wu Feng gratefully said: "Thank you for reminding the family, the disciples should keep in mind, I will never forget the great grace of the doorkeeper in the future."

Wang Huan smiled.


It is this time.

An elder of Chongtianmen stood up and smiled and said: "Isn't it gambling with Luo Tian in the last time? The elders of Wang Li, Luo Tian's kid is still alive, should you gamble about playing Wu Feng? A slap?"

Wu Feng’s light is too strong.

If this time, no longer take a look at the spirit of the gathering, then they really have no chance.

Once Wu Feng enters the White House, the Gathering Gate must be a chicken and a dog, and then their days will be difficult.

The elders of Sihaimen’s recruiting disciples also smiled and stood up and smiled and said: “Yes, the last gamble seems to say that Luo Tian’s kid can’t live for three days? I know that the elder Wang sent a bounty hunter to hunt. Killing Luo Tian, ​​I didn’t expect the first failure. The second time I entered Wushan, I never came back. This means that Luo Tian’s kid is still alive, Wang Elder, you really should fulfill the bet.”

"Give Wu Feng a slap in the face, this is what you promised."

"Well said!"

"This thing is known throughout Wushan City."

"Wang Li, you don't want to break the gamble?"

"You may not know that in order to chase Luo Tian's kid, Ju Lingmen also sent an assassination squad. These are all elite disciples. I didn't expect one to return, all of them were killed, hahaha..."


For a time, in addition to Tianyumen, the elders of the eleven martial arts all stood up and squatted.

Ju Lingmen is now very strong.

Especially Wu Feng!

His kind of cold and arrogant, superior and arrogant expression makes them unhappy.

The most critical point.

They want to feel the relationship between Wu Feng and Ju Lingmen.

As long as Wang Li hits Wu Feng in public, Wu Feng will definitely hate it. As long as he remembers hate, even if he is a white disciple, I am afraid that it will not help Poly Gate. This will directly hit the Julingmen. They are very good things.

Wang Li’s expression changed and his face was hard to see.

He thought that no one knew about these things, but now...

There is no impenetrable wall under the sun.

How can such a thing be investigated by no one?

Wang Huan’s expression is also very ugly. Everything has passed in the past month, and the three-day deadline has passed. He thought that this matter had been solved. I didn’t expect it... He took a look at Wang Li and was extremely dissatisfied.

at the same time.

He smiled faintly and said: "Who is not alive, no one knows, Luo Tianmen, you know the sky gate master, you know? Four seas master, you know? How do you know that he is still alive? Because I did not kill the ghost door Dead him, is he alive?"

"How dangerous is the Wushan Mountains? I don't say ~lightnovelpub.net~ You should all be very clear."

"As far as he is, a broken waste from Dantian can survive?"

"I am afraid that he has already been buried in the belly of the beast, and now I am afraid it will become a feces."


When he finished speaking, a voice came out of the crowd and asked: "If he is still alive?"

The Lord of the Ghosts sneered and thought without thinking: "If he is still alive standing in front of me, I will personally perform the bet and fight Wu Feng!"

The person in the crowd spoke coldly and walked out of the crowd...


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