Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 956: I am a fan of a man...

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On the 15th of the month, the moon was as clean as silver, and it fell down. The Wushan City reflected in the white was white.

Very beautiful.

The light wind blew, and the willows on the moat gently swayed.

The light friction between the branches gives a rustling sound.

Everything around is beautiful.

The city gate is upstairs.

Two figures stand there, three or four meters apart.

A black cloak blocked the face, but the black cloak could not block the cold-eyed noble temperament that came out of her body, and could not cover her hot body.

The same is beautiful!

The other side.

A man, looking at the peerless face under the black cloak, his heart was a little moved, and said slightly: "Queen of the Queen."

From the beginning, Luo Tian knew that she was.

She was hugged in her arms and flew all the way. Although it was short-lived, for Luo Tian, ​​this is a feeling that has never been seen before. It’s so cool, the kind of refreshing and refreshing, and the two peaks are soft and soft. On the face, that feeling is really cool.

The woman is of course an easy dream.

Yi Xiaomeng did not look at Luo Tian, ​​but said coldly: "The anti-phasing power of Tian Xuan Dan on your body has really been solved."

Although she knew it in advance, she couldn’t help but ask, "Is this related to the murder of your cultivation and the practice of killing the beast?"

Luo Tian scratched his head and said: "Okay."

Yi Yumeng silently said, "There are so many secrets on you."

Luo Tian smiled and said: "I am the same man, how? Do you feel that I am pulling the wind? Very handsome, is it that I am fascinated by the handsome wind on my body? Hehe... there are no outsiders, like me. Say it."


Yi Xiao Meng smiled and was laughed again by Luo Tian. Looking at his oily sleek look, a stream of sorrows and a sly expression, she did not have a bit of resentment in her heart, which is completely different from her previous.

I don’t feel resentful in my heart.

However, she did not show it on the surface. After she smiled, her expression immediately became cold. "Be careful that my cold sword is inserted into your throat. When you see how you can pull the wind and handsome."


Luo Tianyi said, "You will not, you love me so much. When Bai Xuan sneaked on me, I can feel from your voice that you are very worried about me. How can you be willing to kill me? Ha Haha..."

Yi Yi dreams a glimpse, said: "You don't think too much, I care about you because I see you as a younger brother, my brother is also Dan Tian broken, unable to cultivate, the reason why you will save you because of this. ”

At the beginning.

In the Wushan Mountains, Luotian was surrounded by several warriors.

She did indeed shoot because Luo Tiandan was broken.

Listening to her saying this, Luo Tian’s heart will be broken, his body will be slightly shaken, his face will change darkly, and he will say to himself: “Come me as my brother? Just treat me as my brother?”

Yi Yu dreams: "No?"

Luo Tian’s heart is broken.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

I grabbed my chest with one hand and looked at Yi Xiaomeng: "Do you really just treat me as a younger brother?"

Yi Yumeng didn't think much. The cloak smiled a bit, and Luo Tian didn't notice the laughter. A little girl spleky and said: "Of course, you don't really think I like you?"



Luo Tianxin is like an arrow in the middle, and he still penetrates the same. He thinks that Yi Meng Meng has a good impression on him, but in the end he just treats himself as a younger brother. Is this not a disguised rejection?


On the past earth, this is the best refusal to excuse.

What I just treat you as a younger brother, I just treat you as my brother... It’s totally a ghost, it’s totally unacceptable, because this sentence doesn’t know how many people have been on the spare tire for many years.

Luo Tian stayed in the foreign world for several years.

However, his thoughts did not change much, or the idea of ​​staying on the earth.

He did not convert.

The outside world is different from the earth.

The girl’s idea is also different, and the statement is even different.

Looking at Luo Tianyi’s disappointing feelings, Yi Xiaomeng had a hint of disappointment in her heart, but she did not explain anything. Her heart was also very clear that she and Luo Tian were impossible.

They are two people in completely different worlds.

Never go together forever.

She is not good at expressing her feelings, but she knows that two people who can't be together, let the other party die early, and let them die.

Stop for a few minutes,

In these few minutes, both people were silent.

Luo Tian looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and finally smiled a bit, said: "Thank you Queen Sister for such a long time of care, I have nothing else to give you, this white wolf king cub is in my gift, express Thanks in my heart."


Luo Tian took out the little white wolf who was still asleep.

He always wanted to give Yi Yi dreams, but he could never find a suitable opportunity. He knew that Yi Yumeng would soon leave his world. He didn’t know when to meet next time. If he didn’t give it at this time, then No chance.

Luo Tian took the little white wolf and walked to Yi Yumeng.

Yi Xiaomeng looked at Luo Tian, ​​and she didn’t know why she was hurting. It was just that she was still cold and chilly. She did not refuse. She took the little white wolf and didn’t take a look. She whispered: “I will take care of him. of."

When Yi Yumeng took it, the little white wolf’s eyes opened slightly, and I looked at Luo Tian very seriously. The kind of eyes seemed to look like a mother, and stayed with Luo Tian for almost a month. Time, he is a little bit sad.


After reading it, he still slept.

Luo Tian did not find this.

Yi Yumeng did not think about the little white wolf, and directly put it into the space ring.

Luo Tian smiled lightly and said: "Well, Queen Sister, see you later if you have a chance."


Luo Tian jumped.

Jumped directly from the gate of the city gate more than ten meters high.

The four elephants and the second order cannot fly at all.

Yi Yumeng's face changed slightly, and he wanted to help Luo Tian again.

Luo Tian is the big voice: "No, I can do it myself."


It was very strong, very gorgeous, and it was very unsatisfactory to fall down. The dog that fell was eating, and Luo Tian’s heart cursed. "I rely on it, I just want to make a handsome "breaking thing", I didn't expect it to go out. ""


Climbing up from the ground ~lightnovelpub.net~ patted the dust on the body, nothing happened, and shouted: "I am fine, I am fine."


Luo Tian left alone.

Walking on the street, some lost souls, this is his first time chasing a woman in the opposite world, some blows, the most crucial point, the reason for Yi Mengmeng is actually the reason for the old days, he is even more sad.

What he didn't know was.

Yi Xiaomeng looked at his back and cried!


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