Leveling Up And Becoming Undefeatable

v8 Chapter 985: You are a coward

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A few minutes later.

Luo Tian got out and said, "Let's go down, I'm blaming it."

The same as he expected.

Those ‘嗡嗡’ loud noises are indeed flying zombies. They quit and immediately lose their targets and stop in place.

Luo Tian entered again, they did not fly to the hole again.

Very simple reason.

Just now they were in a deep sleep, awakened by the call of 'BOSS', then madly rushed to the hole, but the second floor entered, they were already in the state of waking, plus the 'BBOSS' did not issue a command again, they Just stay in place.


The white bear was once again shaken, watching Luo Tian, ​​"Master brother, do you accept the apprentice?"

"Do not!"

"I must worship you as a teacher."

Don't wait for Luo Tian to talk.

The white bear slammed directly on one knee and said very seriously: "The disciple is a white bear, seeing Master!"



Luo Tian looked at him as a big man and naturally thought of Lei Fatzi. He smiled and said: "We are almost two years old, and the master is not willing to do anything. If you are willing to call the big brother directly."

White Bear Yixi, immediately said: "Master Brother!"

He is a four-step seventh-order, but he gives a four-fourth-order person to the teacher.

This is him.

If you are outside, in Baijia, you will definitely be laughed at in Lingyun City!

Bai Lingling is also a glimpse, but looking at the serious expression of the white bear, did not refuse, but only looked at Luo Tian with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Luo Tian is too lazy to tangled these things and said: "Go ahead, clean up the second layer and say these."


The white bear drilled directly into the second layer.

Bai Lingling looked at Luo Tian and smiled and said: "My brother is very impulsive in doing things. The things that you look for will not change. I am afraid that this master can't escape."

Luo Tian looked at Bai Lingling and said with a smile: "Since I am the master of your brother, what should you call me?"


"Is it cheap for me?" Bai Lingling suddenly lowered his seniority.

Luo Tian glanced at the chest of Bai Lingling. He was very big and wanted to come out. He smiled and said: "It’s not cheap in your life, at least..."

Bai Lingling’s eyes glanced at him and immediately revealed his murderous gaze. “What is at least?”

Luo Tian looked at the dark hole and immediately became serious: "My apprentice is definitely dangerous underneath. We are advanced."

Speaking and rushing in.

Bai Lingling grinned and smiled, and the naughty road was very naughty: "The coward!"


The second layer of flying zombies.


They are not elite blame, and the elite of the first layer of the blood is not high, the attack power, speed, and a little worse, but for the four elephants of the real world, it is not easy to deal with a flying zombie. .



Luo Tianxin’s thoughts moved, and the palm of his hand sprinkled in the air. The venom was like a powder, and it was directly sprinkled on the flying zombies that walked back and forth.

The zombies immediately became entangled in venom.

The amount of blood on the top of the head drops little by little.


Attacked, the flying zombies immediately angered, and madly rushed up to Luo Tian.

"Master, you are too cow."

"What kind of exercises have you just released? How have I never seen them?" The white bear was shocked and stared at Luo Tian’s palm. He found that there was nothing, but the body of the flying zombies was entangled with venom.

Bai Lingling looked at Luo Tian and said in his heart: "Have he been refining these venoms?"

Luo Tian shouted: "I was asked so much, and quickly went up to withstand."


The white bear rushed like a violent bear, directly in front of the flying zombies, "I want to move my master? Then you have to pass me before."

"Hey! Hey!"

Two punches rushed out.


Luo Tian jumped up and saw that the flying zombies wanted to release the venom and immediately displayed the ‘神火’.

Skill interrupted!

Luo Tian fiercely relies on a double fist and moves, "Shanhequan!"

"Hey, hey!"

"Wolf King catches!"


"Shanhequan, eat me two more punches."


Directly flying the flying zombies out, and at this moment, the spirit sword in the hands of Bai Lingling gently moved, directly stabbed up with a sword, and the tiger screamed out, hitting the chest of the flying zombies.

"Boom, bang..."

The blood volume of this set of flying zombies fell by half.

"Good defense."

If it is an ordinary zombie, this time has already died.

"Control the strength of Dantian, don't waste too much." Luo Tian reminded that at the moment when the skills of Shanhequan were cooled, the pace was moved, and it was attacked. After the set was finished, it quickly jumped off.

At this time, the white bear blocked it.

All the treatments are given to the white bear alone.


He didn't take much damage, and the three people took the hatred of the zombies separately, so that the flying zombies would fall into a blindness, and the target would disappear before he even shot, completely paralyzed.

It is only a low-level evil creature and has no intelligence.

To deal with this strange, Luo Tian wants to play like this.


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Flying Zombies’ and gain 390 points of experience, with a value of 50 points.”


“Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Tian’ to kill ‘Flying Zombies’ and gain 390 points of experience, with a value of 50 points.”


The system sounds a beep from time to time.

The experience value is not bad, for Luo Tian's current level, it can be said that it is quite rich.

"Look at it!"

"The combo is about the understanding of the practice itself, and the speed is grasped. The more important point is the proficiency. This combo cannot be improved in a short period of time. It can only accumulate experience little by little. ""


Luo Tian is also a perfect set of combos released, even if the flying zombies were hit by him at this moment without any backhand power, completely brushed by him.

The white bear looks very serious.

The pace of Luo Tian, ​​the frequency of the shot, and the connection between the exercises are carefully observed.

In addition to him ~lightnovelpub.net~ there is Bai Lingling.

The two of them are now sincerely admiring Luo Tian. This kind of combo skill can't be done even if the most advanced head of the white family can do it. It is the perfect combo that can be achieved with the lowest level of practice. They want to not worship it is very difficult!

Luo Tian did not keep anything.

He is a game genius!

Whether it is a fighting game, a large online game, or a competitive game of pushing towers, he is very familiar.

The position, the release of skills, the link points, the control of speed, and the grasp of common attacks between skill vacancies are all in place. Previously, they could only be controlled by finger buttons and mouse in front of the computer. Now it is a biological experience. It feels better and the effect is better.


This is not enough. Luo Tian is pursuing the martial arts peak, crushing everything, the most explosive, the coolest feeling! R1148

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