Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 12: Update

Until the old man returned to the country, Jiang Feng failed to make a dish that satisfied him.

Qiu Jiang Weiguo returned to the countryside in advance, and there were three days before Jiang Feng started school. The reason was simple. He was not assured of the baby fat pigs he raised.

"Dad, those pig mothers will take care of you, so please rest assured! The third brother's house is uncomfortable, you can come to my house." Jiang Jiandang tried to stay at the station, thinking about a good day to eat the food cooked by the father every day The tears were about to pass.

"No, no, how can your mother cook pig food? I saw the photos she sent me yesterday, and she was fed by pigs." Jiang Weiguo took out his mobile phone distressedly to show Jiang Jiandang the piece that was forcibly stuffed into three heads for nothing. Picture of a pig, "They are not used to eating pig food that I cook myself."

There were two lines of tears on the face filled with meat by Jianjiang Party.

"Xiao Feng, go to school and practice for me, don't be wasteful. I watched the news some time ago, don't you college students like to cook in the dormitory? Learn more, it's okay to cut vegetables and practice." Jiang Weiguo finished He took the newly bought set of knives and went back to the minibus.

"Xiao Feng, learn to cook well, don't disappoint your grandpa's instructions." Jiang Jiandang wiped his tears.

Min Jiangfeng: ...

要 If he dared to cook in the dormitory without saying anything else, the uncle, the housekeeper, cut him first.

I guess it must be cut into a dozen or twenty pieces using the hob block method.

Chen Xiuxiu's school started two days before Jiang Feng, and she booked a ticket for the next day. In order to show his reluctance to start school with his old neighbors, and also to expedite the experience, Jiang Feng personally made a table for Chen Xiuxiu to practice.

Jiang Jiandang is not interested in Jiang Feng's cooking. Jiang Jiandang's own level of cooking may be higher than Jiang Feng. Comrade Wang Xiulian, who had eaten the homemade meal for more than ten days, also said that he could not watch the dishes cooked by his son himself, and went to help the shop because of the busyness of Comrade Jiang Jiankang.

It turned out that when the old man was there, he didn't see how busy the shop was, and the old man was inexplicably busy as soon as he left the shop.

The only one who came to taste Jiang Feng's craft was Chen Xiuxiu.

Five dishes and one soup are all homemade dishes.

Stir-fried cauliflower, tomato scrambled eggs, vinegared cabbage, simmered cucumber, seaweed egg soup and the most difficult oily shrimp.

I looked good, because there were notes from the game, Jiang Feng knew that these six dishes were the best cucumbers, and the tomato and egg salt were accidentally put in too much.

After all, the knives of these ten days are not Bai Lian!

Chen Xiu Xiuhui's eyes became literate, and the first chopsticks reached out to the yiyi cucumber.

夹 Clip a small section of cucumber and put it in your mouth.

"Ding, get 3 experience points."

Min Jiangfeng: ...

If you change, you will give me 9 experience points when you eat corn kernels.

Chen Xiuxiu, who had been fed by Jiang Weiguo for more than ten days, also changed his mouth significantly. The experience value of each dish was given a little or two. I learned the puppet of Comrade Jiang Jiankang, and I never gave the porridge for thirty. The style of experience.

秀 Chen Xiuxiu's university is located in S City, S Province, and the price is so high that even A City cannot reach it.

Considering that the tastes of the people in S province are different from those of the local people, Jiang Feng reluctantly gave her a jar of chilli sauce that was marinated by his father.

秀 Chen Xiuxiu happily mixed chili sauce with white rice and finished the second half of the meal.

Jiang Feng, who has lost a jar of chili sauce, has not gained experience, and opened the property panel with grief.

Player name: Jiang Feng

Level: 4 (600/600) [Upgradeable: Yes / No]

Remaining experience: 1

Skills: Identification (Beginner): You can only get some basic information

Cooking porridge (intermediate): You can only master the correct proportions and basic heat of some ingredients.

main mission:

1. [Attack shop] Make the health cooking restaurant famous in the big A to 100, the task progress (0/100).

Task reminder: Word-of-mouth is the key to the development of a new store, and visibility is limited to the teachers and students of A University.

Task reward: unknown

Side mission: (optional)

1. [Mother's Wish] Wang Xiulian always hopes that she can have a gentle and slender daughter-in-law. Please ask the player to complete her mother's wish to find a gentle and slender girlfriend. [Choose: Yes / No]

Hidden tasks: (can be triggered under special circumstances)

[Preaching and teaching]: Jiang Weiguo's biggest trouble in his life was to give birth to five rice buckets that failed to inherit his skills, and five rice buckets gave birth to four small rice buckets. Make a dish approved by Jiang Weiguo, the task progress (0/1)

Mission reminder: Jiang Weiguo is about to reach the year of the Chao Dynasty, and he urgently needs a passer who can carry forward Jiang Jia Cai. Players can ask Jiang Weiguo to complete the task through his guidance.

Task reward: unknown

Achievement: None

Title: None

Props: None

Evaluation: a fledgling novice

秀 Chen Xiuxiu just filled the remaining experience value needed to reach level 5 with that meal. Jiang Feng, as always, clicked to upgrade.

叮 "Ding, congratulations to players reaching level 5 and completing the novice tutorial."

"Reward: Identification (Intermediate)."

"The game starts to update. After the update is completed, the game will start the skill exploration and skill upgrade function."


This game keeps up with the times.

Min Jiangfeng tried to open the properties panel, and all I saw was a progress bar.

Update progress: 0%

It may be that the earth is a bit far away and the internet speed is too slow.

After an hour passed, the update progress became 2%.

Min Jiangfeng: ...

No wonder we all say that the Global Village Global Village, the Internet speed in this village is slow.

Since the game is being updated, Jiang Feng simply went to the store to help.

Old diners know that Jiang Feng's shop is about to move out. The business has been extremely hot these days. Whether it is a restaurant or not, the shop is full from 6 am to 10 pm.

江 When Jiang Feng went to help at noon the next day, I heard a 20-year-old diner sighing, "In the future, we will never find a restaurant as delicious as yours."

This small Z city is not without good cooks, but the craftsmanship is better than Jiang Jiankang is the chef of a 30-year-old restaurant in the city. It was originally a restaurant and was later converted into a hotel. The price of the dishes is several times more expensive than healthy snacks. More than that.

Sometimes before, the local name of the famous but very delicious small shop, healthy snacks are on the list most frequently. During that time, Jiang Feng delivered food for take-off every day. He was tanned for more than one degree. I didn't know he thought he had moved to the construction site to move bricks.

To tell the truth, Jiang Jiankang is a bit reluctant to these old diners.

When the state-owned hotel closed down, Jiang Jiankang lost his job, and his iron rice bowl was gone, as if the sky had fallen. He and Comrade Wang Xiulian took out all their savings and bought this shop to open this small fried shop. At first, if it was not for the support of these diners, Jiang Jiankang would be so poor that he could go to the flyover for dinner.

Anyway, I can save the money to open a restaurant in city A like now.

Today is the last day of the healthy snack business. It was originally planned to open for another two days. As a result, the old man returned home in advance. Jiang Jiankang and Comrade Wang Xiulian also planned to go to City A in advance.

The new store is about to open. You have to be familiar with it.

晚上 Last night of business ~ ~ Jiang Jiangkang invites all old customers and old neighbours to eat healthy food. I ca n’t sit in the store, I just set up a table outside the store. The owners of this street are almost all Jiang Jiankang ’s old neighbours. I know that this is the last day of healthy snacks. Many shop owners have lent tables, chairs and benches, and even a few shop owners have lent out their own tableware.

的 Tables, chairs and benches of different specifications and different colors cover the entire street.

Qijiang Jiankang was in the back kitchen, and he was busy from 6 to 9:15, and all the dishes of Shandong were brought out by Jiang Feng continuously.

For every thirty or forty table guests, almost every Jiang Feng has an impression.

枫 At this time, Jiang Feng was suddenly surprised. Unconsciously, there were so many regular customers of healthy snacks.

At eleven o'clock, the guests at the last table also left.

Qijiang Jiankang was exhausted, sweating like rain, and the oversized shirt was already soaked with sweat, sitting under the electric fan in the store to blow hair.

Min Jiangfeng and Comrade Wang Xiulian packed up the tables, chairs, and chopsticks, cleaned them up, returned them to others, and thanked them by the way.

It is more than twelve o'clock to pack everything, there is no night life in Z city, and there is nothing on the street except the street lights at twelve o'clock.

Qijiang Jiankang stood in front of the shop, sighed at the old and damaged signboard, and took it off.

He is not going to sell or rent a shop, so it is good to leave it here.

Since then, City Z has no more healthy snacks.



"Learn from your grandpa, accept your apprentice, open a chain, and wait for us to come back from City A and open a bigger store!"


"I think of the name, it's called the Health Museum!"
