Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 17: Sour Plum Soup

At the meal, more people came in. Someone, like Qiu Chen, got news early to join Jiang Feng, and some like the little couple who just entered the store with curiosity.

I'm familiar with Jiang Feng. No matter how ugly my face is after looking at the menu, I will sit down for my face and drink the cup of refreshing and sour plum soup, which will dispel the dissatisfaction and heat in my heart.

Mistakes, like the little couple who choose to stay are only a few, more often look at the customers in the shop surprisedly, whispering a "black shop", slipping away like grease on their feet.

"How many have you left?" Qiu Chen did not forget his role as an actor after he was full of wine and drink. He clearly felt uncomfortable even sitting on it, and still insisted on pretending to wait for food on the seat.

The four plates on the table were as clean as licked, and even the soup was used for bibimbap without any waste.

"Sixth." Li Jian of the Chinese Department carefully calculated, "It's pitiful to leave without drinking sour plum soup."

Qiu Chen rubbed his stomach and looked at the guests on the first floor. It was now twelve o'clock, and no meals had been served. The guests on the first floor were filled with most of them.

"The school is not yet open, and the price of Fengge's restaurant is so high that it's almost full. When the school starts, do we want to eat?

The other three also felt threatened.

"Should we also come to eat at night?" Liu Zixuan, a wealthy man, suggested.

"Okay." This great proposal was approved by all votes.

At this time, a pedestrian appeared at the shop door.

The seats of Liu Zixuan and Qiu Chen were facing the door, and the people at the door stood up when they saw it.

"Professor Wang!"

"Mr. Li!"

"Professor Chen!"

"Department ... good dean!"

Nine of his team were teachers of the physics department, of which four had Liu Zixuan and Qiu Chen.

"Professor Wang?" Jiang Feng heard the movement, put the plum soup in the guest's table and ran to the door. "Hello teachers."

"We are here for dinner. You Professor Wang is going to treat you. I didn't expect to meet so many students, Jiang Feng. Are you working here as a summer vacation?" Professor Chen was the youngest and said with a smile.

"I just help in the shop." Jiang Feng said.

As soon as I walked in, I found that most of the students in the physics department were looking around. Several professors were stunned, and almost everyone could find the students they had taught.

这 "Where, our classmates of physics are here for dinner today?" Professor Wang, who was always serious, couldn't help but joke when he saw this situation.

"This is my store. Everyone will come and hold a show for me on the first day of opening. Teachers please go upstairs. Are there boxes and round tables upstairs. Are you going to the boxes?" Jiang Feng walked in the front.

"We don't need a box, then we are here to help you." Professor Chen said with a smile.

There is a menu on the second floor. Jiang Feng first goes to the teachers below to get sour plum soup, so that they can take a look at the menu first to order.

As soon as he opened the menu, Professor Li laughed: "It's not easy to find a complete restaurant like Lu cuisine near A University!"

For the students, the price of the healthy cooking restaurant is a little expensive, but the salary of the teachers of University A is good. This price is very reasonable with a thick menu.

In general, there is no diamond, and dare not come to stop porcelain work.

The professors were also welcome, and ordered a few vegetables and a few large dishes, including sweet and sour carp and Dongpo elbow.

Min Jiangfeng and Wang Hao brought the sour plum soup. Jiang Feng glanced at the menu. If there was no problem, he went to the back kitchen to inform Comrade Jiang Jiankang.

Jiang Jiankang simmered two sticks. The original plan was to eat them by himself, one for lunch and one for dinner. Now that the professors have ordered, we can only grumble Comrade Jiang Jiankang for one less. The carp was a coincidence. Yesterday Jiang Jiankang said according to Jiang Feng that he went to the small vegetable market behind the wholesale market and met two very fresh live carp at the hawker who bought aquatic products, so he bought it and raised it.

I didn't expect to get one of them out of the pot today.

Professor Chen took up the cup and tasted the plum soup, boasting, "This plum soup is delicious!"

"Everything you drink is delicious." Professor Li is an authentic Yanjing person. Among the teachers, he is the most authoritative spokesperson for plum juice. "The plum juice soup is now bought in the supermarket and mixed with additives. It ’s like when we were young, we boiled with rock sugar, and this court drink has to be smoked ... ”

教授 Professor Li picked up the cup and choked as soon as the plum soup was delivered to the mouth.

The faint smoky taste is the same as those of the old shops that specialize in sour plum soup when he was a kid.

No, maybe better.

"What smoked?" Professor Chen asked.

"Black plum." Professor Li swallowed the sour plum soup in his mouth. "This shop is opened by the students you teach?"

"Jiang Feng, the kid's professional class was not good. I almost hung up last semester." Professor Chen took a cup and took a sip. "I think this cup of plum soup is already delicious."

"This is an authentic court practice, and slowly boil it with rock sugar." Professor Li was a bit stunned, as if he remembered something, "I haven't had such an authentic sour plum soup for a long time since the old shops closed."

"We have a good mouth today." Everyone laughed and drank the sour plum soup in their hands.

In the kitchen, Jiang Jiankang tearfully contributed his elbow.

These two elbows are Jiang Jiankang who ran through all the vegetable markets and supermarkets near A, and carefully selected them in hundreds of elbows. I soaked in ice water for twelve hours just to remove the **** smell, that is, the elbow on the meal last night did not have this treatment.

Qijiang Jiankang loves to eat elbows, and he takes extra care for each elbow he wants to eat.

In order to make a good elbow, he entrusted people everywhere to find a good flower carving wine, just to supplement the elbow.

In the kitchen, Jianjiang Jiankang sadly took out his treasured flower carving wine and poured it into the pot, while smashing his thoughts: "Xiao Feng, if it was not for you, my father would not have brought such a good flower carving wine."

Min Jiangfeng: ...

Comrade Jiang Jiankang looks like a parting of life every time a guest orders his elbow. He obviously has hidden hundreds of bottles of Huadiao wine himself.

The Huadiao wine he used for his guests has always been the worst.

Finally, Jiang Jiankang poured a spoonful of broth on his elbow.

This is Jiang Jiankang's habit of cooking. He likes to pour a spoonful of broth. He always has a pot of stewed broth in his kitchen.

The soup stock dilutes the sauce on the elbow, but it also enhances the umami and flavor. Jiang Feng came out with the elbow, and almost all the guests on the first floor looked at it.

"It's fragrant." Someone sighed.

Although my heart was moving, no one elbowed.

Everyone is a student, and few people can hardly spend a hundred yuan on an elbow.

The scent floated all the way to the second floor.

"What's the smell?" Professor Chen smelled the smell, only the index finger moved.

"Dongpo elbow, teachers use it slowly." Jiang Feng brought the elbow to the table ~ ~ Miss Chen, this Dongpo elbow is a famous dish over your house, you can't even smell it? "Said another young teacher.

"This is not Dongpo's elbow. Dongpo's elbow on our side doesn't do this." Professor Chen shook his head and stretched his chopsticks to clamp an elbow with a leather belt. Elbow, this elbow is more fragrant than the ordinary Dongpo elbow. "

Elbow the entrance, and the entrance will melt.

"It's much better!" Professor Chen added.

Everyone stretched out their chopsticks.

The guests on the first floor were gradually full, and Jiang Feng and Wang Hao were a little too busy. Qiu Chen 4 was ready to check out by the way to help.

"You can get a 10% discount by sending a circle of friends with a CD." Jiang Feng reminded.

"Can the CD be a 10% off?" The girl in the little couple sitting not far from Qiu Chen heard the tip of her ear. The plate on her table was as clean as being licked, except that there was a pinch of vegetables left in a plate. The vegetable juice, even the sweet and sour tenderloin, is gone.

Just now she didn't control, and ordered another stir-fried condiment.

Uncle exposed her meals and said that she had eaten meals for several days. She was sitting in a seat and was distressed.

"Yes, University A students can get a 10% discount by sending a circle of friends." Jiang Feng nodded.

"I'm from A, Chinese Department. I don't believe I brought my student ID!" The girl said quickly, glancing at the four clean plates on Qiu Chen's table, a cruel, empty plate with vegetable juice. Just drink it.

Min Jiangfeng: ...

姑娘 This girl really has a personality.

Put down the plate, the girl took out her mobile phone and started taking pictures and making friends.

"Ding, get 1 reputation, mission progress (2/100)."