Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 19: Turnover

As soon as Qiu opened, Qiu Chen came to help. Seeing that there were no customers in the shop, the four people acted as actors and sat in the most prominent position as customers.

I saw Jiang Feng in the whole process: ...

4It's really just that these four people didn't learn to perform.

The first guest was the girl who drank the vegetable juice at noon. She came alone and her boyfriend was missing.

"Nine turns to the large intestine!" The girl sat as usual by the window at noon, "Do you still send plum soup at night?"

"There is no sour plum soup in the evening, I will give you a small bowl of porridge, lean egg porridge and black rice porridge." Jiang Feng said.

"Black rice porridge, black rice porridge, another bowl of rice." The girl said quickly.

I heard Liu Zixuan's eyes when they heard their conversation. The girl looked very thin and had enough food!

The girl also noticed Liu Zixuan and asked in the past: "Are you classmates A?"

Liu Zixuan nodded.

The girls are obviously very talkative, and they took the initiative to talk: "This restaurant is delicious, it is delicious, it is too expensive."

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive!" Liu Zixuan endorsed the healthy cooking restaurant. "This is the shop opened by our president. The store was bought. Our president owes a lot of money to open this shop!" "

"Your president's family? Classmate, what kind of society are you?" The girl asked curiously.

"Chess Club." Liu Zixuan's eyes lightened, "Student, should you come to our chess club, we are all recruited, members play ... play ..."

"Ten percent off." Jiang Feng came out with black rice porridge. "All members of the community are ten percent off."

The Chess Club, including Jiang Feng, only had 8 people. Last year, Liu Zixuan lied to a cute man. The community usually does not have any activities. At most, it is a meal occasionally. Several stinky chess baskets are put together to play a chess. The game has never won a place.

不到 If you can't lie to Mengxin again this year, the chess club will be cold.

"Senior, I am Liu Qian of the Chinese Department, add a WeChat? I will fill in the form after two days of recruiting from the community!" Liu Qian said excitedly.

"Can you play chess?" Jiang Feng can't always find members who can't play chess.

"Yes, yes, I often play chess with my dad at home!" Liu Qian said.

"Classmates, welcome to join the chess club, my name is Changjiang Feng," Jiang Feng said enthusiastically.

"I'm Qiu Chen, the deputy director." Seeing that he had cheated Qiu Chen, a new member, quickly came up to say hello.

"I'm Liu Zixuan."

"Zhao Yang."

"Zhao Yu."

"Zhao Yu, don't take out the community application form for Liu Qian Xuemei and fill it out!" Qiu Chen urged.

"Yes, yes, right." Zhao Yu quickly took out a dozen application forms from the bag, and even prepared a pen.

Liu Qian: ...

What kind of members of a society will bring the application form with them.

邱 Under Qiu Chen's "supervision", Liu Qian filled out the community application form before turning her eyes to black rice porridge.

She usually does not drink porridge very much. She chose black rice porridge only because of her sweet taste. She didn't know much about porridge. She just felt that this bowl of porridge looked delicious and looked good. The rice grains were sticky and smelled. It's also sweet.

I took it at the entrance, it was smooth, the temperature was just right, the black rice was sticky but did not lose its elasticity, the oats were very chewy, and the sweetness was sufficient but not greasy.

"President!" Liu Qian drank a few bowls of porridge, "How to sell black rice porridge alone?"

"Ten yuan a bowl, send side dishes." Jiang Feng said.

"Come on one bowl, no, two bowls!"

"Do you want more rice?" Jiang Feng asked.


4 people at the table looked at Liu Qian together.

子 Liu Zixuan cleverly came forward to collect the bowl, then went to the kitchen to drink two porridge.

At about half past five, guests began to enter one after another. The offer of congee seems to be stronger than the delivery of sour plum soup. There are not a few new customers attracted by this. Like Liu Qian, there are only a few who come back after lunch at night. After all, the price is there. At least triple it.

There were more customers in the shop, and Qiu Chen stopped acting as an actor. He began to help and shuttled back and forth between the kitchen and the lobby, very busy.

The business at night is better than noon. The first floor is full, and guests are arranged to go to the large round table on the second floor, and they do not close until 9 pm.

"Everyone is lucky, come and come and eat more." Jiang Jiankang greeted. "Thank you very much. Our store opened on the first day. We didn't prepare anything, we didn't recruit any good people, and we are bothered you. "

"No trouble, no trouble, uncle, if you need us to come every day!" Qiu Chen was eating with ribs in his mouth.

Qijiang Jiankang has never been a person who treats himself badly. There may be many problems such as uneven saltiness and uneven cooking for the guests, but the dishes cooked for himself are the best.

At noon, the professors assigned an elbow. At night, this elbow Jiang Jiankang was attentive. I didn't know how long the stew was slow with a low fire. Every part of the elbow was soaked with gravy and extremely soft.

I ca n’t wait for a few people to eat in the store ever since.

I'm right, I'm at the shop.

子 Liu Zixuan's brain moved fastest ~ ~ asked: "Brother Feng, have you recruited a part-time job?"

"No." The recruitment news was posted for a long time, how could it be possible to recruit part-time jobs.

"How about four of us? Handyman, takeaway, we can do it, no money, just two meals! I'll run over after class, I won't miss the meal!" Having tasted Jiang Jiankang's real craftsmanship, Liu Zixuan thought that sending him back to the cafeteria was a torture.

The other three nodded.

"It's okay, you can have three meals, as long as you are willing to come over in the morning." Jiang Feng agreed, "I'll find another one that is stable for a long time, and you have a lot of classes."

The classes of the Department of Physics are notorious.

"Yes, Hako, did you read the schedule? Whose class is tomorrow?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Look, Professor Li's signal and system, which came to eat at noon today, will have three classes tomorrow morning." Wang Hao looked at his mobile phone. "It's over. This electromagnetics is from Dean Zhang. I hung up last year. After his class, it's over. I'm over this year. "

Wang Hao took a bite of his elbow to soothe his hurt heart.

After eating, Wang Hao returned to the dormitory first. Jiang Feng stayed to help Jiang Jiankang clean up the kitchen. Comrade Wang Xiulian liquidated the turnover.

"My obedient, according to this turnover, we can pay off the debt of the second brother this year." Wang Xiulian was born in accounting, and the calculator clicked.

"How much?" Jiang Jiankang asked curiously.

"Planned the cost of 11,000." Wang Xiulian sighed, "This big city is different. It turned out that in our small place it took several days to have this turnover!"

I never knew Jiang Feng who made so much money in his restaurant: ...

Master Jiang Weiguo didn't say anything wrong, it ’s better to learn physics than to cook.