Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 24: Buddha jumping off the wall

Qiu Jiangfeng was carrying the schoolbag. It was already 12:40 when she arrived at the store. The teacher of the last class did live up to expectations and successfully helped the classmates to solve the problem of grabbing food for dinner, so that everyone can enjoy the joy of cruelty in the empty canteen.

Qi Jiangfeng saw a lunch box on the counter of the kitchen.

蓝色 A blue, three-story, expensive construction, very thermal insulation, very rare noble lunch boxes are very common in high schools.

"Sister Xue, is this your lunch box?" Jiang Feng asked, he really did not expect anyone to use such a lunch box in college.

"It's not mine, it's Zhang Wei's. He also has one, let me put the first layer of rice, the second layer of vegetables, and the third layer of soup." Ji Yue explained.

Qijiang Feng nodded, which was good and environmentally friendly.

It seems that Zhang Wei was determined to eat their family's takeaway every day. It is worthy of the legend that a software sold tens of thousands of affluent families. This month's food expenses can meet the living expenses of most students.

Wu Mingming has passed the meal, but Jiang Jianjian is still busy in the kitchen. His baby Shaoxing wine is taken out by him, and there are 20 or 30 large and small plates on the cooking table.

Shaoxing wine jar?

Minjiang maple came up, and sure enough, lamb elbow, pork belly, hoof tip, hoof tendon, abalone shark fin, sea cucumber scallop, all of these precious ingredients necessary for the Buddha to jump off the wall. Moreover, looking at the appearance alone, it is not a common commodity on the market, nor is it like Comrade Jiang Jiankang can gather it in a short time.

Their home is just an ordinary stir-fry restaurant, but it does n’t have the wide purchasing means of large hotels.

The Minjiang Health Certificate was operating on Lujin, scallops were soaking, and on the left hand side was an authentic Jinhua ham sent by a friend of the old man a few years ago.

Looking at this, Comrade Jiang Jiankang is about to lose money.

金 This Jinhua ham is his baby 疙瘩, Jiang Feng has never tasted it.

"Dad, why did you get so many ingredients?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"The guest himself brought you that professor, who came to eat at noon one day after opening. It seems like the last name is Chen. He is quite old." Jiang Jiankang said, pointing to the abalone on the plate, "Go and spend the abalone on . "

Min Jiangfeng went to get the knife.

Abalone is a four-headed abalone, which looks very good. I don't know what method Professor Li used to get a fresh four-headed abalone in A city, which is not coastal. Generally, dried abalone is used to make the Buddha jump the wall, because the dried abalone has a stronger flavor, but since the guests brought the ingredients, the carrots and cabbages have their own love. Appetite.

Jiang Feng has not tasted this dish when he jumped the wall.

I do n’t think it ’s because the ingredients are expensive. Now I can go to a hotel and buy a cup of Buddha over a few hundred bucks. However, Mr. Jiang has very high requirements on ingredients, and he ca n’t even look at hormone meat or pesticide dishes, so if the Jiang family wants to jump over the wall, they must use the best ingredients.

Who called the Buddha to jump over the wall was also one of the famous dishes of Taifeng House. Father Jiang must not allow the offspring of Xiao to stain the good dishes of the Jiang family.

18 kinds of main ingredients and 12 kinds of auxiliary materials. Jiang Jiankang patiently processed each material in turn. During the time, he made a scrawl lunch for everyone. Before Jiang Feng went to the classroom, he was all in the same way.

Qijiang Health is no longer the head chef of the state-owned chef at that time. It is also a rare opportunity for him to get such good ingredients for a large dish.

At noon, the sun is getting bright and the sun is dizzying.

On the way to the classroom, Jiang Feng called Jiang Father.

Grandpa has never had the habit of taking a nap. According to his biological clock, he should now be cooking pig food for his baby pigs.

加 Afternoon tea with meals is really jealous.

"Hey, Xiaofeng, is there something wrong?" There was an angry voice from Master Jiang on the phone.

"Grandpa, the professor at our school wants you to come and make a broth willow-leaf amaranth." Jiang Feng went straight to the subject.

"Don't do it." What the old man refused was also very simple.

"Our professor brought his own materials. He came to the store today to find his dad to make a Buddha jump over the wall. He also prepared his own ingredients. I saw that the ingredients are very good and are definitely rare." Jiang Feng still hopes to complete this branch. Task.

五个 The ingredients are very good. The five words clearly moved Father Jiang, and there was a silence on the other side, saying, "Why the professor in your school came here to invite me to make this dish?"

If someone came to invite Master Jiang to make a special dish 30 years ago, he wouldn't be surprised. After all, he was a little famous state-owned chef at that time, and he also hosted many admired people. But now that he has retired for so many years, there are so many good chefs in the world, it is not bad for him.

"Our professor's father once tasted the congee and willow leaf vegetables made by Grandpa in Taifeng House when he was young, and he wanted his father to try it again." Jiang Feng explained.

"I'll go to City A next week." The old man sighed. "It's been 70 years, and some people still remember Taifeng Building."

Qijiang Feng hung up the phone, but after a few minutes of talking, the mobile phone was actually a little faint. I don't know if it was due to the sun or Xiaomi's instinct for fever.

枫 Jiang Feng has been absent-minded during class in the afternoon.

This is the first time he saw Comrade Jiang Jiankang as a Buddha jumping the wall. He couldn't see the whole process with his own eyes, he kept thinking about it.

"Feng Feng, what do you think, you have watched the watch 3 times in the past two minutes." Wang Hao stabbed Ou Jiangfeng with his elbow.

"My dad is doing a Buddha jump in the kitchen at noon." Jiang Feng said.

"I have eaten the Buddha jumping over the wall. We have the Yipinxuan in our city. It is 688 cups. The two mouthfuls are gone. The taste is very delicious. It is not as magical as written in the novel." Wang Hao said that he also Be regarded as someone who has seen the world.

Zhi Yi Xuan Jiang Feng knows that the main dish is Jiangsu and Zhejiang cuisine, and the Buddha's jumping wall is not even their signature dish.

"If you've eaten 1,888, you won't think so. My grandfather said that FJ has a restaurant with a Buddha jumping off the wall. The fragrance is ten miles, and the daily limit is 100, and the appointment cannot be made for three months. Jiang Feng said, pretending that he was listening to a lesson, and turned over a page with the teacher.

"Uncle can have this effect today if he did it?" Wang Hao began to secrete saliva involuntarily.

"Surely not, but definitely better than the 688 you eat." Jiang Feng said.

The former chef of FJ's restaurant can be regarded as half of Master Jiang's. Master Jiang's Buddha jumped the wall was instructed by him.

The Qiang family now owns a restaurant with a national reputation, and the Jiang family now has a restaurant with a thriving business.

There is also a pharmacy about to open, a tailor shop that listens to heaven, a pet shop that survives on small profits but a small profit, and three beloved pigs.

After a class, Jiang Feng and Wang Hao rushed to the store with a schoolbag.

Comrade Wang Xiulian is sitting in front of the counter, with two Erlang legs and three chins to brush the play. Comrade Jiang Jiankang moved his chair and sat in the kitchen, guarding her Buddha over the wall.

The chairs of the healthy cooking restaurant have a characteristic and strong.

The lotus leaf sealed all the fragrance, and the Buddha's jumping wall looked like an ordinary wine jar.

"Son, cut vegetables." Jiang Jiankang instructed, without even looking away from the altar in front.

Qiu Jiangfeng cuts vegetables with a knife.

Beginning at 5 o'clock, guests come to the store one after another.

Qijiang Health handed over the power to Jiang Feng. Although he was cruel to his guests, Jiang Feng had not heard the sound of wonderful experience for a long time. There has been no increase in the experience value for two days. In the morning, I also used ~ to upgrade my physics and successfully achieved inverse growth.

At about six o'clock, Professor Li and his wife walked into the shop with an elderly man on a cane.

"Dad, be careful." Professor Li helped his father walk to the nearest table and sit down.

Wu Jiyue went into the kitchen and told Professor Jiang Jianli that he was here.

Qijiang Jiankang directly brought out the whole wine jar.

Uncover and open the lotus leaf.

Scents rushed towards the face and filled the whole store.

In the shop, the customer who was originally playing with a mobile phone was unable to help but looked up to find the source of the fragrance.

"What kind of dish is so fragrant!" A boy with glasses asked.

"The Buddha jumped the wall." Ji Yue answered thoughtfully.

Poverty closed his mouth.

明 As soon as Li Ming shook his head, he stood tremblingly, Professor Li and his wife quickly helped him up, for fear that he would fall.

"It's not like this." Li Mingyi's voice was extremely hoarse.

"Sorry, Master Jiang, please pack up!" Professor Li said apologetically.

"I'm not good at cooking."

Wu Jiyue hurried to find a packing box.

"Classmate Xiaojiang, don't you know your grandpa?" Professor Li set his sights on Jiang Feng.

"My grandfather said that he will come to City A next week." Jiang Feng said.

"Trouble, really trouble you." Professor Li said again and again.

"Your grandpa, is Jiang Weiguo?" Li Mingyi asked.

"Yes." Jiang Feng nodded.

"I remember him, at that time he was not as tall as my waist. When ordering food, Hui Qing praised him for his handsome appearance." Li Ming's muddy eyes were a little more glorious.

Then he muttered some broken words that no one could understand, and left the shop with the help of Professor Li's couple.