Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 56: Sweet potato porridge

As the president of the chess club, Jiang Feng felt that he should do something.

It is no problem to mix the porridge in these cauldrons with water for 200 people, but it is very miserable for the lonely and old people to come over and be helped by everyone. It is a bit unreasonable for them to drink the porridge.

"Mr. Chen, are there no noodles in the warehouse?" Jiang Feng asked, and it was good to cook noodles.

那个 "Well, our school doesn't provide breakfast, so ..." Teacher Chen smiled awkwardly. "We also received a temporary notification for this volunteer activity. We have no experience and we are not ready to prepare."

Min Jiangfeng also saw that the four teachers of the post-cooker, Teacher Chen, seemed to cook occasionally on weekdays, and the remaining three pumpkins were horrible. After Wu Minqi took the cut vegetables, the other three teachers went to take the students, leaving only Chen to wash the sweet potatoes and peel.

老师 Teacher Chen's peeling technique is not as good as Liu Qian's. The sweet potatoes passing by her hands must be thinned a lot.

"But there are still vegetables and meat, and eggs are enough. We can send one boiled egg per person." Teacher Chen added.

Qi Jiangfeng looked at his watch, 6:05.

"Mr. Chen, what time do we have dinner?" Jiang Feng asked.

"7 o'clock, 7:30 at the latest." Teacher Chen said.

"There is still time, Liu Qian, go get the eggs and boil the eggs, and ask the student association for the specific number of meals. You can do more and not less. Teacher Chen, is there flour in the warehouse?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Do you want to make noodles?" Wu Minqi looked up at Jiang Feng and looked at his weak chicken body. "You can't afford more than 40 pounds of noodles."

Min Jiangfeng: ...

"The old man and the child don't have a big appetite. Just 20 pounds on the noodle pad is enough."

"President, 231 bowls of eggs 羹 I can't make it!" Liu Qian exclaimed when she saw the number of students, "I can make forty bowls."

"Sister, sister, I will stir the egg liquid!" Said a small carrot with a pair of horsetails and raised his hands.

"I will too!" The little girl next to her also shouted.

"I will, I will, I stir egg liquid every day at home !!!" a little boy shouted unconvinced.

The other dozen radish heads also refused to be outdone. They have small voices and a dozen sonic attacks almost overturned the entire kitchen.

"Quiet, don't call again!" Teacher Zhou pretended to be angry and calmed the boiling radish heads, all of which were quiet as chickens. Teacher Zhou then smiled with satisfaction and said cheerfully: The competition, faster than anyone else, better than anyone else, the first place rewards a lollipop! "

Min Jiangfeng: ...

He vaguely remembers that when he was in elementary school, the teacher also fluffed him with a lollipop.

Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

The steamed eggs were helped by small carrots, and Liu Qian only had to spend more on snacks. Jiang Feng went to the warehouse and took a large bag of flour for noodles. Wu Minqi cut the pumpkin and sweet potatoes into three parts and poured them into a pot.

Waking up noodles takes time, Jiang Feng first fry the onions with lard.

"Do you make yangchun noodles?" Wu Minqi only guessed that Jiang Feng was going to make yangchun noodles while watching Jiang Feng frying onions.

"Um." Jiang Feng nodded, one accidentally sipped half a spoonful of lard.

"Let's come." Wu Minqi grabbed the spatula from Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng backed away aside.

He just saw it. Wu Minqi ’s knifeman is indistinguishable from him. I ’m afraid that the heat and seasoning will be better than him. His knifeworker has improved a lot during this time. If the two are not in the order of magnitude, of.

In the kitchen, women are inherently inferior. Because their strength is generally inferior to that of men, they have to suffer more during the practice. It has not been effective. Jiang Feng is already quite strong in the same level of thin people. In the eyes of the old man, he is basically no different from a weak chicken. Wu Minqi looks like an ordinary girl's body. She had to suffer several times as hard as Jiang Feng when she was a cook.

Min Jiangfeng went to see the porridge in the pot.

之后 Since porridge cooking skills have reached the intermediate level, coupled with the practice and integration during this period, Jiang Feng's porridge cooking skills have been difficult to meet.

Qijiang Feng guessed that if his porridge skills could be advanced to advanced levels, it is estimated that the Hong Kong and Guangdong porridge shops nationwide would not be his opponents.

Given that only the knifeman has reached the advanced level, the above situation can only happen in a dream.

At least at this stage, Jiang Feng is confident in his own porridge technology fan.

Open the lid and stir with a spoon.

This sweet potato ... seems a bit too sweet.

Sweet potatoes in winter should be sweet.

But the sweet potatoes in this pot are too sweet.

The quality is good, the color is smooth, and the smell is strong. It is definitely good red sweet potatoes, but it completely covers the flavor of pumpkin and even the aroma of porridge.

Wu Minqi and sweet potatoes are used for seasoning, not to make the noise.

Min Jiangfeng covered the lid and cut the sweet potatoes.

Cut large, irregular large pieces.

"Why do you cut sweet potatoes?" Wu Minqi watched the onion in the pot tumble and looked at Jiang Feng.

"The sweet potatoes in the first pot are too strong. I cut a few sweet potatoes and cook them directly into sweet potato porridge." Jiang Feng said.

Qiu Jiangfeng cut all 9 sweet potatoes and added them to the first pot. Use a large iron spoon to slowly stir the porridge in the pot, and catch the float in a mouthful.

The noodles are awake, and the heat of the porridge is just right.

Qi Jiangfeng looked at his watch at 6:47.

"Mr. Chen, you can send the porridge and egg custard, I will cook the noodles now." Jiang Feng reminded.

Mrs. Chen nodded again and again: "I'm calling."

The cauldron with three mouthfuls of porridge is not a few female teachers, a dozen small carrots can move.

A few moments later, a few tall male teachers came in to help with the cooking. The headed male teacher saw that he had actually made custards, and was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen, I am really lucky that you have made so many custards. "

老师 Mr. Chen dare to take credit, she fought: "It was all three students who helped make it, and there was noodles later. If you are not full, you can eat noodles."

Teacher Nanao was even more surprised: "These three students ... belong to the housekeeping club, your A students are really amazing!"

"We are from a chess club." The three men spoke in unison.

Male teacher:? ? ?

Teacher Chen:? ? ?

Min Jiangfeng divided the dough.

Wu Minqi stared at him.

Qi Jiangfeng was hesitant.

Wu Minqi stared at him.

Qijiang Feng took a deep breath.

Wu Minqi stared at him.

"You ... don't you help with the porridge?" Jiang Feng kindly reminded ~ ~ Everyone is gone, now he and Wu Minqi are the only chefs.

The level of his white case was not good. The technique of ramen was even worse. Even the uncle in the cafeteria could not compare. Wu Minqi kept staring at him so much pressure.

"I just want to see you pull noodles." Wu Minqi was straightforward.

Minjiang Feng grabbed the dough and pulled it in two sections.



Wu Minqi: ...

开始 She began to wonder if she had a bad taste when eating mung bean cake that day.

According to her observations these days, Jiang Feng's cooking skills are pretty good among her peers, about the same level as her cousins, but it is far worse than her. She had previously doubted whether Jiang Feng was specializing in the white case, but the level of his hand-drawn noodles just now, it is estimated that the white case did not learn much.

怎么 Why did she invite Jiang Feng to make a mistake?

Wu Minqi feels that she is bullying.

Fengjiang Feng's family just opened a small cooking restaurant, and her heirs of the grand Wu family actually bullied the small ones.

Wu Minqi was even a little guilty.

I walked slowly to the cafeteria, and everyone was dividing porridge and custard on a plate-by-plate basis.

"Minqi, you should scoop out that pot of porridge." Liu Qian was splitting the eggs.

敏 Wu Minqi went to the pot and lifted the lid off.

The sweet, sweet and savory flavor of the sweet potato congee comes out.

"So fragrant!" Liu Qian sighed.

敏 Wu Minqi stayed in place, hurried to stir the porridge in the pot with a spoon. The rice grains are full and firm, sticky, and the minced pumpkin and sweet potato are mixed together to dye the original white porridge into orange yellow. Large pieces of sweet potato are evenly scattered in it, dominating the whole pot of porridge.

How ... how is that possible!