Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 63: Raw materials

Qi Jiangfeng has been waiting for the sound of the task to complete since she left Han Guishan's home.

Qiujiang Feng got on the subway.

Qiujiang Feng turned to Line 4.

Qijiang Feng returned to the healthy cooking restaurant.

Qiu Jiangfeng returned to the dormitory.

The next day.

Qiu Jiangfeng went to the healthy cooking restaurant.

六 It's six in the afternoon.

Qi Jiangfeng waited for the sound of the game to be heard.

Minjiang Feng :? ? ?

Han Guishan did n’t eat?

With full of doubts, Fengjiang Feng came to No. 21, Area A, Tianfu Garden, and rang the doorbell.

贵 Han Guishan is at home and Jiang Feng is still looking enthusiastic. He has no difference from yesterday's attitude and shows no dissatisfaction. When Jiang Feng was making, he also watched silently as usual yesterday.

"Mr. Han, yesterday's pickled dumplings, are your employees still satisfied?" Jiang Feng finally couldn't help asking.

"Satisfied, of course, Xiaojiang, your craftsmanship must not have been said." Han Guishan replied, he sneaked in the office today and ate up the remaining pickled dumplings, because he was afraid that they would not be seen by other executives I ate it in the microwave while it was hot and cold, and the taste is still in my mouth.

Qi Jiangfeng felt that Han Guishan did not need to lie.

He paid the sky-high price to ask himself to make pickled dumplings, and there is no need to lie to himself to say that dissatisfaction is satisfied.

Where is the problem?

Qijiang Feng really didn't understand. His pickled dumplings should be considered quite good by reason. How could Han Guishan say that he was good but not satisfied?

Minjiang Feng, while kneading the dough, recalled the task details.

The pickled dumplings of Lihua were taught by her mother Li Sanya, and only need to be restored according to the recipe.

According to the recipe ...

Qi Jiang Feng kneads the movement, and it is unbelievable ...

Boss Han, the taste is not so heavy?

If it is completely in accordance with the recipe, it is inferior pickled vegetables + coarse cornmeal + rice bran. This combination of death can directly eat the expensive stomach of modern people into the hospital!

The pickles in the video tutorial of a dish of amaranth are poor-quality pickles that have been stored on the edges of long hairs for a long time without any moisture. Cornmeal is a fighter in coarse grains without any fine sun milled with corn cobs and large grains. The rice bran was mashed and cooked together with the husk. Although it is called rice bran, there is no grain of rice. Using this raw material to make pickled dumplings is really sweet.

Bitter into the soul.

Minjiang maple noodles are not kneaded, directly open the cabinet to find pickles.

Because of their own pickles, the pickles Jiang Feng prepared by Han Guishan did not see yesterday.

Fortunately, there are two cans in a dozen cans of pickled vegetables that are very poor in quality, and I don't know how long they have been put together, and some of them in the video teaching.

"Mr. Xiaojiang, what's wrong?" Han Guishan asked Jiang Feng's expression changed suddenly.

"There is something missing, Mr. Han, may I ask if you have rice bran at home. The kind of rice husks and rice husks are ground out directly, there is nothing else." Jiang Feng asked.

Nowadays people pay attention to health and eat everything. They have to buy rice bran and sell it on the market. However, the market is made of peel, seed coat, outer endosperm, aleurone layer and embryo. The rice bran eaten at all times is completely different.

这个 "Oh, I asked my assistant to buy it, and it will be delivered tomorrow." Han Guishan said, and left the kitchen to call.

Within two minutes, Han Guishan returned with emotion on his face.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaojiang, you still know this kind of rice bran. When I was a kid, I ate all kinds of rice bran. When I ate it, my grandma cooked it very well, and burned it. I cut my throat when I cook it. Rice bran is different. If I was a kid, I could drink a bowl of rice porridge and show off for a few months. I ca n’t even think of white rice. "

Min Jiangfeng: ...

You are talking about coarse grain cutting your throat, but your body is honestly going to eat the original throat cutting version.

I do n’t have rice bran. It ’s too late to fully recover, let alone Jiang Feng has been kneading the noodles for a long time. Abandoning the pickles made by Comrade Wang Xiulian and using inferior pickles lacking moisture, the taste of pickled dumplings is not as good as yesterday.

Because of some delay, Jiang Feng was close to eight o'clock when he left.

贵 Han Guishan asked the housekeeper to call Han Youxin to eat.

"Mrs. hasn't come back yet?" Han Guishan asked.

夫人 "Mrs. said she ate outside, and then came back after soaking in the hot spring." Wang steward answered.

"How can I eat coarse grains for health in a hot spring?" Han Guishan muttered quietly. He was afraid to say so in front of Wang Jing, and stuffed Han Youxin with a pickled dumpling.

攸 Han Youxin cried yesterday. When I saw the pickled dumplings for breakfast this morning, I also realized that his dad was too irony to ask him to let the dough lose weight, and he destined to pickle dumplings, biting a bite.

Even though it was best to build in the heart, the tears of Han Youxin fell uncontrollably at the moment of entrance: "It's worse than yesterday, wow!"

The thought of having to eat this in the future, it ’s getting worse every day, Han Youxin did n’t hold back crying ~ ~ Han Guishan saw him cry so real, thinking that Jiang Feng had a bad behavior today and made pickled dumplings unpalatable Incomparably, he quickly took a gag.

Take a sip.

This smell ...

Han Guishan remembered that the pickled pickles were always very salty and dry, because at that time, pickles were very expensive and salt was expensive, so they had to be hidden, and they were only served as dishes for the New Year. eat.

"Your little bunny talked nonsense. It's obviously more delicious than yesterday." Han Guishan reprimanded. "Don't be fooled. Last time Dr. Chen said, you need to eat more coarse grains and eat fast. Don't go up to steal snacks, I have confiscated the snacks under your bed today. "

Han Hanxin learned that the snacks he had hidden under the bed were confiscated and he cried louder.

贵 Han Guishan blocked Han Youxin's cry and sent a WeChat message to Wang Jing who was soaking in the hot spring.

"Shall I leave you a pickled dumpling for supper?"

"No, you will get fat (smile)." Wang Jing returned in seconds.

"How can coarse grains get fat, hey, woman." Han Guishan mumbled.

On the other side, the sister who was in the hot spring with Wang Jing teased her: "Your old Han urged you to go back and send you a WeChat at eight o'clock."

"He asked if I could leave a meal for me." Wang Jing dialed Assistant Chen's phone with a false smile on her face. "Hey, Xiao Chen, I saw that the 14th European Tour was just fine. That's it, I can start tomorrow. "

"Oh, you don't care about your baby son anymore, you actually went out to play for fourteen days?" Sister Plastic was surprised.

"There is Lao Han here. He recently got off work early and was at home every night. I just went out to relax." Wang Jing laughed.