Life is a Game

v1 Chapter 90: Year 30 (1)

There are a lot of people in the kitchen, so busy, Jiang Feng saw at least three cooking chefs, plus helpers, rumors, and stewards, but the originally large kitchen seemed a little crowded.

"Is there a sliced ​​sweet potato for Xiao Wang?" Jiang Huiqin asked a familiar helper.

"Yes, Master Chen has just cut it, Grandma, I'll get it for you." Xiao Wang stopped what was at hand and gave Jiang Huiqin a sliced ​​sweet potato.

"Huiqin, do you want me to help?" Li Mingyi was also eager to try.

"You are standing by the side. Be careful if you get oil on your clothes." Jiang Huiqin pointed him away from the cooktop. "Last time I made sea cucumber and hibiscus custard, I asked you to give me an egg. You've also gotten around, causing me to be scolded by my mother. "

Li Ming smiled, and obediently stood where Jiang Huiqin pointed out: "I'm not the first time, there is only one and two. I won't get it if I learn twice more?"

"Forget it, your hands are writing with a pen. You have to go to college next year! It ’s good to be able to pinch vegetables. I have to learn twice more, then my mother must forbid me to enter the kitchen!" Jiang Huiqin laughed, watching Xiao The king brought the cut sweet potatoes, so he didn't go to see Li Ming.

The sweet potato has been cut into a two-centimeter-wide hob block by Master Chen. Master Chen is the old chef of Taifeng House. He originally came from Northeast to Peiping with Jiang Chengde. It was in Jiang Huiqin's face that he agreed to the Li family. Chef's.

Although the imperial court is now dead, the bereaved sons and daughters of Peking City are still everywhere, and Li Mingyi ’s grandfather was just a top-notch Hanlin, which was not enough in Peiping City.

"Master Chen, I used your sweet potatoes first, and you have to cut them with your own hands!" Jiang Huixin said to Master Chen, who was cooking a long way away, yelling.

"Yes." Master Chen said he heard.

Add oil to the pot, cool the sweet potatoes under the cold oil, and let them slowly fry. Jiang Huiqin waits slowly without stirring, until the skin of the sweet potatoes has become golden and crusted, quickly remove them with your eyes and put them. Leak oil.

Next is the highlight of topping sweet potatoes, frying sugar and drawing.

Stir-fried sugar and shredded silk can also be regarded as one of the best skills in Shandong cuisine. Honey sauce, hanging cream, glazed glass, toasted, and fried sugar color are the five steps of fried sugar in a progressive relationship.

If you fry sugar, Jiang Feng will do it. Anyone who ca n’t even cook vegetables, if you follow the video tutorial, you can also fry sugar. .

Minjiang Huiqin poured sugar and water into the pot and boiled on high heat. After the water boiled, she took the spatula and stirred it clockwise, staring at the pot with all her attention, daring not to slacken. When the water in the pot gradually evaporated, the sugar color gradually began to darken, and the sugar water began to foam. Jiang Huiqin asked the burning helper to make the fire smaller, and the movements on the hands kept agitating at the same speed.

At this point, the syrup in the pot was barely called syrup, and it gradually began to thicken. When the syrup surface became soft and small bubbles, Jiang Huiqin let the helpers add fire, and waited for a scorching aroma to come out of the pot. She was in a hurry. Take the time to pour the sweet potatoes that have been drained from the pan into the pot, and don't forget to let the helpers burn the fire.

翻 Quickly turn the sweet potatoes in the wok, so that the surface of each sweet potato is covered with syrup, turn the spoon, and come out of the pot.

Each piece of fried sweet potato is wrapped in a thin layer of syrup tightly. There is a long and thin string of sugar between the sweet potato and sweet potato. The sweet potato was light on the plate, exuding sweetness and golden crispness.

Jiang Huiqin patted her sleeves and upper body proudly, looked down, and turned around in front of Li Mingyi: "Look, you haven't got your body on, your new clothes aren't dirty! Xiao Qin just likes people to worry about the sky, but she owes her name There is also a word that sounds the same as me and doesn't believe me at all. "

"Yes, yes, let's talk about her after the New Year." Li Ming smiled and agreed. "Don't you always say that the sweet potato is hot to eat it? It's not time to go to the back room to taste it for grandma. "

"Wait a minute, I have to show Master Chen first." Jiang Huiqin carefully pulled the sweet potato and brought it to Master Chen.

Master Chen is deboning the whole chicken. When Jiang Huiqin is here, she knows what she is going to ask: "You don't have the right time to draw the wire, the temperature is not enough, and it is far worse than your brother."

Qiu Jiang Huiqin suddenly suffered.

"Okay, much better than you last time. Didn't you go to Taifeng Building yesterday? Why did your brother suspect that your younger sister was married, not Jiang's family, and unwilling to teach you the skill of drawing silk? "Master Chen is in his forties ~ ~ Watching Jiang Huiqin grow up, she is very serious, but she likes jokes.

"Master Chen, what are you talking about? My brother taught me that I didn't learn it? It is too difficult to burn two pots at the same time. You can see that my silk is pretty good, can't you brag about me? I Brother doesn't praise me, you don't praise me! "Jiang Huiqin thinks her performance today is actually quite good.

"Xing Xing Xing, grandma, you burned very well, much better than the last time you burned it. The old lady will definitely enjoy it when it's hot and wait for it to cool down." Master Chen was busy deboning the chicken. , Perfunctory.

Qiu Jiang Huiqin put the dishes in the food box and rushed to Li Ming: "Mingyi, don't give Master Chen a red envelope this year, and don't brag about me when you are in the New Year."

"Yes." Li Ming smiled and watched Jiang Huiqin out of the kitchen before turning to Master Chen and saying, "Master Chen, rest assured, I must give you the biggest red envelope!"

"Do n’t you be known by Huiqin, or she must be angry." Master Chen laughed.

"You don't say, how could she know!" Li Mingyi was in a good mood and went after Jiang Huiqin.

Jiang Feng thought that this was Li Mingyi's memory. When he first appeared in the kitchen, Jiang Huiqin and Xiaoqin had been entangled at the door for a long time. Li Mingyi appeared before, thinking that the scope of free movement in this memory was large, and he wanted to stay See how Master Chen deboned in the kitchen.

Who knew that Li Ming had just stepped out of the kitchen just two steps before that invisible wall hit Jiang Feng.

Qi Jiangfeng knew it, Li Ming pretended to be a pair who had just come to find Jiang Huiqin. In fact, he had been hiding around for a long time.

Mobster, real chicken thief!

Qi Jiangfeng rubbed his poor ass, hurriedly trotting to keep up with Li Mingyi's pace.