Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 107: specialty

New Year's Day, in addition to welcome the new.

No one can sleep late, because the firecrackers in the village have been endless since about 4 or 5 in the morning. For the sake of opening the cannonball, the sound of firecrackers shattered the ground, and the road outside looked like a red carpet, looking very festive.

There are no relatives here to celebrate the New Year. Jiang Feng will go to the grandfather's house to pay New Year's Day and wait until the sixth day. In the past few days, I went to the houses of the villagers and talked a few words. Grab sugar or grab a homemade snack.

吃 Eat dumplings in the morning.

The four brothers ate very little, so they waited for the New Year to eat and drink at other people's homes. There are a few households in the village who are good at making dim sum. These years, no one has a skill.

Therefore, among the few juniors, only Jiang Yanlian and Jiang Yanqing can barely be regarded as children, but it's okay. Jiang Feng's brothers are thick-skinned. As long as they eat fast during the New Year, the rest of the children can't **** them.

The first one to go was next door, which was Li Cuihua's family who tried to cut off the pigs.

Li Cuihua's man, old solid wood, was originally run by the street. He doesn't talk much. In addition, he doesn't cook in the eyes of the Jiang family. The two families were neighbors when they were in the city. Now they are both neighbors living in the countryside. The old neighbors who have been around for so many years know each other quite well.

翠 Li Cuihua has one son and three daughters, and has known Grandma Jiang for many years. The two had a good relationship when they were young, but they had always been more competitive, and at first they were better than marrying. The old man is the chef of the state-owned hotel, and the man Li Cuihua is from the street office. Later, he had a son, and Li Cuihua, who had a son, was stronger than a son who did not win, and he did not win.

Li Cuihua felt that his son could not be expected to cultivate his grandson. He finally raised his grandson into a big fat boy. He went out to college and went to college. In order to fall in love and lose weight, he raised it for ten years and completely extinguished the comparison between Li Cuihua and Grandma Jiang The thought of raising children.

翠 Li Cuihua ’s mother is from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. She makes good snacks. Li Cuihua also learns a little bit, but she does n’t know how to do it. The plate cake is very good, and it is not bad compared to the market.

The plate cake was previously called, and now it is called white elephant fragrant cake. The raw materials are glutinous rice flour, white sugar, orange cake, sesame, and sugar. The method is steaming. The steamed plate cake is as white as paper, and the sesame filling tastes sweet. Not greasy, bites soft and crisp. The only bad thing is that it is too soft and easy to dregs. In winter, everyone is wearing thick down jackets and eating two pieces of dregs can get rid of one.

However, only Jiang Feng among the juniors of the Jiang family had this trouble, and the others were all in one pack, and the **** fell into the mouth and would not fall on the body.

Grandma Qiujiang took the lead, and the old man had to stay at home, so that when no one else came over to celebrate the New Year, there was no one at home. Grandma Jiang was not empty-handed, and she brought a bag of dumplings to her old sister, Li Cuihua, who had been in love for so many years.

"Mushroom and cabbage stuffed with pork, your grandson's favorite." Grandma Jiang gave dumplings to Li Cuihua.

翠 Li Cuihua took the dumplings and smiled: "I cooked it at noon today."

"Well, what about the five fat boys in your family?" Li Cuihua wondered, her aesthetic has not changed for so many years. It turned out that the streets are full of thin people. Fat people are rare. Fat people have the strength to work. Now fat people are far less popular, Li Cuihua still likes fat people.

Not to mention that the Jiang family is tall, Jiang Feng is only 1.78 meters tall. Everyone else is a strong man of 1.80 meters. Except for the younger people who have been eating alone for a few years, they seem a little fat, others are all strong. !!

Don't look at Jiang Jianguo as a tailor, when you go home to cook for your aunt, you have to scoop it up.

翠 Li Cuihua's favorite is Jiang Jianguo. The reason is simple, tall, big, fat and strong. At first glance, it is a strong labor.

"The five of them went to the village chief's house to pay New Year's greetings. They will come later." Grandma Jiang said, "We're here in your house. We also brought dumplings. You can't even give me tea because my boss didn't come. ? "

"Well, what the **** are you talking about? The water is still burning or can I not make tea for you? I ’ve already steamed the pancakes. Let some of your little ones eat first. Let ’s talk about it. Chat, I'll make tea for you when the water is done, Pu'er, my grandson bought it for me when I went to Yungui to play, obediently, so big a tea brick! "Li Cuihua showed off.

Grandma Minjiang: ...

After listening to Li Cuihua's words, several people from Minjiang Feng ran to the house to eat plate cakes. Zhao Liang (grandson of Li Cuihua) had already eaten it, and the dregs had fallen to the ground.

Minjiang Feng looked closely, Zhao Liang did lose a lot of weight!

It turns out that Zhao Liang has always been fat ~ ~ Li Cuihua feeds his grandson like duck filling. Zhao Liang is not as tall as Jiang ’s children, and he will not be caught by an old man to learn to cook like Jiang ’s children. He has always been fat. A fat body.

Look at today, reborn!

"Guy, Liangzi, how much are you thin!" Jiang Ran sighed.

"It's not much, it's more than ten catties." Zhao Liang said without stopping. "Exercise the meat to make it look thinner. Come, come and eat, the fragrant fresh out of the pot, it's cold. It doesn't taste like that. My grandma made it with osmanthus sauce, but I think it tastes a bit strange. "

Minjiang Zaide first soldier wrapped a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus sauce, chewed it, and commented: "It's okay, that is, sweet-scented osmanthus sauce is not good, not as good as fried sesame seeds by Grandma Li."

"Yes, yes, Grandma Li's fried sesame scent is delicious on sprinkling maltose." Jiang Shouxi echoed.

"But do you think that grandma just looked at us strangely at last?" Jiang Zaide asked.

"It's all blame Xiaofeng, I don't know how to buy a special product for my grandmother when I go to Shudi." Jiang Ran threw the pot on the spot.

Minjiang Feng :? ? ?

"I didn't buy a special product, I brought my grandfather back. You went to Changxi and didn't buy anything for grandma." Jiang Feng countered.

"I don't know if I'll buy some tea cakes and come back, grandma will definitely train us when I will go out." Jiang Shou said.

Minjiang Ran: "... The tea cakes are not from Changxi City but from Puyang City."

"How far away is it that you will be here in two hours by train? Xiaofeng has brought the third grandfather back. You didn't even bring back the stir-fried noodles. When you get out, you and your grandmother will confess your guilt." Jiang Zaide fell down.

Zhao Liang who was eating melon and watching a show:? ? ?

In recent years, can you bring special products with you when you travel outside?