Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 140: Think hard

Qijiang Fengguang has at least 20 different sauces in the afternoon.

Each person's taste is different, they will be similar, but they will not be the same. Sun Guanyun only uses Jiang Feng with three sauces, so the type of sauce must be carefully selected.

When I was cooking in the back kitchen, Jiang Feng had been absent-minded, and my mind was full of the sauces this afternoon.

Raw soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, garlic, pepper, sesame oil, sesame oil, peppercorn oil and other seasonings are all swirling in his mind. There is like a simulated kitchen in the brain, a row of small dishes, this plus Two spoonfuls of soy sauce, one spoonful of vinegar, and two drops of sesame oil for this one.

Qiu Jiangfeng had sauce in her head, and she was still cooking with her hands. She used the dual purpose to the extreme, and then almost overturned.

Wu Minqi grabbed Jiang Feng's hand to dig salt: "You just added salt."

"Oh." Jiang Feng pulled his hand back, thinking about adding sesame oil to the first dish.

"No, the taste of peppercorn oil is a bit punchy, and two drops of vinegar should be added." Jiang Feng murmured.

Wu Minqi glanced at the stir-fried cauliflower in Jiang Feng's pot :?

"Uncle Jiang, you'll have prawns, are there any shrimp?" Ji Yue shouted at the door of Hou Chu.

"No, all the shrimp are not sold!" Jiang Jiankang roared back.

"Squeeze a spoonful of **** and coriander ... no, don't put coriander. The coriander taste is too heavy and it will cover the original taste of shrimp." Around Jiang Feng, the hands kept moving, raising and leaving the pot, holding the plate behind On the table in front of the kitchen, "Fried cauliflower is ready!"

He then turned around and walked back slowly, took a plate of sliced ​​winter melon slices, grabbed a small amount of minced meat, and returned to his own pot.

"Add garlic and drip sesame oil again. No, sesame oil is better. No, sesame oil is more suitable." Jiang Feng picked up the oil pot and started pouring oil.

Qijiang Jiankang looked at Jiang Feng with a complex look.

This familiar feeling was the same when Jiang Feng cooked the mushroom soup like a devil last time.

But ...

Minjiang Jiankang sprinkled a small handful of green onions into the pot and started frying.

Before the soup, the mushroom soup was so hard to drink. Every pot made him taste it. He made white shrimp this afternoon. He smelled scent when he prepared the food in the kitchen, but his son didn't expect him.

No filial son!

Qiujiang Jiankang turned the spoon, as if he had a feud with the pot in front of him.

He wants to see if Jiang Feng can think of his dear tomorrow!

敏 Wu Minqi put Mapo tofu out of the pot and glanced at Jiang Feng and Jiang Jiankang.

She always felt that Jiang Feng and Uncle Jiang were weird tonight, and the atmosphere was very delicate.

in argument?

I didn't understand the matter between the father and son, Wu Minqi put Mapo Tofu on the table and shouted Ji Yue, went back and started cooking.

I was busy at the back kitchen, finished dinner, helped clean up, and Jiang Feng returned to the dormitory.

He had remade all the sauces he had prepared this afternoon in his mind, and started to prepare new ones when he was cleaning up.

"Half a spoonful of vinegar, no, a little more, a quarter spoonful, plus a spoonful of raw soy sauce and half a spoonful of old soy sauce ..." Jiang Feng murmured on his way back to the dormitory, passing the track and field, just at the end of the night run Wang Hao.

No, it should be Wang Hao who is eating barbecue at the end of the night run.

Wang Wanghao quickly shoved the last lamb skewer into his mouth, pretending to be greeted casually: "Oh, Feng Geqiao, it's early to close the store today!"

Minjiang Feng is adding a little millet pepper to the dish: "Athletics now sells barbecue?"

"No, my takeaway is not. No, it's a takeaway from someone else. I order one by the way, and I eat one." Wang Hao wiped the oil on his mouth.

The lights of the track and field were broken again. The people who lost weight ran at night, and the little lovers were sitting on the grass in the middle.

Xu's eyes were dim, Jiang Feng didn't see the oil in Wang Hao's mouth to believe his ghost words true, put the last two drops of sesame oil in his head, a stack of salty virtual sauce just fine.

"Do you usually eat simmered shrimp?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Simmered shrimp, what kind of shrimp?" Wang Hao stunned.

"It's just plain white boiled shrimp with sauce. What kind of sauce do you like?" Jiang Feng explained.

"Hey, what do I think it is? Isn't this the kind of shrimp on the banquet in the hotel? It ’s so complicated and scorched, I thought it was grilled. What flavor does the sauce have, not all with soy sauce and vinegar It ’s not delicious, it ’s better to eat shrimp directly. ”Wang Hao said.

Qijiang Feng: "..."

The angle is tricky and there is nothing to say.

Minjiang Feng continued to mix new sauces in her head.

I was speechless all the way.

Wang Hao was looking at his mobile phone all the way. He didn't notice that Jiang Feng was wrong. When he got to the door of the dormitory, he said: "Ye, Feng, this second-place selfie in Hangzhou is pretty good. The organizer is not kind. , Put such an ugly picture. "

Qiu Jiangfeng ignored him, to be precise he did not hear, he was struggling to add garlic or minced garlic.

Wang Wanghao screamed again, Jiang Feng still did not hear.

Wang Wanghao looked up and saw Jiang Feng's expression that was clearly thinking about things, and he couldn't help but hesitated.

This state, don't be too familiar with it.

The mushroom soup of those days was a nightmare that Wang Hao couldn't smooth.

那个 "Well, Brother Feng, you recently ..." Wang Hao patted Jiang Feng, made him notice, and then said, "Are you studying recently? What dishes are you studying?"

The smile was bitter.

"I didn't study the dishes, I was just thinking about how to prepare the sauce with white shrimp." Jiang Feng said.

Wang Hao silently took out his mobile phone and sent Ji Yue a series of "Cuckoo ~ ~" Happy drawing Ji Yue in the rented studio: ???

Wang Hao, how did you learn to become a dove?

Uh ...

Jiang Feng went to the shop early the next day.

Breakfast is topped with noodles. This noodle name was taken by Jiang Jiankang, and the leftovers from last night were randomly fried and covered with noodles, which can effectively prevent the situation of leftovers for lunch.

Yesterday's leftovers are meaty eggplant without meaty, egg ham without ham and half a plate of beans.

Qijiang Jiankang plucked most of the eggs and eggplants into Wang Xiulian's bowl. The rest was his own. The beans were all given to Jiang Feng to show that he was not dissatisfied with the smashing of the vegetables.

He usually will at least one or two pieces of Jiang Feng!

Chennai He Jiangfeng did not see it at all, and after finishing her breakfast normally, she began to study the sauce.

The three old masters came early, and arrived before eight o'clock.

Qiu Jiang Weiguo was wearing Valentino's new spring style and demonstrated at the store entrance with Sun Guanyun: "Although my grandson's talent for cooking is not good, he has first-class understanding and psychological preparation. I'm afraid you will feel ashamed when you wait."

Sun Guanyun was unwilling to show off his new Versace's new style, and snorted humbly: "Wait for your grandson to come out, the old guy won't be ashamed of a bragging."

Qiujiang Weiming's Uniqlo discounts last year stood in the middle of the peace: "Let ’s do it, Xiaofeng, what do you two fight for, and he will punish him if he doesn't do well."

Qi Jiangfeng was going to the shrimp line with a toothpick in the back kitchen. As soon as she looked up, she saw three smiling gentlemen.

Qi Jiang Weiguo's smile was murderous.

Sun Guanyun smiled with provocation.

Wei Jiang Weiming smiled with a show.

Minjiang Feng :?

怎么 How he feels a little bad.