Life is a Game

v2 Chapter 219: My master is amazing

Jiang health is unknown, so went in.


Ginger Health: (° ー ° 〃)

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Jiang Sanji had two battles, and he wanted to go first. With his vivid performance, he explained to everyone what is called high school students playing mobile phones in class, turning around and seeing the class teacher peeping in the back window and high school couple dogs walking hand in hand on campus. I ran into the spiritual path of the director on the spot.

"Little ... Little boss, Ouyang and Luo Yu have set up their plates, because you haven't come back, so the boss has already seen it." Sang Ming feels that it is always right to call the boss directly regardless of whether he will be accepted in the end. .

At first glance, these people are the same family, all bosses!

Jiang Jiankang nodded to Jiang Feng, signalling that the two had just passed.

"Xiao Feng, this one next to you is ..." Jiang Jiankang noticed Jiang San's unusual expression, and followed him with a hint of panic, and a little surprise in the panic. The surprise was mixed with a little scare. The scare also contained Looking at many meaningless emotions, he found that he was actually looking at Jiang Weiming.

"Health." Jiang Weiming said helplessly, a smile in his voice.

"Yeah." Jiang Sanji sneered, and his brain, which was no longer flexible, moved quickly, trying to come up with an excellent reason why I appeared here in just ten seconds.

Wait, no, why is my Master here?

Could it be that my master came to apply?

"You are running away from home again." Jiang Weiming smiled and shook his head helplessly, just as he did more than 40 years ago.

Jiang Sanjie is the only child in the family. He has no gift for reading, but his parents wanted to make him read well. He went to junior high school for 5 years. You can graduate. How did you know that he was just in time for the college entrance examination to resume college.

After the college entrance exam failure, his parents gave him two choices, the first to repeat, and the second to break his leg before repeating.

Jiang Sanitary chose the third place, and his parents chased the whole city to learn to cook.

When he was studying, he only went to the state-run hotel for two meals. One meal was finally rewarded by his parents when he was admitted to the high school. The other meal was encouraged by his parents before the college entrance examination.

Those two meals were cooked by Jiang Weiming himself.

In the summer vacation of that year, all the people in the provincial capital of Shu will never forget that Jiang Jie's parents took a rolling pin and carried him across the city.

Later, Jiang Jie's parents did not compromise, and he ran away from home and went to Jiang Weiming's house to worship.

Caught back by his parents, he left the house again, and ran to Jiang Weiming's house again to worship.

He was arrested by his parents and continued to run away. He ran to Jiang Weiming's house to worship.

Jiang San's parents couldn't help but brought gifts to the door and asked Jiang Weiming to accept his stupid son, so that he could do some miscellaneous work in the kitchen and know that he would read well.

No one thought that Jiang Sanitary would be 40 years old.

He killed fish in the water platform, and his fishy smell was all over him. He could be awakened by smelling his body at night when he slept.

He was cutting vegetables on a chopping board. Every day he had a new injury to replace an old injury. He once cut off half of his finger with a knife and the blood was dripping. Although he was sent to the doctor in time, the finger was still crooked.

He wok on the stove top, his arms were covered with oil or burns, and he practiced cooking the pot until he returned home at night, only to find that his arms were swollen. On the second day, he went to the state-run hotel to continue practicing.

His parents thought he would soon give up, but he worked year after year.

When half of his finger was cut off, his mother cried while holding his hand in the hospital and said, "Oh my daddy, your dad and I won't force you to go back to school. Don't bother to go home with us, you will later Do whatever you want. "

Jiang Sanitary just knew it was silly to hand his mother a handkerchief and said, "Mom, I want to be a chef."

In the fourth year of Jiang Sanming's miscellaneous work at the state-owned hotel, Jiang Weiming was accepted as an apprentice.

The kind of disciples who handed tea buns.

Since then, chefs across the province know that Master Jiang, who is on a par with Master Sun and praised by foreign guests and leaders, has received a talent who is not very good but is very obedient.

Later, the state-owned hotel closed down.

Individually-run restaurants are springing up everywhere in the provincial capital.

Jiang Jianming was introduced to a good restaurant by Jiang Weiming and worked as a chef until he retired.

If this is the end of his work life, and since then enjoy leisurely and enjoy his retirement, help his son-in-law and grandchildren, go out for a walk with his wife, or raise flowers, go to the tea house to drink tea, watch operas and music, his Life will be calm and rich.

But this is not what Jiang Sanitary wanted. He is Jiang Weiming's apprentice and the only apprentice of his master.

He wanted to be his master's glory, his master's pride, when others mentioned that he would no longer say "that Jiang Jie, Master Jiang's obedient and filial apprentice." Instead, he said, "Oh, that Jiang Jie Ah, it ’s Master Jiang ’s very filial and apprentice. ”

Sixty-year-old Jiang Sanjie is no different from twenty-year-old Jiang Sanjie. At the age of twenty, he can run through the window in the middle of the night and squat at the door of Jiang Weiming's house for a night to wait for a teacher ~ ~ Sixty-year-old , Can discuss with his wife to hide his son to Peiping to apply for a chef.

"Recognize?" Jiang Weiguo thought the name Jiang Jie was familiar.

"My apprentice." Jiang Weiming said.

Jiang Weiguo? ? ?

Jiang Jiankang :! !! !!

Jiang Jie smiled at everyone, but she looked a little bit like Jiang Weiming and said, "My name is Jiang Jie, and I'm a chef."

Jiang Weiming turned over the resumes in his hands. He and Jiang Weiguo were evaluated in the order of Jiang Shoufang. The resumes at the back were not read at all.

Jiang San's resume is clipped below.

Name: Jiang Sanitary

Age: 63

Nationality: Han

Education: High School

Job search intention: burner


Jiang San's resume was handwritten. He wrote a lot of his skills and work experience on a small piece of paper. Jiang Weiming looked at the ten lines and saw the last sentence directly: My master Jiang Yuanchao is the chef of the Shudi State-run Hotel Awesome, although I'm not as good as him, I'm also very good.

"His master is very good, I know, let's go directly." Jiang Weiming laughed.

Jiang Feng & Jiang Weiguo & Jiang Jiankang :? ? ?

"Come here to help," Jiang Weiming said.

"Good." Jiang Sanjie was extremely excited.

Just kidding, he ’s Jiang Sanjie, the only disciple of his master! As soon as Jiang Weiming raised his hand, he knew what to deliver.

Jiang Weiming raised his hand.

Jiang San passed the plate.

"The one next to me," Jiang Weiming said.

Jiang Sanjian passed the plate next to him.

"I'm talking about that glass of water."

Everyone: ...

This pair of masters and apprentices ... It seems that tacit understanding is not very good.

The one who scolded my female cousin, kiss me here to find out, nmsl.

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Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL: